et al. MEETINGS INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION is holding a general meeting lor all students and faculty interest led in global perspectives in Room 109 EMU on Monday. Nov 7. at 7 p m UNDERGRADUATE ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION meeting on Tuesday. Nov 8, at 4 p.m in Room 238 Gilbert All majors and newcomers welcome APO PLEDGE INITIATION will be held Thursday. Nov 3. at 7 p.m in the EMU International Student Lounge OREGON COUNCIL OF AMERICAN YOUTH HOSTELS invites all members to attend the first annual membership event on Saturday. Nov 5 Call the Mill Street American Youth Hostel at 726-5012 for location and details MOCK DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION is looking for people to serve as delegates and leaders for this spr mg's convention. Anyone interested in these positions should stop by the table in the EMU today and attend tonight's mock convention meeting at 6:30 p m in Cen tury Room A EMU OSAAHE meeting today at 5 pm in the Health Educa tion Resource Room All health maiors. pre-maiors. grads and interested individuals are invited to attend WESLEY FOUNDATION BIBLE STUDY continues at 12:30 p m at 1236 Kncaid St Bring a lunch or purchase one at Hard Times Lunches ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION breakfast meeting on Nov 5 at 9 a.m. All are welcome For more informa tion call 686-4342 WEBFOOT ADVERTISING MEETING at 4 pm in Room 301 A Allen Hall Important that all members attend STUDENTS OPPOSING REGISTRATION and the Draft meet today at 5:30 p.m in Century Room E EMU Agenda includes Grenada postcard drive and upcoming Veteran's Day activities ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA and Phi Eta Sigma man datory meeting lor all members on Thursday. Nov 3. at 7 p m in the Carson Gold Room Refreshments will be fVCC| PROTEST THE ARMS RACE Monday. Nov 7. at 12 15 p m in front of the University Bookstore and parade to the EMU Courtyard A circle of silence will then be form aH ami iR/i f Ha C iil I SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS meets today at 4 p.m in the Allen Hall Reading Room to discuss Friday's party and future events CAMPUS COMPUTING CLUB (ORCA) will hold a general meeting today at 4 p m in Room 111 Gilbert Topics for discussin include ACM. Tektronix tour and Christmas Computer Fair Membership updating con tinues. so plan to attend. LECTURES LUNCHBAGGER SEMINAR by Sterling Cook on the Tertiary Barstow and Pickhandle Formations of the Mo iave Desert and their Regional Tectonic Setting today at 12:30 p m. in Room 307 Volcanology THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE and Allied Arts begins this year's series on critical perspectives in the arts with an illustrated slide lecture titled "Women Ar tists as Feminists" by Ann Sutherland Harris on Friday. Nov 4, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 177 Lawrence. FACULTY AGAINST INTERVENTION in Central America is presenting a panel discussion on U S in tervention in Grenada and Central America on Monday. Nov 7. at 12:30 p.m in Room 101 EMU (opposite the Post Office) Participants include Joan Acker. Ed Ferguson. Dan Goldrich. Jeffrey Needell and Jean Tate CUBAN HISTORY PROFESSOR and feminist Sonia Rivera will present a slide show and lecture on the Cuban position in Grenada. Cuban culture and women, blacks and the family and feminism in Cuba at the 'Wesley Center. 1236 Kincaid St.. Friday. Nov 4, at 3:30 pm CHRISTIAN BUSINESS STUDENT ASSOCIA TIONS Ohosts guest speaker Jack Holt, president of North Douglas Branch, U.S. Bank, at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, in Room 337 Gilbert. Everyone welcome. INTERVIEWS WINTER TERM INTERNSHIP OPENINGS for Liberal Arts Undergraduates: Travel Agency, City of Eugene. Real Estate Agency. Visitor's and Convention Bureau. Economic and Development Corporation, and the Eugene Hilton Gain valuable career-related experience and credit Sign up this week tor interviews during the week of Nov. 6 in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall A completed application will be required at sign up Only five students will be interviewed for each opening In ternship descriptions available in Room 211 Career In formation Center ATTENTION