et al. MEETINGS NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE meeting will be held today at 4 p.m. in the Room 167 EMU CAMPUS CRUSADE for Christ's weekly meeting. "Prime Time," is tonight from 6:30 to 8 p.m at the Newman Center, near the corner o( 18th Ave and Emerald St Everyone is welcome WEBFOOT ADVERTISING meeting is today at 4 p m in Room M-111. EPISCOPAL CAMPUS MINISTRY otters Holy Eucharist Sunday afternoons at 4:30 p m Services are celebrated by the Rev Linda Harrell in the Chapel of Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St , and are followed by a light meal FRIDAY NITE FELLOWSHIP is offered for Lutheran students and friends at the home of Pastor Waetien Fellowship, informal worship and Bible study begin at 9 p m Call 484 1707 for more information or directions SABBATH EVE, the Presbyterian student group, meets at 5:15 p.m Sunday at Koinonia Center, 1414 Kin caid St., to carpool to Tom's house for soup, supper, sharing. This week's topic: "Instead of 1984 ' RESPITE TRAINING WORKSHOP for those interested in becoming a respite provider for a disabled person on a short term basis will be Nov 12 from 9 a m to 1 p.m in Room 222 Lawrence Hall For more information call Ring at 343 5256 Sponsored by the Association for Retarded Citizens LECTURES GRENADA • A JUSTIFIED INVASION? a lecture today at 3 30 p.m. by Trevor Purcell, Assistant Professor of An thropology at Reed College, at 1236 Kincaid St., Latin American Cultural Center SHOULD PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADDRESS the issue of nuclear war? This question will be discussed today at 1:30 p m in Room 101 EMU by a panel including parents, members of Educators for Social Responsibility and high school students. Sponsored by SNuFF for the Week of Education. ■*\ BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed T7* A BUNCH OF MEPlflCRE ACTRE56ES GOT SOME OF MY MONEY ANP I WELL 1 M5TLOOW me same \ OH, BUT SUCH A WONPERFUL SAMENESS IT (5. THANK YOU, MY GALLANT LITTLE PRINCE of baloney. I pip it. r went an anp bought au mose celebrity beauty BOOKS UNEA EVANS' VICTORIA pRimms. CHR/sne BRINKLEY'S. ANP I PIP WE EXER cises. anp i cakep on me MAKEUP ANP CO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENEP ? TPINNO MILO... I’M GETTING VERY, vEPRKY NERVOUS LATELY., IE0ANON...EL SAIVAPOR.. NICARAGUA... SOVIETS SHCOTTN' COWN HANES NEW MISSILES IN EUROPE MORE MISSILES HERE RU5WES GETW AVW«P.„ THE coup war GemH'HOT... HOW DO CHILDREN FEEL ABOUT nuclear war? A free showing of the film "In the Nuclear Shadow" will address that question today at 3 p.m. in Room 101 EMU Sponsored by SNuFF for the Week of Education THE ASUO PRESENTS "Crisis in Central America: An Educational Conference" Nov. 17 to 19 The week of the conference will begin with films Nov. 17 and 18 from 2 to 4 p.m. in Room 101 EMU. For more information call or drop by the ASUO office. Suite 4 EMU, 686-3724 SURVIVAL ETHICS OF EVOLUTION, an educational and economical alternative for thinking people presented by John Garcia. Nov 13 at noon in the EMU Forum Room For more information call 726-7534 or 686-4356 Sponsored by the Survival Center INTERVIEWS LIBERAL ARTS UNDERGRADUATES Winter term in ternship openings: Real Estate Agency, Eugene Hilton and advertising agency. Gain valuable experience and credit. Sign up this week for interviews during the week of Novermber 14 in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall A completed application will be required at sign up Only five students will be interviewed for each opening In ternship descriptions available in Room 211 Career In formation Center. JUNIORS AND SENIORS registered in the College of Business Administration who are seriously considering a career in banking are encouraged to apply for an obser vational internship this winter at First Interstate Bank Credit is available Resumes are due in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall by noon Monday. Nov 14 SENATOR PETE WILSON (R - Cal ) is currently seek ing applications for interns to join his staff in Washington. DC., during