Ducks beat Huskies .. .on volleyball court By Brent Paz Ol tbt* Emerald Oregon's vollevball team swept three games on the road last weekend, beating non-league toe Idaho lhursda\ and lontereme rivals Washington and Washington State Fridax and saturdax. I he three w ins upped ( Jregon's record to f-2 m the Norl’ai t on tercmc and kept its aspirations alive lor a spot m the lontereme tournament in November. The Durks. 18-1J! overall, have won eight ot their last 12 matt lies; two ol those losses (Pat ilu and Oregon State) were against teams ranked in the top JO. Oregon's biggest win ol the weekend was against Washington. The Dm ks nipped the Huskies IV 10. IT-1 V 8 -IV 0 IV and 10-1-4 to avenge an earlier loss in I ugene. Oregon owed its lome-from behind victory to the ettorts ol Sue Harbour and Cynthia Shepherd. Harbour paced the Ducks with 20 kills and Shepherd added 22. With the win tame a loss — set ter Lisa Ciemttva sintered a hamstring pull in the set out! game and did not plav the rest of the match. The extent ol her in line is unknown. In her plate. Harbour. ( athx Hill and Heidi I akin took turns at setter. While Ciempva was m, Oregon pulled out to a two-game advan tage; without her, they lost the next two games ot the mate h and tell behind M) in the tinal game. However, the Dili ks roared hat k trom the delit it on 15 kills to w in 10- 14. "They (Harbour, Hill and I akin) did a good |ob," said the injured (iemova. "It |ust took two games tor them to get the hang ot it." Washington State, loser ot IB in a row, was no problem lor the l)uiks on Fridav. Oregon swept WSU in three straight games — 15-b, IS-11. 15-11. For All-Ameriian candidate Har hour, the game was a hornet tim ing attair. I he Pullman! Wash., native t onnet ti'tl tin 11 kills to ex tend the l ougars' winless streak, (akin adtIt'd nine kills tor the netters. Idaho plait'd suprisingh well against the Dm ks Ihursdav. tak mg tilt' matt h to live games heiore Oregon prevailed 1 S-t), 11- 15, (>-f"), 15-1, 15-11. Harbour, hTill anil Shepherd t ombined tor 57 kills to spark the Dm ks. Oregon t oat h Chris Voel/ was imprt'ssetl In Idaho's detense in the ntin-tonlerente tilt at Most ow. Idaho. It was a great delensive matt h throughout," said Voel/. "Idaho played extremely well. They're tint' ot thi' better delensive teams we’ve seen all vear." Oregon returns to Mi Arthur l ourt lor league matt lies against Universit\ ot San I rant ist o I rtduv and Santa Clara Saturday. Both games will start at 7:10 p in. 49er rally upends Rams From Assoc taled Press reports |or Montan.) threw lor two touihdowns and Dwaine Hoard ret own'd a tumble tor a si on*, all in the lourtli (|tiarter. as tin* San Irani ism 4‘H*rs overt aim* a live ID-pass perlormante by Vinte Ferragama of Los Angeles for a 4s-IS vit tory over the Rams Sun das in 11 is Angeles. Ihe 4‘teiV rails gave them a <>-2 lei ord and a one-game lead in the Nil West over Ihe Rams and the Ness Orleans Saints. With the Rams leading 55-24, Golfers get sixth at Stanford Oregon's golt team finished sixth ssith a "id-hole team store ot 1127 at the 14-team Stanford Fall Inlert ollegiate tournament Friday and Saturday in Palo Alto. Calif. Unisersits ot Southern Califor nia sson the tourney ssitli an I l()‘f mark. Senior Brian Castonguay topped the Dut ks w ith a 221 store, finishing six strokes behind USCs Sam Randolph, svho won with a 2 I ">. Oregon's next tournament, the Southwestern Inlert ollegiate, is Nov. (i-H at Thousand Oaks, Calil. Montana passed lor a tout hdown, then Board strippt-ti the hall from lorragamo and retovorod it tor sail Irani isui's go-ahead II). Bill King stored an insurant e tout hdown lor San I rant ist o on a 4-vard run. NFL rushing leader Frit Diikerson of the Rams t arried times lor 14-4 yards to boost his \ardage lor the season to In other games Sunday, the I’itt sburgli steelers heltl oil the Seat tle Seahawks 27-21; and the Kan sas City Chiefs edged the Houston Oilers 13-10 in overtime. The winner C ilt> nn Ci ret* ill eat, a sophomore p re-business major, is the winner ol Ihursday's / mt'r.tlil sports trivia quiz lontesi. He will pfi eive a S I0 gin t ordinate trom Nike I ugono. Iht1 answers: Oregon leads football series; Bob Newland is top single season ret eiver; volleyball eighth m Norl’at in ll)B2; women's i ross i ountrv took third in l‘)82 N( AA; men have won tour NCAA cross country titles. Look tor our next quiz tontest this Thursday. Cash For Textbooks Mon. - Fri. 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