et al. MEETINGS AFS RETURNEE CLUB meeting Tuesday. Nov 22. in the EMU Fishbowl at 6 p m Topics will include working on the newsletter and distributing information packets For more information, call Karen. 485-1593. evenings WESLEY FELLOWSHIP meets at the Wesley Center. 1236 Kincaid St., at 6 30 p m. on Sunday evening lor transportation to Stu Shaw's home lor a soup supper and viewing ol the television showing ol "The Day Aftei Call 686 4694 lor information CONCERNED ABOUT THE SOLOMON AMEND MENT? ERA7 Assaults on civil rights7 Then do something about it — attend the meeting of the ACLU. Monday. Nov 21. 7 p.m EMU Century Room A For more details call Tom Birkland at 344-4167, or 686-4890 MANDATORY WEBFOOT advertising meeting today at 3:30 pm in the Webtoot office. Room 111 EMU Please attend; the meeting will be short MISCELLANEOUS THE ASUO PRESENTS Crisis in Central America Today's featured events include films in Room 101 EMU: at 11 pm "Americas in Transition,'1 12 pm "Roses in December." 1 p m "Attack In The Americas." 1 30 p m "El Salvador: Another Vietnam" and at 3 p m "The War at Home Workshops in the Forum Room and Dad's Room at 10 a m Land Reform and Agricultural Policy in Central America, a Central America A brief History 12 p m Perspectives on U S Policy Toward Nicarqgua 1 p m Grenada. The Carrribean Basin and Central America and U S Economic Connections in Central America At 3 p m The Sanctuary Movement: U S Church Response BLOOM COUNTY WH05 KNOCKIN' ON MY fKONT POOR AT 500 IN THC m* MORNINO W \ 7“ m r&i. MR. muAS. YOU'Kl UNPtK SUSPICION Of A WA TRC5PR&5IN6 ANP COMPUTER PIRACY OPEN UP by Berke Breathed and El Salvador: Military or Political Solution? For a complete schedule ol events see ASUO's "Off the Record " SILENT PEACE CIRCLE — Monday from 12:15 to 12:45 pm. EMU Courtyard All are encouraged to join together for a declaration of Solidarity and a vision of a Nuclear Free Future SUNDAV, NOVEMBER 20. PRESBYTERIAN STUDENTS and friends will gather at the home of Tom Heger. Presbyterian Campus Pastor, to view "The Day After" at 8 p m Meet at 6:15 p m at Koinonia Center to carpool for soup, sharing and fellowship before the movie FRIDAY NITE FELLOWSHIP is offered for Lutheran students and friends al Ihe home of Pastor Waetjen Fellowship, informal worship, and Bible Study begin at 9 p m Call 484-1707 or 689-2477 for more information — including directions. EPISCOPAL CAMPUS MINISTRY offers Holy Eucharist Sunday afternoons at 4:30 p m in the chapel of Koinonia Center After a light supper, this week the group will view the movie "The Day After ." A “BROWN-BAGGER” lunch will be held Monday. November 21. at noon for Presbyterian members of Ihe University Community Bring your lunch and spend an hour with us at Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St BEYOND IMAGINING The Day After, the ABC movie about nuclear war. will be shown free to all in terested people Sunday. November 20. at 8 p m in the EMU Forum Room Please bring a friend Discussion led by Brandi Stuart and Laurel Singer, masters students in psychology, will follow Sponsored as a public service by Students for a Nuclear Free Future “MODERATELY WILD HAIRED," a show of large abstract paintings by local artist Dean Guernsey, runs from Nov. 19 through 30 at the Warehouse Artist Gallery. 385 Lawrence St Gallery hours are from 11 a m to 3 p m weekdays An opening reception will be held at 8 p m Saturday in the gallery The event is free and open to the public THE ASUO’S CRISIS IN CENTRAL AMERICA Con ference presents films running continuously from 11 a m. to 4 p m today in Room 101 EMU (near the post of fice): Americas in Transition." "Roses in December. "Attack on the Americas." "El Salvador: Another Viet Nam." and "The War at Home " For exact times and complete schedules check "Off the Record." available around campus or at the ASUO office. Suite 4 EMU THE EUGENE DISARMAMENT COALITION, con sisting of 14 local peace and disarmament groups, is sponsoring an informational clearinghouse at the Eugene Public Library Monday, Nov. 21, from 12:30 p.m to 9 p.m. Contact 343 8548 (CALS) or 686 4248 (SNuFF) for more information. THE NEXT LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN’S Program Brown Bag Talk will be "Alternative Recreation For Women " Whitewater rafting, survival training, rockhounding and running are recreation activities which a panel will discuss on Wednesday. Nov 30. from 12 to 1 30 p m in the LCC Board Room of the administra tion building For more information call 747-4501. ext 2353 FOR PLAY, an improvisational comedy group per forms Friday at 10 at Sheli's (next to Kinko's on 13th Ave ) Bring your imagination . INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ASSOC, will have an inter national pot luck tonight at the Westmoreland Center. 