et al. MEETINGS BREAD FOR THE WORLD hunger action group is meeting today at 3 30 p.m at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid Plans for the upcoming Oxfam Fast will be discussed All are welcome, MEDIA SPECIALIST Don Hunter will premiere his new multi-media show on Cascade Volcanoes at the first an nual meeting on the "Friends ot the Museum of Natural History" Sunday. Oct 23 at 4 p m in the Gerlinger Hall Lounge ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE at Lane Com mumty College invites the public to an all day Open House Tuesday, Ocl. 25 Venous areas ol English in struction will be demonstrated Teachers will be available to discuss their classes at a meeting for in terested volunteers on Wednesday. Oct 26 at 7:30 p.m Those planning on attending should call Becky at 484 2126 WESLEY FELLOWSHIP will meet at Sunday. Oct 23 at 6 p m lor a soup supper at the Wesley Center. 1236 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed flU, THROUGH1 GOT flU. OUR HtAPUNING ACTS LFMflF. mom’ for new m u. 6&ee... °tk poua * for new me m ■m CHARLey FOR R'0 PAY "PEF U.PPARP * FOR HWY fflOTflL PAY... ANP OF COURSC, 'jom ziXMmbTFR m his ALBUQUtRQUt FflTOOYS." NOW PGRSOmiY, rw um excim ABOUT THAT LAST.., VH... THAT... OH... WHAT'S WRONGS mmmmje mM"Muu>mK A "POLKA PAY" WAS A GOV m,THAT'S who ate# — Kincaid We will attend the German film "The Marriage of Maria Braun" after supper For more information, call Stu Shaw at 686 4694 LECTURES A WEEKEND SEMINAR for researchers in algebraic and differential geometry will be held Oct 22-23 in 110 Fenton Hall Saturday's lectures will run from 1:30-4 pm; Sunday's will run from 9:30 a m till noon For more information, call Marie Vitulli at x5633 or John Leahy at x5223 INTERVIEWS CLAREMONT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY interviews can be scheduled with a seminary recruiter by calling Northwest Christian College at 687 9456 Dr Rod Parrott will talk with students on Monday. Oct 24 between 9 a m 5 p m in the Faculty Office Building at NCC MISCELLANEOUS THE FALL PEACE FESTIVAL and rally at Litton In dustries Oct. 21 to 24 Activities will start at 1:30 p.m For information on camping, meals and rides, call 689-6691 or 343 3523 APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY IN JAPAN spring term are now available For more information and application forms, contact the U S-Japan Cross Culture Center at 244 San Pedro St.. Suite 305. Los Angeles. CA . 90012 Deadline is Nov 31. PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING is currently accep ting applications tor peer advisors for winter term. If you are interested in becoming a peer adivsor or would like additional information about the program, come to the peer advising office in 141 Straub Hall Closing date for applications is Nov 14 RAJNEESH QUIET MEDIATION and bioenergetics class Sunday. Oct 23 from 1-4 p m at 3072 Willakenzie Rd $5 enrollment fee For more information, call 343-8516 INTERNATIONAL DAYS OF PROTEST have been declared for Oct. 21-24. Join with people all over the world lo demand an end to the threat of global nuclear destruction For more information, call 753-2242 STUDY AT THE COAST spring term Courses in biology, geography, landscape architecture and more ot fered at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston. For more information, drop by Suite 1, EMU, or call 686 4073 DRUID APPLICATIONS are now being taken Pick up forms in Suite 4 EMU or in the library Student Lounge Requirements include junior standing with a 3 0 GPA and service-oriented activities Deadline for application is Tuesday. Oct 25 Return forms to Room 110 Johnson Hall A REMINDER FOR SOPHOMORES who are interested in the Truman Scholarship: today is the deadline to turn in a 150-word essay with a transcript to the International Studies Program Office. Room 837 PLC For more infor mation. call 686-5050 Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible tor more than one day’s incorrect adverbs ing insertion The ODE'S liability for typographical