BLOOM COUNTY H6U0 IV UKt A 75-105 GUR6 INLINE (lum'MNK/) MANUAL RIGHT AWAY DIGITIZER. (WINK'MNK'I NATURALLY. M3U WONT 06 USING IT -fOimr'W) TAP ifW PROtUBlTtP fteS . (HM' MINK') \ by Berke Breathed Oliver by John Gorman Classifieds For Sale 1971 OATSUN S10 NEW clutch, ex haust, tires, hoses, brake hoses 20.000 miles on new head 28-30 mpg $700 firm Call evenings 345 9007 or 342 2484 11 18 GIBSON LES PAUL JR. $285 PRE-CBS Fender Concert $300 Bob Johnson. 344-7069 afternoons 11-18 TALKING HEADS at the Hull. Nov 29 Third Row center orchestra seals Best otter 484 01471178 1116 PHONE MATE 300 answering machine $50 or best offer 342 27591117 TALKING HEADS 2 tickets. 16th row 683 7425, Paul11-22 ONKYO TURNTABLE Good condition. $75. Evenings and weekends 485-5624 Dan 1116 Buy & Sell CA$H for used records and cassettes Guaranteed highest prices paid in Eugene' 342-6245 686 tin Services EDITING, RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes stat analysis and typing Tele 1-223-8491 (Portland) _12 8 CHEZ * CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342- 8751 12 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!) Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tfn WORD WORKS Quality editing All sub lects Research and typing Jerry. 484-6593111 L A F L E R SILKSCREEN SWEATSHIRTS! 20 vibrant colors 343- 2306. 342 1927 385 Lawrence St 1160 11 23 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Theses resumes, custom mass cover tellers CS approved Free pickup/delivery 345-6165. _334 ttn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery-available 484-1646 748 tin TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 575 WHFM FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Seleclrtc Graduate School Approved Call Paula Oemong 464-9405 658 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-5238 Edition 345-5071 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0759 513 tin DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Ouallty work Pickup & delivery available 485 3914583 tin TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith 746-6738 _789 tin TYPING AND/OR WORD PROCESSING EOITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertattona. papers, diagrams, tables, including statistical Lear Papers, Resume Composition. A Mass MaUMg Specialists Fast. Proles ions!. Ouality Service Guaranteed CINDY 4845454/BRANDY: 484-6044 RUSH TYPING Fast accurate reasonable rates, central location Christine 343 7255 WF 11 30 PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345-0747 366 MWF PROFESSIONAL TYPING Experienced in all levels 667 9326 1070MWF EXPERIENCED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III Call Mina between 6 am and 10 pm at 726 9624 851 MW QUALITY TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric 15 years experience 726 5953 882 WHF WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quail ty work Correcting Selectric II Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved Call Dons 484 1049 1041 UWH TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 666-3963. 514 tin QUALITY TYPING Electric, self correcting equipment Editing available Joyce 344-9956_n 28 TYPING WANTED Term papers Thesis-Resumes Fast-Accurate IBM Self-Correcting 85* double space page 344-5856 Sound Systems MARANTZ D DRIVE full auto turntable AKAI 40 watt receiver OPTONICA cassette Excellent condition 5300 683-5053 11 16 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th -—-1 Bicycles 10-SPEED 22" frame New brakes book rack $70 Excellent condition 342-1927, after 5pm1118 MEN'S RALEIGH 25" touring Racks pump, misc including tools riding clothes shoes, etc 485-4281 evenings SECOND NATURE L-) USED BIKES ~ New and used pads tor the tourist racer commuter and cruiser BUY SELL TRADE 1712 Willamette 343 5362 Cars & Cycles '76 MUSTANG It 4 cyl . 