Calendar For the week of April 27 -May 3 FILM FRIDAY, 4-27 “Goldfinger," 7:15 and 9 p.m., $150 adults; $1 children. 180 PLC. Cinema 7: “Experience Preferred," 7:30 p.m. and 9:15 p.m Bijou: 'Carmen," 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. "Clockwork Orange." 11:30 p.m. SATURDAY, 4-28 "THX-1138,'' 7 and 9:00 p.m., 180 PLC. $1.50 adults. $1 children. "Reds,” 8 p.m., 150 Geology. $1.50 adults, $1 children. Cinema 7: (See Friday’s listing) Bijou: "Carmen" at 4:30, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. "Clockwork Orange," 11:30 p.m. "Spr ing Animation Festival," 1 and 2:45 p.m SUNDAY, 4-29 “Genocide," 180 PLC. 8 p.m. only $1.50 adults, $1 children. Cinema 7: “Experience Preferred" at 2:00 p.m., 7 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. Bijou: “Carmen," at 4:30, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. "Spring Animation Festival" at 1 and 2:45 p.m. MONDAY, 4-30 Cinema 7: "Experience Preferred" at 7 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. The Bijou: "Carmen" at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. TUESDAY, 5-1 Cinema 7: (See Monday listing.) Bijou: (See Monday listing.) WEDNESDAY, 5-2 Cinema 7: (See Monday listing.) Bijou: See Monday listing plus "Clockwork Orange" at 10:30 p.m. $1.96. THURSDAY, 5-3 Cinema 7: (See Monday listing.) The Bijou: (See Wednesday listing.) MUSIC FRIDAY, 4-27 Tony Bennett at the Silva. Tickets are $12.50, $14.50 and $16.50. Student voice recital by Marcee Pierce in Room 198 at the Music School. 7 p.m. Sudent voice recital at 8 p.m. in Beall Hall by Jeff Norling. Lone Star: ' The Company," from Seat tle. Music starts at 9:15 p.m. Oregon Electric Station: "Mapenzi." Jo Federigo's: Emmett Williams Trio. BJ Kelly’s: Theatre of Sheep. $3 cover. 9:30 p.m. The Dangerous Penguins open. SATURDAY, 4-28 The Oregon Mozart Players at the Silva at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5.50 and $8.50. Robert Hurwitz will conduct the 33-member ensemble in "Variaciones Con certantes,” “Ancient Airs and Dances” by Ottorino Respighi and “Serenade in D Minor" by Dvorak. Oregon Electric Station: (See Friday’s listing.) Jo Federigo’s: (See Friday’s listing.) BJ Kelly’s: Theatre of Sheep $3 cover. 9:30 p.m. The Dangerous Penguins open. Lone Star: (See Friday's listing.) SUNDAY, 4-29 Student music recitals include the following: Gary Long at 4 p.m. in Beall Hall (percussion). Shang-Fen-Chyou (voice) at 8 p.m in Beall Hall. Jo Federigo’s: John Workman Trio Jam Session. Alan Fredrickson at the Emerald Valley Forrest Inn from 1-6 p.m. Also featured are Oregon's "finest traditional jazz musi cians.” $4 non-members. $3 members. $2 students. Bach singalong at Central Lutheran Church, 1857 Potter St. For info call 686-5667. MONDAY. 4-30 Jo Federigo’s: John Workman Trio Trio Jam Session. TUESDAY, 5-1 The Imperials at the Soreng. 8 p.m. Tickets are $14.50, $9.50, and $7.50. The WOW Hall presents “Ancient Future" at 8:30 p.m. Doors open at 8 p.m. Tickets are $4 in advance, $5 at the door. BJ Kelly's: The Big Sky Mudflaps, hot Western swing. 9:30 p.m. $3 cover. WEDNESDAY, 5-2 The Eurythmics at the Silva at 8 p.m. Tickets are $13.50 and $10.50. BJ Kelly’s: The Big Sky Mudflaps, hot Western swing. 9:30 p.m. $3 cover. THURSDAY, 5-3 Rosemary Clooney with the Russ Morgan Orchestra at the Silva. 8 p.m. Tickets are $9.50, $11.50 and $13.50. The Third Annual High School Band Festival will be held at Beall Hall from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Oregon Wind Ensem ble performs at 1 p.m. Larry Gookin, a trombone prefessorat Central Washington University, will participate in the festival. Student music recital features Karen Kimball at 8 p.m. in Room 198 of the Music School. Lecture-recital scheduled. Oregon Electric Station: (See Wednes day's listing.) Jo Federigo's: (See Tuesday’s listing.) -Staff The Friday Edition is the Emerald arts and entertainment supple ment. It’s published weekly throughout the school year. tditor. Angela Allen Morgan Asst. Editor.Kim Carlson Copy Editor.Mary Backen Production.Michael Clapp, Kathy Gallagher, Victoria