et al. MEETINGS SUAB meets today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 337 EMU NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE ORIENTATION meeting Friday, Dec 9. at noon in Room 108 EMU FOREIGN STUDENTS ORGANIZATION is hosting a coflee social hour today at 8 p.m. in Room 206 EMU Pro fessor Miriam Johnson will attend the social. All foreign students and friends are welcome. Call the FSO office for more information, 686-4387. MOBILIZATION FOR ANIMALS will hold their monthly public meeting at the Eugene Public Library from 7 to 8 p.m. on Monday, Dec 12 Local animal activists are en couraged to attend For more information, call 344-8380 or 345-6417. LECTURES SHARON LARISCH, Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature, will defend her dissertation, “The Mixed Mode of Dialogue", at 1 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9, in Room 109 Friendly MISCELLANEOUS “ON DISPLAY" through December at Oregon Art Sup ply Co. are various works by talented local artists in cluding: oils by Jannette Hopper; bronzes by Mike Leckie; water color/pencil drawings by Leigh Williams; oil pastel by Norm Roaenberger; design marker/comics by Mark Lakeman. For further information, please call 683-ARTS LAST CALL FOR BIBLE STUDY this term at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St Bring your lunch or buy a Hard Times Lunch and share in the discussion at 12:30 p.m DON’T MISS OUT: An assessment of your progress toward fulfillment of general University requirements will be available during Winter Registration. Be sure to drop by before registration, Jan. 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Wednesday. Jan. 4, from 8 a.m to 4 p.m. in Room 107 Esslinger. Sponsored by the Office of Academic Advis ing and Student Services. LANE COUNTY BANK VOLUNTEERS will be on cam pus Mon., Dec. 12, from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. to distribute cheese and butter to low income students in Room 101 EMU. Proof of income is required. For information, call the ASUO at 686-3724. OREGON CREW: All rowers can pay for sweats and pick up their long sleeve shirts from John Ouinn and Anne Donahue from 5 to 7 p.m. in the EMU Fishbowl on Sunday, Dec. 11. For more information, call Anne. 683-5679 and leave a message P S Extra’s have been ordered SEXUAL HARASSMENT: What Are Your Options? The Management Network of the Alliance for Career Ad vancement will present a program by Bean McFadden, director of Affirmative Action, on sexual harassment on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 6:45 p.m. at the Raleigh Hills Treat ment Center, 2222 Coburg Road For more information, contact Marge Ciere at 998-1658 PREDENTAL STUDENTS interested in observing den tists can pick up applications in Room 164 Oregon Hall. Pre-health Science Center, or contact Ron Wassom or Kim Wright, new 1983-84 coordinators 686-4338. FOR PLAY, an improvisational comedy experience, will be performing Saturday, Dec. 10, at 9 p.m. at DeFrisco's (99 W 10th in the Atrium). ARE YOU A WOMAN IN CRISIS, needing a referral, or just wanting to talk with another woman about your dif BLOOM COUNTY oh oemeMeH,., i wonm if yoo might LOOK AFTER WfWNTS. tu. se uemno m the SOVTH RX£ THIS AFTERNOON TO LOCK FOR MY MOTHER. TUflMK Vntl by Berke Breathed ficulty? Call the Women's Hotline. 