ACCOUNTING sophomores and |uniors: The Internal Revenue Service is seeking applicants for cooperative education interns Pick up |Ob description in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall MISCELLANEOUS POLITICAL SCIENCE PEER ADVISORS are needed for winter and spring term Applications are available in Room 907 PLC Deadline is Nov. 18 OPPOSED TO U.S. INVASION in Grenada? Come sup port a postcard drive appealing to Congreesmen to stop this course of action Cards are available in the ASUO office OREGON STUDENT LOBBY is sponsoring a contest to choose its logo The best logo design will receive a $100 gift certificate from the University Bookstore Students must submit their entries by Nov 18 For more information call Sherry Oeser at 588-1571 BLOOM COUNTY urs eerup, miss imo.. TinE W ROCK.' CHON..UT 60 of me eorne . oof/ pi&& . YB KN0W,1HeR£'S A RUMOR GOIN ROW THE CKOWP OUT' 7H«e 7MrtT7E5S TURBO HAS GONE MReOW BNP SOON PLM6 to mm> none otv mm MURRAY TUNES. r _ MCKH’mil HEARTLt35 SNT P^TfYf bL.06 fcVJ \ ■'V C** % P?»l by Berke Breathed Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday s paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible (or more than one day's Incorrect adver tising insertion The OOE's liability for typographical errors, incorrect in sertions. or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges for such portion of space occupied by the er ror If your ad appears incorrectly, call M6-4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day's issue RATES: Rates are IS cents per •rand for the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change SI.SO minimum for the first insertion *1.20 minimum for consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AO CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office. 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Small investment BIG RETURNS' For Sale SKI BOOTS Lange XLT *120 Vince 344 7600 11 3 ALL NEW. BOUGHT 3 months ago Ex ercise bixe Purchased for *100 sale price *50 Radio cassette compact stereo Bought for *200 sale price only $80 Dodge Cry suer Bought tor tt 400 sale price only *800 342 2369 it 3 MCN'S PEUGEOT New *425 sell *225 Includes rear panniers handle bar baa fenders Excellent condition 725-6/37 tt 4 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW * USED Buy Sett Trade 2050 W *th 6M27M ____>10112 Used vacuums lio and up SHARON S VACUUMS 741 MM _______M2 MS CASH for used records and cassettes Suaranfeed iwghest prices paid m Eugene* 3426245 «M Ifn Services EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Oualilied editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes slat analysis and typing Tele 1 223-8491 (Portland) 12 8 CHEZ * CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 875112 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES)! I Ouality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your |Ob search the prolessional edge Call 686 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10° o discount with current IDtin SENIORS. GRADS We II help you get your career started We re Student Data Listing. Call 689-4083 9-5 lor more into 1031 11 15 Lafler Silkscreen Specializing in design printing shirts 343 2306. 342 1927 385 Lawrence 1035 11 4 WORD WORKSOuality editing All sub (eels Research and typing Jerry. 484 6593 1-11 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports resumes Free pickup!delivery 348-6166.334 Itn TYPING: 15 years experience papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick up and delivery Call Carole al 666 3963 514 tin ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464-1646 748 tin FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Satectrtc Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 464-9405 658 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rales IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342 5236 144 tin PRO TYPINGIECITING Espert at theses and dissertations 2 blocks from UO No lob too small Jennller 4653663 693 HIM DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Ouality work Pickup 6 delivery available 465 3914 563 ttn TYPING GUARANTEED 345 5614 Ruth 3486614 .. ..465 UM TYPING Free on campus pickup and delivery Can Connie Smith 746 6 736 789 tin worcTprocesseo TYPING ' EDITING • GRAPHICS CINOV 464 5454 ‘..Vj,. 