sports__ IM football's no-contact rule needs roughing up It's about as predictable as the swallows returning to Capistrano. Every year, conflicts arise over intramural football — and this year is no exception. In previous falls, squabbles have started over poor officiating, field conditions and scheduling. just thinking Steve turcotte This year, the major hassle involves none of those. Instead, it involves new rules insitituted by the University's Recreation Intramural department. Rules adopted this year to cut down on injuries have come under fire from most flag football players. The major complaint with the guidelines is the lack of con tact involved. The new rules state that "only screen blocking is permitted." Screen blocking is described as "obstructing the rusher’s path to the quarterback or the ball carrier, as long as it is done behind the line of scrimmage, with any part of the body except head and legs.” In layman's terms, that means no contact whatsoever on the football field. Being on a team myself, I have first-hand experience play ing under these rules. I can unequivocally say they aren't a lot of fun. After talking to other players, I find many share my feel ings. judging from phone calls and conversations with others, reaction to the new rules has been negative. Most people are griping about the no-contact provisions. What's football without contact anyway? It seems like powder puff football to me. "Coming out of high school, you are still serious about football," says one player. "The rules are not real football at all. "You need something with a little contact," he adds. "What they have now is too wimpy." Some players even have opted for the sidelines because of the new rules. "I personally know a lot of guys who are usually out there, but aren't this year because of the rules," says the same player. "But there's not much we can do about the rules." RIM Office Directro Bob Moss indicates major uproars over the new rules at the beginning of the season since have cooled down. "People didn't like them (the rules) at first," says Moss, "but now I think they are becoming more accepted." Moss also brings up injuries. In the past, there have been numerous injuries on the intramural field; not so this season, according to Moss. He says injuries have been drastically reduced. Still, that's not good enough for some. One player I talked to says he and his friends are so disgusted with the rules, they’re thinking of forming their own league next year. That's pretty far-fetched, but there is a point there. Something definitely needs to be done. Football isn't football without some hitting and blocking. et al. MEETINGS IMPORTANT APS RETURNEE meeting tonight at 6 p m. in the EMU Fishbowl For more information, call Karen at 485 1593 ASKLEPIADS meets tonight at 7 p m at Chi Psi (rater nity, 1018 Hilyard St THE NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE program is looking for adventurous, economically-minded people Come to an orientation meeting today at noon in the EMU Forum Room to find out more about study oppor tunities abroad STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD is holding a very important meeting today at 3:30 p.m in Room 337 EMU OPEU CLERICAL COMMITTEE meets today from 12:05 to 12:55 p.m. in EMU Century Room D THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p m. in the EMU Testimonies of healing through prayer are shared WOMEN'S RESOURCE AND REFERRAL SERVICE is sponsoring a personal growth workshop entitled Women, Food, and Self-Esteem " The first meeting is Wednesday, Oct 26, from 7 to 9 p m in Room 336 EMU For more information, call 686-3327 GALA is holding a business meeting today at 3:30 p m in Room 318 EMU For more information, call GALA at 686-3360 LESBIAN DISCUSSION GROUP meeting tonight from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in EMU Century Room D The topic is les bians and language For more information, call 686-3360 THE ASIAN STUDIES SOCIETY is holding a general meeting today at 5 p m. in the second floor lounge of Friendly Hall All interested students and faculty are welcome BATS OF OREGON will be the topic of the Lane Coun ty Audubon Society meeting tonight at 7:30 p m at the Eugene Garden Club, 1645 High St Wildlife biologist Alan Dyke will present a slide show on research he has done concerning bats in Lane County For more informa tion, call 484-BIRD LECTURES HOW MUCH VOICE should students have in Universi ty policy? The proposed cut in student representation on the University Senate is the topic of this Wednes day's Open Mike at 11:30 in ihe EMU Courtyard and of the Brown Bag Forum at 12:30 p m in the EMU Forum Room Sponsored by the ASUO and Campus Interfaith Ministry. Bring your lunch THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY student af filiates are sponsoring a "Graduate School Seminar" presented by three members of the chemistry faculty