J i J *« •**»»>«•*• WITH SPECIAL GUEST BILLY RANCHER TICKETS *5.00 VO STUDENTS *6.00 PUBLIC AVAILABLE AT THE EMU MAIN DESK, EARTH RIVER RECORDS AND EVERYBODY'S RECORDS EUGENE. PORTLAND. CORVALLIS inter/national Libya blocks British departure LONDON (AP) — Libya today blocked the departure of 30 British diplomats and family members from Tripoli, the British Foreign Office said, announcing that the ambassador to Libya had been instructed "to find out why." There was no indication of how long the diplomatic exodus would be delayed in the grow ing tensions over the shootings at the Libyan Em bassy nine days ago. An unknown number of Li byan diplomats were heading for London's Heathrow Airport to board a Libyan 727 Boeing jet for a flight to Tripoli. A Libyan Boeing 707 freighter was also at the airport to carry home baggage of the Libyans. The British Loreign Office spokesman, who spoke on condition he not be identified, said, "Our people haven't been able to board the plane.” Oliver Miles, the British ambassador in Libya, "has been instructed to find out why” the Libyans were blocking the diplomats' departure, the spokesman said. In the Libyan capital, an official at the British Embassy said: "We're waiting for them to leave. They haven't left yet. They are going." The official also spoke on the condition that he not be identified. Accusing the United States of seeking to "in cite hatred" against the Tripoli regime, Libya warned Britain today of the "grave conse quences" of a crackdown on suspected ex tremists over the police siege of the Libyan Embassy. et at. MEETINGS EMU HOUSE COMMITTEE meeting to day at 3 p.m. in 337 EMU FACULTY COLLOQUIM IN SOCIAL and Behavioral Science Funding meeting with Dr Roberta Miller of COSSA in 338 Gilbert Monday, April 30 from noon to 1:15 p.m. LECTURES RESCUERS IN THE NAZI ERA: A public lecture by the Rev. Doug Huneke, Sunday in Portland, will be the focus for this weekend's Sabbath Eve (Presbyterian Campus Ministry) group leaving on Satur day morning from the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid (across from PLC) at 9 a m Call Tom Heger at 484-1707 for more information ‘HUNGARIAN ECONOMIC REFORM: FROM CENTRALIZED PLANNING TO MARKET SOCIALISM” is the title of a lec ture by Prof. Paul Marer to be given tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 177 Lawrence. MISCELLANEOUS PSYCHOLQGY PEER ADVISING is now accepting applications for new peer ad visors for Spring and Fall terms. Applica tions are available in 141 Straub. For more information stop by the Peer Advising Of fice, 141 Straub, x4936. THE CHEESE AND BUTTER DISTRIBU TION WILL BE HELD IN THE EMU May 1-2. Since the University is now an official distribution center we will be asked to take on more of the responsibilities of the distribution. This will mean that we need students with trucks and strong backs willing to put in some time at the warehouse loading and unloading trucks. Students needed to help with the loading and off loading of the Hocks and to assist in the distribution at tnfe University The warehouse volunteers will be needed Mon day. April 30 and Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1 and 2. II you would like to assist in this worthy project, please contact Bill Snyder at the ASUO. x3724, or sign up at the receptionist's desk. Please respond soon. We need at least six volunteers to pull this off Thank you HEARTS AND MINOS, the classic American documentary aboul the Vietnam War will be shown along with the Canadian and Australian documentaries Spooks. r Cowboys. Gooks and Grunts and Frontline today from 10 a m. to 4 p.m. in the EMU lobby. Sponsored by Students Opposing Registration and the Draft. THE UO HAWAII CLUB will hold their 9th Annual Luau: “From the Heart of Hawaii” on April 29th in the EMU Ballroom. Join us in this Polynesian extravaganza. THE SEVENTH ANNUAL ASUO WOMEN'S SYMPOSIUM begins Sunday. April 29 and runs through Saturday, May 5. Programs are available at Suite 4, EMU and at our table in the EMU lobby today. Please stop by MOLE HILLS OUT OF MOUNTAINS: a crisis prevention conference will be held Saturday. April 28, at 8 p.m Limited day-of registration is available SHAKESPEARE'S BIRTHDAY PARTY will be held tonight at 8 p.m. at the Cafe Express (13th and Alder). Priscilla Hake Lauris, formerly of Ashland's Shakespeare