OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe. S Amer Australia. Asia All fields S500 J1200 monthly Sightsee ing Free info Write IJC Bon 52-OR-3 Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 11-4 ATTRACTIVE FEMALES Earn $20 per session modeling nude for legitimate photographer Box 3641, Eugene 97403 _ 113 COORDINATOR FOR SPRING CON FERENCE $5 hour, work/study 10 hours/week Call UofO Crisis Center 686-4488 Application deadline 4 pm. November 7 An affirmative ac tion/equal opportunity employer _ 1020:11 4 DIVING COACH urgently needed Apply River Road Park and Recreation on or before Nov 3. Volunteer position, ex pentes paid11-3 WORK/STUDY qualified student to work approximately 10-15 hours per week Duties will include typing, recep tion. phone, and general office and go fer' work Hours are flexible A car is helpful The Student Bar Association is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer Contact: Ken Ford. Student Bar Association. 117 Law Center. Univ Of Oregon 686-38821049:11-8 WANTED: Student trainer for research project with severely handicapped high school students Qualifications 1) have own transportation. 2) available betwen 10:30-12:30 Monday thru Friday. 3) teaching experience with severely han dicapped individuals preferred Responsibilities: 1) provide daily train ing to 2 severely handicapped high school students in classroom and com munity settings. 2) assist in the ad ministration of 6 experimental probes in 3 local grocery stores Interested par ties should contact John McDonnell. Specialized Training Program. 686-5311 1030:11-4 DELIVERY DRIVER NEEDED 20 hours per week 484-2799 before 4pm 1059:11-4 ROOMATES FEMALE ROOMATE to share 3 bedroom duplex Fireplace. 1V2 bath, convinient to town and campus $93/mo plus share utilities 343-7441 1000 tin FEMALE NEEDS ROOMATE to share 2 bedroom house Very close to downtown Bus stop next door Washer dryer Comfortable home One cat OK 343 3625 alter 4 30 11-3 ROOM IN HOUSE $130 per month rent Oil heat Noncooperative 2271 Agate 683 8978 after 5 pm 114 WANTED: Female roomate to share nice 2 bedroom apartment winter and spring term Close to campus non smoker 345-0102_ 11 4 FEMALE ROOMATE to share large 2 bedroom 1 block from campus $130 tst/last plus deposit 687 1606 11-3 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485 4600 Bob Bennett Realty_ 632 tin 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & appltanced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in apartment storage & all at convenient campus location $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD __677:ttn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485-6322. 485 0062. 344 1625332:1 f n UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom, furnished at $140/month; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at $111/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at $116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4277 787:tfn ALL UTILITIES PAID Quiet 1 bedroom apartment Carpeted, skylights, located near 16th & Jefferson $185/mo 1st and last 485-6969117 STUOIO 1331 HIGH Campus/downtown area Contemporary furninshings. private bath Share kit chen with one other. UTILITIES PAID $160 Manager 344-0315 Bennett Management 460 East 2nd 485 6991 1046 Ifn 735 East 14th One block from campus Furnished studio with private bath Share kitchen with one other Laundry facilities Covered parking available UTILITIES PAID Manager 344-0219 Bennetl Management 460 East 2nd 485-6991 1045 tin 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT available near Fifth Street Public Market $160 485 5767 1057:ttn Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service 686-1075 _82t:tfn LARGE MODERN QUAD next to univer sity. $129 Utilities paid. 1866 Harris 344 1009 979:tfn Dorm Contracts AVAILABLE NOW Dorm contract Help. 485-9857. Shawn11-4 BEGINNING WINTER TERM Dorm multiple Call Susan 342-1926 11-8 Oregon Daily Emerald For Sale: Univ. Inn ContractEC., Sgl Rm 7th FI. Call Ext 4287 Leave memo for David. Lost/Found LARGE REWARD for return of scientific calculator in white case tost Monday Name is on it No questions asked Don Coffey 344-6206, 342 76111_K3 PUPPY FOUND FRIDAY near Education building Brown, maybe part Labrador 342 1272 after 5 