MOVING TO NEW YORK Want female roomate foi Manhattan apartment starling Jan 1. 84 Call Annette 683-6417__11-11 FEMALE ROOMATE to share 3 bedroom duplex Fireplace. 1V5 bath, conviment to town and campus 593/mo plus share utilities 343-7441 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service 686-1075 821 tin Dorm Contracts Ul CONTRACT for winter term Will pay deposit Heidi. 686-610311-14 AVAILABLE WINTER TERM Univ Inn multiple Will pay deposit. Paul 686-624411 15 Ul CONTRACT for sale Will pay deposit Laurie 686-6022 11-14 Lost/Found BLACK A WHITE KITTY found near Edison School Approximately 2 mon ths old 484-4465 1097 11 11 Market Basket Hi-energy BEE POLLEN HONEY on tap 79‘ lb Beautiful candles S gifts 128 E. 11th HONEY HEAVEN 344-5939 591 F Food/Drink EAT COOPERATIVELY EAT WELL Contribute 2VS hours work/week, pay monthly at S3 10/day. enjoy all meals & snacks Choice of vegetarian or non vegetarian. Very close to campus Janet Smith House 1790 Alder. 686-4261 ask for Laura. Campbell Club 1670 Aider. 686 5189 ask tor Jima977 MWF Cafe Express This weekend Sat-Sun Hours 9 am-4 pm 1348 Alder 344-0649 1111 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty632:t(n UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom, furnished at $140/month; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at St 11/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at $116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4277787:tfn 735 East 14ltT One block from campus Furnished studio with private bath. Share kitchen with one other. Laundry facilities. Covered parking available UTILITIES PAID Manager 344-0219 Bennett Management 460 East 2nd 485-6991 1045:tfn ROOMY 1 BEDROOM APT. Furnished or unfurnished, carpeted Near 17th & Hilyard Adults, no pets $195 484-1057 1068:tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485-6322. 485 0062, 344-1625 332:tfn Moving? Emerald Apts are renting two bedroom apts for winter & spring term 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage & all at convenient campus location. $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 or 683-8919 or DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD 1085tfn EVENTS Hey Rock & Rollers If you like high energy musical excitement Oon’t miss Allan Holdsworth I.O.U. This Friday Nov. 11,8 pm You’ll hear rock like you’ve never heard rock before... SNUFF Faculty Arms Control Group Presents A Week of Education Fri. Nov II 12:00 Courtyard Enlartalnmanl. EMU. 12:20 Child rant play and Oia In, courtyard. 1:30 Public schools and tha Nuciaar Issua. 101 EMU. 3:00 Film: In the Nuciaar Shadow. 101 EMU. 1139:11 11 From Ireland tor a very limited U S. tour, the world recognized spokesper son against the British occupation ot Ireland Bernadette Devlin McAliskey Wednesday, Nov. 16th 8:00 pm EMU Ballroom Students $1.50 Non-Students $2.50 Tickets will be available only at the door Presented by EMU Cultural Forum and the ASUO 1141:11 16 A SELF-HELP PROGRAM on Cervical Caps will be presented by the Portland Feminist Women s Health Center on Tues., Nov. 29, from 10 am-1 pm. Cer vical Caps will be available for fitting and for sale Preregistration is required Call Women's Referral and Resource at 686-3327 before Nov 25 1050:11-21 Grenada with Jamacian Trevor Purcell Asst. Professor of Anthropology at Reed College specializing in Carib bean Studies. A Justified Invasion? Friday, Nov. 11 3:30 pm 1236 Kincaid Latin American Cultural Ctr. Sponsored by: Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America and Latin American Support Committee 1133:11-11 Rock With The Gale Rose Band This Weekend at O’Callahan’s 1101:11-11 Entertainment ANNUAL DOLL A TOY FESTWAVNbv 12 A 13th. 10 am to 5 pm. Lana County Fairgroungd Adults SI. children 50* Benefit Eugene Hearing & Speech Center 11-11 ANANDA MARGA PRESENTS Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubrick's awartWvmning tour de force of extraordinary images, music and feelings in a mind shattering near