Netters squeak by Dons, Santa Clara By Brent Paz Of th» Emerald Oregon's volleyball team kept its playoff hopes alive in the NorPac race by sweeping the University of San Francisco and Santa Clara last weekend at McArthur Court. The Ducks pounded USF in four games Friday, 15-13, 10-15, 15-7, 15-10. The next night, Oregon re bounded from a two-game deficit, squeaking by Santa Clara, 10-15, 9-15, 15-10, 15-5, 15-8. The wins moved the Ducks to 5-2 in NorPac and 20-12 overall. Oregon struggled to victory against two California teams with losing records (USF, 8-16, and USC, 9-13). A loss would have dimmed the Ducks' chances for a playoff berth in the NorPac tournament. The Broncos jumped on the Ducks quickly Saturday night. USC took the first two games and led 9-3 in the third as Oregon coach Chris Voelz saw her team's tour nament chances hanging in the balance. Lisa Cemoya, still nursing a slight hamstring pull, came off the bench in the second game and ignited Cathy Hill and Sue Harbour — the combination had several kills in the third game. With Gemoya setting, Oregon scored seven straight at one point and claimed a come-from-behind victory, 15-10. Oregon dominated the match from then on, winn ing the next two games easily, 15-5 and 15-8. Again, Har bour and Hill were effective, All-American candidate Harbour getting 33 kills and Hill 18 in the victory. The win enabled Oregon to keep pace in the league standings, but the Ducks' performance was far from outstanding. "It started out really frustrating," said senior co captain Barb Lutz. "The audience was disappointed in our play, but we got that needed kick to get going." The USF-Oregon clash on Friday night was a dud. Neither team would want to put the game in their highlight films, but Oregon won a battle of errors in four games. USF had 19 service errors compared to Oregon's 10. "It was a struggle and not a beautifully performed match," Voelz said. Both teams looked rusty, but Hill rose above the follies. The senior had 15 kills, four solo blocks, and one service ace to lead the Ducks over the hapless Lady Dons. USF sunk to 8-17, 2-3 in NorPac. "We did not execute fundamentally very well, but Cathy Hill had a great match," Voelz said. Despite the sweep, the Ducks received a major blow to their NorPac chances last Thursday when Voelz learn ed that outside hitter Cynthia Shepherd would be lost for the season with a fractured bone in the lower leg. She joins Connie Riel and Shaunna Koenig, two other starters sidelined for the year. Oregon returns to action Tuesday night for a non conference tilt against arch-rival Oregon State. OSU, ranked 18th nationally, has beaten the Ducks four times this year, the last time in five games. The Ducks will start a makeshift lineup that includes ‘ three freshman — Heidi Eakin, Susan Payne and Andrea Kent — starting for injured regulars. The return of Cemoya is still a key for Oregon. The junior played Saturday, but her movement was limited. Voelz probably will rest Cemoya and counter with Hill and Harbour at the setter position. "You hate to do that, but it's like having one great quarterback and nobody really ready to go in the wings," Voelz said. Photo by Steve Crowell As usual, Sue Harbour was outstanding (or Oregon, racking up 33 kills in a win over Santa Clara Saturday. et al. MEETINGS SNuFF meeting today at 5:30 p.m in Room 109 EMU. All interested students are encouraged to attend WOMEN IN TRANSITION brown bag luncheon today from 11:30 am. to 12:30 p.m at the Faculty Club. Everyone welcome STUOENT FACULTY COMMITTEE appointees meeting today at 3:30 p m in Room 167 EMU RHETORIC AND COMMUNICATION MAJORS are in vited to a faculty/student reception today from 4 to 6 p.m in the Collier House (across from the EMU) Refreshments will be served Prospecitve maiors are also welcome LECTURES PACIFIC UNIVERSITY will have a representative on campus today A presentation on Pacific's optometry program is scheduled from 9 to 10 a m , followed by a session on their physical