Travel TICKET TO DENVER Must be used before Nov 16 486 9194 10-20 Rides & Riders I NEED RIDES to and from Seattle Washington (or near by) on this and other weekends Will split gas costs It interested call 726-1755 Lisa. 10-21 Opportunities POTTERY w/Michael Leedom Saturdays Oct. 22-Dec. 3 10:30 am-1 pm EMU Craft Center 686-4361 10-20 Help Wanted LEGITIMATE FEMALE Figure photography for publication $25/hr and expenses 1-503-472 5668 collect 10-24 OVER 5,000 SUMMER JOBS in 21 Na tional Parks Detailed Report. $5 Park Report, 651 2nd Ave WN. Kalispell. MT 59901.1V3 SUN VALLEY. WORK AND SKI! Enjoy winter term at world famous Sun Valley. Idaho ski reson Info and details, write Duncan Lewis. Box 1463. Sun Valley. ID 8335310-28 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe. S Amer Australia. Asia All fields S500-S1200 monthly Sightsee ing Free info. Write IJC Box 52-OR-3 Corona Del Mar, CA 926251V-4 GOVERNMENT JOBS;Federal. State. Civil Service Many positions available Call 1 714 750-8868 tor details 10-21 WORK STUDY TUTORS needed for the following courses Second year French. Business. Decision Sciences. Statistics. Chemistry Starling salary; $5 32/hr Contact Educational Oppor tunities Program, 207 Emerald Hall. 686 3232871 10-21 THE ASUO needs students with backgrounds in journalism to staff its monthly publication "Off the Record" If you would like to gain experience in reporting or earn money through ad sales, contact Jim Middaugh in Suite 4 EMU on any afternoon905 10-21 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE Earn $20 per session modeling nude for legitimate photographer Box 3641. Eugene 97403 SEARCH EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES COOR DINATOR:Leads seminars for SEARCH instructors and prospective instructors, assists in approval and scheduling pro cess. improves access to educational resources SEARCH is a program of the ASUO-an equal opportunity employer Work-study applicants preferred For applications and information contact Steve Myers, EMU 11. 686 4305 924 10 24 DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES for Oregon Daily Emerald 20 to 25 hours per week, working with established clients and developing new accounts Applicants must have the use of a car Pay is on a commission basis with mon thly ranges from S225 to $575 per month Pick up an application form at the Emerald office. 300 EMU Applica lions close October 2610-26 Dependable Film Crew Volunteers needed Work five shows this term, see the movies tor tree, and receive two tickets tor a concert of your choice. Contact Theresa or John today in the EMU Cultural Forum. Suite 2. EMU 928:10-21 THE LOST DUTCHMAN needs an emcee to broadcast at the restaurant and some radio and TV spots Call 747-0307 lor details Pays good and is reat experience. 932:10-21 ROOMATES MALE OR FEMALE to share nice house with 4 others Rent $130/mo. Must be student Oil. heat, laundry facilities Chris 683 8978 or X464410-20 MOVE CLOSER to campus. Share nice, spacious. 2-bedroom townhouse two blocks from UO $150/month 1930 Onyx. Apl.1. 345-9381 after 5 pm. 10-21 2 BEDROOM APT. to share with roomate $100 per month plus Vi utilities 484-5650 Mike 10-20 Apts, for Rent 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots ol in apartment storage & all at convenient campus location. $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 DROP°BY AT 1877 EMERALD 677:ttn Oregon Daily Emerald FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 486-4600 Bob Bennett Realty632:tfn GREAT LOCATION 1414 E 18th. two bedrooms, unfurnish ed. covered parking, laundry. $235 Call Sabin, 683-2160, Elliott Assoc 558:tln FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485-6322. 485 0062. 344 1625 332 tin UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom, furnished at $140/monlh. Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at $111/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at $116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4277 787:tln 1 BEDROOM $200 huge apartment with extra lull sized room for study or office Safeway 2 blocks Carpets, drapes, parking, laundry, unfurnished 344-2469. 345 7987 805:ttn ONE BEDROOM APT. utilities included $215 Close to campus 343-4806. 10-19 Quads HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent along with cable TV, utilities, private bath and lots of other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686 1075 025:tfn Real Estate ATTENTION PROFESSORS Small chalet with 127 foot frontage on McKen zie River Quiet, scenic retreat Near Tokatee $79,500 Owner 1-244-9260 col lect. or 3034 SW Idaho St.. Portland. 97201 895 10-21 Dorm Contracts RESIDENCE CONTRACT tor sale Con tael Daryl at 686«)10 892 10-20 UNIVERSITY INN housing contract for sale Call 686-4287 10-24 BUY MY CONTRACT (any hall) Will pay you $20 Wai-Kwok Wu 485-9398 1827 Harris, apt 30910-21 DORM CONTRACT Will pay deposit Shaunna. 686-618010-21 DORM CONTRACT. DEPOSIT and first installment paid 485-9426. (utsey studio) or 485-9636 204-B Carson Ask for Cros or leave message at Carson mail room Box 64044 10-25 Lost/Found LOST IN Pioneer Cemetary: Black lacket Call Rob at 342-4456 10-21 FOUND:Photo IDs and Drivers Licenses-At exchange windows in Esslinger Hall.10-20 LOST: 14K Gold ring with black and cubic zirconia $50 reward Contact John. 343-7008 913:10-26 Food/Drink joooaoocrJHhoooc aoooooaooaU'JUUrtiaQoaoc oooo MQ Mandarin 00000000000000000000000000 Dally Special Chinese Lunctv-^ x,„ $1-95 > I Pull Course Chinese Dinner rt’ \T $3.95