et at. MEETINGS PRE LAW STUDENT ASSOCIATION meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in the EMU Forum Room. All interested students are welcome MARKETING ASSOCIATION group meeting today at 4 p.m. in 303 Deady Hall Come find out about our beer and potluck party this weekend. INTERESTED IN CENTRAL AMERICA? The ASUO needs volunteers to help host a conference concerning issues of Central America If interested, come to an organizational meeting Thursday. Oct. 20. at 7:30 p m in Suite 4 EMU. or contact the ASUO at 606-3724 STUDY IN FRANCE: Learn about 1964 85 Poitiers ex change opportunities Thursday. Oct. 20, at 4 30 p m in the EMU Forum Room All maiors welcome. Call ext 3206 for more information ALPHA KAPPA PSI general meeting tonight at 7 p.m in Room 337 Gilbert Hall All members must attend. Guest speaker is AKP alumnus Richard Cox. financial consultant for Foster and Marshall WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS. INC. officers meet tonight al 6 30 p.m., members at 7 pm. in Room 301 A Allen Hall Find out what's happening this year SKI TEAM organizational meeting Thursday. Oct. 20. at 7 p m. in Room 113 EMU Attendance is mandatory for all interested participants EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES student meeting tonight at 7 p.m in Room 209 Emerald Hall Paul Gahagan of the EOP staff with speak on "Self-Hypnosis. Demonstration and Discussion," presenting the con cepts behind self-hypnosis, followed by a direct ex perience with the technique OSPIRG is having a local board meeting Thursday. Oct. 19, at 6 p.m in Suite 1 EMU All interested students are encouraged to attend “ITS JUST A PHASE . ” support and discussion group for gay women and men tonight at 7 p m in Room 337 EMU ALPHA KAPPA PSI invites all those interested in join ing a business organization to two introductory meetings tonight and Thursday, Oct 19. at 8:30 p m in Room 336 Gilbert Hall. Open to all business, pre business and economic majors. LECTURES ALTERNATIVES TO PRISONS will be discussed at to day’s Brown Bag Forum in the EMU Forum Room at 12:30 p.m Susan Thompson of Sponsor's. Inc., will give a preview ol this week's Future of Justice Conference. Sponsored by the ASUO and Campus Interfaith Ministry VISITING SCHOLAR Ward H Goodenough will deliver a free public lecture entitled "History and Science: A Mutual Dependency," Thursday. Oct 20, at 7:30 p.m in the Gertinger Alumni Lounge. Reception to follow Spon sored by Phi Beta Kappa, Friends of the Library. Depart men) of Anthropology and Committee on Arts and Humanities "DEVELOPING CONTACT NETWORKS" is the topic for a panel discussion sponsored by the Oregon Women's Business Network today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 331 Gilbert Hall Speakers will include a financial con sultant. marketing director, human resources consul tant, and a partner in a local accounting firm Don't miss the chance to learn more about networking “WOMEN IN PRISON” author Kathryn Watterson Burkhart will speak on her novel today at 3:30 p m in the EMU Forum Room “PAGANISM AND WITCHCRAFT — Theory and Prac tical Application," a six-week workshop, begins tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 108 Gilbert Hall A WORKSHOP entitled "So You Think the Country Would Be Better Off If You Ran It? will be held Thursday. Oct 20. at 3:30 p m. in Room 164 Oregon Hall Meet with representatives from Planning. Public Policy and Management "PREPARING FOR GRADUATE SCHOOL" workshop Thursday. Oct. 20, at 3:30 p.m in Room 164 Oregon Hall Topics to be discussed include selecting and applying to graduate schools, letters of recommendation and how early to apply WILLS is the topic of the People's Law School lecture tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. at Lincoln Community School, 650 W 12th St. Learn what legal requirements surround writing a will and what other factors to consider before making a will. The class is taught by law students and is free to the public. For more information, call Sue at 342-6056 INTERVIEWS JOB OUTLOOK FOR THE 80«: A special workshop be ing offered by the Career Planning and Placement Center will be held today from noon to 1:30 p.m The 1SLUUM COUN f I by Berke Breathea G€anumi.-nx. HfAlm WRTY IS FLAT BROKE WE N££P A FUN? RAISE* / I SU&Gesr A MASSWE Thf&e-LW mjuc FESWU-. FORM A COMMITTEE AHP FVT FT ■memeR. meeting Ar " IU AKRAN6E weu.. the Punch mem know anp coowes. pw/ip eow/e ? t WHO/ workshop will provide a discussion on "hot" career pro spects for the current decade and will be presented by Dr Larry Smith in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall SPEND AN AFTERNOON ON THE JOB with Nike, manufacturer and retailer of leisurewear and sports shoes. Thursday, Oct. 20 from 2 to 4 p.m. Enjoy a cam pus visit and learn about career opportunities in the Retail. Research, Sales. Distribution. Marketing and Public Relations fields PLEASE SIGN UP IMMEDIATELY for the following recruiters OCT. 19 — U S Army Audit Agency'(for Auditor) OCT. 20 — Pfizer, Inc. (for Pharmaceutical Sales Representative). Group Meeting Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m, 112 EMU (Attendance required to