Dupree selects USM HATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP) — Marcus Dupree, the talented running back who suddenly left Oklahoma University last week, registered for classes Wednesday at the University of Southern Mississippi. “I like Southern and I think it's an upcoming school and I want to be part of it,” Dupree, 19, told a group of reporters waiting in the USM registrar's office. He will receive a full scholar ship to attend the school. Dupree said he had talked to Georgia about playing there but his real choice was between Southern Mississippi and Mississippi State. "I wanted to stay in Mississippi and play close to home," he said. His mother stood at his side as he registered and answered questions. Dupree's hometown of Philadelphia, Miss., is about a two-hour drive from Hattiesburg. Dupree said he looked at the future football schedules of both Southern Mississippi and Mississippi State, and at the players on each team before making his choice. "I think Southern has the better players and the better people," he said. Dupree said he did not know the specific courses he would take at Southern, although he had signed up for so-called "QQ," or ac celerated courses, which run one-half a semester in length. "I figured I needed to get into classes and start back to school because I didn't want to fall behind academically." Golfers head to Stanford Oregon's golf team will play in its se cond fall tournament when it travels to Palo Alto, Calif., for the Stanford Fall Inter collegiate Golf Tournament Friday and Saturday. The Ducks will be one of 18 teams in the tournament. Others include defending Pac-10 champion UCLA, Arizona State University, Southern California, Universi ty of Arizona, Stanford University, Fresno State University, Northwestern University and San Jose State University. The tournament will be a 54-hole affair, with each six-man team playing 27 holes per day. Oregon will take Shell Joyner, George Daves, John DeLong, Gerry Norquist, Brian Castonguay and Paul Weinhold to Stanford. In their only other appearance of the season, the golfers finished sixth in the 14-team Wolfpack Classic in Nevada Sept. 26-28. Oregon coach Jim Ferguson has unabashedly called his 1983 team "one of the most talented teams I've ever had." Following the Stanford tournament, Oregon will play in its third and final tour nament, the Southwest Intercollegiate Tournament, Nov. 6. et at. MEETINGS AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Is meeting today at 12 30 p m in EMU Century Room E THE STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD is meeting today at 3:30 p m in Room 337 EMU WESLEY FOUNDATION Bible study will be held today at 12:30 p.m at the Wesley Center. 1236 Kincaid St Br mg a sack lunch, or purchase one at the Hard Times Lunches INTERESTED IN CENTRAL AMERICA? The ASUO needs volunteers to help host a conference concerning issues of Central America If interested, come to an organizational meeting Thursday. Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m in Suite 4 EMU. or contact the ASUO at 686-3724 STUDY IN FRANCE: Learn about 1984 85 Poitiers ex change opportunities Thursday, Oct 20. at 4 30 p.m in the EMU Forum Room All maiors welcome Call ext 3206 for more information POLITICAL SCIENCE STUDENT UNION meets tonight in EMU Century Room A Check the EMU schedule for the meeting time SKI TEAM organizational meeting Thursday, Oct. 20, at 7 p m. in Room 113 EMU Attendance is mandatory lor alt interested participants OSPIRG is having a local board meeting tonight at 6 p m in Suite 1 EMU All interested students are en couraged to attend ALPHA KAPPA PSI invites all those interested in join ing a business organization to an introductory meeting tonight at 8:30 p m. in Room 336 Gilbert Hall Open to all business, pre-business and economic majors LECTURES INTER VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP invites you to hear Dr Earl Wilson, author, professor and psychologist, tonight at 8 pm in Room 167 EMU Refreshments following. A WEEKEND SEMINAR for researchers in algebraic and differential geometry will be held Oct 22-23 in 110 Fenton Hall. Saturday's lectures will run from 1:30-4 pm; Sunday's will run from 9:30 a m. till noon For more information, call Marie Vitulli at x5633 or John Leahy at x5223 "PREPARING FOR GRADUATE SCHOOL" workshop Thursday, Oct 20. at 3:30 p.m. in Room 164 Oregon Hall Topics lo be discussed include selecting and applying to graduate schools, letters of recommendation and how early to apply. INTERVIEWS NIKE'S AFTERNOON ON THE JOB scheduled for to day has been canceled MISCELLANEOUS THE FALL PEACE FESTIVAL and rally at Litton In duslries Oct. 21 to 24 Activities will start at 1:30 p m For information on camping, meals and rides, call 689-6691 or 343 3523 APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY IN JAPAN spring term are now available For more information and application forms, contact the U S -Japan Cross Culture Center at 244 San Pedro St . Suite 305. Los Angeles. CA . 