Netters Continued from Page 9 them play — they are beatable." If Cal, 18-17, is beatable, then Oregon's Sue Harbour and Lisa Gemoya will likely do most of the beating. Harbour has feasted on 542 kills this year, and many of them have come off the sets of Gemoya. Another plus for the Ducks will be senior Cathy Hill, who is healthy and ready to go for Cal. Unfortunately for Oregon, Cal's 6-0 All-American middle blocker Sylvia Monnet is ready to go too. "We have to contain Sylvia Monnet," says Voelz, who coach ed the Ducks to a 2-2 mark at the prestigious UCLA Invitational last weekend. Although Voelz has her players jacked up for the meeting with the Bears, the Ducks must take on a steady SJSU team a night later. The Spartans, 18-7 and 6-1 in NorPac, look to sophomore out side hitter Lisa Ice for big points — she leads her team with 231 kills. "She," says Voelz, "is their big gie. We won't be able to stop Lisa Ice — she is a lefty and you can't tell where she is going to hit the ball." If the Ducks don't stop Ice, they may be out in the cold, but Voelz stresses that her team needs a split this weekend. "We have to beat one or the other," says Voelz. "This is it." The first three spots in the league tourney belong to top ranked University of Pacific, the Spartans, and 19th-ranked Oregon State University. Harbour is averaging an unbelievable 14.7 kills a match, far ahead of anyone else in the con ference. Women runners battle Stanford By Todd Fletcher Of fhe Emerald With four runners returning from last year's Region 9 meet, the Oregon women's cross country team looks to be a favorite in Saturday's Region 8 meet at Lane Community College. The meet has been renamed Region 8 from Region 9, the tag Kathy Hayes, Kim Roth, Lisa Martin and Claudette Croenendaal competed under a year ago in Fresno, Calif. The Ducks finished second behind Stanford University. Oregon wants to make that second a first, and they'll have seven healthy runners Saturday. Martin, who didn't run in the Washington Invita tional Oct. 29, has had a great two weeks of training, according to Oregon Coach Tom Heinonen. With a healthy Martin, Heinonen expects the Ducks to battle Stanford and UCLA in this year's race, although he said Stanford's team will be something of a question mark. Saturday's top four teams will claim berths in the National Collegiate Athletic Association champion ships Nov. 21 in Bethlehem, Pa. The Cardinal will be minus Ceci Hopp, who won the region meet last year, because of a hip problem. Heinonen says with Hopp running, Stanford would be a drastically different team at nationals than at regionals. "We could easily beat them at regionals, but they could be overwhelming at nationals," says Heinonen. At LCC, Stanford will rely on Alison Wiley, who finished ninth in last year's NCAA meet, and Regina Jacobs, who finished 11th in this meet a year ago. While the Ducks face their best competition of the year, they do have the advantage of running on their home turf. Heinonen sees the race as a great challenge and an opportunity to see how Oregon will match up at NCAAs. "It's a great preparation for the national cham pionship," says Heinonen. "About six runners in this race have the potential to finish in the top five at nationals." et al. 'V - MEETINGS PACIFIC NORTHWEST PERSONNEL MANAGERS Association (PNPMA) meets today at 3:30 p m in Room 111 EMU. Dr. Smith will speak on "The Employment In terview Non-members welcome. PUBLC RELATIONS STUDENT SOCIETY ol America will meet today at 4 p m in Allen Hall. Room 211 All students interested in public relations are welcome UNIVERSITY CHAPTER OF AMNESTY INTERNA TIONAL will meet at 12:30 p.m. today in EMU Century Room D. FOREIGN STUDY OPPORTUNITIES: An informational meeting will be held in the University Inn Main Lounge today at 7 p.m. NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE meeting will be held Friday, Nov. 11, at 4 p m. in the Room 167 EMU IFC will meet today in EMU Century Room F. The agenda is expected