sports_ Hill wins — runners don't Despite an individual title from All-American Jim Hill, the Oregon men's cross country team finished second at the Pac-10 championships in Stanford, Calif., Monday. University of Arizona, paced by five runners in the top 11, won the meet with 38 points. Oregon was second with 44, followed by UCLA with 74 and host Stanford University with 80. The Ducks had to settle for second even though Hill and Mike Blackmore came home 1-2. Hill logged a 30:09.6, far off his winning 28:50 of 1982, as a hilly Stan ford Golf Course jacked finishing times up. Blackmore finished next in 30:31.2, but no Ducks crossed the tape again until senior Brad Simpson took 12th in 30:59.6. Dan Nelson was behind Simpson, his 31:02.4 good for 13th, and Matt McGuirk was 16th in 31:14.6 to close out Oregon's scoring. Two other Ducks, Chris Hamilton and Harold Kuphaldt, finished non scoring 24th and 36th, respectively. Arizona capitalized on Tom Ansberry's third-place finish and runners in the Nos. 6, 8, 10 and 11 spots to wrap up the meet. The win was a remarkable improvement from a year ago for the Wildcats, who finished a distant third behind the Ducks a year ago. For Oregon, it was a disappointing day, especially for Hamilton and Kuphaldt. Hamilton, a promising junior transfer from University of Portland, pronounced himself fit early in the season and went into Pac-10s as Oregon's No. 4 runner, only to place 24th. Kuphaldt dropped to 36th after clocking 30:20 as a freshman to finish 21st in 1982. The winner Kelly Howard, a physical education senior, is the winner of last Thursday's Emerald Trivia Time sports quiz contest. Howard wins a $10 gift cer tificate from Nike Eugene. Answers to the quiz: 1) Woodley Lewis' 102-yard kickoff return versus Colorado in 1949 is Oregon football's longest. 2) Ladaria Johnson is Oregon's leading rusher. 3) Sue Harbour is from Pullman, Wash. 4) Oregon won 1982 men's Pac-10 cross country. 5) Lisa Martin holds Oregon women's 10,000 meter record. Your feet could be worth money Oregon's Athletic Department will sponsor the "Big Green Stampede Jog-A-Thon 1983 Fun draiser" Thursday at Hayward Field. Joggers sponsored by various groups will do as many laps as they can to raise money for Hayward Field improvements. Jog ging sessions are scheduled for 3 p.m., 4:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Those wishing to enter can pick up a registration card at the Letter man's Lounge next to MacArthur Court and return it as soon as possible. et al MEETINGS WHAT DOES UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT OLUM eat for lunch? Find out Wednesday. Now 2, at 12:30 p m in the EMU Forum Room Olum will be available to answer questions and chat with students ALL BUSINESS CLUBS: Don't forget to send a representative from your club to a meeting with Don Ly tie today at 4 pm. in Room 201 Gilbert. CYCLING TEAM meeting tonight from 7 to 8 p.m in Century Room A EMU Mandatory for all members and for those wishing to join WOMEN’S CREW meeting tonight at 8 p.m in Room 113 EMU All members must attend. Discussion will in clude setting boats for Corvallis and Ihe Frostbite regat BLOOM COUNTY UK . BAP NEWS eveRyeopy. -ressTtm) ANP THE BiPCKHeWi' HAve just c«vcaep AT THE EAST MINUTE m m to worry' (M5V£ UUSTARRANGCP INSTOAP TO HAVE KENNY A06ERS ANP SW6ENA EASTON COME OUT ANP SING VW UGHT UP (V\Y Uft" I by Berke Breathed "warm up me crowp WITH SOME HUMOR," THey 5AIP. SURE '" ta Call Anne Donahue for more information at 683-5679 THE ASIAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION holds its general meeting today at 5 p.m in the second floor lounge of Friendly Hall All interested students and faculty are welcome LESBIAN DISCUSSION GROUP meeting tonight from 5:30 to 7 p m Meet at 1236 Kincaid St to get ice cream For more information call 686-3360. ALL SAINTS’ DAY EUCHARIST will be held today at 5 p m at the Newman Center Fr Reginald Martin and Rev Linda Harrell will preach Sponsored by Episcopal and Roman Catholic Campus Ministries THE JEWISH STUDENT UNION is holding an impor tant organizational meeting tonight at 7 p m in Century Room F EMU Be there for a post-Halloween surprise THE ALTERNATIVE RELATIONSHIP CENTER offers stimulating discussion in its workshop. Personal Lifestyle Design Also sponsors video broadcasts in Scientific Utopianism each Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.m. in Room 107 Gilbert. For more information call 345-5626 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION’S weekly testimony meetings are times to share healings resulting from individual understanding and application of God's presence and power Everyone is welcome to attend tonight at 6:30 p m in Room 337 EMU LECTURES “IS LEBANON ANOTHER VIETNAM?” A presentation by IB Hamideh will be held Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p m. in Room 244 Gilbert. Questions are welcome, and cake and cookies will be served. ROBERT SCHEER, author ol ' With Enough Shovels ", will give a tree lecture on Pres. Ronald Reagan. Vice Pres George Bush and nuclear war today at 3 p.m in Room 180 PLC. Sponsored by Students For a Nuclear Free Future and the Faculty Arms Control Group. SMALL CLAIMS COURT is the topic ot the People's Law School this Wednesday. Nov 2. from 7 p.m. to 9 p m at Lincoln Community School. 