Ko< h, Mark Pynes THEATRE "Top Girls'" will be staged at the Arena Theatre in Villard Hall at 8 p.m. May 4-5, 10-12 and 17-19. Admission is $2. The play is about the painful search for personal happiness which plagues the modern woman A Second Season production. Call 686-4191 from noon to 4 p m. for ticket information. ' Loot." a fast-paced, uproarious drama, will be presented by the Nova Group Theatre Collective on April 27-28 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $4. Preferred seating with din ner reservations. “Smiles and Echoes." a play performed by the Cascade Balzac Co. and Dinner Theatre Northwest. Inc., will take place Upstairs at the Brass Rail April 27-28 at 9 p.m. Tickets are $4. Reservations recommended Oregon Repertory Theatre will present "On Golden Pond” with Horace Robinson May 3-5, and May 10-13 at the Silva. Tickets are from $6.50-$12.50. ADVANCE Tickets for the Dionne Warwick concert, which will be part of the end-of-the summer Eugene Celebration on Sept. 28, will be on sale for $18.50 and $15.50. One show only. Ticket release info pending. The Grateful Dead will be at the Hult Center on May 7-8. Tickets are available by mail-order only. $18.00. Call 485-1411 for info. The Nighthawks will be at BJ Kelly's May 15 at 9:30 p.m. Rumored to be the hot test blues band on the East Coast. Robert Cray opens. T-Bone Burrnett will be in the EMU Ballroom on Fri., May 11 at 8 p.m. Billy Rancher will open. Tickets are $5 for University students, $6 for the general public. MISCELLANEOUS The Symposium on Hungarian Culture and Society and Folk Dance Festival will take place April 20 through May 6. Special events this week include: “Hungarian Economic Reforms,” lecture in Lawrence Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Fri., April 27, by Prof. Paul Marer. “Music Education in Hungary” will be discussed in 177 Lawrence by Prof. Randall Moore on Mon., April 30. at 7:30 p.m. Slide-lecture by Prof. Tamas Hofer will deal with "The Hungarian View of Tradition," on Tues., May 1, at 7:30 p.m. at 177 Lawrence. Slide-lecture of “The Hungarian Peasant Wedding" on Wed.. May 2, at 7:30 p.m. at 150 Geology. Panel discussion, "The Study of Folkore in Europe and the United States" is on Thurs., May 3, at 7:30 p.m. in 177 Lawrence. LRAC is having its first Artists Studio Tour on Sunday, April 29 from noon until 6 p.m. Tickets are $6 and available at LRAC, Maude Kerns, the Literary Lion and Opus 5. For more infromation call 485-2278. The "Spring Lecture Series" at the Museum of Natural History on campus with a May 3 lecture on "Landscape History of Canyon Ranch.” 4:30 p.m. Students at the UO Dept, of Dance pre sent a concert of their original works April 27-28 at 8 p.m. in Room 354 of Gerlinger Annex. Sunday, April 29, the performance will benefit Phi Beta Alumnae fund. Admis sion is $2 for students and seniors, $3 for public. Tickets are available at door. Call 686-3386 for info. Folk Dancing at Westmoreland Com munity Center at 7 p.m. on Sun., April 29. Registration for the Oregon Country Fair is now being accepted. Crafts people or food-booth operators should write Oregon Country Fair, P.O. Box 2972, Eugene, 97402. RADIO KWAX presents its Carnegie Hall Perfor mance series on Saturdays at 7 p.m. This week Ani and Ida Kavafin, Jonathn Feldman play Sarasate, Takemitsu, and Prokofiev. John Barth is on “Ex Libris” at 7:30 p.m. on April 30. New York Philhar monic plays at 8 p.m. on Wed., May 2. KLCC continues its Spring Radiothon with a fundraising goal of $30,000. CONTINUING University of Museum of Natural History continues its exhibit "Raven’s Cousins: Traditional Arts of the Native Northwest.” The museum is open from 12-5 p.m. Tues.-Sat. Admission is free. Exhibit con tinues through Dec., 1984. The University art museum presents "Recent Oregon Works: Watercolors, Oils and Sketches by Fred Mitchell" and “Nor thwest Visions: The First Annual Juried Exhibit of Northwest Photographers” through May 6. The museum is open Wed.