interview) OCT. 20 — U S. Coast Guard (for Commissioned Officer) OCT. 20 — U S Marine Corps (for Officer) OCT. 21 — Arthur Young & Company (for Tax Staff). SIGN UP TODAY in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall for the following recruiters: (Check in Career Planning and Placement for qualificiations) OCT. 24, 25 — Arthur Andersen & Company (for Entry Level Audit/Tax Small Business Division/Management Information Consulting Division). OCT. 24 — Ford, Black & Company. P C. (for Staff Accountant). OCT. 24 — Meier & Frank (for Management Training Program) OCT. 24 — Yergen & Meyer (for Staff Accountant) OCT. 25 — Jeld-Wen, Inc (for Production Manage ment Trainee) OCT. 25, 26 — Touche Ross A Company (for Staff Ac countant) Minimum 3.0 GPA. OCT. 26, 27 — Coopers & Lybrand (for Staff Accountant). OCT. 26 — Frederick & Nelson-Orientation Meeting: "Careers with Frederick & Nelson," 7-8:30 pm in 110-111 EMU Also Group Meeting with Marketing Club. "Retail Careers," 12-1 p m., 110-111 EMU OCT. 26 — Nelson, Trimble & Nelson (for Staff Accountant). OCT. 26,27 — U S Marine Corps (for Marine Corps Of ficer). Also at EMU. OCT. 27 — University of San Diego. Lawyer's Assis tant Program (for Graduate School). Group Meeting 9-10 am, 240 Susan Campbell Hall. Interviews follow OCT. 27, 28 — Deloitte, Haskins & Sells (for Accoun ting Positions). OCT. 28 — Ford Motor Credit Company (for Assistant Customer Accounts Representative). MISCELLANEOUS PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING applications are available now Students interested in psychology peer advising winter term should apply by Nov 17 TRICK OR TREAT FOR UNICEF will be knocking on your door this Halloween It's always the children who suffer most, so dig deep into your pockets this year so that a child may live. For more information about volunteering, call John-Paul at 345-3696 ELEGANT STEW writer's group will present a poetry reading Friday, Oct 21 at 9 p m at Zoo Zoo's, 454 Willamette St Featured readers will be Phil Turchin. Joan Dobbie. Patty McNeir, Ron Phillips. Jean Murphy and Amedee Smith. Elegant Stew members will also share selections from their forthcoming book, and there will be an open mike For more information, call 747 7773 PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAJORS: Don't forget about the SUPE(R) OLYMPICS Sunday, Oct 23. from 3 to 6 p m on Gerlinger Field To enter, fill out a registration form located on the registration box at the east end of Gerl inger Annex See you there! MORTAR BOARD is sponsoring Professor of the Month sign-ups today in the EMU lobby from 10:30 a m to 12:30 p.m. Come sign up your favorite professor DRUIDS APPLICATIONS are now being taken. Pick up forms in Suite 4 EMU. or in the library Student Lounge Requirements include junior standing with a 3.0 GPA and service-oriented activities Deadline for application is Tuesday. Oct 25 Return forms to Room 110 Johnson Hall SOUND OFF about the Wilderness Bill at the ASUO's Open Mike today at 11:30 a m in the EMU Courtyard. A REMINDER FOR SOPHOMORES who are interested in the Truman Scholarship: Friday. Oct. 21, is the deadline to turn in a 150-word essay with a transcript to the International Studies Program Office. Room 837 PLC For more information, call 686-5050 Oliver by John Gorman YOUNGMANJWWTITCIWl THAT IDONOT ALLOW THE WEARING Of STEREO HEADPHONES IN TH&OASSU I CONSIDER ITARUOE AND fliAWNT ACT OF DISRESPECT THAT WILL NOT BE TOLERATH)!' vou talkin' to me, nan ? Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARO DEADLINES Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday s paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible lor more than one day's incorrect advert is ing insertion The ODE'S liability lor typographical errors, incorrect inser tions. or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation ol charges lor such por lion ol space occupied by the error II your ad appears incorrectly, call 8M-4343 be I or* 1 pm lor correction in the next day s issue RATES: Rates are IS cents per word for the first day and 13 cents per word lor consecutive days the ad is run without change SI.50 minimum lor the first insertion $1.20 minimum lor consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AD CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT All ads must be paid lor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office. 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Small investment BIO RETURNS' For Sale FISH TANK 40 gal with light, stand and complete undergravel litter 100 344-4180 1019 STUDENTS S19 desks $20 4-drawer chests anti ques. |unk. appliances, furniture Har nsburg Trading Post 995-6448 10-20 KINO SIZE WATERBED Used frame brand new mattress, heater sheets S100 or best offer Call 683-5493 nights 5-11 pm Ask for Mike or leave message _ 10-21 CHEST OF ORAWERS (1 0 » 5 « 1 5M9 or (3' x 2 x 4 ) $45 Bookcase $10 (1 2 x 3 0 x 1 M) or (3 Vi x V x 3') 485 4523 __ 10-20 BEAUTIFUL 1979 Gold Wing GL 1000 Full Dress Wind|ammer. Bates. Hang 2. AM/FM Cassette more New tires, brakes Show quality custom paint Ex cellent Condition Forced to sell quick. $2995 Dexler, 937 2723 evenings 10-24 FLAT