Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 11, 1983, Section A, Page 4, Image 4

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From Associated Press reports
Seven demand
Democratic members of Congress
called for Pres. Reagan's impeach
ment Thursday, charging that he
violated the Constitution in order
ing U.S. troops into Grenada last
The congressmen cited Article I,
which grants Congress the right
to declare war and other sections
that cover U.S. treaty obligations
and the rights of its citizens.
"The president's invasion of
Grenada is illegal and unconstitu
tional and, I am convinced, is an
impeachable offense," one of the
seven. Rep. Ted Weiss of New
York, said in a released statement.
"This resolution is being introduc
ed... after Congress has ex
hausted other remedies."
The other congressmen calling
for Reagan's impeachment are
|ohn Conyers of Michigan; Julian
Dixon and Mervyn Dymally of
California; Henry Gonzalez and
Mickey Leland of Texas, and Par
ren Mitchell of Maryland.
Youth shot
during arrest
EUGENE — A 17-year-old Eugene
youth who was shot by an under
cover police officer during a theft
arrest has been charged with the
attempted murder of the officer,
Eugene police say.
Jonathan Higgins remained
under guard at Sacred Heart
General Hospital Thursday, where
he was being treated for gunshot
wounds to the right shoulder,
back and chest. He was listed in
good condition.
Higgins was shot by police of
ficer Gary Nauta shortly before
noon Tuesday near some tennis
courts where the two had met to
discuss the sale of stolen musical
equipment, said Eugene Police
Chief James Packard.
Packard said Nauta "pleaded"
with the youth to quit struggling
as he was being placed under ar
rest. Nauta "began to lose control
of the situation" and fired his
38-caliber service revolver three
times as the youth turned away
and reached for a loaded sawed
off shotgun in his waistband.
Packard said.
“It is unfortunate that the situa
tion had to escalate to that point,
but it appears the shooting was
justified,” Packard said Wednes
day after reviewing preliminary
findings of a police department
Nauta, an undercover officer
with the Eugene department's
vice and narcotics unit, was on
special assignment helping theft
investigators at the time of the
shooting. After the shooting he
was placed on an indefinite leave
of absence with pay, a standard
procedure in shooting incidents.
Syria fires
at U.S. jets
BEIRUT — U.S. jets came under
attack for the first time in Lebanon
Thursday when Syrian gunners
fired missiles at carrier-based
planes. At Beirut airport, small
arms fire hit Marine positions.
Assistant White House press
secretary Anson Franklin said the
jets were on a "routine" mission
when they came under fire from
an unidentified ground site in
central Lebanon. He did not
specify the type of fire, but Beirut
radios said surface-to-air missiles
were used.
American Marines came under
small-arms fire in the afternoon
along the eastern perimeter of
their base at Beirut airport. The
Marines returned fire, and the
shooting ended within minutes
with no casualties, said Marine
spokesman Capt. Wayn^ Jones.
The shooting heightened ten
sion that has been escalating since
suicide bombings killed 239
American and 58 French troops in
Beirut Oct. 23, and 28 Israelis and
32 Lebanese prisoners in Tyre
Nov. 4. The U.S., French and
Israeli governments blame
Moslem fanatics operating behind
Syrian lines in Lebanon.
Meanwhile, pressure mounted
on Yasser Arafat to leave the nor
thern city of Tripoli and end the
Palestinian guerrilla war that has
killed at least 1,000 people. Italy
ordered two helicopter-equipped
warships Thursday to stand by for
a possible evacuation of Arafat
from Tripoli, where a cease-fire
collapsed less than 24 hours after
it was arranged by oil-rich Arab
Arafat has repeatedly said he
would leave Tripoli if asked to do
so, and reiterated Thursday, "I will
leave if the people of Tripoli ask
me to leave. I am a guest here.”
Asked where he would go to if
he did leave, the PLO chairman
said he would return to Tunis,
where he set up headquarters
after the evacuation of guerrillas
from Israeli-ringed Beirut in 198?
Libyan leader Col. Moammar
Khadafy also urged Arafat to flee
Lebanon for Libya and guaranteed
his safety "in defending himself
before any Palestinian or Arab
questioning," Libya's |ANA news
agency said.
Judge annuls
judge Thursday vacated the con
viction of a Japanese-American
who evaded internment during
World War II, saying the govern
ment relied on unsubstantiated
facts, distortions and the racist
views of a military commander to
justify the detentions.
"This is a day we've waited for
for 40 years," said Dale Minami,
attorney for defendant Fred
Korematsu, one of 120,000
Japanse-Aermicans ordered in
terned during World War II.
"Up until now, there has not
been a judicial declaration that
what was done to Japanese
Americans was wrong and un
constitutional," he said.
U.S. District Judge Marijyn Hall
Patel vacated Korematsu's*40-year
old conviction, dismissing the in
dictment it was based upon and
going a step further by accepting
his petition.
The petition said the military
fabricated evidence of Japanese
American espionage and sabotage
and kept that knowledge from the
U.S. Surpreme Court, which
subsequently upheld the convic
tions of Korematsu and two other
men for resisting the wartime
"What happened 40 years ago
involved my family and my per
sonal life, and I had to do some
real deep thinking in order to
reopen this case again," Koremat
su said. "I am very happy I did,
because this is important not only
for Japanese-American citizens
but for all Americans who might
get involved in similar
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