et al. MEETINGS IFC MEETING Wednesday at 3:30 D m in Room 109 EMU SUABwill meet today at 3:30 in Century F, EMU ALPHA PHI OMEGA general meeting today at 6:30 p.m. in Room 109 EMU. All members please attend THE ASIAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION will hold its general meeting today at 4:30 p.m, in the second lloor lounge. Friendly Hall. All interested students and faculty are welcome GALA will hold its business meeting Irom 3:30 to 4:30 p m today in Room 318 EMU Call 686^3360 for more information INTERESTED IN A PEACE STUDIES program al the University of Oregon? Come to a meeting of the Commit tee tor Peace Studies. Wednesday. Nov. 16. at 5:30 p m., at the Koirtonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St. All are welcome. Call ext.3724 for more information. THE JEWISH STUDENT UNION and Hillel Board will meet at Guido's Restaurant (on the corner of 13th and Alder) today at 6 p m A lecture will follow at 7 p.m LECTURES FREE LECTURE TODAY: David Ramin-Consul BLOOM COUNTY amr, m just ft(AMP A KFUM> CHBCKFimm I.R.S ammR irum oh, that's $1,8 MIUION GREAT, POP BUY'iWKSiLF A NEW CAR - . t N0WU50K HERE. MISTER 'HACKER" V USTEN. tW... IF W (WIT KEER IT, ITU JUST 0010 BOILP NUCCEAR BOMBS by Berke Breathed LOOK.A POUT vmm... 0UICKS OR BOMS, POP. CINCH ' a General. Israeli Consulate will speak on "Trends and Prospects in the Middle East" at 7 pm. in Room 101 EMU INTERVIEWS ANHEUSER BUSCHrepresentatiye will be on campus today in Room 137 Gilbert from 7 to 9 p.m. Sponsored by the Marketing Association. WANT TO KNOW MORE about internships? An infer mative panel discussion featuring six different intern ship options will be held on Wednesday. November 16. from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the EMU Dad's Room MISCELLANEOUS THE LESBIAN DISCUSSION GROUP will meet at 1236 Kilncaid St. from 5 30 to 7 p.m. This is a social card play ing and finger painting event. Call 686-3360 for more information. THE EMERALD ORCHESTRA PRESENTSthe first of its season of free concerts at 7:30 p.m on Sunday. November 20. at the Eugene Hilton Conference Center Lobby LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE career information center presents “Nontraditional Women's Careers Panel Discussion: Is There Work After Training?" with Carolyn Powell, energy technician; Christine Frazier, auto mechanic/cooperative garage owner; Mary Walston, computer software systems installer and trainer on Thursday, November 17, at LCC's main campus from 3 to 4 p.m in Room 219 Call 747-4501 ext 2802 for more information THE LANE WOMEN'S POLITICAL CAUCUS will be holding a bake sale on Friday. November 18. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. directly in front of the University of Oregon 8ookstore. The proceeds from this fundraising event will assist LWPC, a nonprofit organization, in its goal of electing feminist candidates to public office If you're in terested in baking, staffing the event, or more informa tion regarding LWPC. please call Renee at 746-2886 ON DISPLAY THROUGH November at Oregon Art Supply Co. are various works by talented local artists, in cluding: oik by Janette Hopper; drawings by Robert Hugo Paapanen, drawings by Mark Lakeman, watercoiors by Stacy Davidson; watercoiors, litho by Dave McKay; watercoiors by J Mehringer; oil, charcoal by Norm Rosenberger. and watercoiors, porcelain masks by S. Sams Oregon Art Supply is located on 13th Avenue near Hilyard For further information, please call 683-ARTS. CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP TO BE OFFERED by the Lane Community College's Consumer and Homemaking Education Program on Friday,November 18, 9 a m. until noon at the Springfield Public Library or Monday, November 21. 9 a.m. until noon at the Eugene Public Library. Preregistration is required. To preregister, call Linda Knotts at 747-4501, ext 2533 THE ASUO’S CRISIS IN CENTRAL America con ference presents two free films from 2 to 4 p.m today in Room 101 EMU: "Americas in Transition," "Roses in December." For more information and complete schedules, drop by the ASUO Office Suite 4 EMU, or call 686-3724 Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads Ibat are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible tor more than one day's incorrect adver tising insertion The ODE s liability for typographical errors, incorrect in sertions. or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges for such portion ol space occupied by the er ror If your ad appears incorrectly, call 6*6 4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day's issue RATES: Rates are IS cants per word lor the first day and 13 cants par word for consecutive days the ad is run without change SI.SO minimum for the first Insertion $1.30 minimum lor consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AD CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office. 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686*4343 MasterCard For Sale 1*71 DATSUN S10 NEW clutch, ex haust. tires, hoses, brake hoses 30.000 miles on new head 38-30 mpg $700 firm Call evenings 345 9007 or 343 2484 VMS GIBSON LES PAUL JR. $285 PRE CBS Fender Concert $300 Bob Johnson. 344-7069 afternoons 11-18 Services EDITING, RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, stat analysis and typing Tele: 1-223-8491 (Portland) 12-8 CHEZ A CARP, ATTORNEYS Immlgra lion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342-875112-12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU. Students 1Q*/» discount with current ID )ln SENIORS. GRADS We II help you get your career started We re Student Oata Listing. Call 689-4083. 