et ai MEETINGS WHAT DOES UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT OLUM eat tor lunch? Find out today at 12:30 p.m. in the EMU Forum Room. Olum will be available to answer questions and chat with students. ALPHA KAPPA PSI members and pledges must at tend a general meeting tonight at 8 p.m (after the Business Majors Seminar) in Room 337 Gilbert GAY SUPPORT GROUP meeting for men and women tonight from 7 to 8 p.m at an off-campus location. For more information call GALA at 686-3360 SAILING TEAM meeting tonight at 8:30 p.m in Cen tury Room E EMU. All members and interested parties please attend. IFC meeting today at 4.30 p.m. in Room 337 EMU. APO PLEDGE INITIATION will be held Thursday. Nov 3, at 7 p.m. in the EMU International Student Lounge. CAMPUS INTERFAITH MINISTRY’S Wednesday Even ing classes continue tonight with a simple meal and brief worship at 6:30 p.m. at the Newman Center, 1850 Emerald St. At 7:30 p.m., staff members will host discus sions on a variety of topics relating to peace and peacemaking JAPANESE BIBLE STUDY will meet every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the International House. 560 East 11th Ave. All Japanese students are welcome For more informa lion call 687 8684 WFSE meeting tonight at 7 p m In Century Room B EMU THE MARKETING ASSOCIATION is mealing today at 4 p m. in Room 331 Gilbert Coma find out about officer elections. LECTURES ■IS LEBANON ANOTHER VIETNAM?" A presentation by I.B. Hamideh will be held today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 244 Gilbert Questions are welcome, and cake and cookies will be served SMALL CLAIMS COUKT is the top« of I he People's Law School tonight from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m at Lincoln Community Sc hool. 650 W. 12th Ave. For more information call Sue at 342-6056. BUSINESS MAJORS SEMINAR tonight at 7 p m in Room 138 Gilbert Larry Smith from Career Planning and Fhacement and Don Lytle, CBA undergraduate advisor, will speak on changing business requirements and use of the Career Planning and Placement Center Spon sored by Alpha Kappa Psi LUNCHBAGGER SEMINAR featuring Sterling Cook Thursday, Nov 3. at 12:30 p.m. in Room 307 Volcanology LECTURES ON RUSSIAN CULTURE: 'Russian Underground Songs” today at 3 p.m. in Room 101 EMU. "Women in Russian Cultural History" tonight at 7:30 p m Free and open to the public. INTERVIEWS LIBERAL ARTS UNDERGRADUATES: Internship openings at a travel agency, real estate agency and an advertisng agency. Gain valuable work-related ex perience Sign up today from 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. Interviews will begin Nov. 8. WINTER TERM INTERNSHIP OPENINGS for Liberal Arts Undergraduates: Travel Agency. City of Eugene, Real Estate Agency, Visitor s and Convention Bureau, Economic and Development Corporation, and the Eugene Hilton. Gain valuable career—related ex perience and credit. Sign up this week for interviews during the week of Nov. 6 in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. A completed application will be required at sign up. Only five students will be interviewed for each opening. Internship descriptions available in Room 211 Career In formation Center ATTENTION ACCOUNTING sophomores and juniors: The Internal Revenue Service is seeking applicants for cooperative education interns. Pick up job description in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. SPEND AN AFTERNOON ON THE JOB at Frederick & Nelson. Enjoy an on-site visit and learn about career op portunities in the field o* Retail Management/Buyer on Thursday, Nov. 3, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sion up today In Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. Space is limited Transportation is provided. MISCELLANEOUS SHOULD STUDENT REPRESENTATION on the University Senate be cut from 18 to eight? Speak out on student's rights today from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Open Mike in the EMU Courtyard Sponsored by ASUO EPISCOPAL CAMPUS MINISTRY offers Holy Eucharist Wednesday afternoons at 4:30 p.m. at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid. Bible Study begins at 5:30 p.m. Services are celebrated by the Rev. Linda J. Harrell. POLITICAL SCIENCE PEER ADVISORS are needed for winter and spring term. Applications are available in Room 907 PLC. Deadline is Nov. 18. CANDIDATES who wish to take the Law School Ad mission Test Dec. 3 need to have their applications postmarked no later than Nov. 3. Candidates who wish to take the Graduate Record Examination on Dec 10 need to have their applications postmarked no later than Nov 4. Forms for both testing programs are available at the University Counseling Center Testing Office in the Student Health Center, 1590 E. 13th Ave BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed «/r t*t swe eueR tem pul set THROUGH THIS ROCK N'ROU. SHElt ANP WTO 7H6 SHY, 56*51 77V*. WI7HPRAWN YOON6 WOMAN '-■I ■ I-' I 1 ~1 cereM wonpek e? i m n rn Oliver by John Gorman U£ HA V£ AN EMER5ENCV CAU. FROM PRESIDENT REAGAN TO THLCHAIRMAN OF THE. ANTI UE0ANON DRAFT COALITION.. V . NOLDON Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday’s paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible for more than one day's Incorrect adver tising insertion The ODE'S liability for typographical errors, incorrect in sertions, or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges tor such portion of space occupied by the er ror If your ad appears Incorrectly, call M> <343 before 1 pm tor correction in the next day's issue RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change $1.50 minimum for the first Insertion $1.20 minimum for consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AO CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEOS are available at the ODE office. 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Small investment BIG RETURNS! For Sale SKIS 190cm $39. size 10 ski boots $59. bi-amp car stereo $59. Jensen triax sep's car speakers $44 Call Tom 345 1504 _____ 112 SKI BOOTS L ange XLT $120 Vince 344 7600 11 3 ALL NEW. BOUGHT 3 months ago Ex ercise bike Purchased for $100. sale price $50 Radio cassette, compact stereo Bought for $200, sale price only $80 Dodge Crystler Bough! for $1,400. sate price only $800 342 2369 11 3 BANG • OLUFSEN STEREO! 4400 Receiver. $700. M100 Speakers & stands $750 3000 Turntable. $150. 5000 cassette or Nakamtchi 2S0Z cassette $375. Revox A77 reel to reel. $850 343-5539 1V2 MEN'S PEUGEOT New $425, sell $225 Includes rear panniers, handle bar bag. fenders Excellent condition 728-8737 11-4 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW * USED Buy Sen Trade ► 112 Used >10 and up A CASH for used records and cassettes Guaranteed highest prices paid in Eugene1 342-6245 686 tin Services EDITING, RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, stat analysis and typing Tele: t 223-8491 (Portland) 12-8 CHEZ A CARP, ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342-875112 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current IDOn SENIORS. GRADS Well help you get your career started We re Student Data Listing. Call 689-4083. 9-5 for more info 1031:11-15 Lafler Silkscreen Specializing in design, printing shirls 343-2306, 342-1927. 385 Lawrence. _ 1035 11 4 WORD WORKS Quality editing All sub lects Research and typing Jerry. 484-6593 1 11 % LECTRONICS *LUS Professional Repair Service Audio equipment, video recorders, and TVs ESTIMATES GIVEN 2495 Willamette 484-5444 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free plcltupfdettvery 3468196 334 On TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectrtc Pick up and delivery Call Carole at 888-3863. 514 tin TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 68*0739 575 WMF M FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectrtc Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484-9405 ._IMS tjln PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Setectrlc Call Patrice 343 6238 144 tin WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed. *ror edited theseafdissertafiofts. papers tables, diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 484 6484 603 On PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Statistical specialist IBM Con Set Grad approv ed Near campus 3*44798. 513 On It Beauty is what you want TTM