Forecast: Joe Avezzano will be Tired. Oregon State will lose the Civil War game 24-13 to Oregon, and for the third year in a row. the Emerald will face the Barometer. Wednesday University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon Vol. LXXXIV No.3 November 16,1983 ROTC turns library into aun ranae By FRANKS ’N’ RAGUSAUCE of the Baremeter Students arc getting fired up about the rifle range location at Moo U. Apparently, some students are intimidated by the rifle range, located on the second floor of the library, which is us ed by the ROTC program. It seems that students unfamiliar with the use of the library have been slow to dodge rifle fire when target practice starts. "1 was so shocked the first time I went to the library to study." said one senior who asked not to be identified for fear of retribution. "I was gaz ing off into space, considering starting my term project that was due the next day when BANG — I thought it was a nuclear holocaust." So far. there are 72 dead and 108 injured. "In the interests of our na tional defense, I don’t think the casualty rate is that bad." said Lettme Kyll, director of the Moo U. Reservoir of Offal Training Corps' program. “We must keep the world safe from Commies and I think that what we are doing here is vital to our national security. I think most r Reservoir of Offal Training Corps cadets can’t understand why Moo U. students are objecting to the use of the library as a rifle range. students agree with the need. It is just a few troublemakers — pinko creeps — that don't want us to practice." Kyll said the losses were slim compared with the 239 U.S. Marines that have been killed so far in Lebanon. He admits the rifle range is not as successful; 1 holding down losses as the re cent invasion of Grenada, where only 18 Marines were killed, but after all. “we are on ly the ROTC, not the Marines.” However, the ASSOSU has been attacking the practice, asserting the need to stand up for the rights of the minority of students who want to use the library to study. "We must hold up the rights of these victims of society.” said ASSOSU Pres. Noe Brayn. "Some people actually want to study in the library. I don't understand why. but it is our place as the ASSOSU to raise the consciousness of the campus to this kind of oppression." The ASSOSU has come up with several solutions, but one idea seems to be gaining popular support. They sug gested moving the location, of the rifle range to Parker Stadium, at least for Saturday afternoons during Meager Beaver football games. “I think it would be an incen tive for our team to become quicker and make more tackles." said head football coach Joe Avocado. "Players would want any excuse to hit the turf." Drugs, anyone? «**> by Pill R. Pain After six months of taking steroids, Moo U. women’s crew team members say they have noticed no physical side effects except for an increase in muscle mass. Pres. MacPricker abdicates By KNEEL SWOLLEN of the Baremeter Moo U. Pres. Bobo Mac Pricker has resigned. MacPricker gave no im mediate reason for his resignation. But rumors are rampant — and the Baremeter is the paper to print them. According to sources close (very close) to the almost-ex president. MacPricker left for ■'personal reasons." Those reasons are probably as close as Meager Beaver coach Joe Avocado's bedroom — and his wife Susan "Boom Boom" Avocado. Apparently. Mrs. Avocado and McPricker have been "curl ing up between the sheets" with each other for some time. Baremeter sources say that Mrs. Avocado has been "ripe” for an affair ever since the Beavers showed just how meager they are on the field. The losses have left Avocado as meager in bed as his Beavers are on the field, the sources say. ■'This is a common phenomenon among losing foot ball coaches." says Sicmund Fraud, a noted Moo U. psychology professor. "When the losses start to mount up. many losing coaches find themselves unable to maintain an Photo hy Mrs O'Meara's Cow Moo U. football coach Joe Avocado threatens Pres. Bobo Mac Pricker with a chain saw after fin ding him lunching on Susan “Be am Boom" Avocado. erection. They are so hard on the team that they just can't get hard when they get home." Sources within MacPricker's office say the Moo U. president plans to move to Rajneeshpuram after leaving Cowvallis. "It's awfully hard on Mr. MacPricker to have to leave Cowvallis.” said the source. “"1 mean, he's never been good at dieting, and we all know what a fattening dish Boom Boom is.” But MacPricker decided to leave after the Meager Beaver football coach threatened to change MacPricker's name to MacStub — using a chain saw. Mrs. Avocado, MacPricker and Avocado had no comment for the record, although they said many slimy things too disgusting to print even in the Baremeter. Cowvallis faces disincorporation By ANTONIO INYOENDO of the Barometer Once he's through with Rajneeshpuram. Postmaster General Dave Quagmayer said Tuesday he will set his disincorporation sights on Cowvallis, which everyone has suspected all along is a "sister city" of the eastern Oregon religious community. "Who cares?,” queried Quagmayer from his Salem office, when reporters pressed him first for hard evidence and then for the cocktail sandwiches he'd promised. "It's a worthless cow town — why would anyone want to live there anyway?” Quagmayer said he first discovered a connection between the two communities while watching the Meager Beavers lose their ump teenth game to Lowly University. "Distracted by the Lowly play. I focused on the Meager Beaver uniforms, which are orange. Moo U. orange, as you know, is a thin ly veiled hybrid of Rajneeshee red. "Then I remembered that cows, so revered in Cowvallis. are sacred in the Rajneeshec's native land. Duck U. football coach Imrich Crooks, when contacted at his bookie’s house Tuesday, expressed dismay at the prospect of losing Moo U. as an opponent. "They're the only team we can beat." he said. Allegedly. Eugene and Duck U. officials have grudgingly given their approval to a Quagmayer plan to have the southern Wiiiamette valley city and Duck U. annex in Cowvallis and Moo U. "Sure, we'd probably do it." said Duck U. Pres. Paul Hohum. who asked not to be identified.