Wanted WE NEED BOOKS! Help us (ill the INTERNATIONAL LOUNGE by donating books Call Gini: ext 4373 or leave donations In the EMU Cultural Forum. Suite 2 906 11 1 A A Cash paid for goid class rings and gold or silver tawdry One ounce class nngs brings *103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch far Hourscent signs on left side A _A Opportunities CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE BEST KIND College students, do you find, after you pay for your education your wallet is empty? How would you like a full or part time job with Avon. You don't have time to work a territory? Why not take orders at the college and combine business with pleasure and put money in your pocket. Avon has a bigger gift selection this year for hoididay sales If you are interested in an interview, please call Jacque Hawks. 935-2398 or Avon Products; 746-6422 Happy Holidays944:t0-21tfn Handmade Gifts are special-make them in CRAFT CENTER MINI WORKSHOPS: Hat & Mittens pattern knitting Nov 10 & 17 Musical Holidays quilted music box Nov 12 Make A Tambour woodworking specialty Nov 12 Stained Glass Ornaments Nov 12 Fan Fancies handmade fans Nov 16 SION UP TODAY! EMU CRAFT CENTER. 666-4361 Help Wanted OVER 5,000 SUMMER JOBS in 21 Na ltonal Parks. Detailed Report, 55. Park Report, 651 2nd Ave. WN. Kalispell, MT 59901.11J SUN VALLEY, WORK AND SKI! Enjoy winter term at world-famous Sun Valley. Idaho ski resort. Info and details, write Duncan Lewis. Box 1463, Su>. Valley, ID 83353.10-28 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round. Europe. S Amer.. Australia, Asia. All fields. 5500-51200 monthly. Sightsee ing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-OR-3 Corona Del Mar, CA 9262511-4 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE Earn 520 per session modeling nude for legitimate photographer. Box 3641, Eugene 97403. 10-26 DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES for Oregon Daily Emerald. 20 to 25 hours per week, working with established clients and developing new accounts. Applicants must have the use of a car. Pay is on a commission basis with mon thly ranges from 5225 to 5575 per month. Pick up an application form at the Emerald office, 300 EMU. Applica tions close October 26.10-26 COMPUTER RELATED JOBS Accoun tants. engineers, finance, program mers, sales, retail. Free Info. Write CIM-0.9371 Kramer Unit I. Westminster, CA 92683.10:27 Immediately Advertising Paste-up Tech. Applications being accepted until 5 pm Oct. 26. Need someone available MWF afternoons. Prefer someone with career interest in advertising or design. Must have visual problem solving skills and high frustration level. Pick up ap plicatins at 300 EMU. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity/affir mative action employer10-26 EARN BIG MONEY Judging at UO speech tournament Oct 28th & 29th. Must have BA or BS. 56. per Debate Rd. 54. per I.E. Rd. For more in fo. call x4180. ask for Carrin, or drop by 205 Villard966:10-26 ADVERTISING SALES, full or pari tlma. Excellent opportunity for motivated self starter to sell and design advertising for established monthly newspaper senring the Senior Citizen market. Opening ex ists in the Eugene area for commission salesparson to develop new accounts. Send resume to: Senior News, 673 West 10th, Eugene OR 9740210-28 Writers, Graphic artists Sidelines. The Emerald's sports magazine, needs writers and graphic ar tists who want to do quality work on a freelance basis. Call John at 686-5511 or drop by Suite 300, EMU 10-28 THE ADMISSIONS SUPPORT PRO GRAM is now accepting applications for motivated, responsible volunteers to assist in recruiting new students. Areas include: Adult Education. Peer Recruiting, and the Oregon Connec tion programs. Job descriptions and applications are available in 270 Oregon Hall Deadline is 11/11. 5 pm. Questions? Call x3201. ask for Patricia 970:11-1 Roomates TO SHARE: 3 bedroom house with fireplace Campus location. 