669 tin BRANDY'S TYPING A WORD PROCESSING OttaairtMiona resumes repons law papers a specially Fast dependents professional All work guaranteed 4*46044 621 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0759 513 tin It quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED IS "THE" TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed. Gran School approved 8ARBARA LAND 345 3414 523 Itn QUALITY TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric 15 years experience 726 5953 862 UWH Typing & Resume High quality low cost rush service 3 blocks Irom campus John 683 8657 114 OUALITV TYPING electronic sell correcting equipment editing available JOYCE 344 9956 11-3 WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quali ty work Correcting Selectric II Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved Call Dons 484 1049 1041 UWH PROFESSIONAL TYPING. 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Si/page pica type Karen 343 4295_ 113 RUSH TYPING Fast accurate reasonable rates Central location Christine 343 7255_ WF 11-30 PROFESSIONAL TYPING with IBM Cor rectable Selectric Reasonable rates Call Susan 689 9537 _ _11_9 ONLY 10/PAGE IBM Electronic Typewriter 345-1464 1J_7 QUALITY TYPING Electric self correcting equipment Editing available Joyce 344-9956_ 11 28 SUPER TYPING Fast accurate near campus Norma 345-6005 342 82551message) 114 Books 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oil list prices New Books Text Books Clift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 362 tin COMICS 10% oil all new issues until Dec 1st EMERALD CITY COMICS. 770 E 13th 345 2566 943HF12 1 Bicycles Reycled Bike Works Having mechanical problems7 We speak fluent brcycie1 Reconditioned takes peris and exclusive Bicycle Tool Coop Open Mon Su 9am 6pm 774 East 11th Ave TWO BLOCKS WEST OF CAMPUS 915 113 SECOND NATURE USED BIKES New and used pads tor the tourist racer commuter and cruiser BUY SELL TRAOE 1712 Willamette 3435362 FEMALE & MALE 10 speed Schwtnn Surburban bikes Urban handlebars $96 each $176 lor both 687 8009 11 4 RED TAG SALE FUJI -- CENTURION 20 bikes reduced Models start at $169 Excellent values on HEADLIGHTS Daylight savings ends Oct 30 BE SAFE •• BE SEEN STU’S BIKE SHOP 8th & Monroe 344-2175 Cars & Cycles OOLD 1982 Pontiac Firebird SE Luxury with extras It can be yours Joel 686 0876 11-4 NEW SACHS MOPED 3 weeks old Paid $660 selling lor $300 Need quick sale Many extras Windshield baskets etc Call Keith at 486 9639 114 1976 MAZDA WAGON Low Miles Lotla Zoom BEST OFFER' Tom x 3105 3440110 11 7 Auto Repair TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Alter tour years in my home workshop, growing demand lor my ser vices has prompted me to move lo a new expanded facility You and your car will continue to receive the same individualized alien lion and professional service at moderate prices JERRY'S MODEST MOTORS Specializing in service and repair tor VW and Alla Romeo 1701 Weal 11th 344 4806 Jerry Berger Owner Fial Dal sun Toyota Honda. Subaru Audi Porsche and VWW SANPIPER IMPORT SERVICE 2795 Willamette 343-9427 353: H Rides & Riders NEED A RIDE from Eugene to Portland on weekends Will share expenses Contact Jeff at 484 1661 114 Wanted NEED RIDE TO Bend on weekends Share expencses Call evenings 343-4972 11-4 WANTED: Volunteer readers, and sometime car drivers (or wheelchaired Journalism graduate UO, class ot 1955 Also doclorale in Ed Psych U ol Utah 1974. recently blinded To read incom mg mail, professional publication, edit and re type |Ob application cover let ters fill out official gob applicaion forms in one hour segments Also some driving occasionally to bank, physical therapy and photo copy ser vice On East 19th at edge ot campus Phone 484 0375 11 3 Win Big $ Be in ^ The Gong Show To try out call ext 6048 ask for Jody Cash prizes fun and laughs Come Show Your Talents! Opportunities CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE BEST KIND College students, do you find, after you pay for your education your wallet is empty? How would you like a full or part time 10b with Avon You don t have time to work a territory9 Why not lake orders at the college and combine business with pleasure and put money in your