Good, bad and worse “Experience Preferred. . .but not Essential” The "little film" seems to be a British specialty, something that's more than ob vious in this film. In less than 80 minutes, director Peter Duffel and writer )une Roberts sketch a cast of likable, colorful characters in a charming and funny tale. An appealing Elizabeth Edmonds por trays Annie, a young college student who is spending the summer of '62 working in a Britsh seaside hotel. Though little more than a rite-of-passage tale, Duffel tells Annie's story with charm and good humor. The supporting cast of eccentric co workers is introduced in the first part of the film. Bits of action, snippets of dialogue and telling gestures quickly establish the characters and situations in the swiftly paced plot. With its good lines and a marvelous sense of the absurd, "Experience Prefer red" is just plain fun. The film is showing now at Cinema 7. "Swing Shift" Goldie Hawn's paean to Rosie the Riveter is a slick, superficial piece of nostalgia that bends over backwards to avoid taking a stand. Hawn stars as Kay Walsh, a fluttery young wife who takes to the factories after her husband enlists in the military during WW II. She meets up with Lucky Lockhart (Kurt Russell), her swing shift lead man, and the predictable occurs. Then her husband returns, and the predictable occurs again — and keeps recurring until the final credits roll. There are some nice touches here and there and even promises of real issues. We see glimpses of propaganda newsreels (ours, not theirs) and racial discrimination, but nothing comes of these issues. The stars aren't even as in teresting as the supporting players, such as Christine Lahti who plays Hazel, Kay's best friend or the venerable Fred Ward who portrays profiteer "Biscuits" Toohey. The film's technicolor splendor is slick and glossy, but it sure is empty. “Children of the Corn" Question: What do you get when you cross adolescents with the jim (ones story? Answer: The latest film adaptation of Stephen King. Oh boy. r "Experience Preferred...but not Essential" is another charming Brithish film. Little preacher-man Isaac has led his sect down the true path of righteousness, a place where nobody is older than 19 years old. Now all these kids live all alone in the little town of Gatlin, Nebraska. Alone, that is, until a young couple literally runs into a young boy who hasn't escaped Isaac's clutches. The young man, Burt (Peter Horton), notices that the boy's throat is cut and curious, Burt goes tramping into the cor nfield for evidence. The young woman Vicki (Linda Hamilton), is justifiably frightened. But she's only slightly brighter than her heroic husband. With a little help from fate, they get themselves trapped by the munchkin congregation and witness the power struggle between Isaac and his psychotic muscleboy Malachai, an ugly kid who spouts biblical phrases and wields a Bowie knife to do God's will. What begins with the possibility of ge nuine psychological terror soon turns in to a routine scare flick. The only terror comes from whom we either suspect or don't expect to be hiding conveniently off-camera, ready to surprise our hero with a meat hook. With lame special effects and an inap propriate conclusion (''Hey kids, let's go kill the devil!''), "Children" is best left to the crows. Playing now at the West 11th. Sean Axmaker * * * * Franklin Surplus Final Liquidation Sale 50% OFF EVERYTHING ATHLETIC GEAR v* running shorts athletic socks ix T-shirts ^ ski boots snow suits wool socks SURPLUS MILITARY GEAR ^ army fatigues wool khakis ^ camouflage pants dress shirts * ± * * Jt s helmets ^ camouflage nets is overcoats wool navy pants * 1 * * BOOTS * ^ Totes ^ waders rain boots ^ Lacoss insulated boots FISHING GEAR J ^ buck knives is pools, reels, lures ts tackle boxes *CLOTHING T it ^ wool shirts ^ wool jackets is jeans ^ flannel shirts ^ sweat shirts ^ insulated underwear is long underwear vests MISC. f 1\ is hardware ^ cowboy hats ^ gas cans ✓ and many other items supply limited • all sales final checks or cash only open 10-6 Monday • Saturday Sale conducted by Great Western Business Liquidators TODAY IS THE TO TURN IN YOUR COURSE REQUEST ACTIVITY FORM -All undergraduate students (including seniors) enrolling Fall Term 1984 must fill out and turn in a course request form. -Pick up a preliminary Fall schedule at •Academic departments •Academic Advising/Student Affairs •Office of the Registrar -See your advisor and fill out the course request form with the classes you wish to take in the fall -Turn in the course request form to the Office of the Registrar at Oregon Hall TODAY! -WARNING: If you do not turn in a course request form you will register late Fall Term 1984 Questions? Call 686-3243