WHITEWATER RAFTING Free seminar on Whitewater rafting clothing, equipment safety, and the Raft Co-op Wednesday, May 2 7:30 pm Outdoor Program Room, EMU 'Sponsored by U of O Outdoor Program 686 4365 for more details 2548:5-2 ONE SINGS THE OTHER DOESN’T (Agnes Varda. France. 1977) Sunday 8 pm, 150 Geology • ■ France's foremost woman director follows the friend ship of two women over a period of 14 years, a time when each seeks to con trol her destiny and to find content ment. ($1.50 admission charge) 2560:4-27 SPRING FLING FUN RUN 3rd Annual Event Start and Finish Alton Baker Park This Sun. April 29, 1984 Details at Nike Eugene and Pad Taverns 3355 E. Amazon, 2165 W.11th 4-27 BSU ELECTIONS Wed. Apr. 25, 8 pm, Room 110 EMU People Suport what they create! 2507:4-27 Gay & Lesbian Pride Week Rally - 12:00 EMU Courtyard 2557:4-27 GIVE US ART PAINTING SCULPTURE POT TERY PRINTMAK ING PHOTO GRAPHY FILM COLLAGE VIDEOTAPES TRY ETCETERA AND SO ON AND SO FORTH Under-Grad Art Show Apr.30 through May 6 Film & Video Exhibition Sunday May 6 ENTRY DEADLINE All works must be entered on one day only. Friday April 27 from 9 am to 5 pm at The Art Closet next to room 167 in the EMU All entrants must be students. Major is of no importance. Yes. the Art show is strictly for undergraduates, but the Film & Video show is opened to Graduate students as well as undergraduates MORE INFO: Cultural Forum Suite 2 EMU 686*4373 2208:3-7 Plum Barrie FREE Vaudeville Show EMU Fishbowl Sunday 6:30 pm 1726:4-27 EMU Annual UNDER GRAD UATE Show Reception for the Artists 3pm Sun., Apr 29 Rm 167 EMU __2532:4-27 GAY 5K RUN Skinner's Butte Park 1200 Saturday $6 includes ‘T‘ Shirt Call 686-3360 for more info 2556:4-27 PEACE CORPS AREA RECRUITERS ARE HERE! SEE AREA AND CAMPUS RECRUITERS 4-30. 5-1 and 5-2 FOR INFORMATION. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING TAKEN FOR TWO-YEAR ASSIGNMENTS BEGIN NING THIS SUMMER WORK EX PERIENCE OR COLLEGE TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS MAY QUALIFY YOU FOR PLACEMENT: •Agriculture • Forestry • Math •Biological Sciences • Physical Sciences • Industrial Arts • Special Ed. •Animal Husbandry •Civil Engineering • Nursing, Health, Med. Tech. •TEFL • Fisheries (experience or Sci Major Minor) INFORMATION TABLE: 4 30. 5-1 9 am-3 pm. EMU Main Lobby SLIDE SHOW: Kenya. 4-30 3:30 pm. U of O Forum Rm. FILM: Dominican Republic. 4-30 7 pm. Eugen Public Library GROUP MEETING: 4-30 12:30 pm. U of O Forum Rm. INTERVIEWS: 5-1. 5-2 Career Plann ing and Placement, 244 Hendricks Hall. 9 am-4 pm. CALL NOW TO SIGN UP FOR IN TERVIEWS. MUST BRING COM PLETED APPLICATION TO INTERVIEW. 686-3235 Entertainment a-|xitf-si i*7 Atrfumftldd ■ 007-07* Premiere through May 3 The critically acclaimed zany, charm ing British comedy Experience Preferred But Not Essential FRI-SAT 7:30 and 9:15 pm SUN-THURS 7 and 8:45 pm All shows Sunday reduced admis sion with 2 pm matinee, FRI-SAT MIDNITE Strangers in Love XXX-Over 18-separate admission THX-1138 The first director George Lucas' films (Star Wars, American Graffiti). Very dif ferent in mood, THX-1138 relies not so much on action as it does on startling visual images to get its message across The story concerns a future society that is completely controlled by drugs and computers. One man tries to escape, and his journey is filmed in a dazzling array of special effects. Pro duced by Francis Ford Coppola.SAT/AP 28 180 PLC 7 & 9 pm $1.50, $14-27:2529 The Council for Human Rights in Latin America proudly presents. . MERLIN Southern Cone Folklore Ensemble Saturday,April 28 8 pm TICKETS $3.00 students $5.00 general admission Available at the EMU Main desk and the council CHRLA. 