-Sun. Admission is free. Black and white photographs of gardens and greenhouses by Bobbi Wendel, a UO fine arts professor, are on display at the Photography of Oregon Gallery at the University Art Museum through April 29. A juried art exhibit of various art media by University students is on display until April 28 at the Community Room in the Hult. Prizes will be awarded. The entry deadline for the Mail Art show sponsored by 'he Cultural Forum is May 1. Art may be any medium; maximum size is 8 x 11. Theme is "Are You Experienced?" Prismacolor drawings by David Redet zke are at the Book and Tea on 1646 E. 19th until April 27. Constructional Paintings and Prints by Karen Kiefer-Boyd from April 30-May 5. Hours are 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon -Sat., and 12 noon-5 p.m. on Sundays. Oils, pastels and pencil drawings by Dale McBride are on display at the Oregon Art Supply, 720 E. 13th. until April 30. “Friday and Flowers: A Showing" will be on display at Keystone Cafe from April 27-June 27. Hours are daily from 7 a m.-2 p.m., and Fri.-Sun. from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The Benton County Historical Museum in Philomath will begin featuring exhibits of professional contemporary artists. Gallery hours are 10-4:30, Tues.-Sat.. and 1-4:30 p.m. on Sunday. Maude Kerns has several exhibits through April 30: Mike Leckie's sculpture which includes ceramic masks; Barbara Andersen's watercolors; works by Gordon Kensler; and portraits by Rebeka Johnson. Art classes are open for registration Call 345-1571 for more information. Photographs by Michael Williams are in the Aperture Gallery of the EMU until April 28 An Independent Exhibition of artwork by Peter Meyer, Brian Floyd and J.B. Dickey will begin May 5 on the second floor of the Atrium. 10th and Olive in Eugene. Exhibi tion hours are from noon ot 6 p.m. daily. Show runs until the 19th of May. The EMU will present its Undergraduate Art Show on April 30-May 6 in Room 167 of the EMU. Show hours are 11 a m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat.; noon-6 p.m on Sunday. The opening reception will be Sunday, April 19 in Room 167 from 3-5 p.m. Musical enter tainment by Plumbarrie. Gallery 141 in Lawrence Hall: A fiber ex hibit by Vince Zettler and ceramics by Jim Garah are on display April 23-27. Ceramics by Dan Turnidge and prints by Ellen Zaz zarino are on display April 30-May 4. The Gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon day through Friday. Free. The Salem Art Association is seeking applicants for its Artists-in-Education pro gram. Deadline is May 15. Call 581-2228, 370-9716 or write 600 Mission St., S.E., Salem. Compiled by Angela Allen Morgan 686-INFO TAPE 651 The calendar deadline for The Friday Edi tion is Monday at noon. m m Isaac Scott, a blues musician, will be at BJ Kelly's on May and 5. There will be a $3 cover charge. Hair Continued ^rom Pase 6B 4 ^ you so nervous?" I probably don't because deep down inside of all that fear and loathing, I trust Sam. I know that ultimately he has my best interests in mind, that the $180 a year I spend on my hair is worth it. On the other hand, my friend )udy — who has long, thick, healthy hair — told me the other day that she hasn't been inside "one of those places" in ten years. We figured, inflation dis counted, that in those 10 years at $18 a cut for 10 haircuts a year she had spent $1,800 less than I have. "That's a year of college, " I acknowledged. "I know," said )udy, ''But you look glamourous." Thanks to Sam. 8 p.m. Friday, May 4 Condon School Auditorium Progressive Rock Adventurous Rock “The best in the world. ” — Edward Van Halen “My favorite bass player, his playing completely knocks me out” — Geddy Lee “One of the world’s best. ” — Jack Bruce with special guest The Fents 99 Advanced: $4.00 U of O Students $5.00 General Public At the Door: $5.00 U of O Students $6.00 General Public Tickets available at: EMU Main Desk, Cats Meow, Earth River Records. Everybody's Records (Eugene. Corvallis. Bend & Albany) Guitar Player Magazine 1983 Readers Poll Results 1st place: Jaco Pastorius 2nd place: Jolt Berlin 3rd place: Andy West Presented by Ihe EMU Cfultural Forum