Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1983, Section B, Page 4 and 5, Image 16

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    r Sy's Pizza Free ^
Campus Delivery Special
call 686-9598
75c off
$1.25 off
any Small
or Medium
any Large
Your Choice of Regular or Sicilian (thick) Crust
Delivery Hours 5:30-Midniaht
Offer good this Sunday Onfy
Don’t Forget to Ask for Your
Two Free Drinks With Every Delivery
Sy's Pizza _
1211 Alder on campus 686-959^^j|
■—UO Bookstore—t
On Monday, November 7, we will
begin removing textbooks from the sales
floor. This move is in preparation for
returning these excess books to the
publishers, and to make way for Winter
Term texts. We are suggesting: If at this
time you have not yet purchased needed
Fall Term books, DO SO
IMMEDIATELY. Buy now - avoid
problems later.
13th & Kincaid
Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 5:30
Sat. 10:00 - 3:00
BOOKSTORE Supplies 686-4331
Saturday, November 5th
1 p.m. Autzen Stadium
Students $3.50
First 10,000 fans
receive a duck
quacker compliments,
of skoal bandits
FRIDAY, 11-4
"Tron" 180 PIC. 7 and 9 p m. $1.50 adults. $1
c hildren.
The Grey Fox" 150 Geology. 7 and 9 p.m. $1.50
adults, $1 children.
C inema 7: 'Kilty and the Badman" at 7:10 p.m
The Grey fox'' at 9:15 p.m Plus local short film
"A Story to be Told” $3.50.
Bi|ou Theatre: "Koyaanisqatsi ' at 7 10 and 9:30
p m "Blade Runner'' at midnight $2.50 students.
KOZY-TV. Cable 4: "Tar/an. the Ape- Man" at 9
p m. "Tdison the Man at II p.m.
"Tootsie" 150 Geology 7 and 9:15 p m $1.50
adults. $1 c hildren.
China Film Festival: "The Xian Inc ident ' Bijou
Theatre. 12:15 and 2:20 p.m. $2.50 Sponsored
by the University Asian Studies Association. Call
886-4005 for futher info.
C inema 7: (See Friday's listing)
Bi|ou Theatre: "Koyaanisqatsi ' at 4:45, 7:10 and
9:10 p.m. Blade Runner " at midnight $2.50
KOZY-TV.Gable 4: "The Big Street'' at 9:10 p.m.
The Boss " at 11:30 p m.
SUNDAY, 114>
' The Spirit of the Beehive'' 180 PLC. 7 p.m.
$1 50 adults, $1 children.
China film festival: (See Saturday's listing)
C inema 7: Kitty and the- Badman'' at 2 and 7
p.m. "The Grey Fox" at 1.50 and 8:50 p.m. Plus
local short lilm "A Story to Ire lold" $1
Bi|ou Theatre: "Koyaanisqatsi" 4 45, 7, and 9
p m. $2.50 students
KOZY-TV, Cable 4: "Saboteur" at 9 p.m.
MONDAY, 11-7
Cinema 7: "Kitty and the Badman" at 8:50 p m.
' The Grey fox" at 8:50 p m. Plus loc al short him
A Story to be Told' $1 50.
Bi|ou Theatre: "Koyaanisqatsi" at 7 and 9 p.m
$2 50 students.
KOZY-TV. Cable 4 Shadow ol a Doubt at 9
Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Bi|t>u Theatre*: (Set- Monday's listing)
KOZY-TV. C able 4: "Psycho" al 9 p.m.
C inema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Bi|ou Theatre: (See Monday's listing) "Ihe
Rocky Horror Picture Show" at 11 pm $2 50
KOZY-TV, Cable 4: "Mamie" at 9 p m.
Cinema 7: "To Begin Again' at 7:10 and 9:20
p.m $1.50.
Bi|Ou theatre: (See Mondays listing) "The
Rocky Horror Picture Show at 11 p.m $2 50
KOZY-TV, Cable 4 "Topaz al 9 p.m.