1236 Kincaid St. For more information, call 484-5867 2521:4-27 THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-2458 CARMEN ★ ★ ★ 1/2 Carmen sizzles with passion Kathleen Carroll New York Daily News Bizet's sensual drama blazes anew as a present-day dance company finds life parallels art all too well. Stars An tonio Gadez. Spains foremost dancer. Rated R (nudity and violence) FRI-SAT 7:15 and 9:15 pm SUN THURS 6:30 and 8:30 pm SAT-SUN Matinee 4:30 pm MISER MONDAY $2.50 ★ ★★★★★★★★★ KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE Stanley Kubrick s WED-THURS 10:30 pm $1.95 FRI-SAT 11:30 pm $2.50 ★ ★★★★★★★★★ SPRING ANIMATION FESTIVAL SATURDAY, APRIL 28 1 and 2:45 pm my brother Superman This fast paced animated sci-fi adven ture is a satirical and humorous take off on all classic “superhero" stories. SUNDAY, APRIL 29 1 and 2:45 pm Whether you are a serious student of the art of animation, or just in love with cartoons, you will enjoy this special package of award-winning films from France and Italy. ADMISSION $2 Adults $1 Over 65, Under -FRIDAY APRIL 27 180 PLC 7 and 9:15 pm SATURDAY APRIL 28 150 Geol 8 pm only -SUNDAY £ \C ADLMY.WVAKI) \U\\I K BEST IXX l MENTARY APRIL 29 180 PLC 8 pm only ALL SHOWS Students-Adutts $1.50 Children $1 JAZZ/BLUES Records-Books CAT’S MEOW JAZZ & BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Ffithpearl Bldg. 5th & Pearl nuncc rOCKLTH s ICE CREAM OPEN FRI & SAT TILL MIDNIGHT 13lh A Hilyard 619F Catch the New Wave From Washington D.C. THE INSECT SURFERS with special guest from Portland A DRIVE TO FORDHAM Sat, April 28th 8 pm, EMU Dining Rm Tickets $2 On Sale at Main Desk Only DANCE Until you Drip! 2540:4-27 GAY & LESBIAN Pride Week Comedy Show Condon School Theatre (18th & Agate) $4 advance; $5 at the door Call 686-3360 for more info. 2555:4-27 Dance to The CASHIERS Saturday, April 28th at the WOW Hall 8th and Lincoln. 9 pm. $3.50 4-27 GO HAWAIIAN! Come to the Hawaii Club Luau 4-27 SORD Presents THE BRIDGE Awarded "Best Film" at the Cannes Film Festival, this 1960 West Ger man film examines student involve ment in the German war effort dur ing the waring days of the Third Reich. Friday April 27th 7&9 pm. 150 Geo. FREE FREE Let's stop U.S. Intervention! _ 4-27 at KDLSON& BAR,. TONIGHT THE COMMOTIONS 9:30 pm-2 am ► ★★★★★★★★★★■A SATURDAY JOHNNY & THE DISTRACTIONS COORS ON TAP The Paddock 3355 E. Amazon The Pad West 2165 W. 11th 4-27 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Matinee Luau Tickets. Today Irom 12:30 to 2:30 outside the bookstore _4-27 GO RAFTING $15 McKenzie day trips. Professional guides and gear. Group rates Wild Water Adventures. 895-4465 4-30 i-—-1 Personals TELEVISION & TYPEWRITER RENTALS by week, month or term UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 686-4331 1593:WF IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy call Birthright Free testing. 