ugene has a thriving music scene, consisting of every kind of band imaginable. But it's tough for la band to get established. The Emerald visited [three bands during rehearsals — The Billy Boys, Rough Mix and the Commotions — and inter viewed each about their music and the ups and downs of| I playing the bars, the clubs and the dives of Eugene. The first thing that hits you is the huge sound of a [rocking guitar welling up a narrow stairway that leads to [the basement of Earth River Records. The huge sound becomes all but overwhelming as you pass through the heavy steel door into the half-lit basement. Here, in a corner of light, the four members of The | Billy Boys rehearse. The drummer Bobby Becker is on a raised platform [with an assortment of amps flanking his drum kit. He [plays furiously, with a faraway stare and a trace of smile Ion his face. Billy Silver rocks back and forth as he plays his iFender Continued on Page 8BJ / /