to include EMU Club Sports, Amazon Childcare Center and tag reassignments LECTURES PROFESSOR SI-HUAN CHIANG of the Sichuan In stitute tor Foreign Languages will be speaking on “Teaching Foreign Languages in China" today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 215 Allen The lecture is free DR. MARTHA SHERWOOD-PIKE, Department of Geology, will lecture today on fossil fungi at 12:30 p.m. in Room 307 Volcanology. BR. PATRICK LYNCH of the Newman Center will discuss the Bishop's Pastoral Letter on Nuclear Weapons today at 2 p.m. in Room 101 EMU Sponsored by SNuFF lor the Week of Education. ARE THERE ANY ALTERNATIVES to the nuclear arms race? A faculty/community panel today at 12:30 p.m. in Room 101 EMU will discuss some current proposals, in cluding No First Use, a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Nuclear Freeze. Sponsored by SNuFF lor the Week of Education. “BEING SOUL,” an introductory talk presented by ECKANKAR tonight at 7:30 p.m. in EMU Century Room E Free INTERVIEWS JOB OUTLOOK FOR THE 80S: A special workshop be ing offered at Career Planning and Placement will be held today from noon to 1:30 p.m This workshop will Oliver by John Gorman tei AS6I&NI1WT5 1 HAVE CASH RtAOY I’M TELUN’YA... I DON’T WANTA ROOMMATE!! / OUR RECORDS INDICATE THAT THIS STUDENTS FATHER OWNS ONE OF THE LARGEST BREWERIES IN THE COUNTRY IGUESSAUTTU COMPANIONSHIP NEVER HURT ANYBODY'/ provide a discussion on "hot” career prospects for the current decade and will be presented by Dr. Larry Smith in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall LIBERAL ARTS UNDERGRADUATES Winter term in ternship openings: Real Estate Agency, Eugene Hilton and advertising agency Gain valuable experience and credit. Sign up this week for interviews during the week of Novermber 14 in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. A completed application will be required at sign up. Only five students will be interviewed for each opening In ternship descriptions available in Room 211 Career In formation Center JUNIORS AND SENIORS registered in the College of Business Administration who are seriously considering a career in banking are encouraged to apply for an obser vational internship this winter at First Interstate Bank Credit is available. Resumes are due in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall by noon Monday. Nov. 14 SENATOR PETE WILSON (R Cal) is currently seek ing applications for interns to join his staff in Washington, DC., during winter and spring terms Responsibilities will include constituency work, legislative research, scheduling and press work. Posi tion descriptions and applications are available in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. The position is unpaid. SPEND AN AFTERNOON ON THE JOB with New York Life on Nov. 10 from 1:30 to 4:30 p m Enjoy an on-site visit and learn about career opportunities in the field of Sales/Management/Underwriting in the insurance in dustry Sign up today in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. Space is limited Transportation will be provided MISCELLANEOUS 'DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNITY ENVIRONMEN TAL COUNCIL,” a workshop, will be given by Paul Rilis, director of the Santa Barbra Community Environmental Council. Topics will include energy management, recycl ing, urban gardens, small scale agriculture, solar energy and water conservation MEN’S AND WOMEN'S CREW row Saturday in the Frostbite Regatta at Greenlake in Seattle and in the Head of the Lake on Lake Washington on Sunday “WAR AT HOME,” a documentary of the anti-war movement in Madison, Wis. will be shown Friday, Nov 11 (Veteran's Day) in Room 177 Lawrence at 7:30 p.m. The event is free and is sponsored by SORD and CISCAP THE ASIAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION will present a free campus showing of "The Xian Incident." a feature film from mainland China with English subtitles, tonight at 7:30 p.m in Room 123 Science ELEGANT STEW presents a