Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1983, Section A, Page 2, Image 2

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Talking Heads: 'Burnin' the cultural forum
It was early October when I first became aware of the
possibility of bringing the Talking Heads to Eugene.
tim schafbuch
An excited accord with my program advisor initiated an
early thought of the Cultural Forum solely bringing the
Heads to the Hull Center sometime in the period of Nov. 28
— Dec. 2. Nice, but after calling the Hult we were told that
all availabilities were "booked." But, always a possibility
and always lurking within our campus is the primoridal
MacArthur Court. Premier Booking Agency, who is the
Head's proxy, smiled at our interest and pressed for a Mac
Court availability on December 4.
Negotiations with Double Tee Concerts proved positive
as they agreed to co-promote the date with the cultural
forum. The show was to be the intimate 5,600-seat east side
set-up, including a huge wide open dance floor with a $9
ticket price. As November arrived, Double Tee officially
submitted its bid to Premier.. .
Four days passed without a word back, so I called
Premier's Northwest representative who quickly pronounc
ed that "just today" he had confirmed with Luke Bandle at
the Hult Center a Talking Heads show on Nov. 29.
Out, without notice, was our bid and also bumped out
was Regal Productions, who had Nov. 29 held at the Hult.
In, is an out-of-state promoter and a $15 ticket price.
Underlying elements here could bring criticisms, but
take delight in the Heads and at one point during the per
formance remember that we had a dance party planned for
Dec. 4.
Tim Schafbuch is the popular music coordinator with
the EMU Cultural Forum.
Following rules
I would like the students to
know the truth about the EMU
House Committee. The editorial
published on Nov. 7 was not cor
rect about the issues now facing
the House Committee.
The entire issue of OSPIRG was
introduced by two concerned
students who approached the
board chair. Our policy is to bring
students concerns in front of the
board. I put the OSPIRG rental
question on the agenda. The
discussion of OSPIRG brought up
the fact that “Footnotes” is also a
non-profit student corporation
and should be discussed along
with OSPIRG. This issue is hardly
a result of our political views but a
result of an active board doing it's
job and following the State Board
of Higher Education rules.
The House Committee has not
made any decisions regarding
rent for these two corporations.
Rather, the committee is making
up guidelines for the criteria of
charging rent. Only after this pro
cess is completed will we consider
charging any group rent.
I would like to suggest that the
Emerald speak directly with Dan
Cohen (board chair) or myself
(House Committee chair) to avoid
your confusion on the issues.
It was amusing to read in your
editorial on the EMU House Com
mittee how evil I am. Generally, I
would expect a story so
thoroughly inundated with petty
lies and untruths to appear in the
National Enquirer. Maybe with a
little practice you will be able to
raise your writing skills to the low
standards set by the Enquirer.
The story says that other com
mittee members have characteriz
ed my actions as ram-rodding. All
of my fellow committee members
— who have fully supported me
throughout this — have assured
me that they would never say such
a thing. However the Emerald
reporter, no stranger to ram
rodding himself, tried to trap a
committee member into saying
just that. Unsuccessful, the
reporter apparently felt he could
hide behind a cowardly
smokescreen of "I'm protecting
my sources."
It's strange that all this dissent
Maria Nee.se
house committee chair
hasn't been apparent at our
meetings. All of our decisions this
year have been unanimous. The
only plausible explanation is that I
summoned the forces of evil and
clouded the minds of the other
committee members.
The editorial also asserted that
I've used my position to help my
friends. As Chair, I don't even
vote on the EMU Board and I only
have one vote on the House Com
mittee. Furthermore, I put every
issue brought to my attention on
the agenda regareless of whether I
support or oppose it. Actually, I
would use my position to help my
friends but evil people like me
don't have friends.
Daniel Cohen
emu board chair
Where the hell?
I have read the "Commentator"
several times and have been
struck by the similarity in its world
view with that of Pres. Ronald
Reagan. My open-ended question
is simply where in the hell does
the "Commentator" get funds for
its publication?
Assuming for the moment that
the "Commentator" is
homegrown, then why do we
need another right wing campus
publication? Since Reagan has
been president, we have unfor
tunately seen a drastic narrowing
of political debate in this country.
It is possible to get essentially the
same point of view by picking up
Time magazine or any number of
similar publications on the news
I would appreciate direct
answers to these questions in a
future "Commentator” editorial.
If the anwser isn't forthcoming,
then I assume that the "Commen
tator" has something to hide.
Andrew Beckwith
grad student, physics
I would like to make a few com
ments about Professor Pope's im
plied statement that the purpose
of the organization. Faculty
Against Intervention In Central
America, is to show that the
American people are not behind
Pres. Ronald Reagan. Only a few
years ago the American people
elected Reagan in what was
described by the media as a land
slide. In recent polls 49 percent of
the Americans polled stated that
they believed Reagan was doing a
good job. Similarly, letters to the
White House concerning the
Grenada invasion, or liberation
depending on one's point of view,
expressed approval of Reagan's
actions by a margin of over 20 to 1.
I find it ludricous that the pro
fessors of this organization pro
pose to speak for the American
people. I suggest that they ven
ture out of the University com
munity and listen before speak
ing. My purpose is not to criticize
anyone for thinking as they do,
but to criticize them for purpor
ting to speak for others when they
do not.
In conclusion, I state that I am
an American who is behind
Reagan. I support Reagan because
I believe that his foreign policies
have made the world a safer place;
that his economic policies are
conducive to increasing our na
tion’s productivity and therefore
are truly compassionate; that,
taken as a whole, his policies help
preserve America as a beacon of
hope to the oppressed victims of
closed societies. To quote one of
the children from Grenada: “It
was those men' in the funny
clothes that freed us."
Sam Burr
Food Service
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