future vision An all time favorite based on Anthony Burgess' chilling novel Don't miss it! FRIDAY, NOV. 11 7 A 9:15 PM 150 GEOLOGY S1 50/81 1119:11 11 THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 8AA-BIJU STUDENT ADMISSION 82.50 Anytime, with ID & lee card KOYAANISQATSI "A WONDERFUL FILM . . .rich in ideas and overpowering beauty I was amazed and moved by it." Gene Siskel - At The SUNDAY THURSDAY «:30 A 8:30 PM FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:30 A 9:30 PM SAT SUN MATINEE 4:45 PM BIJOU LATE NIGHT ROCKY HORROR Wednesday-Thursday 11 pm, 82 FridaySaturday Midnight 83 Reserved seat tickets may be purchsed every evening beginning Nov 7 1083:tln ntinarooaiift ICE CREAM . open CHH: Fm *SAT TILL MIDNIGHT 13th A Hilysrd 619F STEPHEN GASKIN i,o™THE FARM in Tennessee, an alternative community fo 1000 people, will speak on ALTERNATIVE FOREIGN POLICY NOVEMBER 13 7:30 PM EMU FREE WAN C&vrS with AROUSING SPIRIT and THE HOODLUMS Eugene's hottest ska and reggae is guaranteed to move ya! all proceeds will benefit Friends ol Cougar Hot Springs. SAT., NOV. 12 8 PM EMU BALLROOM Tickets $2.50 adv. $3 day of show Available at* EMU MAIN DESK A EVERYBODY’S RECORED Sponsored by the UO Survival Center 1107:11 11 THE CASHIERS at THE FACTORY Thurs.-Sat., Nov. 10-12 NO COVER! 4740 Main. Springfield NEW WAVE IN DIMENSION With Progressive Dance Music Sat Nov.12, 9-1 am Carson Cafe NOT JUST ANOTHER DANCE IN CARSON 1126 11 11 ANANDA MAROA PRESENTS Blues Brothers will not be shown Friday. Nov 11. Catch CLOCKWORK ORANGE on Friday. Nov. 11, 150 Geology. 7 & 9:15 pm. 1120:11-11 JAZZ/BLUES Record* Books CAT’S MEOW JAZZ A BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Fittttpearl Bldg. Sth A Pearl EMU Cullurel Forum presents Beer Garden with the dining room Alternative food and beverages available I.O. Required. Free Free Free 1112:11 11 at BIWSONS BAR,: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11 FRIDAYS AT 5: 2 for 1 DRINKS! PARTY WITH: THE CASHIERS 9:30 pm • 2 am NO COVER CHARGE! SATUROAY, NOVEMBER 12 DANCE TO THE CASHIERS 9:30 pm • 2 am NO COVER CHARGE 4740 MAIN f in Springfield * 747-7900 EMU Cultural Forum - FRIDAY • A German WWII submarine adventure in wide-screen Cinemascope DAS BOOT NOVEM8ER 11 7 A 9:30 PM 180 PLC - SATURDAY• Three shows in wide-screen Cinemascope NOVEMBER 12 4, 7 A 9 PM 180 PCL • SUNDAY - LOLITA Stanley Kubrick's fascinatingly directs this story of a sexually precocious young nymphet. a stoic professor, a hysterical mother, and a decadent male admirer Starring Peter Sellers. James Mason. Sue Lyon and Shelley Winters NOVEMBER 13 7 PM ONLY 180 PLC STUDENTS/ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN $1 Special RAIDERS matinee al 4 pm ' PRESENTS PARTY KINGS SATURDAY, NOV. 12 9:30 PM SIZZLIN’ BLUES 13th A KINCAID THE WAR AT HOME A powerful documentary about the anti war movement in Madison. Wisconsin. This historical film traces demonstrations, sit-ins. police student confrontation and bombing from 1963-1973 Friday, Nov. 11 Veteran's Day 177 Lawr. 7:30pm FREE The U of O Asian Studies Association presents the best new cinema from Mainland China at the CHINA FILM FESTIVAL THIS WEEKEND: IN-LAWS (1981) FOUR SHOWS ONLY: SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 12:15 pm and 2:20 pm THE BIJOU THEATRE 492 East 13th 686 BIJU 1122:11-11 MAX’S presents BILLY BOYS FRIDAY & SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11 A 12 *2 COVER 550 EAST 13th 1125:11 11 UNCHA i SftSS PREMIERE THRU NOV. 16 Oscar 1962 Bast Forsign Film TO BEGIN AGAIN Thursday Saturday at 7 30 pm Sunday Wednesday at 7 pm & 8:50 All shows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee FRI 6 SAT MIDNITE XXX Marilyn Chamber's newest UP AND COMING with John C Holmes Over 18. re . quires separate admission Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1 800-223 0618. 