winter and spring terms. Responsibilities will include constituency work, legislative research, scheduling and press work. Posi tion descriptions and applications are available in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall The position is unpaid MISCELLANEOUS AUDITIONS FOR “WEST SIDE STORY:" all those in terested in auditionaing should attend an organizational meeting Monday, Nov 14, in Room 201 Villard Hall at 7 p m You do not have to be a music, dance or theatre ma jor to try out SNuFF’S THIRD ANNUAL DIE-IN with music, speakers and a children's campaign lor nuclear disarma ment will take place from noon until 1 p.m in the EMU Courtyard Sponsored by SNuFF for the Week of Education DIGNITY will meet on Saturday, Nov. 12. at 8 p.m at the Newman Center. The meeting will include a Mass and a pot-luck dinner Dignity is a group of gay and les bian Catholics; all are welcome to attend For more in formation please call Br Pat at 343-7021 “WAR AT HOME,” a documentary of the anti-war movement in Madison, Wis, will be shown tonight (Veteran's Day) in Room 177 Lawrence at 7:30 p.m. The event is free and is sponsored by SORD and CISCAP ELEGANT STEW presents a collection of poetry by local writers on Saturday. Nov. 12, from 2 to 5 p.m. at Book & Tea, 1646 E 19 Ave Meet the poets and artists and share a glass of wine SUMMER STUDENTS speak up! OSAAHE sposored survey available in Room 250 Esslinger Approve/sug gest health education courses you want offered for sum mer 1983 Due today at noon. SORD AND CORO will be presenting two documen taries on the Vietnam War today in the EMU lobby "Spooks. Cowboys, Gooks and Grunts" is a Canadian documentary taking a look at Operation Phoenix, the CIA assassination program in Vietnam. "Frontline" chronicles the experiences of an Australian photojour nalist who covered the war for over a decade Oliver by John Gorman --- as members of the. anti - LEBANON DRAFT CCAUTJON, OUR PRIMARY AIM IS TO EXPOSE THE MANY POLITICAL FLAWS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CURRENT MILITARY FIASCO THAT HAS CLAIMED OUEA 200 AMERICANS... ... ALTHOUGH WE MOURN THE LOSS OF INNOCENT LIVES, W£ FIND THE MOST APPALLING ASPECT NOT THE HEAVY DEATH TOTALS,NOR THE MISUSE OF MILITARY POWER... ...BUT THE FACT THAT PRESIDENT REAGAN WASPIAYIN6 GOLF AT THE TIME J Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN OESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ac's must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are lo appear in Monday s paper musl be in by t pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible tor more than one day's incorrect adver tising insertion The ODE'S liability tor typographical errors, incorrect in sertions or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation ol charges lor such portion ot space occupied by the er ror II your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day s issue RATES: Rates are t5 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word tor consecutive days the ad is run without change St SO minimum for the first insertion *1 20 minimum for consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AO CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads musl be paid tor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office. 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686*4343 MasterCard For Sale ROSSIONOL EXHIBITIONS 165 cm with Solomon 444 bindings Good condition S65 344-0506 evenings Keep trymgi 11 11 NEED CASH Used color TV $60 Buies 76 Good condition Nice body $3600 Price negotiable Contact 342 4346 or 345 0443 11-11 Bicycling Rain Gear Burley cape hood 6 gaiters Med sire Paid $62 40 will sen lor $30 Phone 3437217 after 5 pm 11 11 NEW ROSSI "STS” SKIS 200 cm with LOOK N77 Bindings 3 days on slopes $200 Firm Can Ed Eves683i4C6fi ll Pa** t>, Wi ism A KINO SIZE WATERBEO mattress and heater $80 Ernie 485 3660. 686 4137 11-14 MUST SELL: Yamaha GT 80 1961 Great condition Red. hardly used $500 Cin dy 345-13721111 SKIS FISHEV 180 cm with Tyrolia 260 $45 Jay 683 7499 11-11 Buy & Sell CASH tor used records and cassettes Guaranteed highest prices paid in Eugene! 