Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1983, Section A, Image 1

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    Hatfield begins
race for
See Page 5A
Oregon daily
Eugene, Oregon
Pagans begin holiday
All Hallow's Eve — Halloween.
The gates of life and death are opened; the Sun
Child is t one ei\ ed: the dead u alls, and to the In ini’ is
revealed the \h ster\that e\er\ ending is hut a new
beginning. He meet in time out of tune, everv where
and nowhere, here and there, to greet the Lord of
Death, who is lord of life, and the Triple Goddess
who is the < in le ot rebirth.
(From "Spiral Dane e" In Starhavvk, a w itc h.)
Halloween is an important dav for witches. It is
their Sew >ear's [)a\. More interesting, though,
they believe it is the dav when the veil that separates
the liv ing from the dead grows thin, enabling' both to
speak with one another.
For Stephanie Fox, Halloween "is the time when
you leave behind old things." Fox, a journalism
graduate and self-prqc laimed witc h, is high priestess
01 her c oy en, w hii h ijnects every two weeks on the
full moon to prat tii e rituals, i haul and rear h (rani e
states. She also teaches a Searih (lass, Witchcraft
and Paganism.
W itc he ratt, or "wire a,." is only one denomina
tion ol paganism,''explains I ox, who estimates there
Continued on Page 7
Volume 85, Number 41
Walkin’ with