Murray makes sure Series is for the Birds / PHILADELPHIA « in ID 17 FOR SALE: Rhodes '73 electric piano Excellent condition Colleen 345-6400 or 683-1304 10-17 KINO SIZE WATER8E0 Used frame, brand new mattress, heater, sheets $100 or best offer Call 683-5493 nights 5-11pm Ask for Mike or leave message 10-21 CHEST OF DRAWERS <10 x 5 x 1 5M) or <3' x 2' x 4') $45 Bookcase $10. (1.2 x 3 0 x 1 M) or <3W x V x 3 ) 485-4523 ___10-20 DULCIMER with case $65 or best offer Gini at 343-4166 10-18 APPLE II PLUS HARDWARE: 64K. Monitor III. stand, two new Shugart disk drives. 16K ex pansion board, lower case ship. Joystick SOFTWARE: Apple Writer II. data base. Vlsicalc. Basic. Pascal and Karel. Dos Tool-Kit, Graforth, Zoom Grafix. games (too many to list). ALSO: A years subscription of Softalk (the Apple users magazine) and Popular Computing. ALL FOR $1,500 Printer available. Epson MX-80 w/Graf trax With system: $320. separate: $400 CALL 683-6005 10-18 LADIES LEATHER SOOTS Size 9 $55 688-2107 _10-18 Dorm size refrig. Excellent shspe. Only S65 3444)117 evenings. 18 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW S USED Buy-Sell Trade 2080 W. 8th 808-2780 810 111 Used vacuums $10 and up SHARON'S VACUUMS 741-0888 ____ 692 11 7 THE SUV S SELL CENTER BuySeNTrade New Takamine guitars always discounted Ml Weal SHI 613MF Services EDIT INC. RESEARCH SERVICES Moat areas Qualified editor* Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, slat analysis and typing Tele 1223849! (Portland) 12- 7 CHEZ A CARP. ATTORNEYS Immtgre lion cases accepted 1862 WHiamette 342-8751_ 10-21 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resume* by OOE Graphic Services Ws win give your (dOMarch the professional edge Can 888-9511 or come fry 300 EMU Students 10V. discount with current 10 TFN ROLFING Jon Carroll Certified Rolfer 683-3639 FREE EVALUATION Typing HAWK WORO PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/deilvary 346-6186.334:lln TYPING: IS years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Setectrlc. Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 666-3863. 514 tin ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast -Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464-1646 748:ttn TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 666-0736 575 WHFM UH FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING ISM Correcting Seloclrtc Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong - 464-6406 858 ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-6236. 144: tin WORO PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS CINDY 464-6464 869 Itn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ad Near campus >4641766. 5I3ttn It quality it what you want TYPING UNUMITEO is “THE" TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed, Grad School approved BARBARA LAND 346-3414 523ttn PRO TYPING/EOtTING Expert at theses and dissertations JenmHer 466-3663 542HFM DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup 6 delivery available 466-3914 563 ttn PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Can Berbers 34641747 366MWF ~ T»C TYPING SERVICE All levels, academic 847 6326 __822MWF BRANDY’S TYPING 6. WORD PROCESSING Fail and professional Editing avail able 464-8044621 tin TYPING Free on-campus pickup end delivery Call Connie Smith, 746-6738 7«Mfn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES!!! Quality typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your jobsearch the professional edge Call 6S6-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID TEN EXPERIENCED TYPIST Using IBM Selectrlc III. Call Mina between 8 am and 10 pm at 726 9824851:10-17 QUALITY TYPING electronic sell correcting equipment, editing available JOYCE 344 9956 1031 books 80.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oil list prices New Books-Text Books Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362:tln Bicycles 10 SPEED VOLKCYCLE $90 or best oiler New wheel and rims, lenders. M 21" frame Great commuting bike Jessica 484-606710-17 MEN'S LE MANS CENTURION 10-speed. 