enter for sports medicine & running injuries ^ of eugene Eugene Medical & Professional Center 132 E. Broadway, Suite 830, Eugene, OR 97401 683-4703 jam Food Service Fountain Court Cafe MEXICAN FIESTA! Mexican line featuring: Burrito Supremes, Taco Salads, and much more! Still a great place for: • Breakfast • Salads • Homemade Soups and Chili • Delicious Pastries the emu cultural forum presents Allan Holdsworth 1/ i.o.u. i I’.iul W illums Ch.nl Wih.-kcntl.in /«•// Hi-ilin Come see one of the greatest progressive Jazz-Rock guitar virtuosos alive. “He's Fantastic. I love him KtJdH- Van Haten “I give him more credit than anyone tor soloing. He has something totally beautiful - Carlos Santana “One of the world's best and most distinctive guitarists “ I he Cut tar Maca/inc Friday, November 11 8 p.m. • EMU Ballroom • U of O Tickets: U of O Students $4 • General Public $5 Tickets available at the KMU Main Iksk. fvarth River Records and Garden Records Sports shorts FOOTBALL Saturday: Oregon vs. Stanford. Palo Alto, Calif. 1 p.m. WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY Saturday: NCAA District 8 Championship. Eugene. Lane Community College. MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY Saturday: NCAA District 8 Championship. Eugene. Lane Community College. 11a.m. VOLLEYBALL Friday: Oregon vs. California. Berkeley, Calif. 7:30 p.m. Saturday: San Jose State. San Jose, Calif. 7:30 p.m Tuesday: Portland State. Portland. 7:30 p.m. Registration for city league basketball will close today at 5 p.m. at the Eugene Parks and Recreation Department main of fice. Official team rosters, a league classification sheet and the $190 entry fee must be sub mitted at the time of registra tion Registrations will not be accepted unless players show identification cards. Non Eugene teams which consist of four or more out-of-city players must register Thursday from 7:45 a m. to 5 p.m at the parks and recreation main office. Teams can pick up their basket ball packets on Nov. 29. League play begins the week of Dec. 6 and continues through the first week of March. For more infor mation, call 687-5333, or stop by the parks and recreation office at 858 Pearl St., fourth floor Basketball referees are need ed to referee middle school basketball games in Lane Coun ty. The Lane County Basketball Officials Association is current ly conducting a series of training classes to prepare new officials for assignment to middle school games. Although one class has already been held, the next class will meet this Sunday from 5-6:30 p.m. in Room 308, Forum Building, on the Lane Communi ty College campus. Middle school games are played at 3:30 p.m. and 4 p.m., and run from November through early March. Pay is from $9 to $14 For more information, contact John Lodi (686-8119), Ray Lemke (484-9120) or Art Blunt (689-0904). Cross country skiing will be the topic of a series of workshops, movies and lectures sponsored by the University Out door Program over the next two weeks. All events will begin at 7 p.m. in the Outdoor Program of fice in the Erb Memorial Union. For more information, call 686-4365. The series of events include: Nov. 15: A showing of "If You Can Walk" and "Skinny Skiing," two introductory movies on cross country skiing, will be followed by a discussion on how to get involved in inexpensive, cooperative Outdoor Program ski outings. Nov. 16: Representatives from the ski touring community will discuss and display skis, boots poles and binding. Differences in manufacturers, construction, use and cost will be discussed. Nov. 17: A discussion of ski touring clothing needs will em phasize how to keep clothing costs down and still feel and look good. A movie on the prevention and treatment of hypothermia and other cold related injuries will also be shown. Nov. 22: A slide show on nor dic ‘downhill skiing in Oregon will be shown, and it will be followed by a discussion on nor dic downhill equipment, clothing and safety. Arizona State’s David Adams will probably never set a Pacific-10 Conference rushing record or make the league all star team. Why? Because at 5-6 and 158 pounds, Adams is a touch on the small side for play ing college football from the tailback position. But that hasn’t stopped Adams and literally hundreds of other high school football players from going to college and playing college football. To honor those gallant young (and small) men, the Emerald has compiled a Pac-10 all-small team. After looking through the first and second teams, you’ll probably notice what we did — that few of the players on the all small team are on the Pac-10 all conference team. For that mat ter, few are starters, most are freshman, and the majority never see anything more than a junior varsity game or the daily grind of practice. But still they persevere. We salute their efforts. FIRST TEAM OFFENSE WR Ken Zuckerman TE Mike Witherill OL Roy Wright OL Joe Leimbach OL Chris Dahlen OL David Keane OL Steve Hanson WR Bill Pimental QB Mark Armijo RB David Adams RB Paul Day PK Marlin Wong 5- 9 150 UA 6- 1 200 ASU 6-3 210 UA 6-3 220 USC 6-5 222 OSU 6 3 220 Stan 6-2 226 UW 5-10 153 Stan 6-0 175 USC 5-6 158 ASU 5-10 160 ASU 5-6 135 Cal A Family-Style Restaurant leotunny H'j/miii. steak print*.- rib. Iresh pasta, salad bar. simps. and sandwiches. daily Iuik h specials A Bakery croissants. *i*rnbread and .M yaneties ol pics baked Irvsh daily . m*.ludmp seas* mal Irvsh I run pics all axailoNc btr lake out A Lounge aith lull bat a wine ol th*' month and bullet style hors d'ncu\rvs Inun 4 7 Monday thru Saturday Student Discount 10% off total purchase with valid fee card $5.00 minimum purchase required (Good anytime in Restaurant, Bakery and Lounge) OPEN II a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri. & Sal. 1300 Valley River Drive 484-1711 TEETH Ignore them and they will go away Teeth Cleaning, Exam and X-Rays as needed Will Morningsun, D.D.S. Thomas R. Huhn, D.D.S. call for appointment 746-6517 ! Vi mites from campus, next to Bike Path 528 Mill Rt Rnrinnfieid SHARE A RIDE Be energy efficient and save money! It you’re looking tor a ride or can otter one, advertise in the ODE Classifieds. . .