Duties include Selling Classified Advertising in person and over the phone developing and implementing promotional in-house ad campaigns helping advertisers develop ad cam paigns. design, copywriting, working with the Classfied Ad office manager in setting up ads for production, maintain ing quality control over the finished product We are looking tor an individual with proven sales ability, design and copywriting skills Production ex perience helpful You must have a car Hourly wage plus commission Send resume and cover letter to Classified Advertising. Oregon Daily Emerald. PO Box 3159. Eugene OR 97403 Applications close Nov 10 No phone calls please The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Affirmative Actron/Equal Opportunity Employer Women, minorities and the handicapped are en couraged to apply_ 1110 WORK/STUDY qualified student to work approximately 10-15 hours per week Duties will include typing, recep tion phone, and general office and go fer work Hours are flexible A car is helpful The Student Bar Association is an affirmative actionfequal opportunity employer Contact Ken Ford. Student Bar Association 117 Law Center Umv of Oregon 686 38821049.11-8 THE ASUO IS HIRING an editor for the Course Guide Sound writing and editing skills plus enthusiasm required! Applicants in Suite 4 EMU Deadline 11/14 5 pm ASUO is an affirmative ac lion equal opportunity employer 119 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN tor a typist for the Oregon Daily Emerald Should type at least 60 wpm and have Sunday through Thursday afternoons tree for a couple hours VDT experience preferred, but we will train. WORKSTUDY ONLY Pick up and turn in applications at the front desk Room 300 EMU Applications close Nov 9 Please call Sunday at 686-5511 tor more information The ODE is an aftirmative action equal opportunity employer 1111 ROOMATES MOVING TO NEW YORK Want female roomate tor Manhattan apartment starting Jan 1 84 Call Annette. 683 6417 nil Mature Male Nonsmoker Wanted To Rent basement apartment in home near Monroe Park $165 month plus utilities 3449184 11 9 HOUSEMATE WANTED Large house near campus Friendly atmosphere Rent $117 female grad preferred 3434646 10-31 CAN MEN FIX DINNER? CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS? Can 24 lo 40 women and men run a cooperative Household with non-sexist principles? Would you like to help us? We are near campus cook both vegetarian and non-vegetarian and at a reasonable cost Please check us out for this term or next term Campbell Club 1670 Alder 686 5189 (ask for Jima) or Janet Smith House 1790 Alder 686 4261 (ask for Laura) 978 MWF FEMALE ROOMATE to share 3 bedroom duplex Fireplace 1v» bath, convinient to town and campus $93/mo plus share utilities 344-7441 1000tfn FEMALE NEEDS ROOMATE to share 2 bedroom house Very close to downtown Bus stop next door Washer dryer Comfortable home One cat OK 343 3524 after 4 30 11-1 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485 4600 Bob Bennett Realty632 tin 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in apartment storage & all at convenient campus location $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 DROP°BY AT 1877 EMERALD 677 tfn STUDIO 1331 HIGH Campus/downtown area Contemporary turmnshings. private bath Share kit chen with one other UTILITIES PAID $160 Manager 344-0315 Bennetl Management 460 East 2nd 48S-6991 _1046 tfn UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland 2 bedroom, furnished at $ 1 4 0 / m o n t h Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished at $111/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at $116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686 4277 787 tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHEO one and two bedrooms close to campus $195 to $275 485-6322 485 0062 344 1625 332 tfn ALL UTILITIES PAID Ouiet 1 bedroom apartment Carpeted skylights located near 16th & Jefferson $l85lmo 1st and last 485-6969 11 7 735 East 14th One block from campus Furnished studio with private bath Share kitchen with one other Laundry facilities Covered parking available UTILITIES PAID Manager 344T3219 Bennett Management 460 East 2nd 485 6991 1045 tin 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT available near Fifth Street Public Market $160 485 5767__1057 tin ROOMY 1 BEDROOM APT. Furnished or unfurnished, carpeted Near 17th & Hilyard Adults, no pets $195 484 1057 