pm 113 Food/Drink Cafe* Express GRAND OPENING 99 6 2 Scrambled Eggs & English Muffin 1348 Alder 344 0649 114 OOOOOOcrtHB?bOOO£ QQQaaoaQQorJIBBCbQoaaac. oooo lMQ Mandarin aaaaaaaaaoanaoooaooaoooaao ^ Dally Special Chinese Lunch-^ *1»5 Iy" Full Course Chinese Dinner A* ^ *3.95 fp 1 ?th & Hilyard , 11 am - 10 pm ^ 343-6234 £ NOVEMBER SALE BANANA SPLITS 990 CAMPUS DAIRY QUEEN 1048:11-8 EVENTS Eugene ANTIQUE & COLLECTORS SHOW & SALE Nov. 4, 5, 6 LANE CO. FAIRGROUNDS FRI & SAT 119 SUNDAY 10-6 ADM. ONLY $1 A Copper Penny Show 114 A SELF HELP PROGRAM on Cervical Caps will be presented by the Portland Feminist Women s Health Center on Tues., Nov. 29, from 10 am-1 pm. Cer vical Caps will be available for fitting and for sale Preregistration is required Call Women's Referral and Resource at 686 3327 before Nov 25 105011-21 International Studies Assoc. General meeting for all students and faculty interested in global perspec tives Monday. 7th 7 pm. Rm 109 EMU 11-5 La Galeria presents LATIN AMERICAN ART EXHIBIT FROM NICARAGUA Alejandro Canales FROM CHILE Francisco Letelier These two artists collaborated in the painting of the centerpiece mural at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid Opening & Reception with Alejandro Canales Thursday Nov. 3 5:30 pm Show runs Nov. 3 thru Nov. 19, 9 pm to 6 pm weekdays. Sponsored by the Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America. 1054:11-3 Eugene Council for Human Rights in L£tin America presents: CUBAN HISTORY PROFESSOR AND FEMINIST SONIA RIVERA Lecture Contemporary Cuban Politics (The Cuban Position on Granada) Active member o( the Circle of Cuban Culture, a N Y based solidarity group focused on teaching post revolution culture, and researcher on temmish. women, children, and the family in Cuba Fri., Nov. 4 3 pm 1236 Kincaid Sponsored by the Inslitute for Policy Studies. Wash . D C as part ol The Third World Women's Project 1055:114 Attention MANDATORY MEETING for All Members ALPHA , LAMBDA ra DELTA m and $ PHI ETA SIGMA Thursday. Nov 3 7 pm. Carson Gold Room Refreshments will be served 1047:11 3 Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America Back Again! HARD TIMES LUNCHES $2 Thursdays 11:30 on Featuring different delicious menus every week. Enjoy the most authentic Latin food in town. ECHRLA 1236 Kincaid Next to the U of Bookstore 835:10-1 J Entertainment The Committee for Musical Arts presents ELECTRONIC MUSIC EXPERT Ron Pellegrino LECTURE-DEMO: “sualizing Music and Music Theory" utilizing laser pro lection synthesis and microcomputers FRIDAY, NOV. 4 8 pm, BEALL HALL Admission $2 at the door For info call 686-5664 1029:11-4 MAX’S presents Rhythm & Blues with Curtis Salgado and In Yo’ Face Thursday & Saturday Nov 3 & 5 9:30 pm 550 East 13th. 1040:11-4 The U ot O Asian Studies Associa tion peasants tha bast new cinama from Mainland China at tha CHINA FILM FESTIVAL THIS WEEKEND THE XIAN INCIDENT (1982) Winner ol top awards tor best direc tor and best supporting actor FOUR SHOWS ONLY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 12:15 AND 2:20 PM THE BIJOU THEATER 492 E 13th 686BIJU 105211-4 EMU Cultural Forum presents the Home Coming Beer Garden with The Milkmen Friday, Nov. 4 4-7 pm in the EMU dining room. Alternative lood and beverages available I D reguired 1051 11 4 at EMSQN& BAR,: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3 THURSDAYS are LADIES NIGHT COMPLIMENTARY CHAMPAGNE LIVE MUSIC 9:30 pm • 2 am THE FABULOUS SECRETS NO COVER CHARGE! FIRDAY. NOVEMBER 4 FRIDAYS AT 5: 2 for 1 DRINKS! PARTY WITH: THE FABULOUS 9:30 pm • 2 am NO COVER CHARGE! SATURDAY. NOVEMBER S DANCE TO THE FABULOUS SECRETS 9:30 pm - 2 am NO COVER CHARGE tvry 4740 MAIN I in Springfield * 747-7900 IT’S FREE! Tha EMU Cultural Forum prasants CURTIS SALGADO AND IN YO FACE Friday, Nov 4th. 8:00 EMU Ballroom AND... Ariata Recording Artist BILLY RANCHER AND THE UNREAL GODS with tha USUAL SUSPECTS Saturday. Nov. 5th 8:00 EMU Ballroom THE BIJOU 492 E 13th M6-BIJU STUOENT ADMISSION 52 50 Anytime, with ID ft lee card MUST ENDTHURM WE OF THE NEVER NEVER Nominaled tor six Australian Academy Awards We Of The Never Never" is the story ol Jeannie Gunn. First civilized woman in the wilds ol Australia MONDAY THUMSOAV *15 ft 4 45 PM Starts Friday K0YAANISQAT8I KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATE NIGHT BLADE RUNNER Harrison Ford stars in Ridley Scott's compelling chronicle of Ihe near future Wide screen - thundering surround stereo. Wednesday ft Thursday 11 pm 5196 Friday ft Saturday Midnight *2.50 Coming Nov 9-12 ROCKY HORROR Reserved seats available Nov 7 1027:11 3 ONLHA7 X":®3 PREMIERE THRU NOV. 9 The Australian adventure-comedy KITTY AND THE BAGMAN Sunday Thursday at 7 30 pm Sunday Wednesday at 7 pm All shows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT THE GREY FOX Thursday-Saturday at 9 15 pm Sunday-Wednesday at 8:5 pm Sunday matinee $3 50 FRI ft SAT MIDNITE XXX Marilyn Chamber s newest UP AND COMING with John C Holmes Over 18. re quires separate admission - FRIDAY Wall Disney s FANTASIA of the 1980 s TRON Computer programers battle a power mad computer from within Exciting and bedazzling Shown in widescreen Cinemascope NOVEMBER 4 719PM 180 PLC • SATURDAY• DUSTIN HOFFMAN Tootsie 1982's comedy of social mores Also starring Jessica Lange. Teri Garr and Bill Murray NOVEMBER 5 7 8 9:15 PM 150 GEOLOGY • SUNDAY• This beautiful, haunting award winner portrays the isolation within a rural Spanish family NOVEMBER 6 7 PM ONLY 180 PLC STUDENTS/ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN $1 LIVE FROM JAMAICA EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents 1983 U.S. TOUR TUEI1P& backed by the Roots Radies MONDAY, NOV. 7, 8 PM EMU BALLROOM Tickets: Students $5 50 advance, $6 50 day of show General public $6 50. $7 50 day of show Available at EMU Main Desk. Earthriver Music. Face the Music and Everybody's Music Anand* Mirga Prei,tents Grey Fox scheduled lor Ri. Nov. 4 has been cancelled. The classic musical Fiddler on the Roof has been scheduled instead Catch in on Friday, Nov. 4 7 I 9:45 pm 114 LA BOTTINE SOURIANTE French-Canadian Folk Music Thursday, Nov. 3 8 pm, EMU Ballroom Tickets Students S3 General public S3 50 Tickets available at EMU Main Desk. Earthriver Records and Everybody s Records Fiddler on the Roof The most powerful Broadway musical in history returns to campus with a score of international hits. Director Norman Jewison brings the story of a people's ability to adapt and survive back to its real life loca tion in Eastern Europe Friday. Nov. 4 7 1 9:45 pm 150 Geology SI 501$ 1 1065 11 4 Personals IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy, call Birthright Free testing 687-8651 _ 327 F LARRY'S BARBER SHOP 557 Willamette 343-5741 Seniors S3 Regular $3 75 Styles S5 50 Ladies Cuts SHINES a SHARPENING I'D LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT THE GUY IN PHILOSOPHY CLASS WITH THE TWO PIERCED EARS AN INTERESTED PARTY (iHMlI Ol'4»J)Oll Coiii|mni| OPEN DAILY TILL MIDNIGHT 13th Ave at High St 344 5221 Eugene. Oregon FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion • the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll tree. 1 800 223 0618 7 am 3 pm MF 468MWF MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt.: 344-7039 360 E. 11th OWHF Get Fast. Dependable Service at Siegmund's Cleaners 821 E 13th Ave WATCH YOUR WEIGHT ANO KEEP YOUR HEALTH FORTUNATE LIFE is a new and sale way to control your weight and en sure a proper diet Meets or beats all FDA requirments For details contact Andy Guilin al 747G307 or 746G284 934:11 14 ANXIOUS AND WAITING: MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE! How about 7pm Friday for dinner, drinks, and Descartes? Sixth Row Suitor.11-3 I DISCOVERED the Bushwacker and my hair has never looked better Charles Van Rysselberghe, sophmore 1036 113 PATTY: Happy B-day! II you like what you see Irom here, climb a little higher, the view may gel better! Love Jeffus _ 11-3 Michael Vlaming Success is but a peace ol mind. yoSrs is sure to come Have confidence in yourself, as I do in you BEACOUP D'AMOUR, PATOU11-3 DEAR LITTLE SIS: Have a great day Love you lots, YOUR BIG SIS1T3 UO Men’s Crew Get the fire Corvallis is near _ 11-3 HAPPY 22nd Mr. Zinke 113 HEY SKI TEAM members Gel your running shoes ready (or the jog-a-thon today Good luck and have fun_ 11-3 Gamma Phi Mandy I love a rain storm. Love, Your Big Sis 11-3 *supcfculr is now open Sunday lor your convenience. 2526 Willamette 663-1405 Mon-Frl 10 am 7 pm Sat 9 am? pm Sunday 10 am-3 pm -L_ Page tl