sports Kim Roth says third is just not enough By Todd Fletcher Of the Emerald When one thinks of past Oregon women's cross country teams, names like Jody Parker, Molly Morton, Eryn Forbes and Leann War ren come to mind. This year Kathy Hayes, Lisa Martin and a promising group of freshmen have grabbed most of the headlines. But sandwiched between the big names and the blue-chip freshmen is sophomore Kim Roth, who is quietly going about the business of becoming one of Oregon's most consistent and dependable performers. Roth has been Oregon's third finisher in all meets this year. Running behind only Hayes and Martin, she finished fourth overall in Sunday's Oregon Track Club Invitational. However, finishing third for Oregon is not enough; Roth wants to finish higher. "It's a goal to work for, and provides for a challenge to be better," says the graduate of Salem's Sprague High School. But breaking into one of the top two spots is tougher than it seems. Hayes is a former collegiate record-holder in the 5,000 meters and holds the 3,000 meter collegiate record. Meanwhile, Martin finished fourth in the NCAA 5,000 and ninth in the 10,000 last spring. Becoming her team's top runner wasn't always so difficult for Roth. In high school, she won a 1981 cross country title, a 1982 1,500-meter title, and became the state's first three-time AAA 3,000 meters champion. Ironically, Roth defeated Hayes for the 3,000 crown in 1979 and 1980. Although Roth had impressive statistics coming out of high school, only Linfield and Oregon expressed an interest in her. t "She didn't run national class times as a junior, and wasn't chased by tons of schools as a senior because her times didn't stack up with other top runners," says Oregon coach Tom Heinonen. Upon arriving at Oregon, Roth has remain ed somewhat obscure. But that should change soon. Her aggressive and competitive style, combined with a strong kick, have always impressed her high school coach, Tom Adams. "I brought her along slowly because I don't believe in pushing runners too fast," says Adams. "And I didn't alter her running style too much because I didn't want to ruin a good thing." Heinonen wants to avoid ruining a good thing as well. For that reason, he allows Roth to work out pretty much on her own. While Heinonen allows Roth something of a free hand, he maintains she still has some are. that need work. "her strength in the middle third of a race is a weak point for her. Like all young athletes, she gets tired and knows the race isn't even over yet. "But," says Heinonen, "she always finishes fast, she has the best foot speed of anybody on the team, and she loves to compete." Unfortunately, Roth has not had much of a chance to compete so far this year. The Oregon coach thinks that has hindered her progress. "She has been running all by herself in races this year. She is good by herself, but she is even better when she has someone to push or pull her through a race, " says Heinonen. Roth ran into competiton Sunday in the OTC Invitational. She was pushed by Cathy Twomey of Athletics West and University of Idaho's Sherri Crang. As a result, she ran a season best 16:44. To maintain her hold on Oregon's third spot and challenge for No. 1, the biology/pre med major follows a fairly demanding Photo by Dave Kao Kim Roth has been sitting in the third spot for Oregon this year, but she hopes that will change. schedule. In between studying for organic chemistry, biology and calculus, Roth runs on her own three or four mornings a week. The rest of the week is spent running hard intervals of 800 meters. "In high school we did what the coach said. Here you decide how hard you work, and Tom will help you through your workout," says Roth, who has enjoyed the change in coaching philosophy. Once her race is underway, Roth says most of what goes on is mental. "You concentrate on who is ahead of you and try to keep a beat to your pace," she says."It's very easy to psych yourself out. You can keep thinking how far away the finish line is or think about an upcoming hill too much." Running seems to take up a lot of Roth's time and energy, but she doesn't complain. "If running on a team becomes a burden, then it hurts you and it hurts the team. It has to be fun," says Roth. Kim Roth has had a lot of fun the past six years. Packers get last laugh, 48-47 From AhochM Frrss reports Lynn Dickey threw for three touchdowns and tossed a 56-yard pass to Gerry Ellis to set up Jan Stenerud's 20-yard field goal with 54 seconds to play Monday night, giv ing the Green Bay Packers a 48-47 victory over Washington in the highest-scoring game of the Na tional Football League season. The lead changed five times in the final 15 minutes, and Washington's Mark Moseley, who had kicked four field goals in the game, missed to the right a 39-yarder with three seconds to go. Dickey completed 22 of 30 passes for 387 yards in the game, which surpassed the Packers' 41-38 over time victory against Houston on opening day for the most points scored this year. Joe Theismann completed 27 of 39 passes for 3% yards in one of the great shootouts in recent years. With the victory. Green Bay raised its record to 4-3, one game behind first-place Minnesota in the Na tional Conference's Central Divi sion. Duck tackle lauded Oregon defensive tackle Dan Ralph, who had 10 unassisted tackles, one sack and four pass deflections in the Ducks' 19-10 win over Arizona Saturday, was named Pac-10 Conference defensive player of the week Monday. Ralph, a 6-4, 268-pound senior from Northgenn, Colo., leads Oregon with 44 tackles in six games. Ralph started five games for Oregon a year ago after transfer ring to Eugene from the Univer sity of Colorado. He had 43 tackles and two fumble recoveries in 1982. 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