WORK STUDY POSITION with the SATURDAY MARKET Organizational assistant with strong office skills. Ex citing, fun filled position with much public contact Call 686-8885 TuevFri 10 am-4 pm.853:10-17 THE INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE is now taking applications for an office administrator Duties include typing, fil ing, scheduling, note-taking, and com municating with ASUO programs Paid stipend or work-study position for 10-15 hours per week. Nov.1, 1983 • May 1, 1984 Applications available in ASUO Of fice. Suite 4. EMU until Oct 20. 1983 Af firmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.__790:10-19 LAW STUDENT’S Volunteer assistance to investigate issue of solicitation fraud in the sale of the name of a public asset; Eugene’s Performing Arts Center. Price: *3,000.000 Sacrificed for *2,500 000 Recieved to date:$33.000 Terms:? (Possibly a handshake). If interested, contact CFOG Box 10444, Eugene. 97440 10-17 WORK STUDY TUTORS needed for the following courses: Second year French. Business. Decision Sciences. Statistics, Chemistry. Starling salary: S5.32/hr Contact Educational Oppor tunities Program. 207 Emerald Hall, 686-3232 871:10-21 ROOM ATE S MALE OR FEMALE to share nice house with 4 others. Rent *130/mo Must be student. Oil. heat, laundry facilities. Chris 683-8978 or X464410-20 MOVE CLOSER to campus Share nice, spacious. 2-bedroom townhouse two blocks from UO *150/month. 1930 Onyx. Apt 1. 345-9381 after 5 pm 10-21 Child Care FIRST CONGREGATIONAL NURSERY SCHOOL Openings still available for 3 and 4 year olds Call Helen Thorpe. Director, 345 3015 or B.J Bower. Registrar, 683-8249 East 23rd and Har ris. 10-7 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty632:ttn 614 LAWRENCE 3 bedroom, in wonder ful old house, covered porch, large liv ing room, separate dining room. $225 Elliott Assoc 683-2160 325:ttn GREAT LOCATION 1414 E. 18th, two bedrooms, unfurnish ed, covered parking, laundry, $235. Call Sabin. 683-2160, Elliott Assoc 558:tfn BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage & all at convenient campus location. $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 or DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD 677:tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, $195 to $275 485-0062, 344 1625 332:tfn *1*5 STUDIO Furnished studio 1 v> blocks from cam pus Laundry facilities. Call 345-7496 744:Un UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom, furnished at $140/month; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at *111/month, Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at *116/ month. Anticipate future openings In all areas Contact UO Housing Dept. 666-4277 787 ttn 1 BEDROOM *200 huge apartment with extra full sized room for study or office Safeway 2 blocks Carpets, drapes, parking, laundry, unfurnished. 344-2469. 345-7967.805:tfn FOR RENT A unique 1 bedroom duplex just 3 blocks to campus Applianced. fireplace, vaulted ceilings and nice yard 683-7722 evenings 1577 Mill *275 A 1 bedroom aprtment in tri-plex. Fur nished. applianced and on-site laundry facilities 6 blocks to campus. 1155 Mill. *175 Jennings * Co. Propery Management Inc. 6*3-2271 720MWF Quads HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent - along with cable TV. utilities, private bath linen service and lots of other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT OUADS 1544 Alder 6*6-1075 025:tfn LARGE QUAD 485-8859 $99 month 762:tfn Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT for sale Will pay deposit Contact Robby/Shaba^ at 345-9430 10-19 Lost/Found LOST: Female long haired Siamese cat near the vicinity of 15th and High. Reward offered 345-5293 806:10-17 FOUND: Black and white male cat. around campus, has flea collar. 344-418910-17 FOUND: Pair of prescription glasses, light weight, brown, in hallway Career Planning & Placement. Found Tuesday Call 686-3235 10-18 EVENTS SURVIVAL CENTER will have a staff meeting at 7 pm tonight in Suite 1. Everyone welcome. 