Dorm Contracts dorm CONTRACT FOR SALE now December or winter Angeline. 485 9652 11 18 Lost/Found Fountain Pen Lost: Reward $25. 342-3545. After 6pm LOST Brown kippered attache contain ing irreplacabie negatives and prints Substantial reward for return Call Jim 343-4049 11 21 FOUND: BLUE SWEAT CAP and gloves Call Katie 485 1498 11 18 Market Basket Beautiful handcrafted gifts Exquisite beeswax candles Oelightful stocking stutters Delicious dates, nuts & dried fruits HONEY HEAVEN 128 E. 11th Food/Drink EAT COOPERATIVELY CAT WELL Contribute 2V? hours work/week, pay monthly at S3 lOfday. enjoy atl meals & snacks Choice of vegetarian or non vegetarian Very close to campus Janet Smith House 1790 Alder 686 4261 ask tor Laura Campbell Club 1670 Alder. 686-5189 ask for Jima977 MWf Cafe Express This weekend Sat-Sun Hour* 9 ww 4 pm 1348 Alder 344-0649._ 11-11 CAFE EXPRESS Soap it Salad Special $1.79 1348 Alder 344-0649 11-23 HOMESTYUSOW. FRENCH BREAD * BUTTER. .. 24 HOURS DUNKIN' DONUTS It's worth the thp 486 EAST BROADWAY 1164 1121 EVENTS A SClF MKLf ^haMAM oa CcrvkA Caps afHt be presented by lb* HH>M Fain total Womn'i Health Canter on Tum , Now. 29, From H> am-1 pm. Cer vical Caps wiM be airaHabte for MM*g and tor sate NuglMMMoil is repuireil. Call Women's Referral and Resource at 698-3327 before Nov 25. 1050 1121 Ski Touring Nov. 15-22 i * Saw pay Ski Outings Teeedey Nordic Downhitl AH events are at 7 pm in Outdoor Pro gram and are 498-4386 Free. More info. 1149:11-22 Don't watch THE DAY AFTER Come to an open viewing Son. Nov. 20 8 pm Emu Forum Roam Bring a friend. A public service by SNuFF 1175 11 18 Gay A Lesbian DANCE! Friday night, 8*12 at Laureiwood golf course: 2700 Columbia Price is $1.50. Come out! 1191:11 18 YOU THINK SO, GO TO THE COOLER TAVERN, 20 CENTENNIAL LP. AND SIGN UP FOR THE GREAT AMERICAN HOG LIPS EAT-OFF BEGINN ING DEC. 3, 1983. OVER $600. IN PRIZE MONEY $10 entry fee covers all events. Hog Lips. & T-shirt Pre-registration re quired ai the Cooler 484-5480 12 2 Oregon Daily Emerald We’re Great Fun All Week Long at O’Callahan's SILENT PEACE CIRCLE Monday EMU Courtyard 12:15-12:45 To honor our vision of a nuclear free future and a world without political violence and oppresion. Join us. by SNuFF WOMEN WHO ARE INTERESTED in learning how to play Women’s Lacrosse There will be a meeting Tuesday November 22nd in the EMU Room will be posted at 5 pm or call Nancy 344-8629 Sponsored by C'ub Sports It's fun and easy to learn! 1223 11 22 Entertainment THE BIJOU 4B2E. 13Mi MS-BUN STUDENT ADMISSION I2 H Anytime, with to A lee card KOYAANISQATSI "A WOMOEftf UL FILM . .rich in ideas and overpowering beauty I was amazed and moved by it Sene Tied el ■ At The SUNDAY THURSDAY •:» A *30 PM FAIOAY SATURDAY 7:M A » M MM SAT SUN MATINEE 4:45. MM Coming: Ingmar Bergman s FANNY A ALEXANDER BIJOU LATE NITE DARK STAR A truly wacked-out sci-fi comedy from the director of HaNameee and writer of ANen. MTCBtHESOAY THUttSOAV tt pm A2 FBI SAT MNMM6NT S2.SS 11-18 BOOGIE! Reggae-Salsa by Arousing Spirit at Taylor's lE.B./Kincaid) Fri Nov 18. 9:30 SJ 1118 EMU CULTURAL FOSUM presents The Positive Sounds of Reggae Music with Arousing Spirit at Ihe Garden Friday, Nov. t% 4-7 pm in the EMU dining room. Alternative food and beverages aveildMe I D reguired FREE FREE 1183:11 18 Mme Ctocea S i peeeeet Wad. ? Thurs. AN Studant Ticfcats S5 Special Thursday performance with signing for the hearing impaired. 