errors, incorrect inser tions. or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges for such por lion of space occupied by the error If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day's issue RATES'. Rates are 15 cents per word tor the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change SI.50 minimum lor the first insertion $1.20 minimum lor consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUNO FOR AD CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Smell investment - BIG RETURNS! For Sale KING SIZE WATERBED Used frame, brand new mattress, heater, sheets S100 or best offer Call 683-5493 nights 5-11 pm Ask for Mike or leave message 10 21 BEAUTIFUL 1B79 Gold Wing GL-1000 Full Dress. Windiammer. Bates. Hang-2. AM/FM Cassette, more New tires, brakes. Show quality custom paint Ex cellent Condition Forced to sell quick. 52995 Dexter. 937 2723 evenings 10-24 BEAUTIFUL PLATE Glass Aquarium, wood frame, brand new 185 344-7030 10-25 MUST SCLLf Seiko Digital Alarm Watersporls watch. 585 and Gents' Divers' 585 ono Both new 687-0448 10-21 NEW ROSSI and Look skis: “STS” 200cm. Bin dings:N77’s, 3 days on slopes. $200 firm. Ed 683-1408.10-21 POOL TABLE U slate, accessories. 5500/best offer 481-027V343 1498 1P21 FIBER GLASS PISHING BOAT 5200 Ski boots. 5 Vi 525 2 Yamaha dirt motorcycles. MOcc. 5150. 360ce 5260 Bicyte 10-speed 530, 10-21 Buy & Sell DIXIE’S NEW 0 USED Buy-Sett-Trade •00-2700 OtOIM Used vacuums 5 JO and up SHARON’S VACUUMS 74114 MM Fapr 18, Section A WE QUIT Our loss is your gain Selling out lo Dare walls DINTY'S FURNITURE 727 Main SI Spfg 746 0980 880 10-20 THE BUY * SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade New and used records SI 25 and up 361 Weal 5th 613 MF Services EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, slat Fnalysis and typing Tele 1-223-8491 (Portland) -\T7 CHEZ 6 CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 12 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by OOE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tfn WOMEN'S RESOURCE and Referral Service is sponsoring a tree 6 week Per sonal Growth Workshop entitled Women. Food and Self-Esteem For more info and to sign up. call 686-3327 or 345-6769 886 10 21 T-SHIRTS Custom printed Call for brochure Latter Silkscreen 343-2306. 342 1627. _ __ 881 10 28 ASTRO-CYCLES Consultations on life directions 1% hr Money back guarantee Stephen. 683-1384 10-21 EDITING, TUTORING Thesis/paper assistance 683 1384 Steve (Eugene) 10-21 Typing HAWK WORO PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pichup/detivery 3466166-334 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Setectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 666-3663. 514 tin ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464-1646 ____ 748 tin TYPING* OfT MG Call Sara 6660736 575 WHFM UH FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING ISM Correcting Setectric Graduate School Approved Ceil Paula Pomong 464-6405 _ 658 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Corroding Setectric Call Paine# 346-6666 144 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0756 513 tin It quality is whal you want TYPING UNLIMITED is "THE" TYPING SERVICE lo use Guaranteed Orad School approved BARBARA LAND 646-3414 __523 tin PRO TYPING*DiTING Expert at theses and dtsaertaliona 2 Mocks from OO No (ob too small Jet* _ _ _______ SS3 HFM DYNAMIC TYPINCTSIRVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup 6 delivery available 485.3614 543 tin PRO TV PINO AllLEVELS fB44 Correcting Setectric Can Berber a 146-0747 SUPER TYPING Professional, near campus Norma, 345-6005/342-8255 (message) 10-20 WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS CINDY 484-5454 869:ifn BRANDY'S TYPING 8 WORD PROCESSING Fast and professional Editing available 484-6044 621 Ifn TIC All levels academic 687 9326 __622MWF TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith. 7466738 789 Ifn QUALITY TYPING electronic sell correcftng equipment, editing available JOYCE 344 9956 _10 31 TYPING WANTED Term papers manuscripts resumes Fast Accurate IBM Self-Correcting 85‘ double-space page 933 10 24MWF House Items OUEEN SIZE BED Three months old $110 new. $75 firm Scott 3456391 1021 Books 80,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% Off list prices New Books-Text Books Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362 Ifn COMICS 10% oil all new issues until Dec 1st EMERALD CITY COMICS. 