quads HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get you' weekly cleaning included ; the rent • along with cable TV, utilities, private bath and lots ol other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 A Mar *46 1075 025:tln Real Estate ATTENTION PROFESSORS Small chalet with 127 foot frontage on McKen zie River. Quiet, scenic retreat Near Tokatee *79,500 Owner 1-244-9260 col lect. or 1034 SW Idaho St , Portland. 97201 895.10-21 Dorm Contracts UNIVERSITY INN housing contract for sale Call 686-428710-24 ■UV MY CONTRACT (any hall) Will pay you $20 Wai-Kwok Wu 485-9396 1827 Harris, apt 309.10-21 OORM CONTRACT Will pay deposit Shaunna, 68S6180.10-21 DORM CONTRACT. DEPOSIT and first installment paid 485-9426 (utsey studio) or 485-9616 204-B Carson Ask for Cros or leave message at Carson mail room Box 64044 10-25 Lost/Found LOST IN Pioneer Cemetary: Black jacket Call Rob at 342 4456 10-21 LOST: 14K Gold ring with black and cubic zlrconia. $50 reward Contact John, 343-7008 913:10-26 Market Basket Hi-energy BEE POLLEN HONEY on tap 79’ lb Beautiful candles & gifts 12* E. 11th HONEY HEAVEN 344 583* 59t:F EVENTS LESBIAN FEMINIST HUMORIST Kate Clinton in concert 8 pm Oct 22 in EMU Forum room Advance tickets available at Mother Kalis or EMU Main Desk *5 Childcare available Please call GALA at 686-3360 tor more into. 890:10-21 MEN MEN FINALLY! The 1st Annual Mr. U of O 1983 Pageant & Dance Oct. 21 8 pm Condor School (18th 6 Agate) S2 admission Sponsored by Dymenl Hall Don’t miss the EXCITEMENT! 907:10-21 CHINA FILM FESTIVAL The Asian Studies Association brings live of Mainland China's best feature films to Eugene THIS WEEKEND RICHSHAW BOY (1982) (In Chinese. English subtitles) •Two shows only, Oct 22. 23; 2 pm THE BIJOU THEATRE 492E 13th 686-BtJU 911:10-21 Dance to SKA with: The Hoodlums Plus the Porcupines. Sat Oct. 22, 9 pm WOW Halt. 8th and Lincoin.S3 admission. AM ages welcome. (ID re quired downstairs) 10-21 X-COUNTRY SKIING Bill Koch, 1982 World Cup Champion, to present question and answer sessions. Mon., Oct. 24 7 pm. EMU International Lounge Free Sponsored by U of O Outdoor Program 686-4365 941:10-24 COME WATCH WOMEN S SOCCER learn! Sat vs U W 4 pm. Sun vs Evergreen State 11 am Soulhbank field - before footbridge 10-21 Oregon Daily Emerald ATTENTION ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA 4 and PHI ETA SIGMA MEMBERS Pins and certificates will be available in freshman honorary office, room 202 EMU (above Post Office, there will be signs) during these hours MWF 3 pm S pm UH 9:30 am-11:30 am SAT-SUN 2 pm-4 pm PHONE MS-3024 _872:10-21 EMU CULTURAL FORUM A CALL FOR ART WORK Graduate/Undergraduate students: Send worti on a traveling show throughout the Northwest Submit wort to: Cultural Forum Office Suite 2 EMU Sat., Oct. 22 9 am • noon Wort must 12" x 12" to 36' by 36." matted, not frame. 2 dimension only Less than vy after matting Get your workout there!!!! 889 10-21 LOGO CONTEST $ for the JEWISH STUDENT UNION DEADLINE IS OCT. 25 Win fame, gratitude and a small prize! SUBMIT ENTRY JSU. EMU SUITE S Entertainment THE BIJOU 492 E 13th 686-SIJU STUDENT ADMISSION *2.90 Anytime, with ID * fee card WE OF THE NEVER NEVER Nominated for six Australian Academy Awards. "We Of The Never Never" is the story of Jeannie Gunn, first civilized woman in the wilds of Australia. SUNDAY THURSDAY 6:15 A 6:45 PM FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:15 6 9:45 PM Sat-Sun Mat 3:45 pm MISER MONOAY ALL SEATS $2.50 KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATE NIGHT FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH Fun movie! Great rock & roll sound track Surround stereo. Awesome sound system. Rated R. Wednesday 6 Thursday 11:15 pm $1.96 Friday A Saturday 12:15 am *2.50 Next: DARK STAR University Theatre presents DRACULA All the sophistication, romance, and mystery, you'd ever want in an even ing at the theatre. With special ef fects guaranteed to thrill and delight you! ReMneon Theatre • pm. Oct. 27-2*. Nee. J-S and Halloween Night. Oct. 31. Tickets now on sale at the Robinson Theatre Box Office. Villard Hall. Mon -Sal.. 12-4 pm or call 686-4191 for reservations. 873:10-24 EMU CULTURAL FORUM Invites you to DANCE with NILO TOLEDO Attend professional Jazz and Ballet classes on Oct. 22, 1982. Registration begins at 9:30 am for beginner and intermediate. Advanc ed classes begin at 1 pm Call ext.4374 for more info.884:10-21 JAZZ/BLUES Records Books CAT’S MEOW JAZZ A BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Fitthpearl Bldg A Pearl _ 839HFsl20 Max’s presents Rhythm & Blues The WOODY ALLEN LOVE & DEATH What do thay maan? Is thare a diffavanca? Find out Friday Oct. 21st. 180 PLC 7 A 9:15 914:10-20 RAIL WINNER OF MTV BASEMENT TAPES WITH SPECIAL QUESTS SHYANNE Sunday Oct. 23 8 pm Austin Auditorium Oregon Slate University $4 SO advance. S5 at the door Tickets available. Everybody's Records. Eugene 902:10-20 AN AN DA MARQA PRESENTS Sleeper Woody Allen tries His trend at a science fiction film, and the results are predictably outrageous Woody is vaulted far into the future, and he en counters a power-mad dictator, giant vegetables, reties of the 20th Century, new ways of getting stoned, new ways of making love, and (of course) Diane Keaton < FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21 7 S 9 PM 177 LAWRENCE SI 5