650 W. 12th St For more information call Sue at 342-6056 INTERVIEWS LIBERAL ARTS UNDERGRADUATES: Internship openings at a travel agency, real estate agency and an advertisng agency. Gain valuable work-related ex perience Sign up today from 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. Interviews will begin Nov 8 . ATTENTION sophomores and luniors in Accounting: The Internal Revenue Service is seeking applicants for cooperative education interns Pick up job description in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/M ASTERCARD Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Small investment BIG RETURNS! RATES: Rales are 15 cants par word (or the first day and 12 cants par word for consecutive days the ad is run without change SI.50 minimum lor tha lirst insertion $1.20 minimum for consacutiva insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AO CANCELLATIONS! For Sale SKIS 190cm $39. size 10 ski boots $59. bi-amp car stereo $59. Jansen trtax sap's car speakers $44 Call Tom 345-1504 112 SKI BOOTS Lange XLT $120 Vince 344-7600 113 ALL NEW. BOUGHT 3 months ago Ex ercise bike Purchased for $100. sale price $50 Radio cassette, compact stereo Bought for $200. sale price only $80 Dodge Crystler Bought for $1,400. sale price only $800 342-2389 11-3 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW * USED Buy-Sell-Trade 2050 W. Mb 888-2788 810:11-2 Used vacuums $10 and up SHARON'S VACUUMS 741-0888 892 11-8 CASH lor used records and cassettes Guaranteed highest prices petd in Eugene! 3420245 886 tin Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free ptcfcupMeftvery $480188 334 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick up and delivery Call Carole at 6M-3M3. 514:tfn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484 1644 FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Oemong 484-0405 _658:lln PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates ISM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-5238 144:ttn WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed. 4/or edited theses/dissertations, papers, tables, diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 484-5454 602 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0750. 5t3:t(n II quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED is “THE" TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed. Grad School approved BARBARA LAND 345-3414 523:ltn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup 4 delivery available 486-3914 583 ttn TYPING GUARANTEED 345-5814 Ruth 345-5814 _ _ 465 UH BRANDY’S TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Dissertations, resumes reports, law papers a specialty Fast, dependable prolesatonal All work guaranteed 4648044_ __621 tin TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith. 7468738 780:tln OVALITY TYPING ISM Correcting Selectric 15 years experience 726 5953_882 UWH Typing & Resume High quality. Tow cost, rush service 3 Mocks Irom campus John 883-8657 _1M TYPfNGfCtMTMG 3431183 after 5 pm Reasonable rates' til QUALITY TYPING electronic sell correcting equipment editing available JOYCE 344-9066 113 Instruments REP AIR-SERVICE-PARTS on alt stnnged instruments twe build acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 141 nn OLIVE 4440411 953 MU Books •0.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25“/. to 50“/. oil list prices New Books Text Books-Clitt Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 7«8 East lltti Cars & Cycles OOLO 1M2 Pontiac Firebird SE Luxury with extras It can be yours Joel 606-08761L4 NEW SACHS MOPED 3 weeks old Paid 1550. selling tor 1300 Need quick sale Many extras Windshield baskets, etc Call Keith at 485 9639114 HONDA 125S 8000 miles New condi tion Excellent transportation Must sell Sacrifice at 1425 Call 6880590 Auto Repair TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Alter four years in my home workshop, growing demand lor my ser vices has prompted me to move to a new. expanded facility You and your car will continue to receive the same individualized alien lion and professional service at moderate prices JERRY’S MODEST MOTORS Specializing in service and repair lor VW and Alla Romeo 1701 West 11th 344 4006 Jerry Berger. Owner Services EOITINO. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Oualified editors Thesta/paper assistance Resumes slat analysis and typing Tele 1 223 8491 {Portland) _128 CHEZ A CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra tlon cases accepted 1862 Willamette 342-8751 12 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMESItl Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We wtlt give your job search the professional edge Call SBB-5511orcomeby300EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tin SENIORS. ORAOS We lt help you get your career siarled We re Student Data Listing. Cali M8-4083 9-5 lor more info 1031 11 IS Lafler Silkscreen Specializing m design, printing shirts 1412306 142 1*27 Ml Lawrence _ _1035 11-4 WORD WORKS duality editing All sub tec IS Research and typing Jerry. 4 8 4 - • 5 • 3 1>11 Wanted THE INTERNATIONAL LOUNGE is undergoing revision and needs volunteers to work as monitors, caretakers, etc Contact Ginl in the EMU Cultural Forum <437411-3 WANTED: Television production and script writing assistance tor 'The Hall Hour Barter Hour" Learn T V and get tree barter subscription Call Hello Pages Barter Network. 