therapy and occupational therapy programs from 10 to 11 a m Both presentations will be held in Room 101 EMU ROBERT SCHEER, author of With Enough Shovels will give a free lecture on Reagan. Bush and nuclear war on Nov 1 at 3 p m in Room 180 PLC Sponsored by Students For a Nuclear Free Future and the Faculty Arms Control Group INTERVIEWS LIBERAL ARTS UNDERGRADUATES: Internship openings at a travel agency, real estate agency and an advertisng agency Gain valuable won'related ex perience Sign up Tuesday, Nov 1, trom 8:30 a m to 4:30 p m in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall Interviews will begin Nov 8 ATTENTION sophomores and luniors in Accoun ting: The Internal Revenue Service is seeking applicants for cooperative education interns Pick up job descrip tion in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall SPEND AN AFTERNOON ON THE JOB at Frederick & Nelson Enjoy an on-site visit and learn about career op portunities in the field ot Retail Management/Buyer on Thursday. Nov 3 from 1:30 to 4 30 p m. Sign up today in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall Space is limited Transportation is provided SIGN UP AT 7:30 a.m. in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall tor the following recruiters (Check in Career Planning and Placement for qualifications) NOV. 7 — Hoover Universal (tor Salesperson) NOV. 7 — Antioch School ot Law — Group Meeting at 9 a m , Room 109 EMU Also table in EMU. NOV. 6 — Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon (for Computer Programmer). NOV. 8 — Johnson Wax (for Area Sales Representative). NOV. 8 — A L. Williams Company (for Sales in Finan cial Services). NOV. 8—11 — U.S. Navy Recruiting District —EMU NOV. 9 — U S. Army Audit Agency (for Auditor). NOV. 9 — University of Southern California. Graduate School of Business-Group Meetings only — 9 and 10 am. Century Room A EMU NOV. 9, 10 — U.S Marine Corps (for Officer) NOV. 10 — Economics Lab. Inc (for Sales Trainee) NOV. 10 — Frederick & Nelson (for Management Training tor Buyer). NOV. 10 — Union Pacific Corporation (for Corporate Auditor) NOV. 10 — U S Air Force (for Pilot/Navigator/Meterology/Communication Electronics). NOV. 10, 11 — Del Monte Sales Company (for Sales Representative-Outside Sales) PLEASE SIGN UP immediately if interested in inter viewing with the following recruiters: OCT. 31—NOV. 1 — Pacific Gas & Electric (for Com puter Related positions). OCT. 31 — Precision Controls (for Software En^^^k) NOV. 1 — Atlas Cylinder Corporation (for Fi^Bil Analyst/Assistant to Corp Controller) NOV. 2 — U S Bancorp/U S National Bank/Group Meeting/12:30 p.m.. Room 101 EMU NOV. 2 — Hewlett Packard (for 1 Factory and Field Marketing/Information Systems EDP for CS; 2 Manage ment Accountant/Financial Analyst; 3 Research and Development/Information Systems/EDP & Factory/Field Sales). NOV. 2 — University of San Diego. School of Law/Group Meetings/9 and 10 a m . Century Room D EMU NOV. 2, 3 — U S. Marine Corps (for Officer) Also at EMU NOV. 3, 4 — North Pacific Lumber (tor Lumber Trader Trainee). NOV. 4 — Unt/Lab Corporation (for Direct Sales Representative). MISCELLANEOUS “THE SPARK,” a film on Hasidic culture and religious beliefs, will be shown tonight at 8 p.m. in Studio B. IMC No admission charge Sponsored by the University Rus sian and Eastern European Studies group BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Oliver by John Gorman oo...eueey u&im you me... eMRy tKNe Younm. A es/ew bonp you bmak . *• emv srep you me a in ee wmcm/o yw '• wn,em we yw me„. em,w,L£AnoutoK6... e%w pog you \me... mm tmtG you me ret % mcHim toon. r UH 5TIN0" THANK YOU ' me the ew$ thank m au. mjw WKfc GfWlfcH AUMV5 A W3RP WTTH WK-COMe ' wuV£GcrrrAijLwwNS! I'M SUPPOSEDTOTTMK TDVOU... ...BUT NOT NECiSSAfULV TH£ OTHER WAV AROUND" \ WHY NOT? MV SPECIES HAS HAP A MUON YEARS MORTWAN YOU RS TO DEVELOP UEHBALSKIHS.1' J,/y./ ^ HOUTDYOUK/W THAT? YOU LEFT YOUR ! BIOLOGY BOOKOPtN... 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