FRIDAY, 11-4
Beer Garden. I MU Dining Room 4-7 p.m. Call
17T tor further into
Hornet oming Dance with Curtis salgado and
In Yo late. I MU Ballroom 8 p.m fret*
letfure and rental by guest artist Ron
Pellegrino on the visual applic ation ol music.
Beall Concert Hall 8 p.m $2. He will use a syn
thesizer and a laser protection system in his
Studio I Cabaret Studio I, Hult Center 9 : TO
p.m. ( all 687-5000 tor further into
The Beanery Bill Sabol. piano 7:10-10 p.m. No
c over.
Lone Star: Michael John and Kimberly, with
Spec tal Delivery 9:10 p m
|o Fedengos: Bill Rhoades and The Blues
Delux 9: TO p.m. No cover
The International Ice. 9 TO p.m
Modern Mono Kl ( C -I M, 89 7. 11: TO p.m
Billy Rant her and The Unreal Gods. with The
Usual Suspet ts. I MU Balloroom 8 p.m. Tree
Saturday Market South tugene High School
|a/z Lab Quartet. 1 p.m. Craig Sorseth, folk
musK. T p.m. Free
Arousing Spent C ommunity Center tor the Per
forming Arts. 8th and Lincoln. 9: TO p.m $T.
The* Beanery: (See Friday's listing)
|o Fedengos: (See Friday s listing)
lone Star: (See Friday's listing)
The International: (See Friday's listing)
Saturday Cafe. KLCC-FM, 89.7. 9 a.m.
Blackberry |am: Craig Sorseth and |oanne Rad
way KLCC-FM, 89 7 6 p.m
A Prairie Home Companion. KLCC-FM, 89.7. 7
SUNDAY, 11-6
|o Federigo's; Jam Session with the Immett
Williams Trio 9:10 p.m. No cover
Mist Covered Mountain. KLCC-FM, 89.7. 9 a.m.
MONDAY, 11-7
The ItaLs, reggae musicians trom Jamaica, and
Roots Radie s. EMU Ballroom 8 p.m. $5 SO
students, $6.SO general; $0 SO and $7 SO on the
day of the show. Tickets available at the EMU.
Main Desk, Earthriver Records, and Everybody's
Rec ords.
Joan Baez. Silva Hall. Hull Center 8 p.m. $10.25
and $11.25. C all 687 S000 lor reservations and lur
ther into.
Round Singing and Christmas Carols. 1180
Lawrence, No. 1. 7:15 p.m. Call 342-2147 tor tur
ther into.
Jo Federigo's: (See Sunday’s listing)
Lone Star: (Sen* Friday's listing)
( lassies Countdown. KLCC-FM, 89.7. 8:10 a.m.
Digital |a/z IP: Miles Davis' kind ot Blue."
KLCC-FM, 89 7 1 p.m
From the Leftside: Best ot Folk Music. KLCC
FM, 89 7. 7:10 p m.
New Dreamers. KLCC-FM, 89.7. 11 p.m.
The Scots Guards "Black Watch" Silva Hall,
Hull (enter. 8 p.m. $11.25 and $14.25. (all
087 5000 tor reservations and turther into.
Classical guitar with Peter Thomas, tugene
Public library. 7:10 p.m. Free.
Jo Federigo’s: Fagle Park Slim. 9:10 p.m. No
Lone Star: (See Friday's listing)
Classics Countdown KICC-FM, 89 7 8:10 a.m.
Digital Jazz LP: "Friday Night in San Franc isco"
with John Mclaughlm, AJ DiMeola, and Delucia
Kl( ( f M. 89.7 1 p.m.
Jazz Gig. EMU Fishbowl 7-9 p.m. ( all 086-4171
tor turther into.
Roy Clark. Silva Hall. Hull Center. 7 p.m $11.25
and $12.75. Call 087-5000 tor reservations and tur
ther into.
Jo Federigo's: (See Tuesday's listing)
lone Star: ’(See Friday's listing)
( lassies Countdown. kl( C-FM, 89 7 8:10 a.m.
