Cars & Cycles MOPED LIKE NEW 1.600 miles Wind shield, baskets, and many extras $500 Ask lor Keith 485-96391019 1962 HONDA 125 S motorcycle 120 miles. $800 465-9210 Sidney 10-25 VESPA MOPED 500 miles, like new $400 Bob. 461-0275/343-1496 10-21 TRAVEL /flwT SUN RAVCl BARGAIN ROUND TRIP FARES Eugene-Phoenix $229 Port.-Wash., D.C. $298 Port.-New York $318 Eug.-Minneapolis $279 Port.-Hong Kong $820 683-5577 774 E. 13lh SMITH FAMILY BDG 2nd FLOOR 875:10-17 Rides & Riders I NEED RIOES to and from Seattle Washington (or near by) on this and other weekends Will split gas costs II interested call 726-1755 Lisa 10-21 Wanted A A Cash paid tor gold class rings and gold or silver |«weiry One ounce Class rings bongs $103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch tor Mourscent signs on latt skto A _A Opportunities PEACE CORPS Overseas Opportunities Area interviews and Information PEACE CORPS is now taking applica tions tor two-year volunteer openings in Africa. Asia. Latin America and Pacific College training or appropriate work ex perience may quality you for Peace Corps positions beginning in next 3-12 months Business Education Civil Engineering. Construction Experience Education. Liberal Arts Fisheries. Forestry Language. Law Library Mathematics. Nursing. PE Diesel and Farm Equipment Mechanics Science. Skilled Trades (Carpentry, Construction) Special Ed (Handicapped, blind, deaf) Youth Work Some positions require BA/BS degree plus experience PC provides living allowance, medical care, travel, cultural and language training, and $4,200 cash readjustment allowance after 2-year service Married or single, no dependents. US citizen only, no upper age limit GROUP MEETING Oct 17. 12 30 pm Forum Room. EMU INFORMATION TABLE Oct. 17-19. 9 am-3 pm EMU Lobby FILM SEMINAR Oct. 19. 3:30 pm Forum Room, EMU INTERVIEW Oct 20-21, 9 am-4 pm 246 Susan Campbell Hall Advance sign-ups beginning Oct 5. Completed application required CALL PEACE CORPS ON UO CAMPUS QOS-3235-877:10-19 POTTERY w/Michael Leedom Saturdays Oct. 22-Dec. 3 10:30 am-1 pm EMU Craft Center 686-4361 10-20 Help Wanted LEGITIMATE FEMALE Figure photography lor publication. $25/hr and expenses. 1 503-472-5668 collect 10-24 OVER 5,000 SUMMER JOBS in 21 Na tional Parks Detailed Report. $5 Park Report. 651 2nd Ave WN. Kalispell. MT 59901213 SUN VALLEV, WORK AND SKI! Enjoy winter term at world-famous Sun Valley. Idaho ski resort. Info and details, write Duncan Lewis. Box 1463. Sun Valley. ID 83353 10-28 Oregon Daily Emerald OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe. S Amer Australia. Asia All fields $500-11200 monthly Sightsee ing Free info Write IJC Bo* 52-OR-3 Corona Del Mar, CA 9262511-4 GOVERNMENT JOBStFederal State Civil Service Many positions available Call t 714 750-8866 for details 10-21 THE INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE is now taking applications for an office administrator Duties include typing, fil ing. scheduling, note-taking, and com municating with ASUO programs Paid stipend or work-study position tor 10-15 hours per week. Nov 1. 1983 May 1. 1964 Applications available in ASUO Of fice. Suite 4. EMU until Oct 20. 1963 Af tirmative Action. Equal Opportunity Employer790 10-19 WORK STUDY TUTORS needed for the following courses Second year French, Business. Decision Sciences. Statistics. Chemistry Starting salary $5 32/hr Contact Educational Oppor tunities Program. 