Classifieds L For Sale QUEEN SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater Like new. Make oiler. Call 485-3139 in evenings tin NIKKOR LENSES! 28mm F3.5 $80 43-86mm zoom $125 Artist's VanDyke painting easel $100 485-5767 4-27 CRAZY LOW PRICES Pioneer SX 737 receiver, Sharp RT-1155 cassette deck and two DLK 1'/2 speakers, $250. Schwinn Le Tour, $75. IBM Correcting Selectric II with tons of supplies and seven elements, $700 686-4344, ask for Larry._tfn 1969 VOLVO SEDAN. Good condition $950 or best offer. 686-4365 or 683-8657. 4^27 PORTABLE ELECTRIC. Smith Corona typewriter with manual return Meier Brass trumpet Long wool coat with fox collar All in very good condition $95 each. Call Carolyn 485-4036 evenings 2506:4-27 FREE SALSA TASTINQ. EMU MAIN DESK APRIL 26/27lh 10am-7pm. JAN'S HOT SAUCE_4-27 LIKE NEW ALPENLITE BACKPACK In ternal frame $50 747-9326 after 5 pm _427 USED OLYMPUS CAMERA OM-1 body only, excellent condition, $150 343-2240 _ 4-27 MOVING SALE: EVERYTHING GOES! 50 watt guitar amp. wetsuits, tennis rackets, stereo system, double bed, lots more Sat and Sun 10-5. 2682 Potter Street, 342-5254 4-27 MUST SEE 350 HONDA Looks and runs excellent, extras, great mileage, $475 or BO 345-9651 4-30 QUEENSIZEO WATERBED Mattress, heater, liner, rails. Excellent condition $135 or best offer Alex 34-7040 4-30 EURTHYMIC TICKETS: 9th Row, Call 484-5439 4-27 Autoharp Oscar Schmidt 15-bar with case Excel, cond. $100 344-0506 4-27 SVEA STOVE. 5 degree Polargaurd bag, Hanson ski-boots. 6 W, Sofa bed, Moc casin boots, comforter, ski outfit, S2-10 and more MAKE OFFER, Kay 343-5778 evenings.4-27 SKIS 180 ROSSIGNOL W/ Salomon, poles, ski pants, like new All for $100 342-2184 __4-27 MOVING SALE X-C skis/poles 3 speed bike, new backpack, desk, chair, sleep ing bag, table. Misc. books and albums For further info call Mary 343-5019 Keep trying. Prices are negotiable 5-2 Garage Sales TYPEWRITERS, oak desk, bicycle, kit chen things, raingear fur coat, heater, mexican pottery 20 W 31st street 9 5, Sat 4-27 Buy & Sell THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 361 West 5th 613:tfn Instruction MAY OPENINGS guitar, piano, bass lessons. 344*5530 John Sharkey All styles 1724:4-30 Services STATES MOTEL, Portland, $21 20 night ly. 1 or 2 persons Free indoor pool, gym. phone, HBO 2620 N.E. 82nd Ave 255-0103. _5f NEED A TUTOR? Want to improve learn ing skills? the EDUCATIONAL OPPOR TUNITIES PROGRAM offers many set vices: Advising, Counseling, Credit Courses, and more Must be low in come Eligibility quickly determined Call 666-3232. or slop by 207 Emerald Hall_2270:5-6 DON'T THROW IT Lei me sew it Men ding, alteration, patches Very reasonable rates Ann 683-1595 4-27 Market Basket Hi-energy BEE POLLEN HONEY on tap 79« lb Beautiful candles and gilts 128 E. 1fth HONEY HEAVEN 3445038 591F Lost & Found THREE PE BASEBALL MITTS No s 217 11 and 5, were lost Wednesday April 18, between 6 and 7 pm from the intramural field No 2 If anyone knows the whereabouts Of these mitts, call Bob Barzee at 686 3091 4 27 LOST A BLACK PEARL RtNO In Ihfl library bathroom Sentimental value Please call 8839190 REWARD 4-27 LOST A YELLOW LARGE PATAGONIA JACKET in Odbart Room 138 on Mon day PLEASE call it you found il or have any information about it. Thanks Su/te 486-9045 4 27 Instruments ROLAND TR808 Drum Machine W*‘ Yamaha Sywf 11750 40(MJSf tsftm 5 pm V4 Typing T&C PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word processing specialists, all levels. Graduate school approved. 687 9326, Cyndi 2178MWF TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686 0739 575WHFM ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available Fast-Guaranteed Accurate 484-1646 _ _ 748:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel. Grad approv ed Near campus. 344-0759. 513:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup and delivery available. 485-3914 _583:tfn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES" Quali ty typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give your job search the professional edge. Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU. Students 10% dis count with current IDtfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations papers, diagrams, tables, including statistical. Law papers. Resume Composition, & Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast, Profes sional, Quality Service, Guaranteed 345-2400 Wordstyles & Typescripts CINDY & BRANDY 1098:tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations 2 block from UO No job too small Jennifer 485-3883 898:tfn TYPING: 15 years experience. Papers dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pickup and delivery. Call Carole al 688-3983.514:tfn TYPING Patrice 342-5238 2052:tfn Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Evenings by appointment only 345 2289 _ _2168:ttn EXPERIENCED, PROFESSIONAL TYPING Pickup/delivery Call Molly anytime 747-43384-30 FOR SALE IBM Correcting Selectric II. Comes with plenty of supplies and several elements Has ALWAYS been under IBM service contract $700 or best offer 686-4344, ask for Larry.tfn MASTER TOUCH Word Processing theses, dissertations resumes, reports, papers personalized mass mailings form letters 343-3924 _2518:5-1 Written Impact Essential writing and design Specializing in copywriting editing, word processing, graphic design. Con sultants to Eugene businesses for two years, we now extend our services to the student community 962 E. 18th 485-5175 2491:4 27 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 34 3 7863 Monday thru Friday 9 am-6 pm Saturday 9 am 1 pm ___ 627 4 27 FISHER 304 receiver. 40 walls pair Cerwin Vega speakers, $100 lor all $75 separately 345-0042 4 27 WHAT A DEAL!) Pioneer SX-737 receiver. Sharp RT-1155 cassette deck and two DLK 1 Vi speakers-all lor only $250 Will also sell individual com portents Call todayl 6804344, ask lor Larry._ tin POLK AUDIO SPEAKERS. Like new retail. $480 sell lor $300 Call Marc. 485 9649 5-1 TWO LARGE PIONEER SPEAKERS $120lolfer Sony Walkman, with 2 mini speakers. $45 344 4262 5-4 Photograph WE00ING PHOTOGRAPHY Proles sionai quality reasonable prices John Dulton, 344-6750 5-10 Books 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% oil list prices New Books TextbooksCHtt Note Magazine* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 362 lln Bicycles 2