Digital Jazz IP: Wynton Marsalis debut
album. KLCC-FM, 89.7. 1 p.m
Musical Smorgasbord. 198 Music. 12:10 p.m
Jo Federigo's: (See Tuesday’s listing)
lone Star: (See Friday's listing)
( lassies Countdown. KLCC-FM, 89.7 8:10 a.m.
Jazz Album Preview. KLCC -FM, 89.7 9 p.m.
""Dracula" Robinson Theatre, Villard Hall. $5
general, $3.25 University students, $4 other
students and senior c itizens. Nov. 4 and 5. Set in
the late 19th century, this version ot the Bram
Stoker classic combines horror, mystery, and
romance into a sophistic ated tale ot the conflic t
In'tween good and evil, ( all 080- 4191 lor reserva
tions and turther into.
"On the Edge The Brass Rail. 411 Willamette.
Nov. 4 and 5. 9 p.m. $4 An evening ot original
comedy, vignettes, songs, and improvizations,
mostly ot a satirical and/or slightly ott-the-wall
nature, ( all 142-2298 tor reservations and turther
"Pic me " written by William Inge, performed by
the Oregon Repertory Theatre. Soreng Theatre.
Hult ( enter Nov 4 and 5 at 7: M) p.m and Nov. 0
at 2 p m $12.S0-S6 50 ( all 687-5000 tor reserva
tions and further info.
"Rashomon” by Faye and Michael Kanin.
Soreng Theatre. Hult Center. Nov. 10-12 and
16-19 8 IQ'P m. $10 and $7 general, $7 and $5 tor
students and senior citizens. A samurai tale ot
lust, truth, and the sword. Directed by Allan
Gross ( all 687 S000 lor reservations and further
Sherlcxk Holmes "The Priority School" KLCC
FM, 89.7. Thursday. 7:10 p.m.
loan Baez and her ",achingly pure soprano" will be reverberating at 8 p.m. in
the Hult Center, on Monday, November 7. A singer for 18 years, the enigmatic
daughter ot a gypsy still strikes a chord in those ot us with folk-hearts, rock
hearts or partially political hearts. Tickets are $11.25 and $10.25.
University Rec reational Folkdancers Dant e. ISO
Cerlmger Annex. Friday. 7*0-11 p.m. $125
general. 7S tents University students. Darners
are taught, followed by programmed and request
darning Beginners welcome Call 687 9641 or
141-9084 tor further into.
Bolero" by Ravel, and "Pas de Quatre" per
formed by the lugene Ballet Company. Silva
Hall, Hull Fn and Sat., 8p.m. $5.50-$15.50 (all
687-0020 reservations and further into.
FRIDAY, 11-4
Benefit Events tor the Eugene Ballet Company
Reception tor South Amerit an artist Rodo
Boulanger and sale of her works. Composers
Hall, Eugene Conference Center. 2-5 p.m.
Boulanger will also be the Guest ot Honor during
the performance ot Bolero and Pas de Quatre
in the Silva Hall, Hult Center. 8-10 p.m Call
687-0020 or 485-1992 tor further into.
The Sth Annual YMCA Pancake Breakfast, All
You Can Eat " 2055 Patterson. 7:30-11:30 a m.
$2.50 adults, $1.50 c hildren 10 and under Benetit
tor the Y's Youth Scholarship Fund and High
St h<K)l Programs.
Cracked Pot Salt1 Maude k»*rns Art ( enter 10
a.m.-S p.m.
WISTEC Planetarium Shows: "Autumn Skies
at 1 p.m. "The View from Planet Earth (ancient
astronomy)" at 3 p.m. Call 484-9027 for further
SUNDAY, 11-6
University ot Oregon Day: special perfor
mances by members ot the Dept ot Dance.
School ot Music, and University Theatre. Silva
Hall, Hult Center. 11:15 a.m.-S: 10 p.m (all
687-5000 tor further into.