collection of poetry by local writers on Saturday. Nov. 12, from 2 to 5 p.m. at BooK & Tea, 1646 E. 19 Ave. Meet the poets and artists and share a glass of wine. DO YOU KNOW WHAT A HORIZONTAL Expression of Grim Reality is? Find out at the Die-In, Friday, Nov. 11, at 12:15 p.m. in the EMU Courtyard. Sponsored by SNuFF. FREE SHOWING OF THE FILMS "No Frames, No Boundaries." "Beyond War," and "Visions" beginning at 3:30 p.m today in Room 101 EMU These films are pro duced by Creative Initiative and deal with new ways of thinking for a world without war Sponsored by SNuFF for the Week of Education SUMMER STUDENTS speak up! OSAAHE sposored survey available in Room 250 Esslinger Approve/sug gest health education courses you want offered for sum mer 1983. Due Fri., Nov. 11, at noon. BIBLE STUDY by the United Methodist Campus Ministry meets at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St., on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. INTER-VARSITY Christian Fellowship is sponsoring a missions awareness workshop at 8 p.m. tonight in the EMU Forum. This is an opportunity to learn about Chris tian's responsibility worldwide and hear various speakers. Refreshments and fellowship following. SORD AND CORO will be presenting two documen taries on the Vietnam War today and Friday, Nov. 11, in the EMU lobby. "Spooks. Cowboys. Gooks and Grunts" is a Canadian documentary taking a look at Operation Phoenix, the CIA assassination program in Vietnam. "Frontline" chronicles the experiences of an Australian photojournalist who covered the war for over a decade ISRAELI FOLK DANCING tonight in Room 242 Gert inger Teaching for all levels begins at 7 p.m. For more information call 686-4366. Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by I pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible lor more than one day’s Incorrect adver Using insertion The ODE'S liability tor typographical errors, incorrect In* sen Ions or omissions In advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation ot charges lor such portion ol space occupied by the er ror If your ad appears Incorrectly. caN BBS lltl before 1 pm lor correction in the next day's issue RATES: Rates are IS cents per word tor the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad Is run without change S1.S0 mini mum ter Nie first Insertion 81.20 minimum ter consecutive THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AO CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be perd for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the OOE office. 300 EMU EmsrakJ Classifieds 686-4343 For Sale TYPEWRITER Srmth-Corone electric Good shape 8100 Also Hoover Canister Vacuum 830 CanBS3-7091 eves IMS Page 10 ROSSIQNOL EXHIBITIONS 185 cm with Solomon 444 bindings Good condition *65 344-0508 evenings Keep trying! 1111 NEED CASH Used color TV S80 Bulck 76 Good condition Nice body 13600 Price negotiable Contact 342 4346 or 345-04431111 Bicycling Rain Gear Burley cape, hood & v? gaiters Med size Paid *52 40 will sell for *30 Ptiona 3437217 after 5 pm 11-10 Buy & Sell CASH for used records and cassettes Guaranteed highest prices paid in Eugene! 3424245 686 tin Services EDITING. AC SEA AC H SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, stat analysis and typing. Tele 12234491 (Portland) 124 CHEZ S CARP. ATTORNEYS immlgrs lion cases accepted (862 Willamette 3424751 1312 RESUMES' RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 6665611 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current 10 tin SENIORS. ORAOS Welt help you get your career started We re Student Data Listing. Call 669406.) 45 tor more >nlo ____1031 11 15 WORD WORKS Quality editing All su6 tacts Research and typing jerry 464 6593 __ HI Lafler Siikscreen Printed 1-shMts sweatshirts Sleeve printing! Its Lawrence St 3432306 MS# 10S»1t 11 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free plckupfdetlvery 34S-4IS5. 334:tln TYPING IS years experience papers, dissertations, editing Greduate School approved IBM Selectnc Pick up and delivery Call Carole at HI 3M3. 