THE OREGON SOCIAL LEARNING CENTER needs parents wishing to pro vide short-term homes tor boys under age 15 who have violated the law Finan cial and professional support is provid ed during the four to six months the boys will stay with the families Call Ir ma at 485-2711 for more information 11-15 OVERSEAS JOBS- SummerViyear round Europe. S Amer, Austrailia. Asia All fields *500-31200 monthly Sightseeing Free info Write IJC, Box 52-OR3, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 12-9 EXCELLENT INCOME for part time home assembly work. For info call 504-641 8003 Ext 88871115 POSITION IN LEADERSHIP The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has an opening lor the position of Registration Coordinator. The position requires In terpersonal and organizational skills, experience in group process, seif motivation. and the ability to motivate others. A background In computers Is desired but not required. Respon sibilities include preparing registration materials, training stall in the registra tion process and Identyfying registra tion problems. Compensation options include credit, work-study, or stipend Commitment is 21 hours per week. Ap plications are available In the ESCAPE office, room 327 EMU, and are due by Tuesday 22, November 1983 at 5:00 pm. For Information, call Fred or Ahrea at 886-4351 ESCAPE is an Equal Oppor tunity Vi Affirmative Action Employer. 1166:11-21 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty.632:tln FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close lo campus. *195 lo *275 4856322, 485 0062, 344 1625 332ttn UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom, furnished at *140/month; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, lurnished at *111/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at *116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686 4277 787:tfn 735 East 14th One block from campus Furnished studio with private bath. Share kitchen with one other. Laundry facilities. Covered parking available. UTILITIES PAID Manager 3444)219 Bennett Menegement 460 East 2nd 485-6991 1045:tfn Moving? Emerald Apis are renting two bedroom apts for winter & spring term 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage & all at convenient campus location. $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 683-8919 or DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD 1085:tfn CLOSE TO CAMPUS From now through June tor *245 Call 245-5575 or 342-2369 M-16 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 AMar. Free maid service 686-1075 821 :t(n Dorm Contracts AVAILABLE WINTER TERM Univ Inn multiple Will pay deposit Paul 686-624411-15 Ul CONTRACT lor sale Deposit Paid Beginning Winter Term Call Les 686-6054 11-18 Lost/Found LOST AT EMU COURTYARD Deep blue red London University color SCARF Sentimental value Please return to Dr A*ad Dunn Hall 686-4272 11-15 Fountain Pen Lost: Reward $25. 342-3545. After 6pm Food/Drink NOVEMBER SALE BANANA SPLITS 990 CAMPUS DAIRY QUEEN 706 EAST 13th HOMESTYLE SOUP. FRENCH BREAD * BUTTER. . . 24 HOURS DUNKIN* DONUTS it’s worth the trip 4«5 EAST BROADWAY _ 1164:11-21 Q. Where can you buy 2 foot long sandwiches and get-one free every Wednesday? ‘vSUBtU®^ 1304 HILYARD 484-6955 EVENTS A SELF-HELP PROGRAM on Cervical Caps will be presented by the Portland Feminist Women's Health Center on Tues., Nov. 29, from 10 am-1 pm. Cer vical Caps will be available for fitting and for sale Preregistration is required Call Women's Referral and Resource at 686 3327 before Nov. 25. 1050:11 21 INTERNSHIPS: Come listen to student interns describe various internship programs available at the U of O. Wed, Nov. 16 6:30 pm in the Dad s Room 1162:11-15 Ira* lecture and discussion Trends and Prospects in the Middle East David Ramin consul general of Israel Israeli conslute SF Tues. Nov 15 101 EMU 7 pm sponsored ISFI (Israeli Student Faculty Institue) and ASUO Please be prompt 11-15 THE ASUO PRESENTS CRISIS IN CENTRAL AMERICA: AN EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE Nov. 17*19 TODAY’S EVENTS feature FILMS in ROOM 101 EMU 2 pm: Americas In Transition 3 pm: Roses In December MORE TO COME! For a full schedule of the week’s events please call or come by the ASUO, Suite 4, EMU, 686-3724. LONG ISLAND ICE TEA Parly Night Tuesday at O’Callahan’s 1153:11-15 From Ireland for a very limited U S. tour, the world recognized spokesper son against the British occupation of Ireland.. Bernadette Devlin McAliskey Wednesday, Nov. 16th 8:00 pm EMU Ballroom Students $1.50 Non-Students $2.50 Tickets will be available only at the door Presented by EMU Cultural Forum and the ASUO 1141:11 16 Ski Touring Nov. 15-22 Outdoor Program Tuesday Ski-Touring Movies Wednesday Discussion and display of equipment Thursday Clothing and prevention of cold related injuries Saturday A Sunday Ski Outings Tuesday Nordic Downhill All events are at 7 pm in Outdoor Pro gram and are Tree More into. 686-4365 1149 11 22 Entertainment I l p mncc rOCKLnn , HOT FUDGE l. SUNDAES 99* EVERY TUESDAY 686 E. 13th 861 Willamette _ 620:1' It may be cold outside, but it’s hot and steamy at University Theatre! Opening December 1 Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Tennessee Williams' classic tale of greed, guilt, and misunderstanding among the members of a rich, bawdy Southern Family. December 1-3, 8-10 Robinson Theatre 8 pm. All seats reserved. Tickets on sale now at the Robinson Theatre Box Office, Villard Hall Open Mon-Sat.. 12-4 pm or call 686 4191 1156:11 16 IT’S BACK FOLKS! FREE DINING ROOM ENTERTAINMENT and COFFEE. Wednesday Night No». 