2055 West 16th Way. Pot luck starts at 7 p m bring a dish of your choice Faculty and students interested in International Studies are invited to attend Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE, 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by J pm one day prior lo publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible tor more than one day’s incorrect adver tismg insertion The ODE s liability tor typographical errors incorrect in sertions. or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to The c’incellitlon of, charges for such portion dt space ocdupied by the er ror It your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 pm tor correction in the next day s issue RATES: Rates are IS cents per word tor the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change *1 SO minimum for the first insertion *1.20 minimum tor consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AO CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless abiding agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Small invaslmanl BIG RETURNS! For Sale 1871 OATSUN S10 NEW clutch ex haust tires, hoses brake hoses 20.000 miles on new head 28-30 mpg *200 firm Call evenings 345 9007 or 342 2484 _ 11 18 GIBSON LES PAUL JR *285 PRE-CBS Fender Concert *300 Bob Johnson 344 7069 afternoons11 18 EMERALD VALLEY HEALTH CLUB 6 mo membership Worth *250 sell for *75 484 4459_ 11 18 IBM EXECUTIVE TYPEWRITER 20 inch carriage Very good condition *275 686 8888 _1195 1123 2 TICKETS TO TALKING HEADS con' cert Call 343-6458 Besl offer' II 18 OLDER COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR 12 14 cubic ft Great as second refrigerator or for kegs' *30 or besl 687 9409 __ _lt 22 ROSSIONOL SKIS 170cm with bin dings (45 Scott boots st/e 7 new *220 sell for *75 or offer Bose 501 speakers (200 Double bed bookcase headboard 484 5370 Saturday 11 18 FOR SALE Sunn studio head Poly lone Mini Brute It amplifiers Ibane/ dtousttc Make offer 343 0875 II 18 Services EOTTIMO. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes star analysis and typing Tele 1 2238491 (Portland) 128 LAFLER SILKSCREEN 1180 It 23 Psg* II. Section A CHEZ ft CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra lion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 12 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We wilt give your |Ob search the professional edge Call 686 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10° o discount with current !Dtin WORD WORKS Quality editing All sub jects Research and typing Jerry. 484 6593 1-11 Buy & Sell CASH for used records and cassettes Guaranteed highest prices paid in Eugene1 342-6245 686 tfn THE BUY ft SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 361 West 5th 613 MF Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports resumes Free pickup/delivery 345-6185. _ 334 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Seleclric Pick up and delivery Call Carole at 666 3B63 514 tin ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464-1646 748 tfn TV PING/E OITING Call Sara 666-0739 575 WHFM FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Seleclric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 464-9405 __ 658 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Seleclric Call Patrice 342 5236 Editing: 345 5071 _ H4 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Coti Sel Grad approv ed Near campus 34ft076t. 513 tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at Iheses and dissertations 2 blocks from UO No job too small Jennller 465 3663 542 HFM DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup ft delivery available 485-3914 563 tin PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Seleclric Can Barbara 345-0747 366 MWF TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith 746-6738 789 tin RESUMES RESUMES RESUMESMI Quality typeset resumes by OOE Graphic Services We will give your lobsearch the professional edge Call 6865511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10*. discount with current 10 TFN TYPING