8 p.m to 8 a m , seven nights a week, at 344-1227 CHILD CARE. Inc., a private non-profit day care center, is sponsoring a free workshop on sexual abuse of children today from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Child Care Inc., 169 Washington St. NOONTIME ADVENT WORSHIP AND MEDITATION will bo provided every day during the Advent Season at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St., by the Presbyterian and the Episcopal Campus Ministries Study, devotional and Advent Action guides and resources will also be available for individual use. Please call Tom Heger of Linda Harrel, 484-1707 or ex tension 3597, for further information. by T.I.M. Classifieds _________ ^ 0 ■5 Holiday 4 Gifts GIFT IDEAS Choose from our line selection ol • COFFEE ft TEAS • COFFEE MAKERS • IMPORTED CANDIES • COLORUL MUGS • GIFT CERTIFICATES ALSO AVAILABLE Open 7 days 860 EAST 13th 3ftBBERW0CKY CARDS • GIFTS ★ A WONDERLAND FILLED WITH DELIGHTS * • Wind up Toys • Christmas Cards • Slocking Stutters • Taddy Bears • Stationery • Stickers • Gilt Wrap • MON SAT 10-5:30 SUNDAV 11 5 1300 HIL YARD 464 0530 |ln the hospital overpark at 13th ft Hiiyard) Excellent Value CORRECT-OOALL by Brother Reg $499 95 Now $317.50 UO BOOKSTORE 13th ft Kincaid 6*94331 SHOP SATURDAY 10-5:30 1324 12 12 fS rninctrDCKLtirs akjl_TS Try our rVT,7> " «»CH ' EGG NOG DRINK tor a taate of bebdoy somt' 001 RBUMWTTt BOB EAST 131 fAR* 16 Beautiful handcrafted gift packs Exquisite beeswax candles Delightful stocking stutters Delicious dates, nuts & dried fruits MONEY HEAVEN 128E 11th 1180 12-12 DISCOUNT! Motobecane Mirase Sport NOW ONLY $199.95 Regularly $249 95 CYCLE WORKS 663 E 13th 343 7066 1308 12 8 Who wouldn't love A PIZZA for the holidays? Of 11 C’rtlflcates are available now! TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Bhrd 484 2799 13011 2 9 DEAR SANTA I ve been a good student this term (most of the time) Please give me a gift certificate from TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Btvd 484 2799 1302 12 12 For Sale 12” B 8 W TV (8 mos old), brick and board shelves, plants, pots and pans Everything must go1 343-6354 12-8 SKIERS: Mens and womans ski bools and clothing 883880112-9 GRADUATING Taker a 10 speed $110. Columbia 10-speed $86. Yonex tennis rackets $26, skis $30 344-5061 12-9 NAKAMICHl 8X1 cassette deck 4 months old $250 or b/o Scott 486-4528 12-9 MUST SELLI Seiko Gents 150M Divers Watch $86 Digital Alarm Walarsports $86 Both new 887-0448 12-9 FREE MOVIES I Da scrambling chip for Jerroid Converter Box 344-4675 12-9 3 yr old POOS-BALL TABLE Retail $450 New. Make offer 887-2689 12-12 Services EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas OuanfteJ editors Thesis/paper assistance f eeumee slat analysis and typing Tate 1223-8491 (Portland) 129 CHEZ 8 CARP. ATTORNEYS Imm.gra non cases accepted 1862 Wiliametta 342976112 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMEBIII Ouaiity typeset resumes by ODE Graphic services We win gave your joe search me professional ados Cali 8988611 o« come by 300 EMUStuden) a 106$ discount with current ID Ifn WORO WORKS Duality'editing AD 'sub jects Reeeartn and typing Jerry. HI Typing word PROCESSING AFFORDABLE PRICES!! Give your work a professional look REPORTS OR LETTERS THESES DISSERTATIONS MAILING LABELS • Letter quality printing • Overnight service available call in advance • Write it neatly and save on cost 1846 PEARL 683-8434 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Theses, resumes, custom mass cover letters G S approved Free pickup/delivery 346-6186.334 Ifn TYPING: 15 years experience Papers dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 666-3663.514 tin ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464-1646 748:!ln EAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 464-6405 __656 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-6236 Editing 346-6071 ___144 ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sal Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0766. 