514:ltn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 4S4-1S4S _ 74S:Hn FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING ISM Correcting Setectrlc Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong - III M08 ftSStln PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Setectrlc Cell Patrtce M2S2JS t44 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad approv ed Neat campus M4-C7S4 513 tin Tt quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITEO la "THE" TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed. Grad School approved BARBARA LAND MS-M14 M3tln PRO TVPtNGIEMTIMO Expert el theses and dtsaertations 2 Mocks from OO No lob too small JemtHer 4SS-MS3 _ SB3HFM 0 V N AM 1C TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup A delivery available 4SB-3tt4 SS3tln TYPING GUARANTEED MS-MI4 Ruth 345 5414 UK TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery CaM Connie Smith. 7444T3S _ TSfrtfn QUALITY TYPING IBM Correcting Seleclric 15 years experience 7 24 5463 8S2UWH TYPING AND/OR WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS T he s e aid i s s ar I at Io n s, papers, diagrams. tables, Including statistical Law Papers. Raauma Composition. A Mass Mailing SpaciaUsIs. Fast. Proles sional. Quality Service. Guaranteed BRANDY: 4*4-8044 CINDY: 444-5454 WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quail ly work Correcting Selectnc It Various type elements Graduata School Ap proved Call Doris 484-1049 1041 UWH PROFESSIONAL TYPING with IBM Cor ractable Select ric Reasonable rates Call Susan. 680-96371M> QUALITY TYPING Electric, sell correcting equipment Editing available Joyce 344 99561128 TYPING ft RESUME High quality, low cost, rush service 3 Blocks from campus John 883-8607 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1827 Peart Street 343-7883 Monday thru Friday 96 pm Saturday 9 1 pm 3471tn I4CS CASSETTE-RECEIVER 28 Walls. pert act condition. 1 year old 6196 663 5828 9 am to 5 pm 1080 11 14 11.200 STEREO Scan. JVC. Technics 1870 Dan 687 259911-11 MARANTZ D DRIVE lull auto turntable AKAI to wan receiver OPTONtCA cassette Excellent condition 3300 683-5083 11 16 BOOKS COMICS 10% olt all new issues until Dec 1st EMERALD CITY COMICS. 770 E 13th. 345 2588 943HF12-1 80.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All sailing 25*/. to 50% oil list prices New Books Text Books Clift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 7M East 13th 362 tin Bicycles MALE SCHWINN 10-speed 23 frame, silver with silver lenders Excellent con dition. 464 2162, Keep trying 11-10 MALE CENTURION 10-SPEED Mate Schwinn 3-speed. $70 and $50 respec lively or best otter Call Carlo. 342-5194 or 686-4226 11 11 SECONO NATURE USED BIKES o. New and used parts lor the tourist racer commuter and cruiser BUY SELL TRAOE 1712 Willamette 3435362 RED TAG SALE FUJI - CENTURION 20 bikes reduced Models start at $169 Excellent values on HEADLIGHTS BE SAFE - BE SEEN STU’S BIKE SHOP i & Monroe 344-2175 I Cars & Cycles ‘71 VW BUS Semi camper, recent clutch Runs excellent Best otter over St,500 Laurie 343-2164ti lt 1979 AMF MOPED Runs great, good condition. $200 74 7 3579 atler 5:30 pm 1087:11-14 1979 HONDA CIVIC Rebuilt Engine, good overall condition Runs very well $1375 484-2738 or 687 3775 111-11 CL ITS HONDA 1973 blue & chrome, twin, good condition. $300 746-2181 11-10 ‘79 MERC. MONTEGO Runs good 344-3015 eves 11-14 Auto Repair Fiat, Dal sun. Toyota Honda. Subaru, Audi, Porsche and VW SANPIPER IMPORT SERVICE 2796 Willamette 943-9427 353H Wanted WANTED: 2 tickets to Rodger Whitaker's Concert. Main floor seats 684-5184 11-11 WANTED: LADIES To drink FREE CHAMPAGNE at O Callahan's on Thursday Nile! 1100:11-10 Opportunities TEACH A CLASS or workshop winter term through SEARCH, tor credit or for tun. All subjects welcome Deadlines are approaching: call 688-4305 or stop by the SEARCH office at EMU Ml 11 for details 103/1115 hursday, November 10, 1983