9-5 for more info 1031:11-15 WORD WORKS Quality editing All sub jects Research and typing Jerry, 484-6593Ml SENIORS. GRADS We II help you get your career starled We re Student Data Listing. Call 689-4083. 9-5 for more info 1031 11 15 TYPEWRITER REPAIR Cleanings S Repairs Low rales FREE Pick up Delivery Call tor appointment Ken’s Typewriter Service 689 7411 11-15 LAFLER SILKSCREEN SWEATSHIRTS! 20 vibrant colors 343-2306, 342 1927 385 Lawrence St. 1160 11 23 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 345-8185. 334 tfn TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery. Call Carole at MB 3963. 514:tfn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 4B4-1B46 748:tln FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 464-9405 658:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342 5238 Editing: 345-5071 144:1 In PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad approv ed Near campus. 344-075B. 513:tfn DYNAMIC TT PINO SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup & delivery available 485-3914 583 tin TYPING GUARANTEED" 345-5014 Ruth 345 5614 _465 UH TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith, 746-6738 789:tln WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quail ly work Correcting Selectric II Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved Call Doris 484 1049 1041 UWH QUALITY TYPING Electric, sell correcting equipment Editing available Joyce 344-9956 11-28 TYPING WANTED Term papers Thesis-Resumes Fast Accurate IBM Self-Correcting 85' double space page 344-5856 1157:11 16 TYPING AND/OR WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, papers, diagrams, tables, including statistical Law Papers, Resume Composition. 8 Mass Mailing Specialists Fast. Proles sional. Quality Service. Guaranteed BRANDY 484-0044ICINDY: 484 5454 :098 tin Instruments REPAIR-SERVICE-PARTS on all stringed instruments We build acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 1417V* OLIVE 464-0615 953MU Sound Systems MARANTZ 0 DRIVE lull auto turntable AKAI 40 watt receiver OPTONICA cassette Excellent condition $300 683 5053 11 16 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25*/. to 50% oft list prices New Books Text Books-Clitf Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 362 tin Bicycles RED TAG SALE FUJI » CENTURION 20 bikes reduced Models start at $169 Excellent values on HEADLIGHTS BE SAFE BE SEEN rus BIKE SHOP & Monroe 344-2175 10-SPEED 22" frame New brakes, book rack $70 Excellent condition. 342-1927, after 5pm 11-18 2 FREE TIRES with each bicycle overhaul (across from Prince Puckler's) _343-70— Cars & Cycles 1975 DATSUN B 210 FtebuUt engine in excellent condition 86.000 miles Great MPG $1250 Call 485-0237 11 15 ‘76 MUSTANG II 4 cyl , 4 speed 28 mpg Exc condition $2100/OBO Terry 343 7384U-21 1972 OLDS 4 door runs and looks great PS, PB $895 or best 343-9218 11 15 Wanted CRAFTSPEOPLE to submit work for EMU Craft Center’s Christmas Craft Fair Jury dates Mon Nov 14 Tues Nov 15. Call EMU CRAFT CENTER for info. 686-4361_11-15 EXOTIC DANCERS $150 per hour plus tips Serious in quiries only 746-204211-25 WANTED Ladies To drink Free Champagne on Thursday night at O’Callahan’s 1154 11-17 WANTED: 2 tickets to Rodger Whitaker's Concert Main tloor seats 683 5184 11 16 Opportunities TEACH A CLASS or workshop winter term through SEARCH, tor credit or tor fun. All subjects welcome Deadlines are approaching; call 686-4305 or stop by the SEARCH office at EMU Mill for details 1037:11-15 Help Wanted PHOTO TECH NEEDED Must have ex perience using an enlarger Knowledge of film development and photo screen ing helpful Needs to be available Tues day and Thursday afternoons 2-6 pm Prefer someone with career interest in photography field Apply 1t 300 EMU Applications close Nov 17 The ODE is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportune ty Employer. 11-17 Health Food Industry Telemarketing and some store sales Top quality, high velocity products Part-time, minimum wage Send resume to Box 2791, Eugene. OR 97402 WANTED TUTOR 3 to 4 hours per week Accounting 260 Phone 687 1603 Will pay S5 per hour11-16 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM IS SEEKING A PUBLICITY RECRUITMENT COORDINATOR This person is responsible for developing, implementing, evaluating and documentating of volunteer and leader ship postitions in the program. This in volves advertising, class visitations and news letter publication. The Publicity and Recruitment Coordinator must have good communication skills, a sense of responsibility and a commit ment to professionalism Compensa tion options are negotiable Application packets are available in the ESCAPE of fice (325 EMU) Completed packets are due Tuesday November 22 at 5:00 p.m For more information contact Mary David or Ahrea Summers at the ESCAPE office, X4351 ESCAPE is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 1165:11-21 Food Service i Now there are TWO Food Vans to serve you ✓ Freshly Baked Croissants ^ Sandwiches s Fresh Fruit s Yogurt ✓ Hot and Cold Drinks Look for our new food van at Chapman Hall, 8 am 2pm We're still at our regular location at the Library turnaround 9 30 am 2 pm Rent an Apple lie -by the month -by the hour • Apple lie