207 Emerald Hall. 686 3232871 10-21 THE ASUO needs students with backgrounds in journalism to staff its monthly publication "Off the Record If you would like to gain experience in reporting or earn money through ad sales contact Jim Middaugh in Suite 4 EMU on any afternoon _905 10-21 MALE RUNNERS with orthotics needed as volunteers for biomechanical research Contact Laurie 686-4118.10-19 ROOMATES MALE OR FEMALE to share nice house with 4 others Rent $130/mo Must be student Oil. heat, laundry facilities Chris 683 8978 or X4644 10 20 MOVE CLOSER to campus Share nice, spacious. 2-bedroom townhouse two blocks from UO $150/month 1930 Onyx, Apt 1 345-9381 after 5 pm 10-21 2 BEDROOM APT. to share with roomate $100 per month plus Vi utilities 484 5650 Mike 10-20 Apts, for Rent FURNISHEO ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty 632 ttn GREAT LOCATION 1414 E 18th. two bedrooms, unfurnish ed, covered parking, laundry. $235 Call Sabin, 683-2160. Elliott Assoc 5S8 tfn Vi BLOCK TO CAMPUS The F mere Id Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage & all at convenient $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 OROP°BY AT 1877 EMERALD 677:ttn FURNISHED ANO UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485 0062 344 1625 332:tfn UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom.• furnished at $140(monlh; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at $111/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at $116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 666-4277. 767:tfn 1 BEDROOM $200 huge apartment with extra full sized room for study or office Safeway 2 blocks Carpets, drapes, parking, laundry, unfurnished 344-2469. 345-7987 805:tfn ONE BEDROOM APT. utilities included $215 Close to campus 343-4806 10-19 Quads HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent - along with cable TV. utilities, private bath linen service and lots of other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686 1075 025:tfn Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT for sale Will pay deposit. Contact Robby/Shabaz at 345 9430__10-19 RESIDENCE CONTRACT for sale Con tact Daryl at 686-6010892:10-20 UNIVERSITY INN housing contract for sale Call 686-428710-24 BUY MY CONTRACT (any hall) Will pay you $20 Wai Kwok Wu 465 9398 1827 Harris, api. 30910-21 OORM CONTRACT Will pay deposit Shaunna. 686-6180 10-21 Lost/Found LOST IN Pioneer Cemetary: Black lacket Call Rob at 342-4456 10-21 FOUND'.Photo ID s and Drivers Licenses-At exchange windows in Esslinger Hall 10-20 EVENTS REGGAE! Arousing Spirit at Old Taylor's. Thurs day. Oct 20. 9:30 pm, $2 10-20 EMU Program Consulting Office and the ASUO Program Administration invite all members of the Univeisity community to see and discuss Manager Loam the slaps to: • Establish clear roles and goals • Identify what good performance looks tike • Develop winners throughout the organization • Provide effective feedback • Manage performance problems Wednesday. Oct. 10. 9:30 am 11 am Thursday. Oct. 20. 3 pm-4:30 pm Thursday. Oct. 20, 7:30 pm ! pm All showings EMU Ballroom The SO minute film presents the three secrets lo One Minute Manage ment presented in the best-selling book The One Minute Manager. Tell your friends II you supervise 20 people or one person this film is for you! Call 000-4400 for mora Info.! _1Q-2Q EMU CULTURAL FORUM A CALL FOR ART WORK Graduate/Undergraduate students. Send work on a traveling show throughout the Northwest Submit work to: Cultural Forum Office Suite 2 EMU Sat., Oct. 22 9 am • noon Work must 12” * 12 to 36 by 36. matted, not frame. 