Women runners bolt to OTC win But Oregon men's no-show has meet officials fuming »7 ■www i iciviici CM the Emerald While the Oregon women's cross country team was breezing to an easy win at the Oregon Track Club Invitational in Cresweli Sunday, meet officials were fuming about the absence of top Oregon runners on the men's side. Oregon coach Bill Dellinger elected to sideline Jim Hill, Mike Blackmore and a host of others after racing most of his harriers at the Oregon Invitational at Tokatee Golf Club a week ago. "We don't appreciate what hap pened," huffed one OTC race official. Oregon finished a distant eighth in the meet with 208 points, well behind the 73 registered by first place University of Colorado. Rick Bergeson, a freshman from Boise, I ■ udno, pacea ine uucks witn a 17th-place, 30:39 clocking. The race winner was a familiar name for Oregon fans. Bill Mc Chesney, returning from a disap pointing showing in the World Championships in Helsinki, Finland, was first down the homestretch at Emerald Valley Golf Course in 29:28. The winning time was a surprise to McChesney, who admitted he wasn't in great shape. "Last year I thought I was in awesome shape and didn't do that well, and now I win the thing, and I'm only in mediocre shape," said McChesney, who added that technique helped him post an im pressive time. On the women's side, Oregon won the meet easily as expected with 33 points. Oregon State was second with 108, Idaho third with 111. Junior Kathy Hayes defended her 1982 OTC Invitational title, winning the 5,000-meter race in 16:20. Following Hayes across the tape was OTC's Marty Cooksey. Lisa Martin finished third in 16:34 and Kim Roth was a strong fourth in 16:44. "I'm pretty happy," said Hayes of her title defense. "I just wanted to go out and run a com fortable race." Hayes looked very comfortable, leading the entire race. She took a 10-meter lead into the last 200 yards and increased her advan tage to 20 meters at the finish. Roth, who has finished third for Oregon in as many meets, was finally challenged, and it showed. She cut nearly a minute off last week's time of 17:27. 'I felt good and it was the first time I was really being pushed. I had (Cathy) Twomey and (Sherri) Crang right behind me all the way,” Roth said. After Hayes, Martin and Roth, sophomore Cretchen Nelson finished a surprising 12th in 17:33. "Our splits were good this race," said Oregon coach Tom Heinonen. "There was only a 24 second split between our first and third place runners, and that's not too bad. The team is coming together and that’s important." The women will be back in ac tion Oct. 29 for the Washington Invitational in Seattle. For the men, the next meet is Oct. 31, when the Ducks travel to Palo Alto, Calif., for the Pac-10 Cham pionships. On Nov. 12, Oregon will host the NCAA District 8 Championships. 1 He’s a Marine Officer Selection Officer. And he’s got the ■ You could get free civilian flying lessons and be answers to your questions about becoming a Marine Corps guaranteed flight school upon graduation from college Officer. He can tell you. He’ll also tell you first hand what it’s like to be a Marine ■ You’ll start off making more than $17,000 a year Corps Officer. And that he’s only looking for a few good men ■ You could sign up for the undergraduate Officer Commis- to fill these positions. Are you one of them? sioning Program and earn $100 a month while in school ■ You could complete your basic training during the sum mers before you graduate with no school-year training Find this man. He's got something foryou. Maybe you can be one of us. See Your Selection Officer, Lt. B.J. Toynbee On Oct. 20 or call 687-6425 or 757-4801 (collect) TTTTTr The winner Rick Sanford, a general science major, is the winner of this week's Emerald sports trivia quiz contest. The answers: 1) Ohio State defeated Oregon 10-7 in the 1958 Rose Bowl. 2) 1983 marks Rich Brooks' seventh season as Oregon football coach. 3) Oregon's volleyball team has just three career wins against Portland State University. 4) The Oregon women's cross country team won six straight District 8 titles. pUO^ BOOKSTORE Overnight Photo Processing color prints only In by 2:30 p.m. Out by noon Fuji - Film Color Print 36 exp. (ASA 100) $249 reg 2.88 BordarV a 8x12 Color Enk jamant • From your favorite 0-41 pro cm* 36mm color nagattva or slid* only Limits $2.49 u na Coupon *■» CuMomai MamattaCaa* •turn l»ol Ona C«»n Ea»tr*a_ * COUPON' MUST ACCOMPANY order Expires 10/22/83 - COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY order Expires 10/22/83 SUPER VALUE COUPON 24 Exposure Omataptng and Printing | • 24 axpoaura oo*or print f Mr • 041 procaaa 110, 128 or 136 I •to* only " • Standard print $3.77 vau# 1IX o« On* Canl bpm coupon mu si a< > ompany order. Expires 10/22/83 1 DupMcato SlldM • 128 or 136 siza only • Ona »iza aiida par ordar an Pm Cm—oi 10 2.291 COUPON MUSI ACCOMPANY ORDER Expires 10/22/83 Expires 10/22/83