16, 7-9 pm Featuring Le Jazz Hot Stop by for a taste Sponsored by the Cultural Forum Coffee compliments of our gracious food service 11-16 THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th U6-BIJU STUDENT ADMISSION S2.S0 Anytime, with ID A tee card KOYAANISQATSI “A WONDERFUL FILM . . .rich in ideas and overpowering beauty I was amazed and moved by it." Gene Slake! • At The SUNDAY THURSDAY C:30 A 8:30 PM FRIDAY-SATURDAY 7:30 A 9:30 PM SAT-SUN MATINEE 4:45 PM Coming: Ingmar Bergman's FANNY A ALEXANDER BIJOU LATE NITE DARK STAR A truly wacked-oul sci-fi comedy from the director ot Halloween and writer of Allen. WEONESDAY-THURSDAY 11 pm *2 FRI-SAT MIDNIGHT 82.50 Next: A Clockwork Orange 11-18 4JNEMA i s PREMIERE THRU NOV. 16 Oscar 1982 Best Foreign Film TO BEGIN AGAIN Thursday Saturday at 7:30 pm Sunday Wednesday at 7 pm A 8:50 AM shows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee _ _ Personals (lira! Oroffon Itunp’i' <<»ni|nin(| OPEN DAILY TILL MIDNIGHT 13th Am at High St. 344 5221 Eugene, Oregon ATTENTION STUDENTS Limited Otter Complete Style to Cut Ladies S10 Mens SB Mon-Tues-Wed 747-3390 406 Main Springfield HAIR DESIGNERS LIMITED 11-18 LOST AND FOUND SALE Wed. 11-16 9:30 am-4:30 pm Rms. 110-111 EMU Sponsored by EMU Rec Center. 1140:11-16 ANHEUSER BUSCH Speaking on; Mktg. Strategy and Sales Promotion Tuesday Nov. 15 7-9pm. 337 Gil Sponsored by UO Mktg. Assoc. 11-15 Gel fast, dependable service 821 t. 13» Ave 355:U PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing. Birthright 687-8651. PROGRESSIVE FASHION Our pre-holiday sale continues with sav ings of 10-30*/. off all clothing in the store Sale ends soon so hurrry in 770 E. 11th (next to Mayflower Theatre) Mon Fri 10:30 5:30. Sat 11:00 5:00 345 4097 11-16 GIRLS! Is acne still a problem? Then treat your face to Fortunate Facial Care. All 100*/. money back guaranteed it you are not satisfied All natural. Call Gretta. Local Distributor 345-4402_ 11-21 MANOY: Meet me at O’Callahan’s Wednesday Night for $1 DRINK NIGHT MARCO 1155:1116 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Janet Your loving bro. XXOO Chris. Ail Fail Pledges The pledge parly is tomorrow night Get together with your pledge class and plan on being there. At KE from 9-12pm. 11 15 TO DISILLUSIONED NICE OUY IN CAR SON: Don't give up ! There are lots of nice girls out there who seek your rare qualities. Which floor do you live on ? NICE QIRL IN CARSON.I11S SAE MATT CUTTER: Thanks for a fan tastic and "dangerous" weekend Too bad we didn't get snowed in! Love, your Crescent Lake H D. Date. 1161.11-15 Michelle Now you're legal, will It still be fun? You bet. Luv ya NAG11-15 8JERKE: X consultants onsker deg lykke til paa kampen lordag Rabbit 11-15 W.T You've pissed me off for the last lime You've got one week to put your affairs in order. N.D.11-15 Tony Moran Happy 18th Cutie! Love. Ale*. Heeb-hare-heesh, Clipper. the Wookie, and Wolfe_11-15 Janet Fowkes. Here’s to your 21 er. Leanne 11-15 HEY BIG “J” You're finally legal ! But don’t tell Ren nies. they'll be embarassed ! Happy 21er you wild and crazy girl you ! Love, OigfandGigi - ' 11-15 Men of Signma Nu We re looking forward to our Sleep-A Thon for the Heart Association! Love, The Alpha Phis 11-15 STUD NUGGET JEFF. I had a great time as your date last weekend at the lake Thanks, your favorite pup.VMS “Big Boobs” Happy 20tfi! Love always. Roo 11-15 jvpercutr We cut hair for your ego. not ours 2526 Willamette 683-1405 Mon Fri 9 am 8 pm Sat 9 am-7 pm Sunday 11 a m 4 pm Q: What’s better than a shot in the dark? A: A Resume from ODE Graphic Services! PRE SEASON TUNE-UP SPECIAL Base Repair Flat Filing Custom Wet Belting Hot Wax NOW ONLY $995 And...bring your skis in now and we ll apply HOT WAX FREE! Downhill and Cross-Country Ski Headquarters for over 25 years. jfou Are Invited v—;rCenter and other events Our First Meeting is Tonight • 6-9 p.m. Tuesday Nov. 15, 5130 Fox Hollow Rd. If you need a ride, meet at 1936 E. 17th (past Villard on 17th) at 5:45 — 342-5023 Sponsored by First Congregational Church United Church of Christ A Liberal Minded Church for Free Discussion It's ok to have doubts — In fact we expect it. Together we seek the answers. Church 345-8741 • Tues. Eve. 342-8030