et al. MEETINGS THE ASUO INVITES students to its monthly open stall meeting in Suite 4 EMU. Tuesday. Nov 8. at 7 p m Come ready with criticisms, compliments and suggestions JOURNALISM MAJORS and pre-maiors want to peer advise17 Come to an informational meeting today at 4 30 p m in the Turnbull Reading Room Applications will be available STUDENTS FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE meets today at 5 30 p m in Room 112 Emu All interested students are welcome INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION is holding a general meeting tor all students and faculty interested in global perspectives in Room 109 EMU today at 7 p m UNDERGRADUATE ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION meets on Tuesday. Nov 8. at 4 p m in Room 238 Gilbert All maiors and newcomers welcome LECTURES DAVID FRANK, professor of rhetoric and communica tion. will discuss "The Rhetoric of the Soviet Threat" to day at 3 p m in the EMU Forum Room Sponsored by SNuFF and the Faculty Arms Control Group for the Week of Education STEVE JOHNSON of the Pacific Northwest Research Center will discuss "From MAD to NUTS the Evolution of America's Nuclear Warfighting Strategy at 1 30 p m in the EMU Forum Room today Sponsored by SNuff and the Faculty Arms Control Group for the Week ot Educa tion The public is welcome CHRISTIAN BUSINESS STUDENT ASSOCIATION sponsors guest speaker Jack Holt, president ol North Douglas Branch U S Bank, today at 7 p m in Room 337 Gilbert LANE WOMEN’S POLITICAL CAUCUS will present an evening with Eugene realtor Jean Tate. Xerox executive Barbara Bergreen and KEZI reporter Bebe Crouse to discuss their recent trip to Nicaragua tonight at 7:30 pm at The Raleigh Hills Treatment Center. 2222 Coburg Rd For more information call 345-0316, evenings FACULTY AGAINST INTERVENTION in Central America is presenting a panel discussion tilled ' U S in tervention in Grenada and Central America" today at 12 30 p m in Room 101 EMU (opposite the Post Office) Participants include Joan Acker. Ed Ferguson. Dan Goldrich, Jeffrey Needell and Jean Tate INTERVIEWS SPEND AN AFTERNOON ON THE JOB at New York Life Enjoy an on-site visit and learn about career oppor tunities in the field of Sales/Management/Underwriting/ in the insurance industry on Thursday. Nov 10. from 1:30 to 4 30 p m Sign up today in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall Space is limited Transportation will be provided CAMPUS INTERVIEWS: Check in Career Planning & Placement for qualifications - NOV. 14,15 — U S Marine Corps (For Officer) Also at EMU NOV. 15 — NCR Corporation (For Sales Representative) NOV. 15 — Georgia Pacific Corporation (For Junior Accountant) NOV. 15 — Jones & Roth. P C (For Stall Accountant or Accounting Intern) NOV. 15 — Paradyne Corporation (For Sales Representative) NOV. 15 — U S Naval Ocean Systems Center (For Training Program — Computer Scien tists/Physicists/Mathematicians/Electronics Engineer) Minimum GPA 2 9 NOV. 16 — David Douglas School District (For Secon dary Math Teachers) NOV. 16 — Golden Gate University. School ol Law (For Law School) Group meeting 2 to 2 30 p m . Room 108 EMU NOV. 16 — National Oceanic & Atmospheric Ad ministration (For Officer — NOAA Corps) Group meeting 8:30 to 9 a m.. Room 240. Susan Campbell Hall NOV. 17 — Pitney Bowes (For Sales) PLEASE SIGN UP IMMEDIATELY if interested in inter viewing with the following recruiters NOV. 7 — Antioch School of Law Group Meeting 9 a m . Room 109 EMU; also a table in the EMU NOV. 8 — Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon (For Computer Programmer). NOV. 8 — Johnson Wax (For Area Sales Rep) NOV. 8 — A L Williams Company (For Sales in Finan cial Services) NOV. 8-11 — U S Navy Recruiting District — EMU NOV. 9 — U S Army Audit Agency (For Auditor) NOV. 9,10 — U S Marine Corps (For Officer) NOV. 9 — University of Southern California. Graduate School of Business — Group meetings only — 9 and 10 am. EMU Century Room A NOV. 10 — Economics Lab. Inc. (For Sales Trainee) NOV. 10 — Frederick 8 Nelson (For Mgmt Training for Buyer) NOV. 10 — Union Pacific Corporation (For Corporate Auditor) NOV. 10 — U S Air Force (For Pilot/Navigator/Meterology/Comm Electronics) MISCELLANEOUS OREGON STUDENT LOBBY is sponsoring a contest to choose its logo The best logo design will receive a $100 gift certificate from the University Bookstore Students must submit their entries by Nov 18 For more information call Sherry Oeser at 588-1571 PROTEST THE ARMS RACE today at 12 15 p m at the University Bookstore Participants will parade to the EMU Courtyard and there form a circle of silence SEMINARY REPRESENTATIVES from Pacific School of Religion and San Francisco Theological Seminary will be available to talk with students who are interested in ministry or a graduate theological education Call the Wesley Center at 686 4694 for an appointment for this afternoon BLOOM COUNTY pw wake Jf, m? •you'u eNJOYTHIS. USTBfJ. Hwe YOU H6ARP A&OVT THOSC New CORPUROY pillows r 7«gr*e /VWKINO HtAPUHCS HA'HA1 HA/ by Berke Breathed Oliver THE CAMERA CREWS UIU.BEHEREIN FIVE MINUTES!! ... "SIXTY Ml NUTES* "Twrs incredible AND THE THREE MAJOR NETWORKS...THEY ,— CALLED THIS MORNING WHEN THE PRESIDENT CALLED VOU V—N "AMERICA'S [ } MOST V1 DANGEROUS RADICAL':..^ by John Gorman WHY DIDN’T VOUTEiiMC?.'.1 / you W£fl£ r / /N7H£5H0W£R \ —4 Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible tor more than one day's incorrect adver tising insertion The ODE’S liability lor typographical errors, incorrect in sertions. or omissions In advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges for such portion of space occupied by the er ror If your ad appears incorrectly, call IN 4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day's issue RATES: Rates are IS cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change $1.50 minimum for the Mrs! Insertion $1.20 minimum for consecutive THERE IS*NcTrEIMJND FOR AO CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established witn us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE offic% 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Small invastmant BIG RETURNS! For Sale ■O RICKENBACKER 4001 BASS (Wt»it*>