Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 28, 1983, Section A, Page 4, Image 4

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From AMOciatfd Pr«* report*
Reagan vows
to get justice
WASHINGTON — Pres. Ronald
Reagan charged the Soviet Union
on Thursday night with encourag
ing the violence in both Lebanon
and Grenada "through a network
of surrogates and terrorists."
The president said the American
invasion of Marxist-ruled Grenada
was necessary because "The
nightmare of our hostages in Iran
must never be repeated."
He also vowed that those
responsible for the bombing in
Beirut that killed 225 Marines and
sailors "must be dealt justice.
They will be."
In a televised address to the na
tion, Reagan said, "The events in
Lebanon and Grenada, though
oceans apart, are closely related.
. Not only has Moscow assisted and
encouraged the violence in both
countries, but it provides direct
support through a network of sur
rogates and terrorists."
Reagan said that on Grenada the
United States had assumed that
several hundred Cubans working
on an airport runway on the
southern part of the island could
be military reservists.
"As it turned out, the number
was much larger and they were a
military force," Reagan said. "Six
hundred have been taken
prisoner and we have discovered
a complete base with weapons
and communications equipment
which makes it clear a Cuban oc
cupation of the island had been
About 3,000 American forces
have landed on the island since a
pre-dawn invasion Tuesday. "It is
C'*'r intention to get our men out
as soon as possible," the presi
dent said.
The president calk'd the inva
sion was a "brilliant campaign"
that is "now in the mopping-up
phase." ’
"Regrettably," he said, Cuban
President Fidel Castro "ordered
his men to fight to the death and
some did. The others will be sent
to their homeland."
Reagan said he ordered the in
vasion because of an urgent re
quest from Grenada's neighbors
"that we join them in a military
' operation to restore order and
democracy in Grenada.
"These small, peaceful nations
I needed our help," the president
said, adding that three of the
countries do not have any arms
and the others have only limited
"The legitimacy of their request,
plus my own concern for our
citizens, dictated my decision,"
said Reagan. "I believe our
government has a responsibility
to go to the aid of its citizens if
their right to life and liberty is
Reagan said that in Lebanon, the
United States "will do everything
we can to ensure that our men are
as safe as possible."
He said there was strong cir
cumstanial evidence that the ter
rorists responsible for the bomb
ing were the same that destroyed
the American embassy in Beirut
several months ago.
"Those who directed this atroci
ty must be dealt justice. They will
be," Reagan vowed.
He said the obvious purpose of
the attack was to weaken
American resolve and force the
withdrawal of American and
French troops from Lebanon.
"If America were to walk away
from Lebanon, what chance
would there be for a negotiated
settlement producing a unified,
democratic Lebanon? If we turned
our backs on Lebanon now, what
would be the future of Israel?"
Reagan said the bombing vic
tims in Lebanon must not have
died in vain.
"We must not strip every ounce
of meaning and purpose from
their courageous sacrifice," said
"If terrorism and intimidation
succeed, it will be a devastating
blow to the peace process and to
Israel's search for genuine securi
ty. It won't just be Lebanon
sentenced to a future of chaos.
Can the United States or the free
world, for that matter, stand by
and see the Middle East incor
porated into the Soviet bloc..."
"We are a nation with global
responsibilities," Reagan added.
"We are not somewhere else in
the world protecting someone
else's interests. We are there pro
tecting our own."
bill passes
passed by voice vote Thursday an
$11.9 billion appropriations bill
with provisions to "stem the tide"
of illegal drugs from abroad and
restrict abortion coverage for
federal employee health plans ser
ving nine million Americans.
The abortion provision is
similiar to an anti-abortion restric
tion in the Medicaid program for
low-income Americans.
It would apply to the approx
imately 130 health plans serving
the federal government's 2.8
million employees and their more
than six million dependents.
CHICAGO — James Lewis was
convicted Thursday night of trying
to extort $1 million from Johnson
& Johnson last year during a na
tionwide panic sparked by seven
deaths from cyanide-laced
A federal grand jury deliberated
less than three hours before retur
ning the verdict. Lewis, 37, grimac
ed when the verdict was read. His
wife, LeAnn, sat quietly.
The conviction followed five
days of testimony in the trial
before U.S. District Judge Frank
Johnson & Johnson, the parent
company of the firm that
manufactures Tylenol, received
the letter after seven Chicago area
residents died in 1982 from taking
cyanade-laced Tylenol capsules.
No charges have been filed in
the murders.
The defense admitted that Lewis
wrote the letter but said he did
not intend to collect the $1
million. Lewis' attorney, Michael
Monico, argued that Lewis was
seeking revenge against his wife's
former employer.
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