687-8651 ___ 623:F FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral - call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm. M-F 468:MWF PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours-7 days. Strictly confidential Call 686-4488358 MF MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women. For appf: 344-7039 360 E. 11 th 001 :WHF SPECIAL $1 CLASSIFIEDS Buy your Emerald classified ad at the SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby and save. Your first 15 words are only $1. SAVE $1.25 Ads can be placed at the SUAB Booth from 11 am to 1 pm. tfn MOTHER’S DAY IS MAY 13 We have gifts to suit every budget - from bookmarks to coordinated desk accessories. And, of course, a wide selection of Mother's Day cards. JABBERWOCKY CARDS • GIFTS MON-FRI 10-5:30 1308 Hilyard SATURDAY 10-5 484-0530 LISS: Congratulations! The best things in life are worth waiting for... (If you can remember them...) DEAR KAPPAS: Come into the BIG DIP PER by May 3 wearing your GREEK let ters and get 25% oft our frozen yogurt! LOVE & KISSES XOXO, DANIEL 1706:4-30 BUY 1 CARD GET THE 2nd (of the same or less value) FOR HALF PRICE! MENTION THIS AD Expires 5-4-84 li&i* iNMiklrKlniT 446 East 13th 10-6 MonFri 10-5 Saturday Xt«n» 342 8339 Next to the Bijou ASUO CANDIDATES: Deliver your general election expense forms to Suite 4 EMU by 4 pm, April 27. 2530:4-27 10 MOST WANTED MUGS IN OREGON Come see the whole line-up; judge for yourself. WE STILL SELL BOOKS, TOO! PARADOX, 825 E. 13th 2538:4-27 ALPHA OMICRON PI congratulates its newest pledge. Francine Coate. Welcome to the best! LOVE, THE MEMBERS 4-27 POST CARDS Just 25$ Now at the UO BOOKSTORE Work Ethic Productions 2558:4-27 Wilson Tennis Balls $1 99 a can U of O Bookstore 1693:4-27 ALPHA CHI OMEGA Who says great parties are reserved for the weekends. Love the gentlemen of Chi Psi. 4-27 ELECT JACK CRAIG South Eugene County Commissioner "He kept us out of WPPSS" Charles Porter, pd: Craig5-1 HEY ALL YOU HAW All ANS Luau only stay 2 days away. So, go for it and give dem hailes one good show.4^27 ELECT JACK CRAIG South Eugene Couty Commissioner] Restore Lane County's Sorely Neglected Park System. pd:Craig_5-1 Marie Hitz More clues! I live in and like bananas, water and ? Love, YBS __4-27 MARY FICKER, Happy Birthday!! Don't break training. Love your old buddy, KIM4-27 TO THE RED-HAIRED GIRL in my Speech and Psychology classes; I'm done with my paper, how about lunch? Guy who wants to meet you.4-27 DEAR EMORY HARRIS FULLUR JR. I love you soo much, how could you even think the things you do? Have a great 20th. Love always. Lamb 4-27 CAPS AND GOWNS NOW AT THE BOOKSTORE Pick yours up now to assure size availabilty 2563:4-30 LAW SCHOOL GRADUATES DEADLINE for ordering regalia at the Bookstore is MAY 1 2562:5-1 SPRING GRADUATES! Order your graduation announcements now at the Bookstore 2561:4-27 KAPPA SIGS Thanks for the wake up! We’re looking forward to Saturday! Congrat ulations on turn ing 80! Love, the PI PHIS 4-27 D.G.’s You won Derby Days but can you party? 4 27 LAURIE Surprise! Your party was last night, so you couldn't make it. Happy Birthday anyway. Love, Karla and Cassandra.4-27 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed THIS 16 Mi OUT POLL'tmJ OUT ARE YR THREW RICH OR POOR ? SHORT ORVUTSMCT OR mm f FRESH OR STINKY T you mournr mu 0HV6S? PITTED OR NON-, PITTED ? WHO P YR VOTE FOR MCK imer mT'S THE MZH'S ROOM RIGHT' MUD SOAP-. SOUP OR UQVIP? by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY mnm, m mes Meat mep m-rmpaeoAres pamrsp... . AND.(MU, W£ PmSWHTIAL NOMINATION APPtAP&P Alt VOCKEP UP flu-wear>!