1068 tin Dorm Contracts BEGINNING WINTER TERM Dorm multiple Call Susan 342 1926 11-8 Food/Drink EAT COOPERATIVELY EAT WELL Contribute 2'; hours work/week pay monthly at $3 10/day enjoy all meals & snacks Choice of vegetarian or non vegetarian Very close to campus Janet Smith House 1790 Alder 686 4261 ask for Laura Campbell Club 1670 Alder 686 5189 ask for Jima 977 MWF NOVEMBER SALE BANANA SPLITS 990 CAMPUS DAIRY QUEEN 706 EAST 13th EVENTS Faculty Arms Control Group presents A Week of Education: Mon. Nov 7 12:10 March from Bookstore to Silent Peace Circle courtyara 1:30 Evolution of US Nuclear War fighting strategy Forum Room 3:00 Rhetoric of the Soviet Threat. ForumRoom 1072:11-7 Protest THE Arms Race 12:15 UO Bookstore. A SELF HELP PROGRAM on Cervical Caps will be presented by the Portland Feminist Women's Health Center on Tues Nov 29. from 10 am 1 pm Cer vical Caps will be available for fitting and for sale Preregistration is required Call Women s Referral and Resource at 686 3327 before Nov 25 1050 11 21 Square Dance: James Watt Memorial Nov 8. 7 30 pm EMU Ballroom Sponsored by the UO Outdoor Program Free For more info call 686 4365 LONG ISLAND ICE TEA PARTY NIGHT TUESDAY AT OCALLAHANS ANRED (Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders) self help and support group Tuesdays 2 3 pm Amazon Com munity Center 2700 Hilyard $1 dona lion 11-8 Protest THE Arms Race 12:15 UO Bookstore. TRAIL OF high teaching team trom South America presents Egon Ma quehue (Mapuche Indian from Chile) at Bahai Center 1458 Alder SI . Monday. Nov 7 . 6 30 potluck. 7 30 firesite. in Spanish with interpreter 117 Entertainment THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-BIJU STUDENT ADMISSION $2.50 Anytime with ID & fee card KOYAANISQATSI "A WONDERFUL FILM rich in ideas and overpowering beauty I was amazed and moved by it Gene Siskel - At The Movies SUNDAY THURSDAY 6:30 $ 8:30 PM FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:30 & 9:30 PM SATURDAY SUNDAY MATINEE 4:45 PM BIJOU LATE NIGHT ROCKY HORROR Wadnasday-Thursday 11 pm, $2 Friday Saturday Midnight S3 Reserved seat tickets may be purchsed every evening beginning Nov 7 t 083 tin LIVE FROM JAMAICA EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents 1983 U.S. TOUR backed by the Roots Radies MONDAY, NOV. 7, 8 PM EMU BALLROOM Tickets Students S5 50 advance, S6 50 day ot show General public S6 50. S7 50 day ot show Available at EMU Main Desk. Earthriver Music. Face the Music and Everybody s Music tlNtAAT SirSS PREMIERE THRU NOV. 9 Tha Australian advantura-comady KITTY AND THE BAGMAN Sunday-Thursday at 7 30 pm Sunday Wednesday at 7 pm All shows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT THE GREY FOX Thursday Saturday at 9:15 pm Sunday-Wednesday at 8:5 pm Sunday matinee $3 50 FRI A SAT MI0NITE ■ XXX Marilyn Chamber's newest UP AND COMING with John C Holmes Over 18. re quires separate admission Personals PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing Birthright 687 8651 386 M Sir Jam-A*Lot Roses are red. Violets are blue It's been a whole month And our contract is due! Our kingdom shall reign For a length we will love Lets get out our pens And sign just above' I love you! SWAS 117 vupercut/ _is now open Sunday lor your convenience 2526 Willamette 683 1405 Mon Fri 10 am-7 pm Sat 9 am-7 pm Sunday 10 am-3 pm ___sesfriaJ FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion the procedure the cost and local referral call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll tree 1 800 223 0618 7 am 3 pm MF 468MWF PROBLEMS? Crisis Center U ot O telephone hotline 24 hours/7 days Strictly confidential Call 686 4488. 779 MF MARCO Meet me Wednesday at O Callahan s tor $1 DRINK NIGHT! Mandy 1079 11-7 TO THAT WONDERFUL GIRL IN MY PHILOSOPHY CLASS: Oh what a weekend Let s do it again Sixth Row Suitor 11-7 TO INTERESTED PARTY in his philosophy class! Unless you want your face pierced A more interested party 1W DOUG. I'm Dancing with myself t want you. I need you TAKE ME NOW Bitty Idol_ n-7 SHELLY SORENSON: You really are a special friend Thanks tor the dance lessons Hope you enioyed your birth day An old roomate KATIE 11-7 CHUCK: I ve yet to see your fuzzy balls but I heard you finally lost your vtrgini ty I'm sorry to hear that impotence strikes even the young 11-7 WCJMT PADS Write on something different CALL: JOANNE DEITZ 686-6202 PHIL NORTHRUP 345-7034 WORK ETHIC PRODUCTIONS We