poppi s Spanakopitta pastry filled wifn feta c Crisp layers of fillo pastry filled with feta cheese and spinach, served with potatoes yahni and vegetables. GREEK PEASANT FOOD, WINE-AND SPIRIT! Tables Outside .675 East 13th ’ Closed Tuesday 343-0646 11:30 om-10 30 pm wsekdayv 9 om-1030 pm weekends Proof of Excellence at the UO Bookstore THURSDAY NOV. 3 FRIDAY NOV. 4 SATURDAY NOV. 5 Come by ana talk with your Balfour Representative about special prices. $25 off — 14k gold $10 off — Silver, Siladium, 10k gold ■ 13th & Kincaid Balfour® UU Tfo'mw 30 From Balfour with pride BOOKSTORE Supplies 686 4331 Jj/\DISCOUNT X To U. of O. Students, Foculty ond Stoff On Service ond Repairs • No motter where you bought your cor, we'd be hoppy to do your worronty work or other customer service work. • Lowest hourly labor rote of any authorized Volkswagen dealer in Western Oregon. • Largest ports inventory south of Portland. • Service Deportment is open six full days every week, Mon.-Fri.» 7.30-5.30, Sot.. 6.00-5.00. /IEGRI/T 1570 South A, Springfield 746-6241 sports Pt*o(o by Dun Cufrmty Greg Moser has gone from an instructee to an instructor. The ex-Oregon receiver spends his time at Autzen Stadium working with scout team players. Player-coach-announcer Moser is Mr. Versatile By Steve Irvin Of the Emerald In an age of specialization in professional sports, there exists the athlete who earns a living by being a jack-of-all-trades. Los Angeles Dodger Derrel Thomas, who has played eight positions during his baseball career, is an example. In the United States Football League, an example is ex-Oregon split end Greg Moser of the Houston Gamblers. Moser comes to the Gamblers from the Los Angeles Express, where he played on every special team in addition to his pass-catching duties in 1982. Besides being a do-it-all on the playing field, Moser has been versatile off it. This year, he is a graduate assistant coach for Oregon football, working with special teams and wide receiver coach |ohn Ramsdell. And when he isn't coaching football, Moser talks about it — he pro vided color commentary with Todd McKim on KEZI TV's broadcasts when the Ducks faced Ohio State University, San lose State University and University of Washington. While at Oregon, Moser served primarily as a wide receiver. Before graduating in 1982, he climbed to ninth on the school s career reception list with 82. But as a pro, Moser realizes being versatile makes his stock rise in employers' eyes. "The more things you do, the more valuable you are to them," he says. "I just looked at it as a way to int rease my value to the team and the management." Being an asset is vital to remaining employed in pro football, according to Moser. "They (the owners) are in the business to win games and make money," Moser says. "If I can make them $5000, fine, but if I'm going to be a liability to them, they'll cut me " Moser says this do-or-die business approach to football is something a rookie must adjust to. "In college, if you have a bad game or if you don't start, you know they're not going to take your scholarship," he says, adding that in pro ball, by con trast, "there's not many second chances given unless they have a whole bunch of money invested in you. "It's your job to do well on Sunday when you play the game, and do what they ask you to do. If you do, you keep getting paid," Moser says. Doing what is asked of him also is integral to Moser's coaching job with the Ducks. Moser's coaching duties are characteristically Continued on Page 9 Emerald and Nike present 'Trivia time' Think you know your Oregon sports? Take a shot at answering these tive questions about Oregon teams and athletes of the past (and present) in the Emerald's weekly sports trivia quiz. The winner, who is the first pier son to hand in the most correct answers, will win a $10 gift cer tificate. Answers should be hand ed in to the Emerald office, Suite 300 EMU, by 3 p.m. Friday. ■—UO Bookstore— Attention On Monday, November 7, we will begin removing textbooks from the sales floor. This move is in preparation for returning these excess books to the publishers, and to make way for Winter Term texts. We are suggesting: If at this time you have not yet purchased needed Fall Term books, DO SO IMMEDIATELY. Buy now - avoid problems later. I0KST0RE Supplies 686-4331 13th A Kincaid Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 5:30 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 In the event ot ties, winners will be determined by who handed in answers first. See quiz rules below, have fun and good luck. 7. Oregon football has never had a winless season, a) True b) False. 2. Oregon football's worst loss to a Pac-10 team was: a) 58-0 to Washington, 1973 b) 66-7 to Arizona, 1961 e) 63-0 to Oregon State, 1968. 3. Volleyball is a tall players sport, but Oregon has one player who's only 5-3. She is: a) Lisa Gemoya b) Sue Harbour c) Shannon Gates. 4. In 1981, Oregon’s Leann War ren was second at cross country nationals. That performance top ped 1980, when she finished a) fourth b) 25th c) 107th. 5. While Oregon's men's cross country team has won four na tional championships, University of Texas-EI Paso has won an as tounding 12. a) True b) False. Quiz ruin: Gift certificate* provided by NIKE EUGENE, W. tOth and dive. Answer* should be handed in on a piece of paper with name, year and maior — all current students and faculty may enter, but only once; answer* and name of winner* published in Monnday's ImerM. Winner* must come to front desk, EMU Suite 300, and show proper identification to collect certificates; certificate valid at NIKE EUGENE, 10th and Olive, only; certificates expire SO days after quia date; Bmertld employees may not enter contest. Thursday, November 3, 1983