874:10-17 EMU CULTURAL FORUM invites you to OSLUND A CO.’S FESTIVAL OF NEW WORK Monday, Oct. 17 7:30 pm SOREN6 THEATRE Special student prices $4.25 advance $4.75 day of show 846:10-17 TAJ MAHAL “Keeping The Music Alive’9 Fri., Oct. 21, 8 pm EMU Ballroom Tickets: $5 50 UO students. J6 50 day ol show. $6 50 advance/general public. $7 50 day of show 10-21 ONCHA7 BY POPULAR DEMAND THRU OCTOBER 9 The rousing films of gospel music and gospel life SAY AMEN, SOMEBODY Thurs-Sat at 7:30 & 9:30 pm Sun-Wed at 7 & 8:55 pm All shows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee FRI A SAT MIDNITE - XXX Marilyn Chamber s newest UP AND COMING with John C. Holmes. Over 18, re quires separate admission 836:10-19 Presenting Scotland's Traditional/Political Folksinger DICK GAUGHAN In Concert With Ireland's Kevin Burke Micheal O Oomhnaill Joe Burke Wed., Oct. 19 7:30 pm SORENG THEATRE HULT CENTER. EUGENE Ticket into. 687 5000 783:10-19 Entertainment THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 6M-BIJU STUDENT ADMISSION $2.50 Anytime, with ID 6 fee card WE OF THE NEVER NEVER Nominated for six Australian Academy Awards. “We Of The Never Never" is the story of Jeannie Gunn, first civilized woman in the wilds of Australia. SUNOAY-THURSDAY 8:15 A 8:45 PM FRIDAY-SATUROAY 7:15 * 9:45 PM Sat-Sun Mat 3:30 pm MISER MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.50 KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATE NIGHT FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH Fun movie! Great rock & roll sound track. Dolby stero. Rated R. Wednesday t Thursday 11:15 pm $1.96 Friday 8 Saturday 12:15 am $2.50 Next: Friday the 13th 3-D University Theatre presents DRACULA Ail the sophistication, romance, and mystery, you’d ever want in an evening at the theatre. With special effects guaranteed to thrill and delight you! Robinson Theatre S pm. Oct. 27-29, Nov. 3-5 and Halloween Night. Oct. 31. Tickets now on sale at the Robinson Theatre Box Office Villard Hall. Mon.-Sat., 12-4 pm. or call 686-4191 tor reservations. 873:10-24 The EMU Cultural Forum presents SOLID FUSION Oct. 19 7-9 pm * FISHBOWL Entertainment and Refreshments! Take a study break and stop by. ATTENTION all ALPHA LAMBDA ^ DELTA JL and PHI ETA SIGMA MEMBERS Pins and certificates will be available in freshman honorary office, room 202 EMU (above Post Office, there will be siryis) during these hours; MWF 3 pm 5 pm UH 9:30 am i 1:30 am SAT-SUN 2 pm-4 pm PHONE 680-3824 _872:10-21 EMU Program Consulting Office and the ASUO Program Administration invite all members of the University community to see and discuss _Tht Manager Learn the steps to: • Establish clear roles and goals. • Identify what good performance looks like • Develop winners throughout the organization. • Provide effective feedback. • Manage performance problems. Wednesday, Oct. 19, 9:30 am-11 am Thursday, Oct. 20, 3 pm-4:30 pm Thursday, Oct. 20, 7:30 pm-9 pm All showings - EMU Ballroom The 50 minute film presents the three secrets to One Minute Manage ment presented in the best-selling book The One Minute Manager. Tell your friends. If you supervise 20 people or one person - this film is for you! Call 688-4400 tor more Info.! LOGO CONTEST # tor the JEWISH STUDENT UNION DEADLINE IS OCT. 25 Win lame, gratitude and a small prize! SUBMIT ENTRY JSU, EMU SUITE 5 Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U ol O telephone hotline. 24 hours/7 days, strictly conlidential Call 686-4466. 779 MF FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local relerral. call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free, 1 •800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm M-F. _468: MWF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing. Birthright. 687-8651. 