Oregon beats Stanford, ends Bay Area blues PALO ALTO, Calif. — Oregon's football team ended its Bay Area jinx Saturday afternoon against Stanford University. The Ducks, winless since 1979 in the Bay Area, finally end ed that winless skein with a 16-7 Pac-10 victory over the Car dinal. Oregon's last win in the Bay Area was, ironically, a 16-7 win over Stanford in 1979. The victory moves the Ducks' conference record to 3-3 and their pverall record to 4-6. Stanford fell to 1-6 and 1-9. ''It was a good win for us because we haven’t played well in the Bay Area in a long time," said Oregon coach Rich Brooks. "It was nice to finally break through and get a win down there." Oregon's win came via an agressive defense, a freshman quarterback and a solid running game. The Ducks held the Cardinal to 334 total yards and put a damper on Stanford's highly-touted passing game, as corner back Danny McCalister picked off two |ohn Paye aerials and freshman linebacker Grant Core swiped another. At the same time, Oregon's running game clicked for 253 yards, its biggest ouput since a win over University of Califor nia five weeks ago. Alex Mack led Oregon rushers with 63 yards on seven car ries, including a 29-yard blast in the fourth quarter. Oregon freshman quarterback Chris Miller, thrust into his first action last week against UCLA, completed 9 of 15 passes for 98 yards and had a hand in the Ducks' only touchdown, a five-yard scoring pass to tight end Doug Herman. "Chris did a good job in his first start," said Brooks. "We wanted to keep the pressure off him by running the football." Oregon jumped to a 13-0 halftime lead on the strength of Miller's TD pass and two Paul Schwabe field goals — one from 51 yards out. After Stanford closed to 13-7 in the third quarter, a 47-yard field goal by Schwabe with 1:39 left to play sealed the victory. et al. MEETINGS STUDENTS FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE(SNUFF) meet today at 5:30 in Room 108 EMU All interested students are encouraged to attend THE JOURNALISM SCHOOL will host a series ol live career orientation meetings Professionals will offer suggestions, answers and advice The series starts to day with Broadcasting from 3 to 5 p m.. Room 211 Allen THE JEWISH STUDENT UNIONand Hillel Board will meet at Guido's Restaurant (on the corner ot 13th and Alder) Tuesday at 6 p.m A lecture will follow at 7 p m INTERVIEWS pAupiic INTFRI/IFW^ (CHECK IN CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT FOR QUALIFICATIONS) NOV. 21, 22 — U S Marine Corps (For Officer) NOV. 22 — Carter Wallace. Inc (Wallace Laboratories) BLOOM COUNTY Tk G&AJ IAACSIRO ONU MAIN 5/75 Btfone his iNsmmurr PPfSMNb FOR HIS 6RBATB5T cHAuiNoe■■ -MearmNK ACCOUNT Fite. FIRST, A MLP cajfss at mwssimp.. by Berke Breathed mssMW "KARL MAAX" ARPRWtP PROceep OReAT mesTROi, UKe wm CARtTAustb, me a Keen seNse of Hum neme comm' THANK W. QUK.T IN m CWtCONV, IUA% (For Pharmaceutical Sales Rep). PLEASE SIGN UP immediately if interested in inter viewing with the following recruiters: NOV 14, 15 — U S Marine Corps (For Officer) Also at EMU NOV 15 —NCR Corporation (1 EDP Systems — For Sales Rep; 2 Business Forms 4 Supplies — For Sales Rep) NOV 15 — Jones & Roth. P C (For Staff Accountant or Accounting Intern). NOV 15 — Paradyne Corporation (For Sales Representative) NOV 15 — U S Naval Ocean Systems Center (For: Training Program — Computer Scion tists/Physicists/Mathematicians/Electronics Engineers) Min GPA 2 9 NOV 16 — Golden Gate University, School of Law (For Law School) Group Meeting 2 to 2:30 pm. Room 108 EMU NOV 16 — National Oceanic/Atmospheric Administra tion (For Officer — NOAA Corps) Group Meeting — 8:30 to 9 am. Room 240 Susan Campbell Hall NOV 17 — Pitney Bowes (For Sales). MISCELLANEOUS ON DISPLAY through November at Oregon Art Supply Co. are various works by local artists including: oil by Janette Hopper; drawings by Robert Hugo Paapanen; drawings by Mark Lakeman; watercolors by Stacy David son, Watercolor.Litho by Dave McKay; Watercolors by J Mehrilnger; oil, charcoal by Norm Rosenberger. and watercolors, porcelain masks by S Sams. Forfurther in formation please call 683-ARTS. WOMEN IN TRANSITION Brown Bag Lunches Today from 11:30 to 12:30 at the Faculty Club Everyone is invited THE ASUO’S CRISIS IN CENTRAL AMERICA Con ference presents films from 2 to 4 p m. today in 101 EMU: “Attack on the Americas," “EL Salvador; Another VietNam," and “The Cost of Cotton." FREE. For more information or complete schedules, drop by the ASUO, Suite 4 EMU, 686-3724 A CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP TO BE offered Lane Community College's Consumer and Homemaking Education Program will be offering alternatives to a commercialized, hectic Christmas during a free workshop entitled "Unplug The Christmas Machine “ Friday, November 18, 9 a m. until 12 noon at the Spr ingfield Public Library or Monday, November 21, 9 a m until noon at the Eugene Public Library. Child care will be available on request at the Springfield Library only Preregistration is required To preregister, call Linda Knotts at 747-4501, ext. 2533 AUDITIONS FOR “WEST SIDE STORY:” all those in terested in auditioning should attend an organizational meeting today in Room 201 Villard Hall at 7 p.m You do not have to be a music, dance or theatre major to try out CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE, 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARO DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday s paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible lor more than on* day's incorrect adver tising insertion The ODE s liability tor typographical errors, incorrect in sertions. or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges for such portion of space occupied by the er ror It your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 pi.' tor correction in the next day s issue RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word tor the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change $1.50 minimum lor the first insertion $1.20 minimum for consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AD CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us display classifieds are available at the ODE office. 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 For Sale KING SIZE WATERBED mattress and heater 180 Ernie 485 3660 686 4137 ___1114 1971 OATSUN 510 NEW clutch, ex haust. tires, hoses, brake hoses 20.000 miles on new head 28 30 mpg S700 firm Call evenings 345 9007 or 342 2484 __n 18 1974 SAAB 99. Excellent condition 30mpg S1700 343 4586,9 9pm 11-14 GIBSON LES PAUL JR. f10p60sM2PRE CBS Fender Concert *300 Bob Johnson, 344-7069 eftemoons. 11-18 Buy & Sell CASH lor used records and cassettes Guaranteed highest prices paid in Eugene' 342«245 686 tin THE BUY It SELL CENTER Buy Sail Trad* Metronomes, music stands and music accessories discounted 361 West 5th 613 MF Services EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes slat analysis and typing Tele 1 223-8491 (Portland) 12 8 TYPEWRITER REPAIR Cleanings & Repairs Low rates FREE Pick up-Delivery Call tor appointment Kan’* Typewriter Service 689 7411 11-15 CHEZ 6 CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra lion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 12 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tin SENIORS. GRADS We ll help you get your career started We re Student Data Hating. Call 689 4083. 9-5 lor more info 1031 11 15 WORD WORKS Quality editing Alt sub jects Research and typing Jerry, 484-6593 Ml SENIORS. GRADS We II help you get your career started We re Student Oata Listing. Call 689-4083. 9-5 tor more info 1031 11 15 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 345 6155 334 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick up and delivery Call Carole at 688 3983. 514 tin RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by OOE Graphic Services We will give your lobsearch the professional edge Call 686 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10*4 discount with current ID TFN ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 494-1646 __748 ttn TYp|NQ/EDmNQ Call Sara 686-0736 __575 WHFM UH FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selective Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484-9405 _ __658:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342 5238. Editing 345-5071 144:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0759. 513:ttn II quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED is "THE” TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed. Grad School approved BARBARA LAND 345-3414 ___523 tin PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations 2 blocks from UO No job too small Jennlter 485 3883 542 HFM OYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup & delivery available 485 3914 583 ttn PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345-0747 366:MWF TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith, 746-6738 789:ttn EXPERIENCED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III Call Mina between 8 am and 10 pm al 726-9824 _851 MW TYPING AND/OR WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, papers, diagrams, tables, including statistical Law Paper*, Resume Composition, A Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast. Proles sional. Quality Service. Guaranteed CINDY 484 5454/BRANDY: 484 6044 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Experienced in all levels 887 8326 1070MWF QUALITY TYPING Electric, sell correcting equipment. Editing available Joyce 344-9956 11-26 TYPING & RESUME High quality, low cost, rush service 3 Blocks trom campus John 683-8657 11-14 Instruments REPAIR-SERVICE PARTS on all stringed instruments We build acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 141715 OLIVE 484-0615 953 MU Most new i GUITARS ! in stock are PRICE with this coupon Case must be purchased with most guitars Layaways, but no trades. With this coupon you can buy a set of GUITAR STRINGS for 1/2 PRICE Limited to 4 sets per customer Coupons valid through November 30. 1983 — Limited to Mock. M-F 10-7 (Closed noon hour) Sat until 4 LTD "Fox Hollow" Bus Park at our front door 380 E. 40th Eugene • 345 8289 Aipineimport / /Service\'1 Spec iali«»ts in Volvo servue Owners We offer a preventive maintenance/safety inspection for FREE 12th & Main, Spld. • 72b-1808 MBMTIE Wn®E(0) Corner of 19th & Agate WEEKDAY MOVIE SPECIAL! Bring in this coupon and rent a video recorder for $6.95 and get one FREE MOVIE RENTAL! OMer expires U/17/ 83 *** 5j< * *-*fc 5|C sfc 5fC CHAMPAGNE£ LIQUIDATION^ Ladies! Join us Thursday nights at (StaHa!i0s as we attempt to liquidate our entire stock of Champagne—FREE! 9 pm - midnight * 440 Coburg Rd • 343-1221 * ****-**** Lotsa gifts & free gift wrap at your Bookstore.