342-7223. 10-28 CAN MEN FIX DINNER? CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS Can 24 to 40 women and men run a cooperative household with non-sexist principles? Would you like to help us? We are near campus, cook both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, and at a reasonable cost. Please check us out for this term, or next term. Campbell Club 1070 Alder. 686-5189 (ask tor Jima) or Janet Smith House. 1790 Alder. 686 4261 (ask for Laura) 978 MWF Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments. Call 485-4600. Bob Bennett Realty632:tln GREAT LOCATION 1414 E. 18th. two bedrooms, unfurnish ed. covered parking, laundry. $235 Call Sabin. 683-2160, Elliott Assoc 558 tin y2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage & all at convenient campus location. $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343*1491 DROP°BY AT 1877 EMERALD 677:tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, *195 to S275. 485-6322. 485-0062, 344 1625 332tfn UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy. Westmoreland, 2 bedroom, furnished at $140fmonth; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at *111/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at *116/ month. Anticipate future openings in all areas. Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4277 787:tfn 1 BEDROOM $200 huge apartment with extra full sized room for study or office. Safeway 2 blocks. Carpets, drapes, parking, laundry, unfurnished. 344-2469. 345-7987 805:tfn SUBLETTING Quaint rustic apartment. 2 blocks frdm campus. Share on weekends. Furnished, plants, fireplace. *140 plus. 345-866010-28 STUDENT FAMILY have a room to rent in our large 4-bedroom house. Close to UO campus $100/mo 683-7203.971:11-1 r T Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service. 686-1075 821:tfn QUAD FOR RENT near campus. $109 per mo. No fees, 343-4870 mornings evenings. 10-26 Swaps/Trades EXTRA CAR? Trade or sell my entire record collection, mostly 60's-70's rock. John, 344-5530, leave message. 962:10-28 Pets FEMALE QOLDEN RETRIEVER 7 mon ths old to good home. Call 345-6056 eves. 10-26 Lost/Found LOST: 14K Gold ring with black and cubic zirconia. $50 reward. Contact John, 343-7008 913:10-26 FOUNO 1022 near PLC, Lady’s watch. Call 344-2413 after 5pm 10-26 Food/Drink eat COOPERATIVELY EAT WELL Contribute 2vy hours worWweek, pay monthly at $3 10&day. enjoy all meals & snacks. Choice ol vegetarian or non vegetarian. Very close to campus. Janet Smith House 1790 Alder, 686-4261 ask for Laura. Campbell Club 1670 Alder. 686-5189 ask for Jima. 977.MWF EVENTS WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS, INC. invites you to its Open House, Wed., Oct. 26., 7-8pm. EMU Forum Room 10-26 DUE TO POPULAR demand the CHINA FILM FESTIVAL has added extra shows at 12:15 and 2:20 pm for the remainder ot the series. The ASIAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION wishes to apologize to those who couldn't get in to see Rickshaw Boy this weekend 968:10-26 ASUO and Campus Interfaith Ministry present. The Brown Bag Forum Student Representation on the University Senate TODAY 12:30-1:30 EMU FORUM ROOM r EXPERIENCE A SEMESTER AT SEA AROUND THE WORLD CRUISES planned (or Spring and Fall semesters. 1984. There will be a special presentation on THURSDAY, OCT. 24 4 & 7 pm in Studio C, Main Library10-27 Elie Wiesel’s Jerusalem Free film .and discussion Oct 28 Wed.» pm. Law 222. 10-26 CHRISTIAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION meets tonight, 7 pm. Century Room B. All welcome, information 485-8752 Dan. Bruce. 