SPORT New convertible top good condition 344 2667 10-19 Clothing THE PERFECT size 8 coal wardrobe Sheep Shack sheepskin jacket, cost $340 will sell for $145. Town and Travel V* length suede coat for $55; or both coats for only $175 cash 344 8445 10-20 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW 9 USED Buy Sell-Trade 2090 W Slh 900-2799 810 11 1 Used vacuums $10 and up SHARON’S VACUUMS 7414)990 692 11 7 WE QUIT Our loss is your gain Selling out to bare wells DINTY’S FURNITURE 727 Main Si Spfg 7404)980 080 10-20 Instruction THREE REASONS WHY YOU should take the C.R.A.F.T. Speed Reading Course 1 Increase your reading speed 100300% with better comprehension 2 Spend a fraction of the price of comparable commercial courses 3 Take the course anywhere anytime at your convenience C R A F T SPEED READING taught by Or Graham Mallett. Ph D comes lo you as a packaged seminar contain Ing instructional tapes and practice materials for only 149 96 Contact Oavid Farrell at 666-6234 10 19 Services EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, slat analysis and typing Tele 1 223-8491 (Portland) _ 12 7 CHEZ * CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra lion cases accepted 1862 Willamette 342875112J2 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES) 11 Quality typeset resumes by OOE Graphic Services We will give your |ob search the professional edge Call 888 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tin WOMEN S RESOURCE and Referral Service is sponsoring a tree 8 week Per sonal Growth Worhahop entitled Women. Food and Self Esteem For more mlo and to sign up. call 888-3327 or 3*5-8760 _ 88b 10-21 T-SHIRTS Custom printed Call for brochure Laffer Silk screen MS-2308. M2 1837 OUTDOOR ENTHUSIASTS,writers, ar lists, photographers We need your contributions at the organizational meeting tor our magazine. Free Country Times 10 20 at 4 30 in the Outdoor Pro gram Office 900 10-20 % LECTRONICS Vus Professional Repair Service Audio equipment, video recorders, and TVs ESTIMATES GIVEN 2495 Willamette 4S4-5444 Typing HAWK WORO PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 345-4145334 tin TYPING: 15 years enpenence papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectnc Pick-up and delivery Call Carole al 444 3943 514 ttn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 444 1444 748 tin TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 4443)739 575 WHFM UH FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Seiectrtc Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 4449405 _658 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rales IBM Correcting Seiectric Call Patrice M2 5238. _144ltn WORO PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed. &ror edited thesesidissertations. papers, tables, diagrams Resume Composition Fast Se,vice Reasonable Rales CINDY 4445454. ?02!tn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0758. 513:ttn If quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED IS "THE" TYPING SERVICE lo use Guaranteed. Grad School approved BARBARA LAND 34S-3414 _523 I In 0 V N AMIC TYPI N G S E R VICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup & delivery available 485 3914 563 tin PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcling Selectric Call Barbara 345-0747 365:MWF TIC TYPING SERVICE All levels academic 547 9328 622 MWF BRANDY'S TYPING 5 WORD PROCESSING Fast and professional Editing available 464-6044621 ftn WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST.Do quali fy work Correcting Selectric II Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved Call Doris 464 1094 WHF 10-26 TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith. 746-6736 789tfn EXPERIENCED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III Call Mina between 8 am and to pm at 726 9624851 MW QUALITY TYPING IBM Correcling Selectric 15 years experience 726 5954 882UWH SUPER TYPING Professional, near campus Norma. 345-6005/342 8255 (message) 10-20 QUALITY TYPING electronic self correcting equipment, editing available JOYCE 344 9956 10-31 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% lo 50% off list prices New Books Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 755 East 13th 362 tfn A ELDORA'S COLLECTIBLES Books. Brass. China. Glass. Pottery, Silver FREE OUT OF PRINT BOOK SEARCH 1321 W. 11th 342-4091 Afternoons ■ Closed Sunday SKI TEAM meeting being held Thurs Oct 20. 113 EMU at 7 pm Attendance mandatory tor all interested participants Sponsored by Club Sports 887:10-20 HUFFY ULTIMA 10-speed Excellent condition $90 or best otter 342-6700 10 21 SECOND NATURE USED BIKES New and used parts for the tourist racer, commuter and cruiser BUY-SELL-TRADE 1712 Willamette 343-5362 Auto Repair TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIRS After lour years in my home workshop, growing demand for my services has prompted me to move t a new. expanded facility You and your car will continue to receive the same individualized atten tion and professional service at moderate prices. JERRY’S MODEST MOTORS Specializing in service and repair for VW and Alla Romeo 1701 West 11th 4606 Jerry Berger. Owner 897:11 2