90012 Deadline is Nov 31 WORSHIP AND MEDITATION will be offered today at 3:30 p.m at the Wesley Center Chapel. 1236 Kincaid St. Everyone is invited to participate. ISRAELI FOLK DANCING tonight from 7 to 9:30 p m in Room 242 Gerlinger Hall. Instruction for all levels from 7 to 8 p.m with dancing afterwards Everyone is welcome; no experience necessary For more informa tion call 686 4366 or 344 3591. DRUIDS APPLICATIONS are now being taken Pick up forms in Suite 4 EMU or in the library Student Lounge Requirements include junior standing with a 3.0 GPA and service-oriented activities Deadline tor application is Tuesday. Oct. 25. Return forms to Room 110 Johnson Hall A REMINDER FOR SOPHOMORES who are interested in the Truman Scholarship: Friday. Oct 21. is the deadline to turn in a 150-word essay with a transcript to the International Studies Program Office. Room 837 PLC For more information, call 686-5050 BLOOM COUNTY M...nm,evit?emY, are THE ORGANIZERS Of TUB MAJOR EVENT... MAKING lmt-mhme mmvmoNs mmecy... ftHb', va W&BkW il'H, by Berke Breathed m, EXACTLY, THEW FESTIVAL? cmeiuM , tom Goes* fa/ % % Oliver by John Gorman I SERIOUSLY THINK ITS ABOUT TIME I QUIT DRINKING BEER THERES NOTHING TO IT HOW DO YOU KNOW? \ J&-3& IVE DONE IT HUNDREDS OF TIMES!! CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARO DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday s paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible lor more than one day's incorrect adverbs mg insertion The ODE s liability lor typographical errors, incorrect inser tions. or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges for such por lion of space occupied by the error tf your ad appears Incorrectly, call 666 4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day's issue RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change $1.50 minimum lor the first Insertion $1.20 minimum tor consecutive Insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AD CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office. 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Small investment BIO RETURNS! Clothing THE PERFECT size 8 coat wardrobe Sheep Shack sheepskin facket. cost $340. will sell for $145. Town and Travel v> length suede coat for $55 or both coats for only $175 cash 344 8445 1020 For Sale I CUBIC FOOT Refrigerator $45 66741880 ID 20 Pew* 10 STUDENTS S19 (tasks *20 4-drawer chests, anti ques |unk. appliances furniture Har risburg Trading Post 995-6448 10-20 KINO SIZE WATERBED Used frame brand new mattress, heater sheets *100 or best offer Call 683-5493 nights 5-11 pm Ask for Mike or leave message 1021 CHEST OF DRAWERS (1 0 » 5 < 1 5M9 or (3' > 2‘ x 4 ) $45 Bookcase $10 (1 2 x 3 0 x 1 M) or (3Vr x 1 x 3 ) 485 4523 1020 BEAUTIFUL 1979 Gold Wing GL 1000 Full Dress. Windjammer Bates. Hang 2. AM/FM Cassette, more New tires, brakes. Show quality custom paml Ex cellent Condition Forced to sell quick. *2995 Dexter 937-2723 evenings 10-24 BEAUTIFUL PLATE Glass Aquarium, wood frame, brand new *65 344 7030 1025 MUST SELL! Seiko Digital Alarm Watersporls watch, $65. and Gents Divers *85 o n o Both new 687 0446 1021 Buy & Sell DIXIE’S NEW A USED Buy Sell Trade 2060 W 6th 666-2766 810 11-1 Used vacuums *10 and up SHARON’S VACUUMS 741-066* 692 11 7 WE QUIT Our loss is your gain Selling out to oars walls DINTY’S FURNITURE 727 Main St Spfg 746 0980 _ 880 1020 CASH for ueari records and caasefte* Guaranteed highest prices paid In Eugene) 3420245 666 MF Services ASTRO-CYCLCS Consultations on Hi* directions 1*» hr Money back guarantee Stephen. 6BS13B4 10-21 EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, stat analysis and typing. Tele 1-223-8491 (Portland) 12T CHEZ * CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342-8751 12 12 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your |ob search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10*/« discount with current ID ttn WOMEN'S RESOURCE and Referral Service is sponsoring a tree 6 week Per sonal Growth Workshop entitled Women. Food and Self Esteem'' For more info and to sign up. call 686 3327 Oi 345-6769 _ 886 10 21 T-SHIRTS Custom printed Call for brochure Lafler SHkscreen 343 2306. 