Festival: Don Schenck, of KLCC; Bill Reid and John Mitchell will celebrate Shakespeare's birthday with selected readings from his work Admission is free. RALLY A rally will be held today at noon in the EMU Courtyard Tom Ammiano will be speaking and there will be music and street theatre. Tom will also be apperaing in a cabaret style comedy show Friday evening A HERSTORICAL PARADE will kick off the 1984 Women s Symposium Monday, April 30. We will march in commemoration of our foremothers from the UO Bookstore to the Courtyard where we will speak for the women history has kept silent Come as your herstorical heroine or come as you are. THE OPENING CEREMONY for the 1984 Women’s Symposium is a giving ceremony, a sharing of song, poetry and gifts The opening is Sunday night, at 7 p.m. in the EMU Forum Room. Everyone is welcome Following the ceremoney will be a film, "One Sings, the Other Doesn’t" at 8 p m. in 150 Geology CAFE INTERNATIONAL will open its doors every Friday afternoon at the Inter national Lounge Foreign and American students are all invited to come and enjoy free coffee, tea. and cookies; make new friends from all over the world, exchange ideas, and learn about other cultures and To the Woman who has everything. This year give yourself what you really want. TO BE THIN. The I wide ml* iItiii. A ih‘»(ieraie file ntbinge* ami starvation. Olaessinn with liimlami hunger IVr knmv her only wish is to leel normal. Lite tree from shots, pills ami *H-al»w f Hu 24 hr. In-Pourm Program is covered by mosi hMmgrc pogiams Wrileiir call We understand her wish. EATING DISORDERS PROGRAM n Portland Adventist Medical Center 10123 S.E Market St Porlland, OR 97216 24-Hour Call Line (503)251-6101 rU-ifc iii»h mint iiuiih m r«%mhnjt lYtrtiaml J -kdwiiHt MtHhc.il iVnu*:' l7Tr.il j l-uuijt JHmwhUh s Pri^i .im | Aihlrcw* I I CM? _ /iji countries. Take a break from the all week studies and spend a relaxing hour with friends. OREGON ENTREPRENEURSHIP ASSOCIATION will hold a party at Guido's tonight at 4:30 p.m. If you are interested in entrepreneurship, venture capital, small business and contact with high-tech firm execs., come to the party and join the organization. All interested students and faculty are invited. THE BRIDGE is the title of a film to be shown tonight at 7 and 9 p.m. in 150 Geology. This 1960 German film examines student involvement in the German war ef fort during the waning days of the Third Reich. Sponsored by Students Opposing Registration and the Draft “MEDITATION: THE PATH OF THE SPIRITUAL WARRIOR” is the title of a lec ture to be given by Swami Nikhilananda Saturday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. at the Sid dha Meditation Center, 1628 Lawrence. For more information call 686-1917 (even ings). All are welcome to attend this free event. UO FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM IN GUADALAJARA. MEXICO: A slide informa tion presentation to be held today in Cen tury Room D, EMU, at 10:30 am. Maricarmen Canales. Resident Director in Guadalajara, will lead the presentation. PEACE NETWORK a newly formed coalition of groups and individuals work ing for peace, meets Saturday morning 9 a m. to noon at the Eugene Public Library, 13th and Olive Enter through staff door on west side of building. All are welcome. For more information about the Network, con tact Skeeter Duke, 484-1476. A CHINESE FOLKSONG RECITAL will be held on April 28 at the Beall Hall of the Music School at 8 p.m Snag-fen Chyou, a voice major from Taiwan, is going to sing her specials before graduating with a master in voice this term. Everyone is cor dially welcome. * ii 4,. ■ii*.... A practical alternative... Having trouble landing a summer job lhat pays big bucks7 Need a better alternative than summer school7 Then why not try the Forest Service $75 a week (tax tree! outdoor work experience, fresh mountain air. and a free place to hang your hat Work this summer clearing trails, restoring campsites and fostering a backcountry ethic with the public in the Eagle Cap Wilderness Think about if its important work and it beats flipping burgers Contoct Tom Glassford at The Fogle Cap Ranger District P O Box M Enterprise OR 97828 1503) 426-3104 Volunteer for WILDERNESS Eagle Cap Wilderness Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Ping-Pong paddles & balls At your Bookstore