pocket Avon has a bigger gift selection this year tor holdiday sales It you are interested in an interview, please call Jacque Hawks 935-2398 or Avon Products: 746 6422 Happy Holidays944 l0-2ltfn Freshmen participate in year long study “Development of Social Impressions’’ Participants will fill out questionaires about social groups S10 payment if you attend on 45 minute session each term fall, winter and spring terms Plus extra credit points available in Intro Psychology classes Sign up outside Room 404 Straub Hall Oct 28 through Nov 41017 11 4 TEACH A CLASS or workshop winter term through SEARCH, tor credit or for fun All subjects welcome Deadlines are approaching, call 686-4305 or stop by the SEARCH office at EMU M111 for details 1037:11 15 Help Wanted OVER 5,000 SUMMER JOBS in 21 Na tional Parks Detailed Report. *5 Park Report 651 2nd Ave WN Kalispelt. MT 59901IK} DECISION RESEARCH needs college students as subjects tor experiments in ludgement and decision-making on Thursday and Friday of this week Native English speakers only. $8 for about 1V. Call 485 2400 from 9 am to 5 pm 1023 11 14 THE ESCAPE FIELO STUDIES Program is currently seeking an Administrative Assistant lor the remainder to the academic year This position demands a weekly commitment ol 25 hours Responsibilities include stall supervi sion. fiscal management, fundraising, public relation, and other ad ministrative tasks Applicants must ex emplity and be able to demonstrate ad vocacy. perspicacity and empathy In addition to the preceeding qualities this individual must communicate well and have superior organizational skills Application packets are available in the ESCAPE office. 327 EMU Completed packets are due by 5 pm on Friday. November 4. 1983 For more informa tion contact Ahrea Summers at 686 4351 Affirmative Action employer Women, veterans and minorities are en couraged to apply 1026 11-4 OFFICE MANAGER. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Oregon Daily Emerald We are looking tor a well-organized full or part-time student to manage day-to day administrative duties in Classified Ads Individual must be able to sue cessfully organize school priorites around a 20 hour per week. Monday Friday work schedule Duties include Typesetting, training typesetters and pasteup personnel, vertical camera work, accounts receivable billing, contract maintenance, taking ads over the phone, helping customers write ads. handling complaints and errors, quality control over finished product and main taming good customer relations Preference will be give to individuals with experience in management, video display terminal typesetting paste up and design We are looking for an in dividual who can handle deadline pressure, works well with a wide variety of people, and can make aPyear-long committment to the position Send resume and cover letter to Classified Advertising. Oregon Daily Emerald PO Box 3159. Eugene OR 97403 Applications close Nov 10 No phone calls please The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Atfirmalive Action/Equal Opportunity employer Women, minorities, and the handicapped en couraged to apply11-10 SALES AND MARKETING MANAGER Classsified Advertising. Oregon Daily Emerald We are looking for a well organized full or part-time student o manage Classified Advertising sales and promotion. Individual must be able to sucessfully organize school priorities around a 15-20 hour per week, Monday Friday work schedule Duties include: Selling Classified Advertising in person and over the phone, developing and implementing promotional in-house ad campaigns helping advertisers develop ad cam paigns. design, copywriting, working with the Classtied Ad office manager in setting up ads for production, maintain irtg quality control over the finished product We are looking for an individual with proven sales ability, design and copywriting skills Production ex perience helpful. You must have a car Hourly wage plus commission Send resume and cover letter to Classified Advertising, Oregon Daily Emerald. PO Box 3159. Eugene OR 97403 Applications close Nov 10 No phone calls, please The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Women, minorities and the handicapped are en couraged to apply 11-10 rhursday, November 3, 1983