342 1827 881 10 28 OUTDOOR ENTHUStASTS.wrilers ar lists, photographers We need your contributions at the organisational meeting for our magazine. Free Country Times 10-20 at 4 30 in the Outdoor Pro gram Office _ 900 10 20 EDITING TUTORING Thesis/paper assistance 883 1384 Steve (Eugene) 10-21 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING Com puler system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resume* Fraa pickup! delivery 3466166.334 ttn TYPING: 15 years eapertence papers, diaaenations. editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectnc Pick-up and delivery Call Carole al IM 3663. 514 ttn BRANDY’S TYPING S WORD PROCESSING Fast and professional Editing available 484-6044 621 Ifn WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quell ly work Correcting Selectnc It Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved Call Doris 4641094 WNF 1028 DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup 6 delivery available 485 3914 563 ttn TYPING GUARANTEED 3408614 Ruth 3408614 465 UH ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464-1646 748:tln FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong AM 9405 _ 6581 tn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Seleclrlc Call Patrice M2 5238 144:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad approv ed Near campus 3444)75* 513 tin PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations. 2 blocks Irom UO No Job too small Jennller 485 3883 693HFM II quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED is "THE” TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed. Grad School approved BARBARA LAND 345 3414 523 tin TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smilh. 746-8738 789ttn WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS CINDY 484-5454 869 tin quality'TYPING IBM Correcting Seleclrlc 15 years experience 726 5954 882 UWH SUPER TYPING Professional near campus Norma. 3456005IM2-82S5 (message) 10-20 OUALITV TYPING electronic sell correcting equipment editing available JOYCE 344 9956 10-31 House Items QUEEN SIZE BED Three months old *110 new. *75 firm Scott 3454391 10-21 Books •0,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All soiling 25V. to 50% oil list price* New Books Text Books-Ciill Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 788 East 13th 362lln Recreation ski TEAM meeting being held Thurs Oct 20, 113 EMU at 7 pm Attendance mandatory tor all interested participants Sponsored by Club Sports_ 887 10 20 TRAIL RIDES Guided $6 Unguided S8 plus $10 deposit BARN DANCES Spencer Creek Stables 484 5100 10-21 FEELING LIKE packing it in? Come hiking •nth the Outdoor Program Art Supply BELLYGRAMS by Bianca Bellydanc ing 6883599 10 28 Bicycles SECOND NATURE USED BIKES New and used parts tor the tourist, racer, commuter and cruiser BUY-SELL TRADE 1712 Willamette 343-5362 WITH THIS AD-EXP1RES OCT. 31 FREE FENDERS with purchase ot any new bicycle FUJU -• CENTURION Eacellent quality and value models from $169 50 to $2400 STU’S BIKE SHOP & Monroe 344-2175 RECYCLED BIKE WORKS Having mechanical problems? We speak fluent bicycle! Reconditioned bikes parts and exclusive Bicycle Tool Coop Open Mon-Sat 9 am-6 pm 774 East 11th Ave TWO BLOCKS WEST OF CAMPUS 9151020 HUFFY ULTIMA 10-speed Excellent condition. $90 or best otter 342-6700 _ 10-21 MEN’S SCHWINN Continental 10 speed Fenders, great condition 666 4530 Bam 5pm 10-21 SCHWINN 10-SPEED varsity Freshly tuned sturdy transportation Has tenders $65 485-7332 10-21 Cars & Cycles 1982 HONDA 125 S motorcycle 120 miles. $600 465-9210 Sidney 10-25 VESPA MOPED 500 miles, like new $400 Bob 461-0275/343 1496 10-21 HONOA CB200 runs great. 14.000 miles $350 Call Steve 687 139710 21 1979 CELICA QT Liftback Black. AM/FM Cassette. 5 speed, mags, power steering. 54.000 miles $4900 344 1130 eves927:10-21 1974 LOTUS Europa Special Rebuilt engine, paint $7500/offer 344 1156 925 10 31 ‘72 CHRYSLER NEWPORT All powered. AyC. radio Dependable transportation Only $500 666-664310-21 ‘73 FIAT SPYDER Rebuilt engine, new interior, cassette stereo 35-40 MPG $2,400 or best 465-5109 alter 6 pm10-26 KAWASAKI K2 400V 3.000 miles Must sell! Mint condition $750 or best otter 741-0639 10-24 Auto Repair TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Alter tour years in my home workshop, growing demand tor my ser vices has prompted me to move to a new. expanded facility You and your car will continue to receive the same individualized atten tion and professional service at moderate prices JERRY'S MODEST MOTORS Specializing in service and repair for VW and Alta Romeo 1701 Weal 11tti 344-4806 Jerry Berger. Owner 897:11-2 T kiirc^t rvt^.. in tom