2 dimension only Less than V? after matting. Get your workout there!!!!869:10-21 ASUO and Campus Interfaith Ministry present. . The Brown Bag Forum THE FUTURE OF JUSTICE TODAY 12:30-1:30 EMU FORUM ROOM 894 10 19 LESBIAN FEMINIST HUMORIST Kate Clinton in concert 8 pm Oct. 22 in EMU Forum room Advance tickets available at Mother Kalis or EMU Main Desk S5. Childcare available Please call GALA at 686 3360 tor more into 890:10-21 FIND OUT what kind of movies they watch in Mainland China at the Asian Studies Association's CHINA FILM FESTIVAL Weekends at the Bijou, Oct. 22-Nov 20. 886:10-19 \ FINALLY! The 1st Annual “Mr. U of O” 1983 Pageant & Dance Oct. 21 8 pm Condon School (18th 4 Agate) $2 admission Sponsored by Dymenl Hall Don’t miss the EXCITEMENT! 907 10-21 RON HERNDON Co-chair of Portland Black United Front Oct. 19, 7:30 pm. Room 150 Geology Keynote address for the Future ot Justice Conference Call 344-4015 for information 906:10-19 ATTENTION BLACK STUDENTS and FACULTY There wilt be a short but very infor mative Black Student Union meeting Thursday evening at 7 pm in the EMU Forum Your presence would be greatly appreciated and does matter 904 10-20 ATTENTION ALPHA LAMBDA A DELTA JL and n PHI ETA SIGMA MEMBERS Pins and certificates will be available in freshman honorary office, room 202 EMU (above Post Office, there will be signs) during these hours MWF 3 pm-5 pm UH 9:30 am-t 1:30 am SAT SUN 2 pm-4 pm PHONE 680-3824 872 10 21 Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America Back Again! HARD TIMES LUNCHES $2 Thursdays 11:30 on beginning Oct. 13 Featuring different delicious menus every week. Enjoy the most authentic Latin food in town. ECHRLA 1236 Kincaid Next to the U of Booksto’ o 835:10-13 Entertainment THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-BIJU STUDENT ADMISSION S2.50 Anytime, with ID & fee card WE OF THE NEVER NEVER Nominated lor six Australian Academy Awards "We Of The Never Never" is the story of Jeannie Gunn, first civilized woman in the wilds of Australia. SUNDAY THURSDAY 6:15 6 8:45 PM FRIDAY-SATURDAY 7:15 A 9:45 PM Sat-Sun Mat 3:45 pm MISER MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.50 KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATE NIGHT FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH Fun movie! Great rock & roll sound track. Surround stereo. Awesome sound system. Wednesday A Thursday 11:15 pm $1.96 Friday A Saturday 12:15 am $2.50 Next: DARK STAR EMU CULTURAL FORUM invites you to DANCE with NILO TOLEDO Attend professional Jazz and Ballet classes on Oct. 22. 1982 Registration begins at 9:30 am tor beginner and intermediate. Advanc ed classes begin at 1 pm Call ext.4374 for more info.884:10-21 CINLHA7 SS“SS BY POPULAR DEMAND THRU OCTOBER 9 The rousing films of gospel music and gospel life SAY AMEN, SOMEBODY Thurs-Sat at 7:30 A 9:30 pm Sun-Wed at 7 A 8:55 pm AM shows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee. FRI A SAT MIDNITE - XXX Marilyn Chamber's newest UP AND COMING with John C. Holmes. Ove, 18. re quires separate admission. 836:10-19 University Theatre presents DRACULA All the sophistication, romance, and mystery, you'd ever want in an evening at the theatre With special effects guaranteed to thrill and delight you! Robinson Theatre B pm. Oct. 27 29. Nov 3-5 and Halloween Night. Oct. 31. Tickets now on sale at the Robinson Theatre Box Office Villard Hall Mon Sat . 