MIRIOMY NATURAL HAIR DESIGNS FOR MEN AND WOMEN PERM $30. (DOES NOT INCLUDE HAIRCUT) • GUARANTEED TO YOUR SATISFACTION • EXCELLENT STYLING Purchase Your Nexxus & La Coupe Hair Care Products Here 561 E. 13th • (across from Max's) • 485-4422 ^German AUTO BKRVICE Since 1963' VWs - MERCEDES - BMWs DATSUN - TOYOTA - AUDI Reliable Service For Your Foreign Auto 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd U of 0 Men's and Women's Teams Fresno State Saturday, April 28 Hayward Field Starting Time: Field Events - 12 noon Track Events --1 p.m. Student Tickets s1.25 Available at the Athletic Dept. Ticket Office, 9 a m. - 5 p.m. or Hayward Field the day of the Meet. Notables "Merlin," an Argentinian group which plays Southern Cone folkloric music, is coming to Eugene for an April 29 concert at the Council for Human Rights in Latin America, 1236 Kincaid. Call 484-5867 for more information. An new entertainment and arts calendar, put out by the Lane Regional Arts Council, will soon be available at local businesses. The first calendar, which will list music, dance, art and theater events, will be available May 1, near campus at Cinema 7, deFrisco's, Excelsior Cafe, and the Book and Tea Shop. University Dance students will perform three con certs of their original works at 8 p.m. on April 27, 28, and 29 in the Dougherty Dance Theatre in Gerlinger Annex, Room 354. Admission is $2 for students and seniors and $3 for the general public. Hunter S. Thompson is coming to Mac Court, May 24. Tickets will soon be on sale for $3. "Top Girls," Caryl Chur chill's 1982 play which dramatizes the modern woman's search for per sonal happiness, will open Thursday, May 3, at the Arena Theatre in Villard Hall. Admission is $2. The play, a Second Season production, will run May 4-5, 10-12, and 17-18. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Live Matinee will return May 4 to Cinema 7. The live comedy group will do shows at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. on May 4 and 11, and at 2 p.m. on May 5 and 12. Admission is $3.99 for the Friday shows, $2.99 for the Saturday shows. No one under 12 admitted. The Big Sky Mudflaps a honky tonk, jazz band from Montana, will be at B) Kelly's May 1 and 2. $3 admission. Music starts at 9:30 p.m. Earthwalk, a multimedia show presented by Eastman Kodak, will be on campus for two show ings Monday, April 30, at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in the EMU Ballroom. The photographic result of a 14 month, 5000 mile journey from Alaska to Mexico, Earthwalk, is a 55 minute, 9 projector, 3 screen presentation nar rated by Orson Welles. Music by Vangelis and other popular artists ac companies the program. "This is Spinal Tap," an audacious comedy directed by Rob Reiner, opens in Eugene Friday. Shot in psuedo documentary style, the film, which is about an English heavy metal band on its comeback tour, will play at West 11th Cinema. 1^ ^°nt'nuec* *rom Page 18 about a recent dinner she had with several people at Cate Central in Eugene. Hutton was wearing one of the first-made Gemille splattered shirts. A woman seated across from her commented on Hutton's "beautiful top." Hutton smiled and replied, "Oh, thanks. It's a Gemille." The woman smiled psuedo-knowingly back and said, "Oh," as in "Oh, of course." Cole and Hutton have not yet begun major marketing of their products although one Store in Eugene, the Paper Traders Annex in the Fifth Street Market, has recently started carrying the Gemille line. Sue Ryan, who is the clothes buyer at Paper Traders, shares Cole's and Hutton's op timism that Gemille will be successful. "Personal ly i really like them (the Gemille clothes)," she says. "We're all really impressed." So, evidently, are the shoppers. In the lirst few days the items were displayed, six sold and several others were placed on hold. "That's a positive response," says Ryan, adding that usually new things sit for a week or so before anyone buys them. People are attracted to the Gemille c lothes Ryan believes, because the garments "aren't crafty, but real professional looking." Though Gemille has been met with positive response so far, does that mean splatter art is the hottest word in fashionspeak? "People determine what they want," says Hutton. "The public will tell." V V r v A A > A 7 A A J «■ > V V 1 i' y L > V a A V r A 1 > * r 1 * 1 A A A i < > < " <• T» •“ , v4 < f A > 4 A j A r r <■ , * T > > r >> V J v > f < -» v A -» a r r * r. S’« - < V y v A a r ^ Z1 o* < 4 > t» ** 7 A ' r A A A * ’ W A v A ^ 4 V > < ? V ^ ^ ^ \ 4 A *| vAvAt-AAVA /i<<< '1 <. -, > ► -, < A < • A •* i’ * a fc r , T •- r -• ►V* TV C V A l\\\ ^ W, v A, , w ^ ^ r-»<',v»-»*. V r ^ , ^ ^ < A- A t i. A i y H t> , a-ia * w r * «■ > < A < , J < A A 2 • » <4 ^ » 4 » * • 1 * • *• 4 1 A V W ► * a r * “» 4 c *•■*■» 4 A V « " . 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