Author praises women's center By Pam Cline Of the fimrild Society must be introduced to a thorough analysis of women's contributions and perspectives if female values are to be brought out of the home and into the public sphere, a leading sociologist said Sunday. Such a view represents a step "in establishing knowledge of our society and others," said author Jessie Bernard before a capacity crowd in the EMU Ballroom. Bernard's speech officially celebrates the recent $3.5 millon bequest to the University's Center for the Study of Women in Socie ty. The gift came from the estate of William Harris in honor of his wife, the late Jane Grant. A co founder of The New Yorker magazine, and a feminist. Grant recognized the need for a center to conduct research of women. A veil of invisibility covers the world of women, Bernard said. In Grant's day feminists were seen as misanthropes who hated men and "that’s no truer now than 60 years ago," Bernard said. Women deal with a male-created world of capitalism and "profit is its motor." That world would surely have collapsed if women hadn't salvaged it from its own excesses, she said. "The major flaw in the whole corpus of human knowledge to date is that the male perspective deals with women only in how they relate to men," Bernard said. She urged women to challenge the assumptions of the male paradigm, and stop judging themselves by that standard. Minimizing gender differences, whether biological or socialized, is an insult to women, she said. It only reinforces the male way as proper. And male and female talents are not identical. "There's plenty of room for all the talent we can find, and we must not let the talent in female bodies hide," Bernard said. Women's "scholarship has gush ed from springs that have been dammed" and the movement must have "hope to sustain it and lessie Bernard Photo by Dave Kao anger to maintain it." In her tribute to Grant and CSWS, Bernard said that "tradi tional media fail the public" in gathering news and expressing opinion. "The complex issues of the times demand the creation of new skills and techniques to more ac curately reflect the times and the changes in society,” she said. What women do and have done needs to be interpreted and reported, she added. This and other important subjects need research. "I salute the center and more power to it.” Panels and parades protest arms race Students for a Nuclear Free Future and the faculty Arms Con trol Group are co-sponsoring a program at the University this week entitled "The New Arms Race — or New Ways of Thinking?" The program, part of a nation wide week of action, will include films, panel discussions and rallies The public is invited. SNuFF representatives say the week is designed to inform peo ple about the new arms race — the renewal of anti-Soviet hysteria, the development and deployment of first strike weapons, and the plans for lighting and winning a nuclear war. Also, it's intended to show peo ple new ways of thinking, such as peace and nuclear weapons education in colleges and public schools, arms control proposals and moral and religious perspec tives, sponsors say. Similar events are planned around the nation in more than 700 campuses and cities. Today's schedule includes a peace parade from the bookstore to the EMU courtyard beginning at noon and a presentation, "The Evolution of the Arms Race and America's Nuclear War Fighting Strategy," by Steve Johnson of the Pacific Northwest Research Center at 1:30 p.m. in the EMU Forum Room. Also offered are "The Rhetoric of the Soviet Threat" by David Frank, University professor of speech at 3 p.m. in the Forum Room and SNuFF's weekly meeting at 5:30 p.m. in 112 EMU, as well as an all day bake sale OAKWAY CINEMA OAKWAY MALL - 342-5351 NOW SHOWING They were a family lorn apart by temptation ... Kept apart by pride A WORLD WlOt nCTURIS ROIASE |pg Weekdays-7 & 9:10 p.m. Sat.-Sun. 2:30-4:45-7:00-9:10 SORRY-No Passes This Show sponsored by SNuFF at the bookstore. Other events during the week include two panels and a film Tuesday. One panel, at 12:30 p.m. in the Forum Room, will focus on "International Perspectives on the New Arms Race," and the other will address "A Peace Studies Pro gram at the University" in the same room at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday's Open Mike and Brown Bag Forum will participate in the week's theme and two workshops, one titled "overcom ing psychic numbness" and the other "nonviolence training," will be featured in the afternoon in 101 EMU. The first workshop is scheduled for 2:15 p.m. and the second for 3:30 p.m. On Thursday, 101 EMU is scheduled from 12:30 to 3 p.m., beginning with a panel discussion of "Alternatives to the Nuclear Arms Race." A second discussion will center on the Bishop's Pastoral letter on nuclear weapons, followed by a film. That evening at 8p.m., the moral and religious aspects of the arms race will be discussed at the First Con gregational Church. Friday's culmination will feature a "die-in" in the EMU courtyard at 1 p.m. following a children's play. Also scheduled at 1:30 p.m. in 101 EMU is a panel discussion titled "Should Public Schools Address the Issue of Nuclear War?" Hurry on Down to Eugene Plasma Corp Get money for your weekend 1071 Olive Magical Effects of a from ODE Graphic Services! EMU 686-5511 f“ DID YOU ^ " KNOW... Long Island Ice Teas are only $1.25 on Tuesday nights at &Ha!i0s 440 Coburg Rd < > 343-1221 ° < > <' < L U of O Foundation Annual Fund TELEFUND STATISTICS 100.000 90.000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 On 10/27/83 Chi Psi Fraternity received 290 pledges for a total of $4,835. First, second and third place for most pledges received are held by: 1st ROTC - 371 2nd Chi Psi - 290 3rd ASUO / Gamma Phi Beta - 192 That brings the total for the telefund to $36,453. Tonight Sigma Nu Fraternity will attempt to set a new record for total pledges received. -Kacyd* mu w Recycle this paper Recycle this paper Racks MARATHON by req- ? 13 *Ote@ __ pjmi&d-to^\hxtid * BRAVO' by "BOOKBAGIT Serving Our Members Since 1920. 13th & Kincaid M 1 Mon Fn 7 30 5 30 Sat 10:00 3:00 BOOKSTORE Supplies 686 4331