11-18 EMU Cultural Forum presents OREGON MIME THEATRE FRANCISCO REYNDERS Tuesday, Nov. 22 FREE 12:30 PERFORMANCE EMU Forum Room 3:30 WORKSHOP/LECTURE EMU Dad's Room 1193 1122 Ananda Marga presents HAIR Hair directed by Milos Foreman (One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest) em bodies the energetic and evocative spirit o< the Age of Aquarius SATURDAY. NOV IS 7 A 9:15 PM 150 GEOLOGY $1.50 1180:11-1* ANANDA MARGA PRESENTS La Cage Aux Folles The greatest drag comedy since Some Like it Hot" has become one of the most phenomenal successes in film history A story about the La Cage Aux Folles cabaret and its outrageous owners La Cage Aux Folles is hilarious and has broad humor and appeal Los Angeles Times FRIDAY. NOV. IS 7 * S PM 177 Lawrence $1.50 1187:11 18 MAX'S Presents The Milkmen Saturday, Nov. 19$i covers so E. 131b DANCE ke Me «sends el RIVAL Fri. Nov 1®, 9-1am. Tickets SSe Carson Cafe Sponsored by Walton Complex Presidents Council 1192 11 18 It may ba cold outskte, bat It’* hot and steamy at Uni varsity Thaatia! I20p120*11220 askfltliaja 4 poniny uvvvviiuvi i Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Tennessee Willtams' classic tale of greed. gwN. and misunderstanding among the members of a rieft. bawdy Southern Family Dacambar 1-3, 8-10 Robinson Thaatia 8 pm. AN saats Tickets on sate now at the Robinson Theatre Son Office. Villard Hall Open Mon-Sat . 12-4 pm or caN 68S4TV1 Sunday, Nov. 20th SNuFF presents Breaking Away 1S0 Geology 1 pm, 3 pm 8 5 pm Fund raiser for Peace Education Admission #1 50/SI Bring a friend __1200 11 18 “Everything You Always Wanted TO KnOW AbOUt Starring Moody Allen Friday. Nov 18th 150 Geoiogy $1 50/SI 7 8 9:15 pm Presentad by SNuFF 1199 11 18 JAZZ/BLUCS RecordsSeeks CAT’S MEOW jazz a blues corner Special order specialists FiHhpearf Bldg. 5» • Peart 839 HF They’re Hot! Jazzle Friday 8 Saturday at O’Callahan’s 1213:11-18 FORPLAY Tonight af Shell's 11-18 MAYFLOWER I HEATER 788 EAST 11th 345-1022 Amityville 3-D $2 till 7:30 pm FOR FIRST SHOWING Rated PG SHOWING AT 7:30 8 9:15 PM 1219:11-23 (UNCH41 S,7™3 THRILLERS NOV. 23 Simon* Signornt Philippe Noiret L’ETOILE du NORD (THE NORTH STAR) Thursday-Saturday 7 30 pm Sunday Wednesday 7 pm All snows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee PLUS Ingrid Bergman in Hitchcock's SPELLBOUND Thursday-Saturday 9:30 pm Sunday-Wednesday 9 pm Sunday Matinee 4 pm FRI A SAT MIONITE XXX Marilyn Chamber s newest UP AND COMING with John C Holmes Over t8. re quires separate admission at EDISON^ BAR,: THURSOAV. NOVEMBER 10 THURSDAYS are LADIES NIGHT COMPLIMENTARY CHAMPAGNE LIVE MUSIC 9:30 pm • 2 am THE BREAKS NO COVER CHARGE! FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11 FRIDAYS AT 5: 2 for 1 DRINKS! PARTY WITH: THE BREAKS 9:30 pm • 2 am NO COVER CHARGE! SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 12 DANCE TO THE BREAKS 9:30 pm • 2 am NO COVER CHARGE toy 4740 MAIN ■ in Springfield * 747 7900 movcmkk it r a lit pm WHC - SATURDAY• Shot entirely on location in Australia's high country, this heroic adventure brilliantly captures a young man s growth amid the splendors of nature The ROAD WARRIORS George Miller directs in wide screen Cinemascope Special 4 pm matinee MOVCDMEN 1* 4, 7 A • RM 1MRLC - SUNDAY - NOVEMBER M 7 Ml 1M RLC STMMMTSMOWLTS S1.SS CHit.OREM SI THE MILKMEN THURSDAY, NOV. 17 AROUSING SPIRIT FRIDAY, NOV. 18 THE NADS THE JACKEL’S SATURDAY, NOV. 18 13th A KINCAID DON'T MISS THE LAST in the Asian Studies Association’s program ot feature films from Mainland China China Film Festival THis weekend The Herdsman (1982) In Chinese. English synopsis available Saturday and Sunday 12 15 and 2 20 pm THE BIJOU THEATRE 492 E. 13 686-BIJU 1201 11 18 Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion the procedure, the cost and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1 800 223 0618. 7 am 3 pm M-F 468 MWF MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt 344-7039 390 E. 11th 0 WHF Get Fast Dependable Service at Siegmund's Cleaners 921E131hA*e 354 UHF PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an early pregnancy test that is 99% accurate Call for appt 344 9411HF IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy, call Birthright Free testing 687-8651 327F PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U ol O telephone hotline. 