770 E 13th 345 2568 9431921HF 448 Eatl 13th 10-8 Mon Frl 10-5 Saturday Kin* 342 8339 Next to the Bijou GREAT PRICES! Find what you've been looking for! Choose from Logo s BIO selection of •Books aPostsrs •Cards • Buttons •Mugs Stationary ... and much, much moral. With any $5 purchase this coupon is worth 20% OFF ONE POSTER One coupon per purchase Offer ex pires 10/27/83 10-24 Help Wanted OVER 5,000 SUMMER JOSS in 21 Na itonal Parka Detailed Report $5 Park Report 681 2nd Ave WN Kaiispeil MT 5990111-3 LEGITIMATE FEMALE Figure photography for publication S25/hr and e>P«n set I 503 472 5686 coded 10 24 SUN VALLEY. WORK AND SKII Enjoy winter term at world-famous Sun Valley. Idaho ski resort Info and details, write Duncan Lewis. Box 1463. Sun Valley. ID 83353 10-28 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe. S Amer . Australia. Asia All fields *500*1200 monthly Sightsee ing Free info Write IJC Box 52-OR-3 Corona Oel Mar, CA 92625 11-4 GOVERNMENT JOBS;Federal State. Civil Service Many positions available Call 1 714 750 8868 for details 10-21 WORK STUDY TUTORS needed for the following courses Second year French. Business. Decision Sciences. Statistics. Chemistry Starting salary: *5 32/hr Contac. Educational Oppor tumties Program. 207 Emerald Hall 686 3232 _871 10-21 THE ASUO needs students with backgrounds in journalism to staff its monthly publication 'Off the Record If you would like to gam experience in reporting or earn money through ad sales contacl Jim Middaugh in Suite 4 EMU on any afternoon905 10-21 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE Earn *20 per session modeling nude for legitimate photographer Box 3641 Eugene 97403 _10-26 SEARCH EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES COOR DINATORrLeads seminars tor SEARCH instructors and prospective instructors, assists in approval and scheduling pro cess. improves access to educational resources SEARCH is a program of the ASUO-an equal opjjortumty employer Work study applicants preferred For applications and information contact Steve Myers. EMU 11. 686 4305 924 10-24 DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES tor Oregon Daily Emerald 20 to 25 hours per week, working with established clients and developing new accounts Applicants must have the use of a car Pay is on a commission basis with mon thly ranges from *225 to *575 per month Pick up an application torm at the Emerald office. 300 EMU Applica lions close October 26 10-26 Dependable Film Crew Volunteers needed Work five shows this term, see the movies for free and receive two tickets for a concert of your choice Contact Theresa or John today in the EMU Cultural Forum, Suite 2. EMU 928 10-21 THE LOST DUTCHMAN needs an emcee to broadcast at the restaurant and some radio and TV spots Call 747-0307 tor details Pays good and is great experience 932 10 21 COMPUTER RELATED JOSS- Accoun tents engineers, finance, program mers. sales, retail Free Into Write ClM-0. 9371 Kramer Unit I. Westminster. CA 92683 10 27 WORK STUDY position in the sunny, supportive Off Campus Housing Office Contact with public, phones, some landlord-tenant counseling, usually in teresting work S3 90/hr to start Ap plications in Suite 3. EMU Off Campus Housing is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer942:10-25 BABYSITTER (U ol O student) part-time, approximately 10 tus /week 4610937 10-24 Recreation TRAIL RIDES Guided M Unguided SB phis *10 deposit BARN DANCES Spencer Creek Stables 484-5100 10-21 FEELING LIKE packing it in? Come hiking with the Outdoor Program Bicycles HUFFY ULTIMA 10-speed Excellent condition. 