WISTEC Planetarium Shows: (See Saturday s
MONDAY, 11-7
Workshops and a Town Meeting tor the
Oregon Arts C ommmission and Oregon Ad
vocates tor the Arts Maude kerns Art Center.
Workshops 1-5 p.m. Town Meeting 7-9 p.m Call
485-2278 tor further into.
University Museum ot Art: "Decoding the
Dragons: Status Garments of the Ch'ing Dynas
ty." Through Nov. b.
keystone Gale: Portraits in Silver by Grand
Hangis Through Nov. 7. "fares and fortes
works by Gait Bulletsel. Nov. 8-Det 8.
Maude Kerns Art Center: Recent Landscapes in
colored pencil by Mike Pease. Through Nov. 10.
Art Dept. Gallery, Lane Community Center:
Mixed Media Works by Kathy Caprario, Peg Coe,
Harold Hoy, |im Ulrich, and Mike Walsh
Through Nov. 10.
Aperture: Photographs by Dun Jayne, through
Nov. 21.
Book and Tea: Collages by lulie Roeman.
through Nov. 23.
Projec t Space Gallery: Some Private Wars and
Memories, Part 2" tableau about war by Mike F
Walsh and "On the Wall" mixed media construe -
tion by Carol Westlake. Nov. 5-2b. Reception
Saturday at 8 p.m
Photography at Oregon Gallery. Museum ot
Art: Surrealistic black and white photographs by
Jerry Uelsmann. through Dec. 2.
Original Graphics Gallery: Works in various
media by Rodo Boulanger. Through Dec. 5.
Reception Saturday 4-8 p.m.
C osi Ian Tutte" by Mo/art, pertornied by
t\>rtland Opera. Portland Civic Auditorium. Nov.
5. 9, and 12. 8 p.m. $12 $28. C all 1-241-4101 tor
reservations and lurther into.
Classical Dances ot India, performed by Dr.
Ratna Roy and Shyamli. South Salem High Sc hex>l
Auditorium. Saturday. 8 p.m. $4. Call 1 581-9558
or Mb2-0T0T tor turther into.
Concert by the Oregon Symphony Orchestra
conducted by James DePreist. Sunday at 7:T0
p.m. Monday at 8 p.m. Portland Civic
Auditorium $b.25-Si 1.50. Call 1-228-1153,
1-248-44%, or 1-284-2101 tor reservations and tur
ther into.
Gang ot Four. Starry Night, Portland. Wednes
day. Time 1BA. $8.50 advance, $9.50 day ot show.
Iickets available at Meier & Frank.
Big Country. Starry Night, Portland. Ihursday.
9 p.m. $9.50 advance. $10.50 day ot show. Tic kets
available at Meier & Frank.
"Don Juan in Hell" by George Bernard Shaw,
pertormed by members ot the Oregon
Shakespeare Festival from Ashland. Elsinore
Theatre. 170 High St., Salem. Thursday. 8:15 p.m.
$8.50 and $7.50, $1 less tor students.
Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen. The New
Rose Theatre, 904 S.W. Main, Portland, thursday
Saturday until Nov. 12. $8. Call 1-222-2487 tor
reservations and turther into.
"Masterpieces ot the American West: Selec
tions trom the Anschutz Collection." Through
Nov. b. "A Celebration ot Impressionism."
Through December. Portland Art Museum. 1219
S.W. Park Ave.
Compiled by Bob Webb
Campus Events: 686-1NFO
Tape 651
The calendar deadline tor The Friday Edition is
Monday at noon.
From a local pizza-lover...
The Homebaked Pizza Cookbook
Warren F. Sabloskv
Earth Evolution Publishing, Eugene
For pizza-lovers who prefer
to make their favorite food at
home, a new pizza recipe
book, written by Eugenian
Warren Sablosky, is on the
Sablosky says he started
researching his cookbook
about three years ago because
he felt there was no good book
out that dealt exclusively with
pizza. He also thinks that a bet
ter pizza can be made at home
than you can buy.