7 am-3 pm M-F 468MWF MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes RAOS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt.: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 0WHF SUMMER STUDENTS Speak up! OSAAHE Sponsored survey available in 250 Esslinger Approve/Suggest Health Education courses you want offered. Summer 1983. Due Friday. Nov 11 noon 11-11 SIT READY ! The U of O Crew is going to Seattle this weekend to compete in the Frostbite and Head of the Lake Regattas. Paid tor by club sports 1137:11-11 Get Fast. Dependable Service at Siegmundt Cleaners 621 E 13th Ave 354UHF PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an early pregnancy test that is 99% accurate. Call tor appt 344-9411HF IF YOU’RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy, call Birthright Free testing 687-8651 __ 327F PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U of O telephone hotline 24 hours/7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 666-4466. 779 MF .supcrcutr We cut hair for your ego. not ours 2526 Willamette 663 1405 Mon-Fri 9 am-8 pm Sat 9 am-7 pm Sunday 11 a m • 4 pm GAY/LES8IAN * CATHOLIC? Join US tor fellowship in Dignity. Saturday. Noir 12 at 8pm Newman Center, 1850 Emerald For more info, call 485-3065/342 2200._H *1 PROGRESSIVE FASHION We are having our pre-holiday sale with savings of 10-300/* oft almost everything in the store Sale starts Nov 9th, Don't miss it H Progressive Fashion. 770 E 11th.(next to Mayflower Theatre) Mon Frl 10 30-5 30 Sat 11 00-5 00. 345-4097 JABBERWOCKY CARDS • GIFTS • Over 2800 designs of cards and po*.'cards • A great selection of posters • Wind up toys • Stationery • Address & blank books • Memo boards • Stickers • Party favors Decorations • All kinds of crazy in expensive things • Novelty candy • Picture frames • Mugs • Stuffed toys • Gift wrap MON FRI 10-5:30 1308 HILYARD SATURDAY 10-5 484 0530 IIABE Tm going to Portland this weekend, but let's have a fiesta soon Love, Your Buddy11-11 WANTED: Ride to Portland, Thanksgiv mg weekend Message:688-4037. 11-11 FREE BOX of POPCORN from EMU Main Desk with each pur chase of $2 or more from PHOTOWORKS. Nov 918 Bring thU ad. STU0ENTS FOR BESTIALITY Organiza tional Meeting Century Room C Fri 7 30 am 1111 TO THE “NURSES” of third floor: Thankx for making the crutches bearable! Love ya! (the dancing) Petletuna ",11-11 BRENDA How about a show and some animal noises?11*11 SAE PLEDGES Hendricks rocked! Lei's do it again soon Love D.G Pledges 11-11 TO ALL THE truly honest, real, sincere, personable. NICE guys on campus: Where are you ?! Signed a nice girt 1111 TO THE MASKED DESPARADOES: We mourn for our teddies! You know who 11-11 KRISTEN Your test is today. The studying will pay. You can't say no way. LETS PLAY! Boileau & Smithti ll Heidi Marcus is 21! Happy Birthday Maynard! Love, Laurie BABE: I love you! This weekend will be terrific! LOVE, YOUR BABELET 1111 Happy Birthday Mark Schultz Cheers to 21!! 1111 HEY BUB: I'm excited to have you as my studty big brother Us blonds have to stick together Lots of love. YOUR LIT TLE SIS. 11-11 JO Get stroked! Saturday's almost here. 1111 TIS: Heard it might be a slightly psychedelic weekend I'm not sure, but I do know it's gonna be fun! Looking forward to being with you. LOVE, JT (This means you're invited.)11-11 Reward for Opal Ring Lost 11-4 on campus. 485-9858 Mary 11-11 STEPHANIE SCHOCH: We've both been doing our own things for awhile. How's it going? I miss hearing you laugh Let's get together You know my number. LJB 11-11 WORK PADS Right on something different NOW AT THE UO BOOKSTORE WORK ETHIC PRODUCTIONS The 9th Annual DOLL & TOY FESTIVAL Mov. 12 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mov. 13 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lane County Fairgrounds, Eugene DOLL5-TOY5-MI/1IA TURE5 Benefit Eugene hearing & Speech Admission: Adults $1.00 Children 504 SALE Free Measurement & Installation ★ Levolor 1" Blinds 30% ★ Verosol Shades 30% ★ Woven Woods 30% ★ Vertical Blinds 30% it Wood 1" Blinds 30% OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF HOLT INTERIORS 485-5130