342-7878 11-7 WE NEED BOOKS! Help us till the INTERNATIONAL LOUNGE by donating books Call Gini ext 4373 or leave donations in the EMU Cultural Forum Suite 2 986 It 1 Opportunities Handmade Gifts are special-make them in CRAFT CENTER MINI WORKSHOPS Hat & Mittens pattern knitting Nov 10 & 17 Musical Holidays quilted music box Nov 12 Stained Glass Ornaments Nov 12 Fen Fancies handmade tans Nov 18 SIGN UP TODAY! EMU CRAFT CENTER. SM-4361 Freshmen participate in year long study “Development of Social Impressions” Participants will fill out questionaires about social groups (10 payment if you attend on 45 minute session each term, tali winter and spring terms Plus extra credit points available in Intro Psychology classes Sign up outside Room 404 Straub Hail Oct 28 through Nov 4 1017 11-4 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE BEST KINO College students, do you find, alter you pay tor your education your wallet is empty? How would you like a lull or part time job with Avon You don't have time to work a territory? Why not take orders at the college and combine business with pleasure and put money in your pocket Avon has a bigger gift selection this year for hotdiday sales If you are interested in an interview, please call Jacque Hawks. 935 2398 or Avon Products. 746 6422 Happy Holidays 944 10-21tfn DIO YOU MISS the Peace Corps recruiters on campus last week? You still have time to call Marsha at 686 3235 for more information 1016 10-31 Help Wanted THE ADMISSIONS SUPPORT PRO ORAM is now accepting applications lor motivated, responsible volunteers to assist in recruiting new students Areas include Adult Education. Peer Recruiting, and the Oregon Connec tion programs Job descriptions and applications are available in 270 Oregon Hall Deadline is 11/11.5 pm Questions? Call x3201, ask for Patricia. 970:11-1 WORK-STUDY POSITION SACRED HEART HOSPITAL If you have work-study funding. Sacred Heart needs a person with light graphic arts skills Contact the Work-Study Of tice tor more information1022 11-1 DECISION RESEARCH needs college students as subjects for experiments in ludgement and decision-making on Thuisday and Friday of this week Native English speakers only S8 for about 13* Call 485-2400 from 9 am to 5 pm1023 11 14 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES Program is currently seeking an Administrative Assistant for the remainder fo the academic year This position demands a weekly commitment of 25 hours Responsibilities include staff supervi sion. fiscal management, fundraising, public relation, and other ad ministrative tasks Applicants must ex emplify and be able to demonstrate ad vocacy. perspicacity and empathy In addition to the proceeding qualities this individual must communicate well and have superior organizational skills. Application packets are available in the ESCAPE office, 327 EMU Completed packets are due by 5 om on Friday. November 4, 1983 For more informa tion contact Ahrea Summers at 686-4351. Affirmative Action employer Women, veterans and minorities are en couraged to applj^ _ 1026:11-4 OVER 5.000 SUMMER JOBS in 21 Na tional Parks Detailed Report. $5 Park Report. 651 2nd Ave WN, Kalispell. MT 599011J3 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe. S Amer . Australia. Asia All lields $500-51200 monthly Sightsee ing Free info Write IJC Bo* 52-OR-3 Corona Del Mar, CA 9262511-4 OFFICE MANAGER. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Oregon Daily Emerald We are looking for a well-organized lull or part-time student to manage day-to day administrative duties in Classified Ads Individual must be able to suc cessfully organize school priorites around a 20 hour per week. Monday Friday work schedule Duties include Typesetting, training typesetters and pasteup personnel, vertical camera work, accounts receivable billing, contract maintenance, taking ads over the phone, helping customers write ads. handling complaints and errors, quality control over finished product and main taining good customer relations Preference will be give to individuals with experience in management, video display terminal typesetting, paste up and design We are looking for an in dividual who can handle deadline pressure, works well with a wide variety of people, and can make a year-long committment to the position Send resume and cover letter to Classified Advertising, Oregon Daily Emerald. PO Bo* 3159, Eugene OR 97403 Applications close Nov 10 No phone calls, please The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer Women, minorities, and the handicapped en couraged to apply11-10 SALES AND MARKETING MANAGER Classsified Advertising. Oregon Daily Emerald We are looking for a well organized full or part-time student . o manage Classified Advertising sales and promotion. Individual must be able to sucessfully organize school priorities around a 15-20 hour per week. Monday-Friday work schedule Duties include: Selling Classified Advertising in person and over the phone, developing and implementing promotional in-house ad campaigns, helping advertisers develop ad cam paigns. design, copywriting, working with the Classfied Ad office manager in setting up ads for production, maintain ing quality control over the finished product We are looking tor an individual with proven sales ability, design and copywriting skills. Production ex perience helpful. You must have a car Hourly wage plus commission. Send resume and cover letter to Classified Advertising. Oregon Daily Emerald PO Box 3159. Eugene OR 97403. Applications close Nov. 10. No phone calls, please. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities and the handicapped are en couraged to apply 11-10