AND/OR WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations papers, diagrams tables including statistical Lew Pagers. Resume Compos 11 Ion. S Haas Mailing Speciettsl* Fast Profes won el Quality Service Guaranteed CINDY 484 5464 BRANDY 464-8044 1098 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING Experienced in MI levels •87 9328 1070 MWF RUSH TVPIN0 Fast, accurate reasonable rates central location Christine 343-7295 WF 1130 QUALITY TYPING Electric self correcting equipment Editing available Joyce 344 9956 11 28 TYPING & RESUME High quality, low cost rush service till midnight 3 blocks from campus John 683 865712 12 SUPER TYPING Fast accurate near campus Norma 345-6005 342 8255 (message) 1196 1121 NEED TYPING DONE? Fast reliable and reasonable rates Call 726 0729 12 2 Sound Systems SONY STR6046A receiver $150 Sony 250 reel to reel $125 Teac 450 cassette deck (mike/ line mixer) $180. Dual 1216 Turntable (shure M91ED cartridge) $75 343 3699 1118 House Items POOL TABLE with accessories $75 or best otter 686 2581 evenings 1221 11 28 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% ott list prices New Books Text Books-Clift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th _ 362 tin COMICS 10° o oft all new issues until Dec 1st EMERALD CITY COMICS. 770 E 13th 345 2568 943HF12 1 Bicycles WEATHERIZE YOURSELF WITH RAIN FOREST RAIN GEAR RAIN CAPES $26.50 RAIN COATS $29.50 RAIN PANTS $19.50 GAITERS $14.50 HELMET COVERS $5.50 6th A HIGH 687 1775 OPEN SUNOAYS 10 SPEED 22 fiame New brakes book rack $70 Excellent condition 342 1327. after 5pmIt 18 MEN'S RALEIGH M" touring Racks, pump misc including tools riding clothes shoes etc 485-4281 evenings 11 18 Cars & Cycles ■m VW CAMPER Runs well Rebuilt engine $1000trim 345-0381 IMS •76 MUSTANG II 4 cyl 4 speed 28 mpg Exc condition $2100/080 Terry 343 7384 11 21 1980 LE CAB Good condition Must sell Sunroof, stereo, etc Call Jose 485 9705 11-21 1976 550 plus Vetter fairing J700 Vet ter worth S600 a year ago Ask for David 344 8344__11-21 1968 PLYMOUTH SATELITE station wagon Runs well good condition $550 or best offer 484 6268 11-21 Wanted EXOTIC DANCERS $150 per hour plus tips Serious in quiries onfy, 746 2042 11 25 7T A Cash paid for gold class rings and gold or silver lewetry One ounce class rings brings $103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch for flourscent signs on le t side Open 7 days a week A _ A Opportunities A CALL FOR ART WORK APETURE GALLERY Students interested in exhibiting photos in Apeture Gallery submit work to Cultural Forum Office, Dec, 5, 12:30-4:30. Get Your Work Out There 1173 11 18 THE ADMISSIONS SUPPORT PRO GRAM is now accepting applications for motivated friendly volunteers who wish to recruit new students Areas tor involvement include Older Than Average Students, two Peer Recruiting programs and the Oregon Connection Job descriptions and ap plications are available in Admis sions 270 Oregon Hall Deadline is extended to December 1st 5 pm Question? Call x3201 ask for Patricia Akiyama or Becky Hutchison 1217 11 30 Help Wanted OVERSEAS JOBS Summer vy year round Europe S Amer Australia Asia All fields S50fr$l200 monthly Sightseeing Free info Write IJC. Box 52 OR3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 12-9 THE ESCAPE FIELD STU01ES PRO GRAM IS SEEKING A PUBLICITY RECRUITMENT COORDINATOR. This person is responsible tor developing, implementing evaluating and documentaling of volunteer and leader ship postilions in the program This in volves advertising, class visitations and news letter publication The Publicity and Recruitment Coordinator must have good communication skills, a sense of responsibility and a commit men! to professionalism Compensa tion options are negotiable Application packets are available in the ESCAPE of fice (325 EMU) Completed packets are due Tuesday November 22 at 5:00 p m For more information contact Mary David or Ahrea Summers at the ESCAPE office X4351 ESCAPE is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 1165 11-21 POSITION IN LEADERSHIP The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has an opening lor the position ot Registration Coordinator The position requires in terpersonal and organizational skills, experience in group process, self motivation and the ability to motivate others A background in computers is desired but not required Respon sibilities include preparing registration materials training stall in the