342-6245 686 tin THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Metronomes, music stands and music accessories discounted 361 West 5th 613 MF Services EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, stat analysis and typing Tele 1-223-8491 (Portland) _12-8 CHEZ A CARP, ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 _»2T2 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES! 11 Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your lob search the professional edge Call 886 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tin Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free ptckupldehvery 345-6168. 33^tln TYPING 15 years eaperience papers, dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectrlc Pick up and delivery Call Carole at 666-3663 514 Hn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464-1646 748 tin “ PROFESSIONAL TYPMM IBM Correcting Selectrlc Call Patrice 342 5336 Editing 3465071 _ 144 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv *d Near campus 3460756 513 l1n I! ROOM* is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED is “THE” typing service io use Guaranteed Grad School approved BARBARA LAND 3453414 S23 On PRO TYPINO/EOfTINO ' E apart at theses end dissertations 2 blocks bom DO No rob too smalt 6B3HFM TYPING/E CITING Call Sara 6886738 575 WHFM FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Soloctric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Oemong 484-8405 _ __ 658 ttn TYPING AND/OR WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, papers, diagrams, tables including statistical Law Papers, Resume Composition, A Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast. Proles sional Quality Service. Guaranteed CINDY 484-5454/BRANDY: 484 6044 1111111111111111111111111111096 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING Experienced in all levels 887 8328 _ 1070 MWF QUALITY TYPING Electric, sell correcting equipment Editing available Joyce 344 9956 _11 28 TYPING & RESUME High quality, low cost, rush service 3 Blocks from campus John 683-8657 11*14 SUPER TYPING Fast, accurate, near campus Norma 345-6005. 342 8255 (message) 11-11 SENIORS GRADS We II help you get your career starled We re Student Data 1 istlng Call 689-4083 9-5 lor more inlo 1031 11-15 WORD WORKS Ouality edtling All sub tecls Research and typing Jerry. 484 6593_ 1-11 Lafler Silkscreen Printed t shirts, sweatshirts Sleeve priming! 385 Lawrence St 343-2308, 342 1827 1089 11 11 DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup 8 delivery available 485-3914 _583 tin PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectnc Call Barbara 3456747 388 MWF OUALITY TYPING IBM Correcting Seleclric 15 years experience /26-5953 882 UWF RUSH TYPING Fast, accurate, reasonable rales central location Christine 343 7255 _WF 11 30 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Experienced in all levels 887 8328 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES : 1827 Peart Street J43 7843 Monday thru Frtday 96 pm j Saturday 9 1 pm 347 ttn MCS CASSETTE RECEIVER 25 Walls perfect condition. 1 year old $195 683 5828 9 am to 5 pm 1080 11 14 $1,200 STEREO Scatt. JVC. Technics $670 Dan 687 25991111 MARANTZ O DRIVE full auto turntable AKAI 40 watt receiver OPTONICA cassette Excellent condition $300 683-505311-16 M ft K SUBWOOFER III $200. transferable warranty Call 485-3463 11-14 BOOKS 80.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25*/. to 50*/. off list prices New Books-Text Books-Clitl Notes Magazines « USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO ' SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362 tin COMICS 10°/. oft all new issues until Dec 1st EMERALD CITY COMICS. 770 E. 13th 345-2588. 