Ho, ho, ho. . . merry Santa Claus Yes, Oregon, there is a Santa Claus. Actually, there are tour ot them, including Springfield resident Larry Rose, who is having his frosty-colored wig attached by Santa Trainer Susan Briggs while another trainer, Maxine Walton, looks on. The four St. Nicks were chosen during Santa tryouts Thursday at Western Temporary Ser vices, Inc., a national business which is the largest Santa employer in the nation. Not just anyone can be a Santa, says Walton, an employee of Western's Eugene branch. Santa's needn't be fat or old, but they should be jolly and have a twinkle in their eyes. Their voices must be smooth and resonant. Once the Santas are selected, they will be admitted to the University of Santa Claus, where they will learn the Santa "technique," which includes instructions on "Santa's Way with Children" and a refresher course on his nine reindeer's names. The four Santas will begin their duties Nov. 25 — the day after Thanksgiving — at the Valley River Center Mall. Photo by Ken Kromer Central American crisis debated By Paul Ertelt Of the Emerald Many Americans don't know who's who in Central America, but more than 500 people gathered in the EMU Ballroom Thursday night to learn more about the troubled region. Members of a three-man panel differed in their views of the "Roots of the Crisis" in Central America, but all agreed Americans need to become better informed about conditions that have drawn the United States into an increas ingly violent situation. The panel included William Ratliff, of the Hoover Institute, Felix Kury, of El Salvador's Democratic Revolutionary Front, and Nick Allen of fhe Institute for Food and Development Policy. University Prof. Jeffrey Needell introduced the discussion. The panel was part of ASUO's conference on Central America held on campus through Saturday. The crisis in Central America stems from long-standing social conditions of a powerful elite op pressing a poor majority, Needell said. Besides "appalling" domestic Q. Where can you dance to the best music in town this weekend? A* At with * Jazzle g g 440 Coburg Rd. • 343-1221 X oooo— -oooo conditions, Ratliff said the situa tion is aggravated by American foreign policy and the interven tion of Cuba and the Soviet Union in the region. "The United States was never in terested in Central America until there was a crisis,” he said. U.S. concern may have alleviated some of the problems, he said. Kury discounted the role of Cuba in El Salvador, but said the revolution is a popular movement against a repressive military junta. Government troops have killed more than 40,000 people, he said. "Land is the main issue in Cen tral America,” Allen said. "Who eats depends on who owns the land.” But the number of people in Central America who own no land has increased. In Guatemala, 11 percent ot the people owned no land in 1961; in 1975 that figure was 40 percent, he said. Allen said the United States should get out of Central America, but Ratliff disagreed. The United States can do some good by forc ing out rightists and supporting moderate regimes, he said. But the U.S. policy of suppor ting moderate governments is a "myth," Allen said. "(U.S.) aid is going to death squads." The United States should in crease efforts to find a settlement in El Salvador acceptable to all par ties, Ratliff said. I I I I I I I I I I I s Pixza Oelfverv Usl *hisScoupon S" f e 686“9598 3 T** Topplr>g or °PPlngS ‘he 4 Topping, for the Prfce of i Qr for th© Price of 2 Yo^ohoiceofD ~~ PrfCe °'2 _ D®liwerv/MnI//ar or Sici/ian rrh ^ivo . °Urs: 5:30-M»^/ ?,c/r^ Crust 12*i mh^SScSS? - 6«6 9598 4 '-COUPON-* I I I I I I I L. Davspring Cafe Fluffy Belgian Waffle 99/ pics baked fresh daily . including seasonal Iri sh Irwl pics all ax ail able tor lake out A Lounge xxuh lull bar. a xxinc «*/ the numth. and bullet style hors d'oeuxres from 4 7 Monday thru Saiurdax Student Discount 10% off total purchase with valid fee card $5.00 minimum purchase required (Good anytime in Restaurant. Bakery and Lounge) »* «4 •«*' *' OPEN ,« > « II a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m. - II p.m. Fri. & Sal. 1300 Valley River Drive 484-1711 20%-30%-40% OFF SALE ★ ★ ★ P tr ★ ★ Raingear • Running shops 20% Long Sleeve 100% Cotton T s Socks • Spandex Runnning Tights Running Shorts • Running Tops 30 XO Aerobic Lxprcisp Mats • Danskin Tops • Running Sports Watches Turf Shoes • Soccer Shoes Baseball Sleeves • (jravitv Boots