4 speed 28 mpg Exc condition S2100/OBO Terry 343 738411-21 St VW CAMPER Runs well Rebuilt engine 11000 firm 345-0381 11-18 1960 IE CAR Good condition Must sell Sunroof, stereo, etc Call Jose 485-9705 11-21 Wanted WANTED 2 tickets to Rodger Whitaker s Concert Main floor seats 683-5184 __ 11 16 CRAFTSPEOPLE to submit work for EMU CraH Center's Christmas Craft Fair Jury dates Mon Nov 14 Tues Nov 15 Call EMU CRAFT CENTER tor into 686 4361 11 15 EXOTIC DANCERS $150 per hour plus tips Serious in guides only 746-2042 11 25 A A Cash paid lor gold class rings and gold or silver lewelry One ounce class rings brings *103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch for flourscent signs on left side Open 7 days a week A A WANTED Ladies To drink Free Champagne on Thursday night at O’Callahan’s Help Wanted PHOTO TECH NEEDED Must have ex perience using an enlarger Knowledge of film development and photo screen ing helpful Needs to be available Tues day and Thursday afternoons 2-6 pm Prefer someone with career interest in photography field Apply It 300 EMU Applications close Nov 17 The ODE is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportune ty Employer. 11-1_7 WANTED TUTOR 3 to 4 hours per week Accounting 260 Phone 687-1603 Will pay S5 per hour11 16 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM IS SEEKING A PUBLICITY RECRUITMENT COORDINATOR. This person is responsible for developing implementing, evaluating and documentating of volunteer and leader ship postilions in the program This in volves advertising class visitations and news letter publication The Publicity and Recruitment Coordinator must have good communication skills, a sense of responsibility and a commit ment to professionalism Compensa lion options are negotiable Application packets are available in the ESCAPE of fice (325 EMU) Completed packets are due Tuesday November 22 at 5 00 p m For more information contact Mary David or Ahrea Summers at the ESCAPE office X4351 ESCAPE is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer __1165 11-21 POSITION IN LEADERSHIP The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has an opening lor the position of Registration Coordinator The position requires in terpersonal and organizational skills, experience in group process, self motivation, and the ability to motivate others A background in computers is desired but not required Respon sibrlities include preparing registration materials, training staff in the registra tion process and identytying registra tion problems Compensation options include credit, work-study, or stipend Commitment is 21 hours per week Ap plications are available in the ESCAPE office, room 327 EMU. and are due by Tuesday 22. November 1983 at 5 00 pm For Information, call Fred or Ahrea at 686 4351 ESCAPE Is an Equal Oppor tunity '/} Affirmative Action Employer __ _1166 It 21 WANTED: Male College Student lo be Big Brother V? Tutor to 10 year old boy in exchange lor Iree room and board Need your help, good humor, knowledge ol kids, dirt bikes, and grow mg up We can provide you with a I ami ly (1 mom. 1 son. 1 daughter) good meals and a room ol your own Hope you are someone who loves kids. dogs, and cats, and will bring your stereo' Country living (lor now) 4 miles Irom LCC. or 8 miles Irom UO 15-20 min drive All references will be checked Call 345 1501 days ask tor Kalhy tt 18 WANTED: MASTER OF CEREMONIES tor O Callahan s Oregon Snow Bunny competition Tuesday nights only Hours vary 150 per night Speech/Orama background preferred Call 343-1221 for appointment 11-21 Health Food Industry Telemarketing and some store sales Top quality, high velocity products Part-time, minimum wage Send resume to Box 2791, Eugene, OR 97402 OVERSEAS JOBS- SummerWyear round Europe. S Amer . Austrailia, Asia All fields S500-S1200 monthly Sightseeing Free into Write IJC. Box 52 OR3 Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 12 9 Roommates PARR TOWER Housing Cooperative has three immediate openings Come to 1648 Alder or call Mara at 345-9163 _1117 CAN MEN FIX DINNER? CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS? Can 24 to 40 women and men run a cooperative household with non-sexist principles? Would you like to help us? We are near campus, cook both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, and at a reasonable cost Please check us out tor this term, or next term Campbell Club 1670 Alder. 686-5189 task tor Jima) or Janet Smith House. 