tonight at 7 p.m. in Room 331 Science II. Speakers will discuss how to choose and apply to graduate school and describe admission procedures and the student selection process All students are encouraged to attend PACIFIC UNIVERSITY will have a representative on campus Monday, Oct. 31 A presentation on Pacific's op tometry program is scheduled from 9 to 10 a m , follow ed by a session on their physical therapy and occupa tional therapy programs from 10 to 11 a m Both presen tations will be held in Room 101 EMU THE UNITED NATIONS is holding a banquet in BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed -THOM'S A MCPCWCK m THE STAGE CKEW,.. A SMALL BOV AS THE BACK 5TAGE VALET ANP A ftNGVIN AS STAGE MANAGER. now mw mm IS \ A U. THIS f I Portland on Friday, Oct 28, in honor of its 38th anniver sary Ambassador Charles M lichenstein, United States Department Delegate to the United Nations, will be the principal speaker The banquet will start at 7 p.m at the Masonic Temple, 1119 Southwest Park Avenue. INTERVIEWS THE UNIVERSITY HISTORY DEPARTMENT is seeking an Assistant Professor to teach one course in Western Civilization in the Honors College during winter term Ph D and university level teaching experience in Western Civilization required Send curriculum vitae in cluding names and addresses of referees to Head, Department of History, 175 PLC, Eugene, Oregon 97403 no later than Nov. 1. SPEND AN AFTERNOON ON THE JOB a KEZI TV, a local ABC affiliate Enjoy an on-site visit and earn about career opportunities in the field of News Repor ting/Marketing/Sales/Management/Productio i on Thurs day, Oct. 27, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sign up today in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall. Space is limited Transportation is provided ATTENTION sophomores and juniors in Accounting The Internal Revenue Service is seeking applicants for cooperative education interns Pick up job description in Room 7-56 Susan Campbell Hall SIGN UP AT 7.30 A.M. on Wednesday. Oct 26, in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall for the following recruiters: OCT. 31 TO NOV. 1 — Pacific Gas & Electric (tor com puter related positions). OCT. 31 — Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co (for accoun ting positions). OCT. 31 — Precision Controls (for Software Engineer) NOV. 1 — Atlas Cylinder Corporation (for Financial Analyst/Assistant to Corp Controller) NOV. 1 — Ernst & Whinney (for Staff Accountant) NOV. 2 — U S. Bancorp/U S National Bank group meeting at 12:30 p.m.. Room 101 EMU NOV. 2 — Hewlett Packard (for 1 Factory & Field Marketing/Info Systems/EDP for CS; 2 Management Ac countant/Financial Analyst; 3 Research and Develop ment/lnlormation Systems/EDP and Factory/Field Sales NOV. 2 — University of San Diego School of Law group meetings at 9 and 10 am. EMU Century Room D NOV. 2, 3 — U S Marine Corps (for Officer) Also at EMU NOV. 3 — Nieml, Holland & Scott, CPA s (for Staff Accountant). NOV. 3, 4 — North Pacific Lumber Company (tor Lumber Trader Trainee) NOV. 4 — Uni-Lab Corporation (tor Direct Sales Representative) PLEASE SIGN UP IMMEDIATELY it interested in inter viewing with the following recruiters: OCT. 25 — Jeld-Wen, Inc. (for Production Manage ment Trainee) OCT. 26 — Frederick & Nelson orientation meeting 'Careers with Frederick & Nelson" 7 to 8:30 p.m., Room 110-111 EMU Also group meeting with Marketing Club. "Retail Careers", noon to 1 p.m.. Room 110-111 EMU OCT. 26 — Nelson, Trimble & Nelson (for Staff Accountant). OCT. 26, 27 — Coopers 4 Lybrand (for Staff Accountant) OCT. 26, 27 — U.S Marine Corps (for Marine Corps Of ficer) Also at EMU OCT. 27 — University of San Diego, Lawyer's Assis tant Program (for Graduate School) Group meeting 9 to 10 am.. Room 240 Susan Campbell Hall Interviews follow OCT. 27. 28 — Deloitte, Haskins & Sells (for Accoun ting positions) OCT. 28 — Ford Motor Credit Company (for Assistant Customer Accounts Representative) MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY IN JAPAN spring term are now available For mere information and application forms, contact the U S.-Japan Cross Culture Center at 244 San Pedro St.. Suite 305, Los Angeles, CA , 90012 Deadline is Nov 31 < DRUIDS APPLICATIONS are now being taken. Pick up forms in Suite 4 EMU or in the library Student Lounge Requirements include junior standing with a 3.0 GPA and service-oriented activities Deadline for application is today Return forms to Room 110 Johnson Hall COLLAGES by Julie Roeman will be shown today through Nov. 23 at the Book & Tea Shop, 1646 E 19th Ave , open 11 a m. to 7 p.m Monday through Friday, and 11 a m to 5 p.m Saturday and Sunday. THE STUDENT AFFAIRS DIVISION is pleased to an nounce that there is a Xerox copier now available for stu dent use on the first floor of Oregon Hall PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING Program is currently accepting applications