12-4 pm or call 686-4191 tor reservations 873:10-24 RAIL WINNER OF MTV BASEMENT TAPES WITH SPECIAL QUESTS SHYANNE Sunday Oct. 23 8 pm Austin Auditorium LaSells Stewart Center Oregon State University. J4 50 advance. $5 at the door Tickets available. Everybody's Records. Eugene 902:10-20 The EMU Cultural Forum presents SOLID FUSION TONIGHT Oct. 19 7-9 pm FISHBOWL Entertainment and Refreshments! Take a study break and stop by. TAJ MAHAL “Keeping The Music Alive” WITH SPECIAL QUEST Eugene Artist Richard Crandell Fri., Oct. 21, 8 pm EMU Ballroom rickets: $5 50 UO students. $6 50 day mI show. $6 50 advance/general public $7 50 day of show 10-21 Presenting Scotland’s Traditional/Political Folksinger DICK GAUGHAN In Concert With Ireland's Kevin Burke Micheal O Domhnaill Joe Burke Wed., Oct. 19 7:30 pm SORENG THEATRE HULT CENTER. EUGENE Ticket into. 687 5000 783 10 19 Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800 223 0618 7 am 3 pm M-F 468MWF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing. Birthright. 687-8651 386:W MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt : 344 7039 360 E. 11th 0WHF HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? StagmuMl i Cleaners 821 Eaal 13th «. OCVttn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES! 14 Convenient, quality typeset resumes are done at OOE Graphic Services We can give your tot) search a professional edge Call 646-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with cur rent ID__ tin ~ NIGHT ACTION EMU Rec Center TUES Chess, Go, Backgammon WED Foosball THURS Billiards Open play & Tournaments 2:10-19 GIVE BLOOD TODAY! The UO Blood Drive is Tuesday, Oc tober 18 and Wednesday. October 19 in Room 167 EMU. Come help out are hospital patients and be eligible for a $10 gilt certificate from the UO Bookstore Walk-in donors welcome, or appointment can be made by calling 686 3065 _883:10-19 BEER Of Grape & Grain is having an Oktoberfest beer tasting at our 49 W. 29th store this Thursday Oct 20 Several great German Beers will be presented Fun and educational $5 You must call 686-9463 for a reservation. 1019 ALL W.I.C.I. MEMBERS and officers Find out what's planned for the year Wednesday. Oc t 19. 301-A Allen Hall 6:30 pm-officers meeting, 7 pm members meeting.'10-19 ROCHELLE: Live it up tomorrow and have a wonderful birthday! BECKY 10 19 KEVIN You didn't think we'd do it But we had to prove a point We hear you give good room tours How was the one Saturday night? P S When do we leave for Reno? 10 19 ROOMBRO HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE, ROOMBRO 1019 CONGRATULATIONS Lisa Baeckel. Birgit Cunningham. Wen dy Kobayaski. Terry Rudolph on becom ing members of Della Gamma!901:10-19 STOP RAPE HELP MAKE YOUR STREET SAFER Become a Safehouse. Call 344-5511 for information __10 19 PROF OF THE MONTH Applications are available at a table in the EMU or near the reference desk in the library. Deadline is TODAY 10-19 r SAE We got the bid day pictures; they’re no BIG deal. LOVE. KAPPAS.10 19 PI PHIS Thanks for a great live-in. retreat and everything! We are proud to be of the wine and blue LOVE. THE PLEDGES _ 10 19 DG ANN: Welcome aboard! So glad to have you as my lil sis LOVE, TERRY10 19 AOTT SUZETTErClimb down off your Polo horse, after this day you'll have no remorse In the evening, you may get a chill but in the end it will all be one big thrill ALPHA LOVE. THE JUNIORS « 10-19 CHI PSI PLEDGE TIM: Good luck with initiation! KATHY 10-19 RAZ Happy 20th B-day 10-19 Alpha-0 Susette Last day is near We’ll give a cheer Fine you’ve become You’re No. 1! LOVE, LYNN1D19 DAVE REGIN: OF PHI OELTS: Seen any "surprises'' lately? P S. Don't forget to send your mom a late B.D. card! SINCERELY (GUESS! IT SHOULDN’T BE TOO DIF FICULT)10 19 The Gentlemen of CHI PSI announce their 1983-84 court Jacqueline Christofterson Chi Doam Jill Rademann Mun Chin Kileen Charlotte Dahl Barbara McCarthy Karyn O'Shaughnessy Leah Nestell Kathy Sturtevant Marge Kuehn Debbie Waldhauser Molly Gookin Cindy Cole Fontaine Preston Heidi Garner Janice Kent Congratulations 10-19 Page 11, Section A