24 hours/7 days Strictly confidential Call 998 MBS 779MF ATTENTION STUDENTS LimHeS OWer -31 y RR L/ 991 Ladies S10 Menr 38 Mon Toes Wed 747-3390 406 Main Springfield HAM DESIGNERS LIMITED 11 18 GIRLS! Is acne still a problem? Then treat your face to Fortunate Facial Care. All 100% money bach guaranteed if you are not satisfied Ait natural Call Gretta. Local Distributor 345 440211 21 ATTENTION ALL SOPHOMORES The freshmen honoraries. Alpha Lamb da Delta/Phi Eta Sigma, are offering a fall initiation to those who have achiev ed a 3 5 GPA any term of their 1982-83 freshman year and who have not previously received an invitation to torn Questions? Call Ann at 683 2626 or Marie at 484-4743. Applications are available at EMU Suite It or 364 Oregon Hall Due November 23. 1983 Initiation wit be held Dec. 4 1176 11-22 EMPLOYER LISTING S-FREE. National employers of college grads Supply limited Get your 1983 edition at Career Planning & Placement. 246 Susan Campbell Halt.11-21 To the woman in the 4th row ol my See. Pay. class. You're Gorge am! How -bout goin' dancing with me next Thursday al the Riv? The curly halted woman 1116 NOVIELLO Time to celebrate! Happy 20th Love you. Mele Karla. Cassandra, and we miss you too 11-18 ESKIMO Tis your 20th B-Oay? Definitely time to celebrate Have fun! Your Blach Kat 1118 CARSON NICE QML: Tell you in an ad? Welt. 23. junior, spends lengthy dinners in cafeteria, sits in a hole in the ground, and was the Chicken Master on Hallo ween You need time to gel to know a person. We probably both know so meone who can teM you if I'm worth it. Shall we make the time? Most fun I've had being a nice guy Thanks Carson Nice Guy.11-18 N.O. Frigid?! Nol even an electric blanket could warm you up Even worse. I plan on keeping it-H s a thou sand times warmer than you ever were. NT11-18 HOLLY I low# you! Thanks for a great year Low*, Karl 448 East 13th 10-8 Mon Frl 10 5 Saturday 342-8339 Next to the Bijou ARE YOUR WALLS NAKED?!?! If so. then come check out the poster loft at Logos Bookstore! Big selec lion1 Great prices! • TRAVEL POSTERS • ART POSTERS • SPORTS POSTERS • ARTSY POSTERS • BALLET POSTERS • SCENERY POSTERS • EVEN ARTISTIC POSTERS . . . ANO MUCH. MUCH MORE! DRESS UP YOUR WALLS with posters from LOGOS BOOKSTORE NORSKS NOROMENN Og Kmgswood Bros' Ta Med Taafis Party Ender Tidlig Saavi Kan Komme Til Frokost Vorspiel . 7am 1 Morra Ktempenuts!11-18 MANDY Let's shake it up at O’Callahan’s This weekend with Jazzle Anyone Knowing Us Robby, Royce or Jesse, are cordially invited to our first bash! Sat Night (late) Bring Dancin Shoes 1116 TED & TED What am I Jewish? Sinma Nu until we die Let s grap the boda s and get crazy1 Foreskin11-18 Pi Phi Pledges You haled the house and then did llee no doubt you re lull ol grins But rest assured we ll have OUR fun when initia tion begins Love. The Sophomores 11 18 JIM HUTCHISON: Happy 21st Birthday Beware Things are not always as they appear lo be T J1118 ROBERT PLANT JR. Every move you make, well be watching you Love ASK11-18 ELAINE O. I am looking forward to tonight s barn dance Thann for the invite ROB 11-18 MR. DEE You have a package today Je T aime YOUR 8PATCH11-18 3.080 MILES BOTH NORTH ANO EAST, the X-Mas present from J & J please I'm counting down, it's 35. on the bridge, what does il equal? Just like spring term? Ferr sure Happy 21er. we ll celebrate later with another sunrise, sunset or maybe tust whip cream I love you Pat Seaman PS I have a dollar 11-18 Pat Maginnis Happy 21 si Birthday from your little bro I hope it s one you will remember BRIAN__11-18 SSHHH! Be berry, berry quiet •H»y G.Q. Ich tiebe dich! From year ktotoos Kattchen 11-18 To tho G«ntlem«n oft20p90sl92S