1790 Alder, 686-4261 (ask tor Laura)978:MWF PARR TOWER A student owned and operated housing cooperative is accepting applications for winter term Come to 1648 Alder or call Mara at 345-916311-29 THINKING OF MOVING OUT? We re looking lor a responsible, easygoing roomate to share comfortable, four bedroom house beginning January 1 Cali 683-0820 lor information 11-21 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE close to cam pus Yard, washer/dryer, storage, quiet neighborhood S100 month Call Myron 343-7007 evenings, x3169 to leave message 11 16 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485 4600 Bob Bennett Realty _632 tin UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom, furnished at *140/month Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at $111/month. Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at $116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Depl 686 4277787 tin ygj Ea(| 14,h One block from campus Furnished studio with private bath Share kitchen with one other Laundry facilities Covered parking available UTILITIES PAID Manager 344-0219 Bennett Management 460 East 2nd 485 8991 Moving? Emerald Apts are renting two bedroom apts for winter & spring term 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in apartment storage & all at convenient campus location $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 or 683-8919 or DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD 0000000083000830000000 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 4856322. 4850062, 344 1625 332:tfn CLOSE TO CAMPUS From now through June lor $245 Call 245 5575 or 342 2369_1 T 16 1441 FERRY. NO. 1 Classic 1 bedroom unfurnished in con verted older home Electric heat, water /garbage paid Extra basement storage No pets $185 345-7368 V I P 1171ttn 1255 MILL STREET NO LEASE 2 bedrooms furnished, tree cable, dishwashers, balconies some fireplaces, covered parking, laundry, heated summer pool Ken 345-4322 11-18 Dorm Contracts HELP! Quiet, single, female room in Carson Hall up for grabs Room includes large closet and free refrigerator Available now or for next term Call 345-6769 and ask tor Emily Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Aider. Free maid service 686 1075 821 tfn Lost/Found Fountain Pen Lost: Reward $25. 342-3545. After 6pm ___ 11-18 LOST: SPIRAL NOTEBOOK Compren ttve exam inside Nov 11 near ERB(slreet) Reward 344 947611-17 KATHY COOPER: tound your notebook Locate at Lost and Found 11-17 LOST Brown zippered attache contain ing irreplacable negatives and prints Substantial reward for return Call Jim 343-4049 11 21 Food/Drink sSUBIMV51 32 04 COKE (or other soft drink) 490 (expires 12/5/83) 1304 HILYARO NOVEMBER SALE BANANA SPLITS 990 CAMPUS DAIRY QUEEN 706 EAST 13th Kona Cafe All you can eat Beggars Banquet Cream of Chicken Biscuits and salad Wed. 4-8 pm $3.50. 11 16 HOMESTYLE SOUP. FRENCH BREAD A BUTTER. . . 24 HOURS DUNKIN' DONUTS It's worth the trip 4SS EAST BROADWAY 1164 11-21 EVENTS A SELF-HELP PROGRAM on Ceivical Caps will be presented by the Portland Feminist Women's Health Center on Tubs , Nov. 29, from 10 am-1 pm Cer vical Caps will be available for fitting and tor sale Preregistration is required Call Women's Referral and Resource at 686 3327 before Nov 25 1050:11 21 LOST AND FOUND SALE Wed. 11-16 9:30 am-4:30 pm Rms. 110-111 EMU Sponsored by EMU Rec Center. 1140:11-16 From Ireland tor a very limited U S tour, the world recognized spokesper son against the British occupation of Ireland Bernadette Devlin McAliskey Wednesday, Nov. 16th 8:00 pm EMU Ballroom Students $1.50 Non-Students $2.50 Tickets will be available only at the door Presented by EMU Cultural Forum and the ASUO 1141:11-16 Ski Touring Nov. 15-22 Outdoor Program Wednesday Discussion and display of equipment Thursday Clothing and prevention of cold related injuries Saturday A Sunday Ski Outings Tuesday Nordic Downhill. All events are at 7 pm in Outdoor Pro gram and are Free More info 686-4365 1149:11-22 1 r VOLVO Owners Alpineimport / /Service \x Sp«'( Mitsfs in Volvo vt*rvit e We offer a preventive maintenance/safety inspection for FREE 12th & Main, Spld • 72b latm $ MONEYS Yes! Everybody Needs It! Obviously you’re an ambitious individual furthering your education. Just the type of person we’re looking for to staff our office phones. Due to the expansion of our company we have part time positions available. For an interview, call Carpet Brite 746-5000 Still gotta type the paper you wrote last night? Check ODE Classifieds