21" frame, with fenders $100 or best oiler Call 343-7011 after 6 pm 10-18 Cars & Cycles 1888 PEUGEOT 404 sedan. It blue, sun root, $750 748-809610-18 HONDA 7S0F re built with extras, ex cellent running order S127S/olter Cali Matthew 683-765010-18 MOPED LIKE NEW 1.800 miles' Wind shield, baskets, and many extras $500 Ask tor Keith 485-9839 10-19 Travel MIV( L si i v RAVEL BARGAIN ROUND TRIP FARES Eugane-Phoanix $229 Port-Wash., D.C. $298 Port.-New York $318 Eug.-Minnaapolls $279 Port.-Hong Kong $820 683-5577 774 E- 13th SMITH FAMILY BDO 2nd FLOOR 875:10-17 Instruments REPAIR-SERVICE-PARTS on all stringed instruments. We build acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 1417V* OLIVE 4*4-0615 10-15 ARIA ELECTRIC guitar $160 200 watt guitar amp w/2-12" speakers. $450 or B O Call Trey 485-4188 Keep calling _10-18 19*7 HARMONY SOVEREIGN guitar with hardshell case Excellent condi lion $100 683-8475, 345-5556 10-18 5 PIECE Peart drum set Zildjian. paiste. silver satin Excellent condition Must sacrifice $500/best 34M 775 10-17 Opportunities I Apply now lor EMU BOARD PROGRAM REPS. Two trom EMU programs and one from ASUO programs will be appointed. Job descriptions and applications are in Suite 4. EMU Deadline is October 26 878 10-18 PEACE CORPS Overseas Opportunities Area Interviews and Information PEACE CORPS is now taking applica tions lor two-year volunteer openings in Africa. Asia. Latin America and Pacific College training or appropriate work ex perience may qualify you for Peace Corps positions beginning in next 3-12 months. Business Education Civil Engineering. Construction Experience Education, Liberal Arts Fisheries. Forestry Language. Law. Library Mathematics, Nursing. PE Diesel and Farm Equipment Mechanics Science. Skilled Trades (Carpentry, Construction) Special Ed (Handicapped, blind, deaf) Youth Work Some positions require BA/BS degree plus experience. PC provides living allowance, medical care, travel, cultural and language training, and $4,200 cash readlustment allowance after 2-year service Married or single, no dependents. US citizen only, no upper age limit GROUP MEETING Oct 17. 12:30 pm Forum Room, EMU INFORMATION TABLE Oct. 17-19, 9 am ] pm EMU Lobby FILM SEMINAR Oct. 19. 3:30 pm Forum Room, EMU INTERVIEW Oct. 20-21. 9 am-4 pm 246 Susan Campbell Hall Advance sign-ups beginning Oct.5. Completed application required CALL PEACE CORPS ON UO CAMPUS *•*-3215 877:10-19 Wanted HOUSE FOR TRADE tor Eugene house Sacramento, near CSUS. 343-5704.10-18 A A Cash paid tor gold class rings and gold or silver teweiry One ounce class rings brings S103 x ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Witch (or Nouncant oifpno on lift •Ml A A Help Wanted LEGITIMATE FEMALE Figure photography tor publication *25/hr and expenses. 1-503-472-5668 collect. 10-24 OVER 5,000 SUMMER JOBS in 21 Na tional Parks. Detailed Report. $5. Park Report, 651 2nd Ave. WN. Kalispell. MT 5990111-3 SUN VALLEY, WORK AND SKI) Enjoy winter term at world-famous Sun Valley. Idaho ski resort Info and details, write Duncan Lewis, Box 1463, Sun Valley. ID 8335310-28 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe, S. Amer. Australia, Asia. All tields. *500-51200 monthly. Sightsee ing Free info Write UC Box 52-OR-3 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 11-4 EASY CASH Men, ages 21-25 Non-smokers and non-exercisers for the past month needed lor resesrch study. If you’re willing to take a daily nutrient supplement for one month and give a tablespoon of blood once a week for 5 weeks, please phone Prof. Bob Hackman 666-3830. *15 cash given! 10-18 TEMPORARY PART-TIME EMPLOY MENT with software company. Must be excellent typist and responsible employee. Call 484-4472 for more infor mation. 10-17 WANTED: STUDENT TRAINER for research project with severely han dicapped high school students. Qualifications: 1) Have own transporta tion. 2) Available between 10:30-12:30 pm Monday through Friday. 3) Teaching experience with severely handicapped individuals preferred. Responsibilities: 1) Provide daily training to 2 severely handicapped high school students in classroom and community settings. 2) Assist in the administration of 6 ex perimental probes in 3 local grocery stores. Interested parties should con tact John McDonnell, Specialized Train ing Program. 686-5311.659:10-19 GOVERNMENT JOBS;Federal, State. Civil Service. Many positions available C0I 1-714-750-8868 for details 10-21