Workshop includes topics aimed at women of all ages Life crises, political awareness and the changes that today's women face will be among the topics addressed Saturday at a workshop for women. "Women Here You Are Now. How Far Can You Go?" is the theme of the workshop spon sored by the Older Women's League. Among the guest speakers will be Kate Barry of the Women's Cehter at Lane Community Col lege who will discuss life crises, alternatives chosen by women in the 1940s and 1950s, and the changes that today's women face. Doris Hall will offer insights on how to set goals for the future and avoid being diverted from those goals. Linda Nelson of the Lane Public interest research groups host conference Citizen participation in the com munity and the rise of student ac tivism are among the topics that will be emphasized at a two-day conference for western public in terest research groups Saturday and Sunday at the University. Sponsored by the Oregon Stu dent Public Interest Research Group, the conference will feature workshops in which PIRG staff members and students plan programs, share successes and refine skills. Former New York PIRG director Donald Ross will deliver the keynote speech Saturday at 12:30 p.m. in Room 108 EMU, as part of a kick-off news conference. OSPIRG is a student-run, non profit group that conducts research on consumer and en vironmental issues. r Your CHOICES make the difference. BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTS PAP SMEARS Birth Control Pills *5-6.50 Diaphram Jelly *4.00 Sponge *1.00 Condoms 3 for 75c PRIVATE • PROFESSIONAL CONVENIENT Lotsa gifts & free gift wrap at your Bookstore. Oregon Dailv Emerald Women Political Laws will lecture on political awareness. "The seminar should interest any woman of any,age who wants to become more aware of dealing with today's society and be a more productive part of it,” says Hazel Foss, workshop coordinator. "More and more women are go ing back to school, to work or just to discover a more creative way of living," Foss says. The all-day event will take place at the Unitarian Church, 477 E. 40th Ave., beginning at 9 a.m. The cost is $5. Sex prejudice topic of lecture Supreme Court decisions on sex discrimination will be the topic of a lecture to day by a University of Washington professor and author who researches sex discrimination. Claire Thomas, who has written for "Nutshell" magazine, will present a free lecture entitled "From Barmaids to Barristers." Thomas will speak in Room 129 of the Law School at noon. FEAR NOT, DUCKS. WE RE OPEN TIL 9 ON FRIDAYS. f(Jr burgers, omelettes, soups, salads and sandwiches. ■ ^ * mm 9 —- 0 7cmji> " ^reat biuvrisoindctti^.anc downstairs at the 5ftr*Sr Public \ j-ie Open Mon Thurs 7^>; Fri til 9; Sat 8-6; 9-5 ThCksmpef** Pane 7. Wfinn A