oppose military intervention in the domestic affairs of El Salvador, Honduras and Grenada. We urge President Reagan to withdraw U.S. troops from these countries immediately and to cease covert support of forces seeking to destabilize Nicaragua. Peggy Roth Steven Rendall Sharon Larisch Robert Berdahl David Curland Agnes Curland George Streisinger John Farley Dan Pope Barbara Pope Mavis Mate Alan Wolfe Colette Craig George Ayora Philip Young Tom Brady Arnulf Zweig Irving Wohlfarth Richard Zucker Donald S. Taylor Anne Leblans Rob Wooding Sarah Spangler Kathy Doerksen MimiJohnson Joan Acker Glenn A. May Jack P. Maddex. Jr. Jeffrey Needed Randall McGowan Roger Chickering Edwin L. Coleman II Michael R. Seltzer Barre Toelken Sharon Sherman Christer Mossberg Richard C. Stevenson Nathaniel Teich Germaine Pollard Michael E. Stamm Donna Holleran John Gage Malina Stefanovska Michael James Klaus Roehm Stephen W. Kohl Angela Palandri Yoko McClain Mary Lash Jonathan Monroe George Cavagnaro Silvia Spitta Molli Fleming Karen Petersen Juan Epple Gabriella Ricciardi Ellen Seiter John Graham Michele Piso Lisa Leimar Maxine Scates Mark Giant Liz Eakin James Heyndericx Carrie Yates Mara Warner Karin Lum Alicia Sanchez Marika Thompson Thomas Dufurrene Kelli Murphy Tony Smith Jeff Bernhardt Terry L. Neill Rebecca Ramsey Suzanne Hanlon Kirk Jensen Madeline Fisher Jordan Schick Terese Takacs Sonia Isotov Sandra Lewis Kenji Nakano Ellen Jean King Alice Boso Christophe Lacher L.C. Smith Jim Chapman Deborah Lufburrow Bojana Stefanovska Patricia Pactat Margaret Sparrow Michael Pactat Maryl Walling-Millard Larry Kasparowitz Mark Biskeborrt Albert Birnbaum Maria De Priest Kim Hamilton Chris Armeniades Timothy Conlon Jerry C. Goodman Thomas R. Hart Michael Powell Michael B. Fish /_ Perry J. Powers Randi Birn Kathy Gentile Stuart Smith Jo Ann Mazzarella Margarita Donnelly Mary Lou Finne Jim Weber Gail Silvey Monica Tallenday Gloria Garcia Billy Menakaya Titus Suck Linda Mang Scott Kerlin Anne Riley Wren Davidson Barbara Mickelson Richard L. Taliaferro Debora Sergent Jan Temple Richard Buck Virginia Buck Steven A. Spinell Nathan Philips Daniel Close Valerie Taylor Marilyn Kelly Nancy Morris Karin Dahl Linda L. Danielson Karla L. Schultz Barbara Hasbrouck Ted Romoser David Sherman Britta Hansen William W. Powell Jerome Garger Lori Tambellini Julie Baker Ruth Albrecht Brook Kintz Linda Kintz Laurel Monsanto Gail S. Katul Chase Kintz Joe Kintz Hal Myers Robert Jackson Anne Burdick Francoise Calin Peter Gontrum Edward Diller James McWilliams Paula Barker Barbara Dale May Sylvia Giustina Evlyn Gould Rhonda Englet John Fred Beebe Romalia K Stickney-Shibley Kiernan O’Rourke Andrea Erne Valerie Budig John A. Robandt Eric Bisbocci Fabienne Deleurme Peggy Sharpe-Valadarez Sherril Newton Steven R. Rodgers Walther Hahn Connie Cope Karin Dunker Randall Harbour Joan Bitterman Kathy Wolverton Ignacio Martinez Michael Sheehan Vanda J. Baughman Warner L. Peticolas Paul C. Engelking Bruce Hudson Tony Ruggiero Richard Chadwick Leland Mayne Richard Ludescher Thomas Dyke Aaron Novick Mary M. Stahl Susan M. Rosenberg Imran Siddiqi David Jonah Grunwald Ellen T. Wilson Douglas C. Underwood Karen U. Sprague Hansruedi Loetscher Jim McSwiggen James Linn Hans Geiselmann Stephen J. Remington David Hillman Brian Mathews Margaret Rice Terrence Oas J. David Cohen A. Cresswell Y. Ono M Pourkaviani Joe Niemela Stan Micklavzina Volker Mehlo Matthias Martin Marvin D Girardeau T. Godon James C. Kemp Peter Rolnick Robert L. Zimmerman Mary S. Erbaugh Michael I Posner Wendy A. Kellogg Peter W. Jusczyk Allan M. Winkler Charles Wright Stephen M. Johnson Roby M. Dawes Mary Driver Leinbach Lori Kennedy Mary K. Rothbart Rich Ivry Michael Paddy Tom Stevens Luis Vails, Jr. Joel Rothman James A. Weston Edward Herbert Edward L. Oates Gary Ciment Mitchel Martin Michael Comb Olivier Civelli Mark Grimes Robert Guittean. Jr. Steven Hecker Deborah Romerein K. McCrea Patricia Wasp Gleri Gibbons, Jr. Thelma Aman Don Dumond Claudia Hemphill Geraldine Moreno-Black John Lukacs Phyllis M. Douda Stefa Radosevich Randall D. Wardlow Patricia L. McClenahan C Melvin Aikens Kathryn Elsesser James M. Orr William S. Ayres Paul Claeyssens Al Urquhart PANEL DISCUSSION ON U.S. INTERVENTION IN GRENADA AND CENTRAL AMERICA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 • EMU 101 • 12:30-2:00 Sponsored by Faculty Against Intervention in Central America