10-28 VOTE GTFs VOTE GTFF Contract Ratification Thurs. Oct 27 7 pm EMU Forum Absentee Voting Oct. 26 and 27 11-2 EMU Lobby Noon-3 GTFF office Call 344-0832 for more information. VOTE GTFs VOTE 10-27 Entertainment EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents HOT JAZZ Maturing ALA CARTE BEER garden TODAY, OCT. 26 4-7 Dm alt'ernate^ “h"'"8 R~5m 10 squired. «L,i£lV b9Ver*0,s «"<* 'cod FREE free free 955:10-28 STAFFORD HALL and Tha Annual Halloween Dance featuring The Milkmen Saturday, Oct. 29 »pm- 1 pm at Carson Hall PRIZES for bast costumas tickets *2 in advance ^ all weak at dinner. *2.50 at the door. 10-28 THE BIJOU «*2 Eum soo-buu STUDENT ADMISSION *2 50 Anytime, with ID & lee card WE OF THE NEVER NEVER Nominated lor six Australian Academy Awards "We Ot The Never Never" is the story ol Jeannie Gunn, tirst civilized woman in the wilds ol Australia. MONDAY -THU RSOA Y 6:15 A 5:45 PM FRIDAY-SUNDAY 7:15 A 9:45 PM Sat-Sun Mat 4:45 pm MISER MONDAY ALL SEATS 52.50 KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATE NIGHT ROAD WARRIOR Mel Gibson smolders in this frenzied, apocalyptic adventure set in the not-so distant future It's Halloween - wear your Warrior pearl Surround stereo, rated R. Wednesday A Thursday 11:15 pm 51.M Friday A Saturday 12:15 am $2.50 Coming Nov. 2 -5 BLADE RUNNER University Theatre presents DRACULA All the sophistication, romance, and mystery, you'd ever want in an even ing at the theatre With special et iects guaranteed to thrill and delight you! Robinson Theatre 8 pm. Oct. 27-20. Nov. 3-5 and Halloween Night. Oct. 31. Tickets now on sale at the Robinson Theatre Box Oliice. Villard Hall, Mon -Sat.. 12-4 pm or call 686-4191 for reservations. 873:10-24 REGGAE! Arousing Spirit at Taylor's. Thurs. 10-27, Wed 11-2,9:30 pm. S2.10-27 DOG BOY NO. 3 Cartoons by Steve Lafler AT WARP FACTOR NO. 7 EMERALD CITY COMICS 343-2306. 976:10-26 LA BOTTINE SOURIANTE French-Canadian Folk Music Thursday, Nov. 3 8 pm, EMU Ballroom Tickets: Students $3, General public $3.50. Tickets available at EMU Main Desk, Earthriver Records and Everybody's Records. CINEMA? xrm PREMIERE THRU OCT. 26 Hobart Duvall'* gypsy comady ANGELO, MY LOVE Sunday-Wadna«day 7 4 MO pm KZEL invites you to Eugene's 7th ANNUAL Halloween Ball starring CURTIS SALGADO and IN YO’ FACE with special guests THE BURNERS THE PARTY KINOS MONDAY, OCT. 31 B PM EUGENE HILTON Tickets S4.96 in advance; $5.96 at the door. Available at Everybody's Records. Cash prizes for costume contest and lots of spoqky specials. Produced by Double Tee - Don't miss it! 10-31 Personals LONELY AND LEFT OUT? No Mends? No contacts? Write Friend ship Club, PO Box 7271, Eugene •7402. 10-26 SYO S CREATIVE SALON GRAND OPENING SPECIAL Complete haircut and styte tor $10 Call Shane. 4858597 NEW LOCATION 1122 ALDER Expires Nov.8 959:10-26 JOHNNY, Thank you for inviting us-your father and I wouldn’t miss PARENTS’ WEEKEND for the world! SEE YOU NOV 4-6! Love Mom. 960:10-26 FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion ■ the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm M-F 468MWF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing. Birthright. 687-8651. 386:W MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing tor men and women. For appt.: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 0:WHF HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? Siegmund's Cleaners 821 East 13th OOltfn ALPHA LAMBA OELTA: Phi Eta Sigma officers meeting Wednesday night. 7 pm in Room 202 EMU. 10-26 1 Chess, Go Backgammon Interested Players Meet at EMU Rec Center every Tues Nite 7 pm 10-26 TRACY Here’s to you and your 21st. CHEERS! Geno. 10-26 NANCY:Meet me at the Trawler Friday or Saturday night. Entertainment.no cover charge. 9 to midnight. Love Scott. 974:10-28 TO THE GIRL in the third row of my philosophy class: I'm admiring you from a distance. Give me a sign and I'll admire you from close up. A guy in your philoeophy class. 10-26 Isabel sends a slobbery “Get Well” smootch! 10*26 DINE WITH FRIENDS and enjoy live music by the Jazz Lab Band. Duck Experience ’83 kick-off Spaghetti Dinner Monday Oct. 31; EMU cafeteria 5:30-7:30 pm; $2.25 per person. 