386M OFF-CAMPUS STUDENTS What’s To Eat? Have you just moved into that first apartment and are faced with the dai ly question of what's to eat? “Now You’re Cookin’” Provides The Answer Meal time to party time, this simplified cooking guide guarantees that your first venture in cooking will ba a success. A Compact How-To Cooking Guide • Easy step-by-step recipes were specifically chosen for their ease in preparation and mouth-watering appeal. Try It-You’ll Like It ONLY $3.95 30-day Money Back Gurantee AVAILABLE AT EMU MAIN OESK 798:M:10-24 COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTS! Harvard (grey)-Yale (white)-Princeton (navy) Darmouth (kelly)-North Carolina (It blue)-USC (white)-others $12.50 each postpaid. S-M-L-XL Send check to IMg. Box 317, Brookhave. MS 39601. COD orders call 1-601-835-1085 10-17 NEED A LOCKER ON CAMPUS $1/term $2 Refundable Key Deposit. See EMU Rec. Center Desk. THERE'S STILL TIME TO SIGN UP FOR AN ACADEMIC SPEED READING WORKSHOP Two workshops will be beginning on Tuesday, October 19: 1. Tuet/Thurt 12:30-1:50 2. Tues Evenings 7-9 Why spend $500 on a commercial speed reading course when the University's is only $308 To enroll, call or stopy by the Learning Resources Center, 5 Friendly Hall, 686 3226. 862:10-18 GIVE BLOOD The UO Fall Blood Drive is Tuesday, Oc tober 18 and Wednesday, October 19 in Room 167 EMU. Come help out area hospital patients and be eligible for a $10 gift certificate at the U of O Bookstore. Walk-in donors welcome or appointments may be made by calling 686 3085 848:10-19 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES , !Convenient, quality typeset resumes are dona at ODE Graphic Services We can give your job search a professional edge Call 68&5511 or coma by 300 EMU Student* 10% discount wHh cur rant 10.ttn THE OREGON MARITAL STUOtES Pro gram, Department onl Psychology, has openings lor couple* wishing to Im prove their relationship skills A wide varsity of services are offered, in cluding communication training, pro blem solving and conflict resolving skills, in individual couples' session or in couples' groups. Please contact Ran di Greenwald at 686-4954 828:10-18 The Ladies of Alpha Chi Omega invite the gentlemen of the university ot Oregon to the 1983-84 Big Brother Court tryouts. Monday. October 17. 1983. 850 E. 15th 7:30 pm Call 686-4088 for more informa tion^10-17 please” DON'T LEAVE ME OUT IN THE COLD.Return my hat, gloves, scarf taken from 310 Gilbert No questions, leave at Gertinger Cage10-17 NIGHT ACTION EMU Rec Center TUES Chess, Go, Backgammon WED Foosball THURS Billiards Open play & Tournaments 2:10-19 DG Terry Congratulations! You flnally^nade it. LOVE, YOUR BIO SIS10-17 AFS Returnee Club MEETING Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 7 pm in the EMU Fishbowl. Anyone interested is invited. For more information, call Karen, 485 1593 eves10-18 The Ladies of Kappa Jpha Theta invite the gentle ten ol the University of Oregon to the 19bG84 Tom Kat Court tryouts. Tuesday, 7 pm and Wednesday *7:30 pm . October 18-19, 1983 1850 Onyx. Call 686-5282 for more informa tion.10-18 DRUIDS 1983-84 Applications now being taken. Pick up forms in EMU Suite 4 or Library's Stu dent Lounge. Requirements: Junior, 3.0 GPA. Service oriented activities. DEADLINE: Tues. Oct 25. Return forms to 110 Johnson Hall10-18 Congratulations Kappa Kappa Gamma’s newest members. Kathleen Tormey Shelley Beeh Lynn Prince Jenny Delfs -17 1983 fall The Men Ol Sigma Phi Epsilon are proud to announce their 19f pledge class. Uchena Agu Chris Arlman Keith Balogh Doug Benevento Chris Barre Mark Bohnstedt Steve Brown Bill Christensen Jeremy Dill Jeff Graham Keith Kelley John Sutton Welcome to Sig Eps Bryan Lanning Joe McClure Pat O'Neill Jon Parker Todd Pitts Stu Redsun Tom Romanaggi Patrick Sarver Tim Sell Greg Socolofsky Ed Suddock 10-17 Autograph Party Meet the Men & Women of U of O MONDAY OCT. 17th 3 - 5 p.m. GENERAL BOOKS - UPSTAIRS Calendars 20% off Oct. 17 - 22nd 13th & Kincaid Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 5:30 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 Supplies 886-4331 XsMIkandte t25&Ndcr ^SSOCbfcuigfJd. tty&Sfco (Boossfrom (acrossfrow (behindMcAyeals (nexttotne Willawiifev Plaza) Sacred Heart} Geaners) Giant (Winded 6m-mz