for peer advisors for winter term If interested in becoming a peer advisor or would like ad ditional information about the program, stop by the peer advising office, Room 141 Straub Hall Closing date for applications is Nov. 14 LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE English as a Second Language Deparlment invites the public to an all-day open house today. For more information call 484-2126 >1 Classifieds I CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE, 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday s paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible lor more than one day's Incorrect adverbs mg insertion The OOE s liability lor typographical errors, incorrect inset lions, or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges tor such por lion of space occupied by the error If your ad appears incorrectly, call MS-4343 before t pm tor correction in the neat day s issue RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word lor the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change *1 50 minimum lor the first insertion >1.20 minimum for consecutive THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AO CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT All ads must be paid 'or in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office. 300 EMU Emerald Classified# 686-4343 Pa** 6 Small investment BIO RETURNS' For Sale BEAUTIFUL 1979 Gold Wing OL 1000 Full Or as* Wlnd|ammer. Bata* Hang 2, AM/FM Cassatt* mors Naw liras, brakes Show quality custom paint E« celleni Condition Forced to sail quick. $2905 Paster. 937 2723* 1029 BEAUTIFUL FLATE Glass Aquarium, wood frame brand new IBS 344 7030 ___ 1.7 CUBIC FOOT Refrigerator Used 4 months $99 More Information call 7474100 _1029 FISH TANK 10 gallon h«x w/ haatar, filter, pump, axtraa. $100 nag. 342 3690 ta27 FtBEAOLAM FIBMWO boat 20 1200 Ski boot. 8* $25 Two Yamaha (Rd motorcycle* 500cc $150 JBOOct $250 Bicycle l&speed $30 34B 7212. Ken noth 10-28 Instruction GUITAR. PIANO. BASS lessons team your favorite songs by Oat Leopard, Police. Ricky Skaggs. Amy Gram John Sharkey 344 5030 10 years leaching e» perlece 90110 20 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW A USED Buy Sell Trade 2050 W 0th 000-2700 01011 2 Used vacuums *10 and up SHARON'S VACUUMS 741 -0500 *3211-0 CASH lor uses records and c as senes Guaranteed higheul prices paid in Eugene! 342 0245ABB Hn THE BUY S SELL CENTER Buy Sen-Trade New and used records SI 20 and up 201 West 5th 613: ME Services EDITING, RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Ousuited editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, slat analysis and typing Tele 1 2234401 (Portland) CHEZ * CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra lion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 12 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMESIII Quality typeset resumes by OOE Graphic Services We will give your |Ob search the professional edge Call 686 551 tor coma by 300 EMU Students 10V. discount with current ID ttn T-SHIRTS Custom printed Call lor brochure Latter Silkscreen 343-2306. 342 1627 881:10-29 ROLFING Jon Carroll Certified Roller 683-3639 F«tt EVALUATION Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickupidelivery 3466166. 334ltn TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved ISM Setectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 666-3663. 514 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corf Set Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0758. S13;tln BRANDY'S TYPING i WORD PROCESSING Fast and protessional Editing available 484-6044.621:ttn TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith. 746-6738 789 tin QUALITY TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric 15 years experience 726 5954 _882 UWH ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484-1646 748:t»n QUALITY TYPING electronic sell correcting equipment, editing available JOYCE 344 9968 11-1 WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed. 4/or edited theses/disserlations. papers, tables, diagrams Resume Composition. Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 464-5454._____6021 (n FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved CaN Paula Demons 464-9405 658tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-5236. 144:ttn If quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED is "THE" TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed. Grad School approved. BARBARA LAND 345-3414 523:tln TYPING GUARANTEED 345-5614 Ruth 345-5614 465UH DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup & delivery available 465-3914 583 tfn Wanted A A Cash paid for gold class rings and gold or silver tewelry One ounce class rings brings 6103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 728-1735 Watch tor hour-scent signs on tail sMe A __A Tuesday, October 25, 1983