He adds that in recent years,
pizza has “by statistics alone"
become the world's most
popular food, outselling even
hamburgers, and grossing over
$1 billion in sales in the U.S.,
making it "one of the largest
industries in America."
According to Sablosky, pizza
has also become the top
selling frozen food in America.
Part of the reason for its
popularity, he says, is that piz
za is considered the "perfect
food;" it has everything a
human being needs to be
healthy. And, he adds, you can
make a pizza that's even more
nutritional by combining cer
tain foods, something he
demonstrates masterfully in
his book.
“The Homebaked Pizza
Cookbook" contains over 70
recipes, including more than
25 tor the crust alone. Also in
cluded is a history of pizza,
several techniques for using a
food processor in making piz
za, some traditional pizza
methods, and all kinds of
recipes. The recipes range
from gourmet to natural foods
and include meat and
vegetarian entries. The book
also includes instructions for
building an adobe-style wood
fired oven, which, according to
Sablosky, is the way pizzas
were originally baked.
“By using a wood-fired
oven," Sablosky said, "pizza
can be baked very quickly and
at a very high temperature. The
oven, he adds, can be used for
many things and makes a great
multi-purpose oven.
Sablosky will be offering
both a pizza-cooking class and
a pizza-catering service. For
further information on these
services, r ail .343-3519.
“The Homebaked Pizza
Cookbook" can be ordered
through Earth Evolution
Publishing, 55 N. Monroe,
Eugene, Or. 97402. Sablosky
will mail the book for you for
$1 more if you're interested in
sending it as a gift.
Marty Schwarzbauer
Related recipe
on Page 8B
(iraphit bv Shawn Bird
The Friday Edition is the Emerald arts and entertainment supplement.
It's published weekly throughout the school year.
tditor.Angela Allen Morgan
Assistant Editor.Kim C arlson
Copy Editor.Mary Bat ken
Produc tion.Vic toria Koc h, Dan Menlow, Mark Pynes, Kathi Rinks
The PIKES are Proud to introduce
their Fall Pledge Class.
From Left to Right: Brad Gebhardt, Kan Flax, Dan Pool, Kevin Dugan, Rab Brosamer, John
Rawlinson, John Corbin, Duane Hansen, Casey Pilkenton, Lee Hanson, Tony Pham, Greg Able, Rob
Olsen. Not pictured — Shane Burroughs, Dean Krake.
^ags 1° Vic/?
Second 1 land
( lotlmui
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
Your Wardrobe
now BUYinG
feconsiGninG TRADinGj
Call for Appointment
360 E. 11th
’Hours: 10-6 Non.-Sat.!
A Family-Style
feat urmg seafood. steak, prime rib. fresh pasta,
salad har. situps. and sandwiches, daily luiKh
A Bakery
with croissants, cornhread and 25 vaneiics ot pies
baked fresh daily, including seasonal fresh fruit
pies all available for take ool
A Lounge
with lull bar. a wine of ihe month, and bullet
style hors d'oeuxres from 4 1
Monday thru Saturday
Student Discount
10% off total purchase
with valid fee card
$5.00 minimum purchase required
(Good anytime in Restaurant. Bakery and Lounge)
11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun.-Thurs.
11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri. & Sat.
1300 Valley River Drive
For the BEST haircut
you can get at any price,
corner of 29 th & Willamette 343-1182
no appointment needed Open Mon.-Sat.
All the bean and cheese burritos you can eat. We fill a flour tor
tilla full of beans and shredded monterey jack cheese, then roll it
burrito style and cover it with sauce and melted cheese. It's gar
nished with onion, lettuce and tomato. Served with rice, beans,
chips and salsa. (ONE PERSON PER ALL YOG CAN-EAT)
Good Times At
Try our homemade pizza
and enjoy the finest
ingredients available
•Pizza to Go •Salad Bar
•Italian Sandwiches •Galzone and Pasta
Dance and Party
Friday and Saturday Night
to your Favorite Music
Food served
until 10:00 p.m.
21 & over only
after 10:00 p.m.
801 E. 13th
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