police beat Here is a list of area crimes reported to the Eugene Police Department: An assault occurred on 15th Avenue at Alder Street Nov. 5 at 3:30 a m. Four suspects reportedly beat a male victim. He suffered contusions and a possible fractured jaw, accor ding to Sgt. Rick Allison of the EPD. Two male suspects were arrested for attempting to sell a controlled substance door-to-door at Walton Complex Oct. 9 at 10:40 p.m. Students complained and police later ar rested the suspects as they tried to leave the area. A stolen sawed-off shotgun was found in the suspects' vehicle. The individuals were arrested for delivery of a controlled substance and receiving stolen property. A backpack with contents valued at $58 was taken from the EMU on Nov. 2. An attempted burglary occurred Nov. 3 at the EMU when someone tried to pry open a basement door. The suspect was unsuccessful. Criminal mischief was reported at the parking lot at 15th Avenue and Moss Street. An auto was dented and its wiper blades broken. Twelve bike thefts were reported this week. Sixteen bicycles were stolen last week, not six as reported in the Emerald last week. A vehicle theft was reported at the rear parking lot of the EMU Nov. 11. Property worth $175, including cassette tapes, athletic equipment, a purse and cash, were taken. A vehicle was broken into at 15th Avenue and Alder Street Nov. 4. Many articles were taken, including the car's con vertible top worth $150. A purse was stolen from the law library Nov. 6. The con tents were valued at $265. Two transients were arrested at Lawrence Hall Nov. 7. They were sleeping in a classroom and were arrested at 5:30 a.m. Compiled by Michael Doke F*M ELECTRONICS Electronic Entertainment and Accessories ON THE CORNER OF 7th & GRANT FUTURE EXPO SALE Hundreds of items on sale! With 2 locations, 7th & Grant and The Lane County Fairgrounds This FRI.-SAT.-SUN. 3 DA YS ONL Y! 11 11,11 12. 11 13 Ad|u*tabl« Shaft AM/FM/Cassette W/Fast Forward |99 ROADSTAR IN-DASH CAR STEREO UNDER DASH CASSETTE 20 WATTS V o ROAIMTTAR PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION AVAILABLE iShilDS? iWTWWT-* $4295 10 Band 250 Watts power booster for your car stereo w/Mounting Bracket and Hardware s19 99 RS-2380U RS-2970U RS-2520U *154®* *139®* *124®* MINI HOME OR VAN STEREO SPEAKER SYSTEM 50 Watts A PAIR Q O ►S KRC-722 Retail $499 99 ^ KRC-512 Retail $399 99 rH KRC-112 V Retail $169 99 $329*s $24995 *129" LCD PEN WATCH LCD Month Date Time t #|QQ In a Ballpoint Pen ▼ X J J £0^ f ROADSTAR POWER AMPLIFIER • Remote Control Unit on Flexible Stalk • 5 Band Graphic Equalizer • Feather touch up/down Volume Control • Audio Peak Level Indicators • Volume Level Indicators • 4 Channel Power Amplifier • Fader Control • Balance Control ROADSTAR EQUALIZER BOOSTER *79“ Echo, fader 5-band ESS *64" SLIM LINE 7 BAND AUTO EQUALIZER *29“ 120 watt 700 Ft 3ange 2 Way Built In Intercom Last Number Redial Sanyo t<2000 $12900 BLAUPUNKT 95 ~ A PAIR YOUR CHOICE 6” x 9” or 5Vi” Round 3 WAY “ 100 WATTS OF POWER 19” TMK COLOR s409" 19” WITH Cl Color REMOTE Monitor Hookup USJLCR-3003 ITf * • | j 1 f DIGITAL AM/FM CASSETTE MANHATTAN *299" *239" *399" TUCSON ALL BLAUPUNKT W/FREE INSTALLATION COLOR VHS TAPE *249 99 Cordless Lake 3500 600-Ft Range *89®* I'lUt i R** Cu*»Or**»' DELUXE Telphone Alarm Clock Radio AM/FM Radio Mute $42^9 ELECTRONICS PHONE 687-0418 687-0417 f LICTHONtCS II “I FUJI T-120 $7mea 15 OR MORE $7.50 EA. MARK IIH6 T-120 $6M EA BETA TAPE L-250 nS" ea. L-750 ea. L-750HG *1 r aa. HOURS: 9 AM TO 6 PM HECKS* CASH Phone Answering System *149“ NON-REMOTE MODULE W/ REMOTE One of the easiest to use models on the market. $7g88 08NFR OF r 7th A GRANT W ^ M Mark V $7*® • On-off ringer • Last numbor redial »' • Mute switch • Compatible with all phone systems Other models with more memory end other features up to 29 9b P H O N E S CALCULATOR POCKET SIZE LCD with per cent and memory with battery STEREO SPORTS POCKET FM RADIO A HEADPHONES « laiimH $1988 AM/FM Model » -|j| WALKER TYPE CASSETTE toI I1 i PLAYERS ll 1 1^*199 l as'i i i v ^ $ 1999 s’. UFA STEREO l HEADPHONES *299 ^ INTERNATIONAL CASSETTES HI-FI &i »v 1.0* HOtSt CASSETTE TAPE 39* 69