590 or best offer 342-6700 10-21 MEN’S SCHWINN Continental 10 speed Fenders, great condition. 686-4530 8am-5pm 10-21 Cars & Cycles 1982 HONDA 125 S motorcycle 120 miles. 5800 485 9210 Sidney 10 25 VESPA MOPED 500 miles, like new 5400 Bob, 461-02751343-1496 10 21 HONDA C6200 runs great 14.000 miles' 5350 Call Steve. 687 139710 21 1979 CELICA GT Liftback Black. AM/FM Cassette. 5 speed, mags power steering. 54.000 miles 54900 344 1130 eves__927 10-21 1974 LOTUS Europa Special Rebuilt engine, paint 57500/ofter 344-1158 925 10-31 •72 CHRYSLER NEWPORT All powered A/C radio Dependable transportation Only 5500 686 664310-21 ‘73 FIAT SPYOER Rebuilt engine, new interior, cassette stereo 35-40 MPG 52.400 or best 485-5109 after 6 pm10-26 KAWASAKI K2 400V 3.000 miles Must sell! Mint condition 5750 or best offer 741083910-24 ‘78 VW RABBIT Great car, rads, stereo, c coni, must sell 52.600 484 5023 10-21 Art Supply BELLYGRAMS by Bianca Bellydanc ing 689 3599 10-28 Auto Repair TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? After tour years in my home workshop, growing demand for my ser vices has prompted me to move to a new. expanded facility You and your car will continue to receive the same individualized atten tion and professional service at moderate prices JERRY'S MODEST MOTORS Specializing in service and repair tor VW and Alla Romeo 1701 West 11th HI 1808 Jerry Berger, Owner 897 11 2 Rides & Riders I NEED RIDES to and from Seattle Washington (or near by> on this and other weekends Will split gas costs If interested call 726 1755 Lisa. 1921 Opportunities CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE BEST KIND College students, do you'find. afler you pay for your education your wallet is empty? How would you like a full or pari time (Ob with Avon You don't have time to work a territory? Why not take orders at the college and combine business with pleasure and put money in your pocket Avon has a bigger gift selection this year tor hotdiday sales If you are interested in an interview, please call Jacque Hawks; 935-2396 or Avon Products; 746-6422 Happy Holidays 944:10-21tfn Wanted 4 A A Cash paid lor sold class rings and gold or silver rewelry On* ounce class rings brings *103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch lor Mooracent signs on left sMa A ___* Roomates MOVE CLOSER to campus Share nice, spacious. 2-bedroom townhouse two blocks from UO $150/month 1930 Onyx. Apt 1 345-9381 alter 5 pm 10-21 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments. Call 485-4600 Bob Bennetl Realty632 tin 614 LAWRENCE 3 bedroom, in wonder ful old house, covered porch, large liv ing room, separate dining room. $225 Elliott Assoc 683-2160 325:Un GREAT LOCATION 1414 E. 18th. two bedrooms, unfurnish ed. covered parking, laundry. $235 Call Sabin 683 2160, Elliott Assoc S58:ttn 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart menls Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage 4 all at convenient campus location $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 or DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD __677:ltn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485-0062, 344-1625.332:lfn $165 STUDIO Furnished studio 1 Vi blocks from cam pus Laundry facilities. Call 345-7496 744.tfn UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom, furnished at $140/month; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at $111/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at $116/ month. Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4277 787 ttn 1 BEDROOM $200 huge apartment with extra full sized room for study or office Safeway 2 blocks. Carpets, drapes, parking, laundry, unfurnished. 344-2469, 345-79878051In FOR RENT A unique 1 bedroom duplex iust 3 blocks to campus. Applianced. fireplace, vaulted ceilings and nice yard. 683 7722 evenings 1577 Mill $275 A 1 bedroom aprtment in tri-plex Fur nished. applianced and on-site laundry facilities 6 blocks to campus. 1155 Mill $175 Jennings * Co. Propery Management inc. 683-2271 720MWF