registra tion process and identyfying registra tion problems Compensation options include credit work study, or stipend Commitment is 21 hours per week Ap plications are available in the ESCAPE office reom 327 EMU and are due by Tuesday 22 November 1983 at 5 00 pm For information, call Fred or Ahrea at 686 4351 ESCAPE is an Equal Oppor tunity ' ? Affirmative Action Employer ___1166 11 21 WANTED: Male College Student to be Big Brother’zTutor to tO year old boy in exchange for tree room and board Need your help, good humor, knowledge of kids dirt bikes and grow ing up We can provide you with a fami ly (1 mom 1 son. 1 daughter) good meals and a room ot your own Hope you are someone who loves kids dogs and cats and wilt bring your stereo1 Country living (tor now) 4 miles Irom LCC or 8 miles trom UO 15 20 min drive All reterences will be checked Call 345-1501 days, ask for Kathy 1118 WANTED: MASTER OF CEREMONIES for O Callahan s Oregon Snow Bunny competition Tuesday nights only Hours vary $50 per night Speech/Drama background preferred Call 343 1221 tor appointment 11-21 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty _ 632 tin FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. *195 to *275 485 6322 485 0062 344 1625332 tin 735 East 14 th One block trom campus Furnished studio with private bath Share kitchen with one other Laundry facilities Covered parking available UTILITIES PAID Manager 344^)219 Bennett Management 460 East 2nd 485 6991 1045 ttn Moving? Emerald Apts are renting two bedroom apts for winter & spring term 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage & alt at convenient campus location. $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 683-8919 or DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD 1085:tfn UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland 2 bedroom, furnished at S140(month; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at Slllimonth; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at S116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4277 787:tfn 1255 MILL STREET NO LEASE 2 bedrooms furnished, free cable, dishwashers, balconies some fireplaces, covered parking, laundry, heated summer pool Ken 345-4322 11-18 THREE ROOM AND BATH East side S150 Quiet 343-102111-18 CAMPUS SPECIAL NOVEMBER FREE Studio/Large kitchen modern fur nishings. newly remodeled 5220 One bedroom/spacious bedroom, good lighting, utilities included 5235 All eith distinctive furnishings, laun dry and parking 914 E 18th across from campus Manager 683-2394 Elizabethan Management 345 1409 1210 tin STUDIO 959'/2E 22 all utilities paid shower, toilet, cooking facilities, fur nished quiet 5150 3432008 11 18 The following are located 3-4 blocks from UO:f 595. Nicely furnished room for quiet studenl. kitchen use 5150. Sme i furnished studio, very quiet, utilities included 5200. Nicely furnished 1 bedroom apart ment. Appliances, dishwaher. 5215. 1 bedroom, unfurnished duplex Appliances dishwasher Joy 686-1130 Elliot Assoc 1214:tfn Roommates PARR TOWER Housing Cooperative has three immediate openings Come to 1648 Alder or call Mara at 345-9163. __1117 PARR TOWER A student owned and operated housing cooperative is accepting applications for winter term Come to 1648 Alder or call Mara at 345-916311 29 THINKING OF MOVING OUT? We re looking for a responsible, easygoing roomate to share comfortable four bedroom house beginning January 1 Call 683-0820 for information 11-21 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE close to cam pus Yard washer/dryer, storage quiet neighborhood 5100 month Call Myron 343-7007 evenings, ext.3169 to leave message11-16 CAN MEN FIX 0INNER? CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS? Can 24 to 40 women and men run a cooperative household with non-sexist principles? Would you like to help us? We are near campus, cook both vegetarian and non-yegetarian. and at a reasonable cost Please check us out for this term or next term Campbell Club 1670 Alder. 686-5189 (ask for Jimal or Janet Smith House 1790 Alder 686 4261 (ask for Laura) 978 MWF Houses for Rent LARGE OLD FASHION HOUSE 4 plus big bedrooms. 1 bath Close to campus and downtown Fireplace washer/dryer stove/refrigerator, lots of storage 5500 month plus deposit 1116 tfn Quads CAMPUS COURT OUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service 686-1075 821:tln LARGE QUAD 599 a month 485-8859 1215:Hn Friday, November 18, 1983