943HF12 1 446 East 13th 10 6 Mon Fri 10-5 Saturday 342-8339 Next to the Bijou GREAT PRICES! Find what you ve been looking for1 Choose from Logo s BIG selection of • Books • Posters •Cards -Buttons •Mugs •Stationery . . . and much, much more! BUY 3 POSTERS. GET 1 FREE Free poster must be of same or lesser value as other posters Expires 11/17/83 1135 11 14 Cars & Cycles •71 VW BUS Semi camper, recent clutch Runs excellent Best otter over 81 500 Laurie 343 2164 _11-11 197* AMF MOPED Runs great, good condition $200 747-3579 afler 5 30 pm __1087 11-14 1978 HONDA CIVIC Rebuilt Engine, good overall condition Runs very well 51375 484 2738 or 687 3775 11-11 CL 175 HONDA 1973 blue $ chrome, twin good condition 8300 746-2181 11-10 ‘73 MERC. MONTEGO Runs good 344 3015 eves 11-14 1975 OATSUN B 210 Rebuilt engine in excellent condition 86.000 miles Great MPG $1250 Call 485-0237 11 15 Bicycles MALE CENTURION 10-SPEED Male Schwinn 3-speed. $70 and $50 respec lively or best otter Call Carlo. 342-5194 or 686 422611-11 2 FREE tires with each overhaul CYCLE WORKS (across from Prince Puckler's) 343-7086 11-11 WANTED WANTED: 2 tickets to Rodger Whitaker's Concert Mam floor seats 684 5184 11-11 CRAFTSPEOPLE to submit work tor EMU Craft Center's Christmas Craft Fair Jury dates Mon Nov 14 Tues Nov 15. Call EMU CRAFT CENTER tor info. 6864361 11 15 X A Cash paid lor gold class rings and gold or stiver rewetry One ounce Class rings brings $103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch tor flourscent signs on lett side Open 7 days a week A A Opportunities TEACH A CLASS or workshop winter term through SEARCH, tor credit or tor tun All subtects welcome Deadlines are approaching, call 686-4305 or stop by the SEARCH office at EMU M111 for details 1037 11 15 Help Wanted RESIDENCE HALL GOVERNANCE Committe needs a notetaker for meeting every Monday at 3:45. will receive $7 per session Applicants are limited to current dormitory residents and applications are due by Nov 15 in Housing Office. 1121:11-11 SENIORS The Peace Corps representative is still here Now is the time to apply tor spring and summer ol 1984 Call 686 3235 tor information 1064 11 11 DELIVERY DRIVER NEEDED 20 hours per week 484 2799 before 4 pm APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN tor a typist tor the Oregon Daily Emerald Should type at least 60 wpm and have Sunday through Thursday afternoons tree for a couple hours VDT experience preferred, but we will train WORKSTUDY ONLY Pick up and turn in applications at the front desk. Room 300 EMU Applications close Nov 9 Please call Sunday at 686-5511 for more information The ODE is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer 11-11 PHOTO TECH NEE0E0 Must have ex perience using an enlarger Knowledge of film development and photo screen - ing helpful Needs to be available Tues day and Thursday afternoons 2-6 pm Prefer someone with career interest in photography field Apply It 300 EMU Applications close Nov 17 The ODE is an Affirmative ActionfEqual Opportune ty Employer. 11-17 THE ADMISSIONS SUPPORT PRO GRAM is now accepting applications tor motivated friendly volunteers who wish to recruit new students Areas for involvement include: Older Than Average students, two Peer Recruiting programs, and the Oregon Connection Job descriptions and applications are available in Admissions. 270 Oregon Hall Deadline is extended to Monday. 11/14. 5 pm Questions? Call x3201. ask for Patricia Akiyama or Becky Hut chison. 1143:11-14 Roommates NEED STUDENT or employed room mate to share 2 bedroom house 5 blocks from downtown Bus stop next door Very comfortable, quiet home Washer, dryer, desk, sun room. One cat OK Call Sue at 343-3625 after 3 pm 11-11 ROOMMATE WANTED: To share semi furnished 3 bedroom house in quiet neighborhood Family room, fireplace, close to LTD stop. Call: 687-2903 11-11 CAN MEN FIX DINNER? CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS? Can 24 to 40 women and men run a cooperative household with non-sexist principles? Would you like to help us? We are near campus, cook both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, and at a reasonable cost Please check us out for this term, or next term Campbell Club 1670 Alder. 686-5189 (ask for Jima) or Janet Smith House. 1790 Alder. 686 4261 (ask for Laura) 978.MWF Friday, November 11, 1983