et al. MEETINGS THE JOURNALISM SCHOOL will host a career meeting for those interested in Public Relations Irom 3 to 5 p m today in Room 211 Allen WFSE meeting tonight at 7 p.m in EMU Century Room B "IT’S JUST A PHASE” Gay Women and Men's rap group meets tonight at 7pm Close off-campus location Call GALA (686-3360) for information. INTERESTED IN A PEACE STUDIES pro gram at the University of Oregon^ Come to a meeting of the Committee for Peace Studies today at 5:30 p m at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St. All are welcome Call ext 3724 for more information MARKETING ASSOCIATION MEETING tonight in Room 337 Gilbert at 6 p.m. to discuss elections and coming events MISCELLANEOUS BUTTER AND CHEESE will be given away outside the ASUO Executive Office once a month to low-income students The first giveaway will take place today from 10 a m. to 4 p.m in front of Suite 4 EMU Students who receive financial aid, AFDC or food stamps and whose income falls below the poverty level ($6000 for a single person) qualify for the program Eligible students should present their UO student ID card, food stamp card or welfare card in order to receive the dairy products For more information call Bill Snyder at the ASUO, 686-3724 JOIN THE 10TH ANNUAL FAST for a World Harvest This year. Campus Bread for the World is coordinating the local * CHAMPAGNE * LIQUIDATION^ Ladies! Join us Thursday nights at as we attempt to liquidate our entire stock of Champagne—FREE! 9 pm - midnight ^ 440 Coburg Rd • 343-1221 * ****---**** U of O Foundation Annual Fund TELEFUND STATISTICS 100.000 90.000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 29 Chi Psi Volunteers received 299 pledges for a total of $5060. First, second and third place for most pledges received are held by: 1st Kappa Sigma - 508 2nd ROTC - 371 3rd Chi Psi - 299 That brings the total for the telefund to $65,096. Tonight Mortar Board/Druids will attempt to set a new record for total pledges received. observation of Oxfam America's 10th Fast for a World Harvest on Thursday. Nov 17. 1983 A pre-fast communion will be held Wednesday, Nov 16, at 7:15 p.m at the Newman Center, 1850 Emerald St , as part of Campus Interfarth Ministry's "Wednes day Evenings for Peacemakers" series Those who choose to participate will fast Thursday. Nov. 17. and come together at 6 p m for a break-fast meal at Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St Call 484 1707 for more information NEW STUDENT HOST Program (NSHP) is accepting applications for coordinator positions Persons interested can obtain a job description and application in Room 364 Oregon Hall or call 686 3218 The deadline for submitting applications is 5 p.m Monday. Nov 28. THE UNIVERSITY JUDO CLUB will be hosting an invitational team tournament Nov. 19 in the West gym of Esslinger Hall at 1 p.m OPEN MIKE topic tor today is the Crisis in Central America. Speak up today at 11:30 a m. in the EMU Courtyard Spon sored by the ASUO CRISIS IN CENTRAL AMERICA with Dan Goldrich. professor of political science, is the topic of today's Brown Bag Forum. 12 30 to 1:30 p.m in the EMU Forum Room Sponsored by the ASUO and Campus In terfaith Ministry THE EMERALD CHAMBER OR CHESTRA presents the first of its season of free concerts at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. Nov 20. at the Eugene Hilton Conference Center Lobby LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGES CAREER Information Center presents "Nontraditional Women's Careers Panel Discussion. Is There Work After Training*" with Carolyn Powell, energy technician; Christine Frazier, auto mechanic and cooperative garage owner; Mary Walston, computer software systems installer and trainer on Thursday. Nov 17. at LCC's main campus from 3 to 4 p m in Room 219 Call 747-4501. ext 2802. for more information THE LANE WOMEN’S POLITICAL CAUCUS will be holding a Bake Sale on Friday, November 18, from 9 a m to 4 p.m directly in front of the University Bookstore The proceeds from this fun draising event will assist LWPC. a non profit organization, in its goal of electing feminist candidates to public office If in terested in baking, staffing the event or want more information regarding LWPC, please call Renee at 746-2886 INTERVIEWS WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT IN TERNSHIPS? An informative panel discus sion featuring six different internship op tions will be held on today from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the EMU Dad s Room LECTURES AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Stu dent Affiliates will sponsor a graduate research seminar with speakers from Organic. Physical, and Biochemistry All interested science maiors are invited to at tend Seminar is today in Room 16 Science I at 7 p.m Set of Acrylic Nails • Complete line of acrylic nail products • Gift certificates for the holidays NAIL FASHIONS New closer location: 354 W. 6th, 343-2094 I Coupons in the Emerald save you money. Check every page, every day. It pays. Hypoallergenic, 2 week guarantee offer expires Nov. 30. 1983 FOOD CENTERS STUDENT SAVERS No. 1 Dole Large Mushrooms I it> Spinach Romaine Lettuce Red or Green Leaf 39 c bundle London $028 Broil Steak ^ id. Rib Steak $038 lb. 6 pack, 12 oz. bottles Michelob Beer $099 mbb+ dep Medford Comice Pears 29 0 lb. Indian River, Red or White Florida Grapefruit 49? Boneless Sirloin Tip Steak $028 £m lb. Blade Cut Chuck Steak $1 08 lb. 8 pack, 16 oz. bottles Coke & Tab $1 98 + dep. r f Kraft —(COUPON) reg. 48* ea. Macaroni & Cheese First 4 7 V* pkgs. w expires 11/19/83 -(COUPONVl Marina Bath Tissue First 4 roll pkg. reg. $1.29 68* expires 11/19/83 • EUGENE 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS • 2370 W. 11TH • 3061 HILYARD - Mon. . $ Sun. Prices effective 11/16/83 11 19'83