3ABBERWQCKY CARDS • GIFTS •Over 2800 designs of cards and postcards • A great selection of posters • Wind-up toys • Stationery • Address & blank books • Memo boards • Stickers • Party favors Decorations • All kinds of crazy, In expensive things • Novelty candy • Picture frames • Mugs • Stuffed toys • Gift wrap. •HALLOWEEN CARDS. MASK. PAR TY FAVORS AND DECORATIONS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY. MON-FRI 10:5:30 1308 HILYARD SAT 10-5 484-0530 ATA MIKE FEHER Have a Super Week and get psyched tor Saturday - we are! Love. Your Big Sisters E and L 10-26 WATCH YOUR WEIGHT AND KEEP ' YOUR HEALTH FORTUNATE LIFE is a new and safe way to controls your weight and en sure a proper diet. Meets or beats all FDA requlrmenta. For details contact Andy Guffin at 747-0307 or 7484284 934:11-14 DESTROY 4! Unwanted hair PERMANENTLY! ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC 345-6844 ATA PECK You have the most class, you’re the most tun and the most handsome Big Brother around. I lowe you! Here's to "Keeping it in the family!" Love always. Your Li'l Sis. BABY DOLL 10-26 WE ARE CALLED WE ARE CHOSEN Thanks to all the participants on the parable weekend retreat. Special thanks to the Newman Center Staff; Ft. Reginald, Br Brenden. Sr. Mariquita. Co-directors; Catherine Cantrell & Mike Hennigan. Faculty Rep.; Joe Kremers and all the group leaders. Also thanks to our great cooks from the married couples group. Peace in Christ. John B. 987:10-26 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MBTV For your birthday I have a scavenger hunt planned. Begin at Trail ways for your first surprise. Then, wait by the phone at 10pm for your second clue. I love you sweetie. YLTB968:10-26 Hey DG’s Reltney Is not for the timid. BE WARNED Return him or pay COCNFC_10-26 POOKY Keep playing like a star I love you. YOUR LI!. SIS.10-26 CHAZ THE SPAZ Have a great day. Love, your big sis. 10*26 Delt Pledge Dave I'm psyched to be your big sister for the coming year. The unmasking will be Saturday. Beware of deviant characters! GUESS WHO?10-26 OELT MIKE L.: Good luck this weekend. Bag a bid one, and we'll celebrate when you return! LOVE, YOUR LITTLE SIS 10-27 Deits Kurtis Fowler and Phil Stewart Hope your week is FINER THAN FINE! My identity you'll know on October 29! YOUR RAINBOW COURT SISTER 10-26 ANITRA REANEY Happy 21 si birthday Sweetie. Get set for over-the-hump at Dejolas! WE LOVE YOU, YOUR SISTERS10-26 PHI PSI: Way fun full time tonight at eleven! LOVE, YOUR LITTLE SIS 10-26 JULIE ALLEN: At U-Mass we said we'd run into each other this tall, but after one month? Please call me. SCOTT (342-4341)10-26 OELT BRIAN: Hope you enjoyed the cookies and candy bar. There’s much more to come before Saturday! LOVE, YOUR BIO SIS10-26 DORTHY PARKER ‘37 Our alumna who has shown us what the love of AOTT can be. Thanks for your support. Alpha Love. THE WOMEN OF ALPHA OMICRON PI10-26 DELT PLEDGE ANORE: That suave guy with all the answers. Have a smooth week! LOVE YBS10-26 Delt Phil Wilson: Saturday isn't that far off: don't be put off. soon you'll know who I am. Any clue? Ask the Longhorns or John F. 10-26 Hey sports fans Want to win a *10 gift certificate from Nike Eugene? Just enter the Emerald's "Trivia Time" sports quiz Thursday. Brush up on your Oregon sports, and you may win!10-26 CHRIS Guess how many days?! Happy Birth day!! LOVE, CAROL10-26 DELT PLEDGE POE: What's up little Bro? I ll toast to that! SIS OF THE . BLACK STREAM CLAN10-26 Heidi Gardner Karyn O’Shaunessy Cynthia Wells Congratulations on making courts! LOVE, THE GAMMA PHIS 990.10-26 SCOTT MAIN: One hug deserves another. LOVE, YOUR LIL SIS 10-26 LIL BRO MARK GROVER: Have an eazy. breezy day LOVE, YOUR LIL SISTERS 10-28 CONGRATULATIONS Kim Arfces and Bruce Overstreet!! You both did an outstanding job organizing the entire Panhetlenic and ■Mar-Fraternity Council Area I Con ■rance. You are great Area V(t) P's! pSVE, PANHELLENIC EXC.9B1 10-26 1 CA