513:tfn SELF SERVICE TYPING IBM SELECTRIC CARBON CARTRIDGE KINKO S COPIES MO E 13th 344 7894 OPEN 7 DAYS RC SUSIES RESUMES RESUMESIII Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give yourJob search the professional edoe Can 666-5611 or corn* by 300 EMU Students 10**. discount with IO <*" DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup & delivery available 485-3914_583 tin TYPING Free on campus pickup and delivery. Call Connie Smith, 746-8738 TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING - GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, papers, diagrams, tables, including statistical Law Papers. Resume Composition. A Mass Mailing Specialists- Fast. Protes sional Quality Service. Guaranteed BRANDY: 484 -6044 CINDY 444 5454 _ 1098 tin WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quali ty work Correcting Selectric It Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved Call Ports 484 1049 1041 UWH QUALITY TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric IS years experience 726-5853882WHF PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations 2 blocks from UO No job loo small Jennifer 465-3M3 693HFM TYPING GUARANTEED 346-5614 Ruth 346-5614 465 UH T Y PI NG/EOITING CALL SARA *“ — *’** •'•WHFM TYPING & RESUME High quality, low cost, rush service till midnight. 3 blocks from campus John. 683-865712 12 PROFESSIONAL TYPING with IBM Cor reel able Selectric Reasonable rates Call Susan 689-DS3712 12 ACADEMIC TYPING: Papers, reports, protects Sell-correcting equipment Editing available Joyce 344-9956 12-9 RUSH TYPING Fast, accurate. reasonable rates Christine 343-72SS 12 12 EXPERT TYPING Term papers. Past, accurate IBM Setae trie II. Call Molly 747 4338 1-5 — Excellent Value CORRECT-O BALL by Brother Reg S449 95 NOW S317.SO UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 686 4331 (SHOP SATURDAY 10-5:30) 1324 12 12 AVOID THE RUSH! RENT Your typewriter NOW!! UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 6864331 (SHOP SATURDAY 10-5:30) 1325 12-12 NEED TYPING DONE? Fast, reliable, and reasonable rates Call 726-0729 1346 12-12 “You’re My Type Jane* 345-0603 »» 12 8 Books 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK all selling 25% to 50*/. off list prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 1 3th 362:tfn Bicycles SECOND NATURE USED BIKES ^ New and used parts for the tourist ; racer, commuter and cruiser BUY SELL TRADE 1712 Willamette 343 S362 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343 7683 Monday thru Friday 9 am 6 pm Saturday 9 am 1 pm 347 12 9 SCOTT RECEIVER Technics turntable. JVC cassette deck. Evolution speakers ! 1.250 system-S645 Will sell by piece Dan. 687 2599 12-9 Dorm Contracts | A CASE OF BEER who buys my con tract Contact Curtis *5389 or 343-7511 after 6pm.12-8 CHRISTIAN DORMITORY HOUSING Northwest Christian College has a limited number of dorm rooms available to University of Oregon Students for both men and women. For information and applications contact Dean Wag goner. 687-9456. Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm. Ul CONTRACT for sale fo^34#tAlW Quarter. Call Shannon 686-6213 12-12 Ul CONTRACT 4-sale Starling winter term. Deposit paid. Call Brian 686-6064 12-12 TAKE MY CONTRACT-PLEASE!. Call Steve 485 9710 12-9 DORM CONTRACT for sale Reward: A case of beer Call Robby/Shabaz, 345-9430.12-12 NEED TO SELL dorm contract! Case of beer to first buyer 345-8131. liana 12-8 Ul CONTRACT for sale. For info call Debbie 686-6070 12-12 DORM CONTRACT. $50 reward plus already paid $50 deposit Starting winter term Call Shaunna 484-7228 or 485 2224 12-12 $50 BONUS for my dorm contract beginning winter Ash for T - O 485 9031 or ext 4977_^Bjl12 SINGLE ROOM CONTRAC^» Ul Please contact soon Call Casey at 686-6003 12-12 Food & Drink COUPON • Footlong RB • 16 oz. soft drink • Chips $2.99 (value $4 74) 1304 HILYARD STREET The World's Best HOT BUTTERED RUM MIX $1 95 for this 8-ounce holiday concoc tions Available at THE TRAWLER LOUNGE, downstairs corner of Oak & Broadway DUNKIN' DONUTS has SOUP! 24 HOURS 485 E. BROADWAY It's worth the trip Of Grape and Grain is having a CHRISTMAS BEER TASTING this Thursday night at 7:30 at our 29th and Willamette location. Call 686-9483 for reservations Fun. fascination and frivolity $5 12-8